April 1

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 73 Tim Tarpley President of the Energy Workforce and Technology Council


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President Tim Tarpley Named as One of Top Lobbyists for Second Year - Energy Workforce & Technology Council

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Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Rey Treviño [00:00:00] Energy, technology and policy. They go hand in hand every day. And as you see, we’re back in the Austin studio. We talked to an expert that’s running all three of those on this episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:00:13] In 1901 at Spindletop Hill near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically. As, like a fountain of fortune, thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon, Detroit would be cranking out Model TS by the millions, and America was on the move thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas. Now, more than a century later, the vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric. But let’s be honest. America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know the crude truth.

Narrator [00:00:56] This episode is brought to you by LFS chemistry. Committed to being good stewards of the environment and providing the tools so you can be too. Nape Expo where deals happen. Air compressor solutions when everything is on the line. Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group, Exec Crue. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Oil and Gas Workers Association Pecos country operating. Fueling our future.

Rey Treviño [00:01:29] Well, hello and thank you again for tuning in to another episode of The Crude Truth. Whatever the time of day it is, just thank you, as always, for watching and or listening. Always be sure to like, subscribe and definitely connect with us on YouTube, LinkedIn, or even Twitter. I think it’s called X now. Well, as you can see behind me, we’re back in Austin for another great episode. And surprise, surprise, we’re going to have to talk oil and gas and a little bit of policy again today. But we’re also going to mix in some technology. And on this episode, I am just super, super excited because we have somebody on that deals and dives and fights for all three of these things for us every day as a pro oil and gas gentleman, somebody that has been at Washington DC fighting for somebody that’s here in Austin fighting for us, he’s in Houston, he’s all over this great state of Texas and the United States again fighting for the oil and gas. My guest today is a president of the Energy Workforce and Technology Council, Tim Tarpley. Tim, how are you doing?

Tim Tarpley [00:02:32] Well, thanks for having me. Right.

Rey Treviño [00:02:32] Oh, well, thank you so much for coming on, and thank you for the delay. I was hoping to get you on in 2023. And, I got a little sick, but but thank you so much for coming back. I know you hail in the Houston area, right in the heart of the oil and gas and, but thank you. Thank you so much for coming on. How’s your trip so far to Austin today?

Tim Tarpley [00:02:50] It’s been great. Quick drive in and looking forward to, spending a little bit of time out here in the capital.

Rey Treviño [00:02:54] Well, you know, you’re going to be here. You’re going to be fighting the good fight today. For those of your, those out there that don’t know of you, Tim, could you just kind of give them a little background about you right now?

Tim Tarpley [00:03:04] Sure. I’m the president of the Energy Workforce and Technology Council. We’re the national trade association for energy service companies represent about 220 companies, big companies like Halliburton, Baker Hughes and SLB that everybody recognizes. But also, you know, small and midsize while servicing companies that are out there producing energy every day, all of all over the country.

Rey Treviño [00:03:22] Leave I mean, the the service companies, we can’t do without them. And, you know, I always, always tell people and I’m sure my my listeners have heard me say this, you know, I always feel like the service companies get paid first because I don’t drill well unless I know I’ve got drill, test and completion ready to go to write the check and then the service company, like, right now, that’s not the way it works. And and I’m like, well, but, you know, without you guys and without, the halliburton’s of the world of the US labs, formerly Schlumberger, we’re not getting the work done. We’re not maintaining the production, actually, that I have right now. And, you know, I want to kind of read off a little bit about you because, you know, you’re being too modest. So I’m going to I’m going to read this real quick. You know, you’ve advocated for the men and women of the United States industry forever. I mean, for over the past five years in Washington. And like I said, around the country, your energy policy and you’ve testified in front of the United States Congress in front of the House Natural Resources Committee. So, I mean, you’re not just I mean, you’re you’re fighting every day, sir. So thank you so much for that. And, but, you know, here, here you mentioned on on who you represent, what are y’all working on as far as The energy and technology, you know.

Tim Tarpley [00:04:29] Sure. Well, I think the thing I really enjoy about, about this position is, is that the service sector is really the work force of the energy industry. We represent 600. Our companies are around 650,000 workers in the United States. Wow. So when we when we go tell the story and advocate on policies, we’re talking about those men and women and what they do, and they’re the ones that bring us energy that makes our lives possible. So, you know, the past year or so, we’ve really been working on energy access. We have been pushing back on actions taken by the administration federally and actions taken and at the state level that are going to make it harder and more difficult for those 650,000 men and women to bring the energy to the United States, a day that we need. Okay. And the world. Yeah. I mean, and the world.

Rey Treviño [00:05:12] Well, you know, you talk about bringing the energy to the world. You know, I always say that, hey, as Texas goes, America goes on, America goes, energy wise and energy wise, the world’s going to go, you’re talking about bringing access to, you know, what’s going on. Because I know on the operators side, hey, the regulations are getting more and more stringent. The policies that this administration is putting in place where. What is it that you are doing to fight to get that access? You know, for us to do more?

Tim Tarpley [00:05:38] Sure. The biggest frustration and the biggest issue we’ve been working on is parenting reform. Yes. We need to speed up the permitting process in this country or we are going to start. We are already starting to hit roadblocks. There are areas of this of the country where we we cannot move energy into. They’re importing LNG into Massachusetts this winter. Now does your think about that? You have the Marcellus. What is it, 250, 300 miles away. You have plentiful natural gas and we cannot get it from there to Massachusetts where you have these urban areas that need they need gas. That is that is a failure of our policy, right? A lot of that is because of permitting reform. You know, and it’s both federal and state, and you can’t get a pipeline through New York State. You can’t build a new pipeline. So we have gas, but we can’t get it to where where people are cold and need it. You know, that’s a failure.

Rey Treviño [00:06:31] What is it about that? Because, you know, you for us here in Texas, you know, 300 miles is basically, you know, is a partner from, you know, Dallas Fort Worth to San Antonio, right? That’s a, you know, on a bad day, a five hour drive. Right. And if we can’t have a pipeline that gets there from Ohio to New York, right. And the fact that we’re using overseas, I mean, that’s not a I mean, that’s just ridiculous.

Tim Tarpley [00:06:54] It’s frustrating. And it’s it’s not just gas. You know, permitting reform for building out hydrogen systems, building out all the new energies. We can’t do it with carbon capture. We can’t do all of that without permitting reform. So it’s not it’s it’s it’s a roadblock for everybody.

Rey Treviño [00:07:09] Wait. Okay, but wouldn’t the carbon capture be part of the SG? And you would think that there wouldn’t be as many roadblocks for the right move? Big, right? That’s true.

Tim Tarpley [00:07:18] One positive thing that’s happened recently is Louisiana was just granted privacy for class six injection wells for carbon capture. Yes. EPA basically said we we recognize we are taking too long. We cannot process these in time. So they they’re allowing the state of Louisiana to process those applications. That’s some good news. But Texas actually has filed to have primacy as well. We’re still waiting on that. You know, so the railroad commission is hoping that they’ll have primacy here soon in Texas as well, which would be great. Wow. It’s good.

Rey Treviño [00:07:44] Things. Are you guys helping out on that?

Tim Tarpley [00:07:46] We are, we are, we are. We are pushing for both, the primacy on, on the class six injection wells, as well as permitting reform at the, at the national level. I think they’re both important. Very important. You know.

Rey Treviño [00:07:56] As far as the national level goes, you know, again, I want to bring up ESG and I want to bring up the IRA real quick in just, you know, why is it and by the IRA, I’m talking about the oh my God. Inflation reduction Act. Yes. Thank you. Yeah. You know, why is it that we have all these federal funds, but yet we do have all these policies that are roadblock ING to us right now. What is it that’s going on?

Tim Tarpley [00:08:17] Right? Well, as you know, there’s a number of incentives in the IRA for infrastructure and for new energies. Many of those incentives could be helpful to the to the industry to build out things like hydrogen and carbon capture. However, when you’re going out to get investment, you have a lot of regulatory uncertainty. You have. Okay, okay, well, we can get this, we can get this tax credit. But how long is it going to take you to get a permit. Yeah. Tax credit. It goes out for ten years. That sounds like a long time. But if it’s going to take you 7 or 8 years to get a permit, all of a sudden it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Holy cow. So, you know, to go out and get financing in that kind of scenario, it’s not it’s not helpful. No. The other thing that in some ways is, is slowing the benefits of the IRA is that we’ve had significant inflation. Ironically, it’s called the Inflation Reduction Act. But since it passed, we’ve had significant inflation. Yeah. So the, the the incentives are not as valuable as they were when they, when they passed it. Yeah. You know, so there’s a number of issues that are handicapping, you know, what could be some benefits of that, of that bill.

Rey Treviño [00:09:17] So literally the right hand is stopping the left him from doing anything positive. And they’re duriso themselves. Right. Are they’re shooting their own foot.

Tim Tarpley [00:09:25] That’s true.

Rey Treviño [00:09:25] Holy. You know, I want to kind of stick on to, you know, in real quick, and as we go, you know, where’s the website and how can people find you guys just just as we go to, energy workforce.org.

Tim Tarpley [00:09:36] Okay. You know, we, we, all the information we do, we run social media, LinkedIn, Facebook, all of that. Okay.

Rey Treviño [00:09:44] Well, I just want to make sure, because I’ll probably even ask you 1 or 2 more times. There. It’s up. People can get it. Yeah, I know every now and then I watch different podcasts in there, like our listeners like, well, where is it, what it is going? You got to like go all the way to the very beginning or the very. It’s almost I just kind of throw it out there once or twice, but, well, but I want to I want to get back to the about this Biden administration, you know, and, it’s I use that term kind of loosely because I don’t know who’s running the country. That’s just me, too. I’m like, I’m not I’m not trying to get there with you or anything like that. But, you know, they’ve they’re now doing more of the impact on the LNG. And that’s something that you guys are working real hard on right now fighting against. Correct.

Tim Tarpley [00:10:21] It is, kind of a frustrating statement came from the administration, as we speak about uncertainty with permitting reform. Now we’re adding another layer of that, both LNG that came out and said, well, you know, we’re not so sure. That, we want to grant these permits as quickly, as we have been. We maybe want to add an additional layer of review to consider, you know, the the environmental impact of LNG exports. Beyond that, we don’t know don’t we don’t know what that’s going to look like. So it’s adding uncertainty in the market because no one quite knows what that review is going to look like. Secondly, you know, I think it’s important to remember that Europe has come out and said that they believe that natural gas is so-called green fuel. Yes. And they are incentivizing the use of natural gas. And they’ve recognized, due to the war in Ukraine, that it’s also a national security issue, that they need access to gas. Right. So the Europeans, our allies have realized that. And, you know, they’re out there in the world looking for stable, reliable sources of that natural gas, where the most logical solution to that and it benefits our economy. Right. It all kind of makes sense.

Rey Treviño [00:11:25] It does.

Tim Tarpley [00:11:25] But now we’re saying, oh, we’re going to take this, this additional, review process. Yeah. So they’re going to say, well, can we trust our contracts with the United States? Are they really going to build these and permit these LNG facilities? Yeah, they say they’re going to. So the Europeans are going to start looking for other sources. So if we’re shooting ourselves in the foot, so it hurts our national security, it hurts our friends and allies, national security, and it hurts the economy of the United States, because when we produce the natural gas here in United States and benefits us, yes, it benefits our workforce. It benefits our economy. If you know, another country takes that market, it’s going to benefit their economy and we lose that opportunity. And so it doesn’t it doesn’t make any sense to me. And it’s quite frustrating.

Rey Treviño [00:12:04] Well, I mean, how do you, you know, how do you add another layer of review on exports, like, you know, to me, when you when I hear that, it’s like, okay, we need to make sure that the ship channels are or that the bay where the the yard, the shipyard where the LNG facility is going to be. And it’s like, are we doing the same things with wind farms? And the answer is no. They’re bypassing all those regulations and, reviews just to put up these offshore wind farms that are doing more damage right now to not only the mammals, but also our fishing industry. Right. So and and then I like how, you know, you mentioned that in Germany right now, they need it. I mean, their, their economy is set for another terrible year in 2024. They have you know, I think they’re now using less electricity. I think a stack came out maybe from, David Blackman. Right. Say that they’re now using less electricity than they were the, early 1980s. Yeah, it is like, how is that possible when that’s the way they want to go? But now they’re, you know, with this war in Ukraine, all these pipelines are being, not used over there, I guess, for whatever reasons. And we are still the number one exporter. I mean, we flare it, for goodness sakes. Right. So it just blows my mind. And I’m glad to see that you guys are actually the ones fighting for that on a daily basis.

Tim Tarpley [00:13:28] Well, the thing that’s really frustrating is if we want to talk about lowering emissions. Yeah, the EIA, which is a nonpartisan, you know, entity in the federal government, it does a review on energy. They they have looked at it and they’ve said since 2005, the United States has lowered our emissions more than any other country in the world. And primarily the reason we’ve done that is transitioning coal fired power generation to natural gas. Yes. So why would we deny our friends and allies making that same transition? It’s going to lower the emissions worldwide. Yeah, it’s the way it benefits everyone. And if the goal is lowering emissions, why? Why are we not doing the most logical step to do that? It’s so counterintuitive. And unfortunately I think it’s really politics. I think, you know, the administration is concerned about their left flank. They’re getting pressure from. Some are saying, well, why are we approving all these LNG permits? You know, why are we slowing these down? And so it’s, it’s it’s more politics and I think it is than really trying to lower emissions. And that’s, that’s really frustrating.

Rey Treviño [00:14:21] You know, you mentioned that it’s more politics and I can’t disagree. I wish I could because when you look at those large investment companies like Blackrock and Vanguard, they’ve lost trillions. And that’s where the t trillions of dollars on ESG in the last two and three years and investing in it. And, you know, sometimes I think that it’s because of the ESG push by these policies said that they’re not worried about everybody that about the the financial return. It’s like we need to get these policies set in place for other reasons that, you know, that’s a whole other podcast to talk. Yeah. And, but no, natural gas is probably the perfect. I call it transition of energy. However, we have enough natural gas to fuel the world for the next 100 years. Right? And that’s just here in America. That doesn’t include what else is all over the world. Right? And, so, I mean, it just blows my mind. So I agree, you know, it’s the perfect energy source and it burns clean. And, I’m glad you brought up the stat that not only has it, you know, it’s dropped the emissions here in the United States, right. Industry. Right.

Tim Tarpley [00:15:29] And I think if you if your goal is lowering emissions and you don’t include natural gas in whatever form. Really you’re putting together? I don’t think you’re being honest with yourself. You’re not being honest with the facts. And that’s always what we try to remind folks of.

Rey Treviño [00:15:39] Man, you know, what are some other, policies that you guys, you know, I know that’s a big one for 2024. I had an opportunity, to talk to, and, Bradbury a couple weeks ago. I’m great. And she had mentioned a couple of other policies that they’re looking at. Do you are there any other policies that you guys are kind of focusing on, this year that people can, you know, reach out and support you guys?

Tim Tarpley [00:16:01] So, another thing we’re pushing back significantly on is the administration’s, five year plan for offshore drilling. Okay. In fact, you mentioned, that I went up to Congress. That’s what I was. I was testifying on behalf, okay, of that. They have set forth a five year plan that’s going to have the least number of Leigh sales offshore in in decades. So that is another action where we there are slowing the ability for Americans to access our resources offshore. Wow. And as you know, the build out for an offshore program, I mean, a project takes, you know, quite a while. Yeah. So it’s not it’s not going to affect our energy access next year, but it’s going to affect it 8 to 10 years from now. Yeah. So we are handicapping, you know, the next generation of Americans that are not going to have access to those resources because we’re not doing the lease sales now. And that that’s not fair. And it’s really quite frustrating.

Rey Treviño [00:16:51] No, it’s it’s it’s literally going to hurt the next generation. Yep. And I want to stay on that because okay. They’re limited. Excuse me. They’re limiting our output or they’re not limiting our production today, but their liberty, our production tomorrow. Right. And here we are. We’ve just now and, you know, we you and I talked about this a pre-meeting right. That we’re now, you know, the producing surprisingly again during this administration the most oil that we ever have. Saudi Arabia is now, you know, threatening to lower their, the price. And Russia is still producing more, oil with all the sanctions that they have. And we’re not seeing the up and down influence like we always have. I’d like for you to kind of share a little bit about what we’re talking about in our, pre-production meeting about why that it.

Tim Tarpley [00:17:37] Sure. Well, I think you pointed out right. We have a lot of geopolitical risk right now. We have a, land invasion in Europe. We have Russia invading Ukraine. We have an issue in the Middle East where, there’s attacks on the Red sea. 20 years ago, I think you’d see a very quick and significant jump in oil prices. We’re not seeing that. And in my opinion, a big part of that is because of what the men and women, are doing out in the Permian and and in the other basins here in the United States. They’re like you mentioned, they’re producing more, more oil and gas here domestically than we’ve ever done. That gives us a cushion, for when there’s there’s an international issue. It gives us a cushion because we have supply. We need to keep making decisions that are going to keep that cushion. There just do is we take that away. All of a sudden, we’re going to be keeping our eyes on the news much closer because it’s going to affect us. Like it like it used to in the 70s and 80s. What we have done is, is improved our national security and our energy security here in the United States. And that really has happened since, you know, you know, while simulation has been coming to significant practice. Yes. Allow the Permian to come back and do what it is today. Yeah. And we need to encourage that because it’s better. It’s good for all of us and it’s good for, you know, our economy in our in the next generation of Americans.

Rey Treviño [00:18:54] Well, you know, you mentioned, that it’s like, I like how you put that. It’s like, hey, man, this is a cushion that we’re producing so much right now that we’re able to at least combat and we’re not getting these high prices. But yeah, you’re absolutely right. I mean, we technically have three conflicts now on three continents. You know, the, Russia invading Ukraine, right? The Hamas doing those horrific terrorist attack on Israel that’s now turned into a, a war between them and then Venezuela threatening Guyana down there in South America. That’s true. I mean, it’s getting closer. And not to mention BRICs alliance is now gaining so much momentum as well.

Tim Tarpley [00:19:28] It’s true. And we can’t forget that China continues to, you know, threaten Taiwan. Can you imagine if we had a war in Ukraine and, China, invasion of Taiwan going on at the same time? All of a sudden you have huge, transportation problems all over the world. You have access issues all over. I mean, we need to remember the world is it’s an unpredictable place. Yes. And having production here in the United States, it helps cushion us from that unpredictability. Well,

Rey Treviño [00:19:54] I Mean, but how do we, you know, we need to. Here we are today as we record, we’re at 70, $72 a barrel. Nobody is going gangbuster in drill, baby. Drill. We’re down over 100 rigs. So we were this time last year. And so as we’re producing, you know, the service companies again, you know, I didn’t think about it till just a minute ago. They’re really right now the unsung heroes because they are maintaining all these wells across America that are producing probably the they probably opened up the spigots a little bit more, you know, choke the, you know, open up the choke, so to speak. And maintaining and really maintenance in all these wells to, to get the production that we have and. Were not producing it, drilling new wells to replace anything that we have going on. You know, I know the permitting is an issue. Well, is there anything else, you know, other than us seeing probably 120, $450? Well, before the big guy start drilling you.

Tim Tarpley [00:20:50] Yeah, that’s a good point. I think there’s there’s two. Two of us. We gotta remember one where we’re producing more and we’re doing a more efficiently. And that’s because of the innovation that has occurred. A lot of it has occurred in the service sector. Yes. So it’s technology. It’s it’s doing processes better and more efficiently, and with lower emissions. And they’ve ever done before. So we, I remember that part of it where we were doing more with, with just a lot less number of, less amount of equipment. Secondly, I think there’s more fiscal discipline. I think all the companies in the space are being very careful to, not to not go too far this time, right into to not over and over produce, to return money to shareholders, but also to, to keep, more of a stable production, increase. So instead of it going like this and I maybe go more like this and I think that’s, that’s, that’s good, that’s, that’s good for everybody. So the commodity cycle maybe won’t be quite as, extreme as it’s been,

Rey Treviño [00:21:45] Man, That’s that’s that. I hadn’t thought about that. Yeah. I do want to throw one curveball. Some we didn’t talk about, but you mentioned re simulation. I know here in Texas, I didn’t even make it to the floor, this past legislation and and, you know, I don’t know much about how that all works, but, you know, a re simulation bill here in Texas. I know they were trying to work on it in a way to kind of help maybe give tax incentives for going back into older wells. Right. Reworking them. And, you know, I’m definitely as a, as a, as an independent, I mean, that’s that’s a pretty cool deal to get something like that. Do you think you guys could get on board and maybe look at maybe helping out or something like that?

Tim Tarpley [00:22:21] We supported that piece of legislation. And I think it makes a lot of sense. And there is certainly a lot of, you know, there’s a lot of capacity out there that you could re stimulate, go back and bring some of these old, areas back in, back into production. That’s good for everybody and it’s good for the state and it’s it’s good for America.

Rey Treviño [00:22:39] What do you think we could add as independents to that? Or, you know, you have to get it at least to the four for vote, you know. So anything in there that we can add to it as there’s independence. say this way we can maybe if we add this to it or take something out of it.

Tim Tarpley [00:22:54] Yeah, I think I think just politically you just got to work on, you know, whatever, whenever you’re changing the formula for, you know, income coming into the state, you got to figure out where that’s going and where it’s going to come from. I think it’s just a numbers game. Really?

Rey Treviño [00:23:06] Okay. Well, I’ll have to remember that. No, indeed. Other than making the dollar, which is a 0.2 billion a year company, I see the, the cities, benefiting because you got some of these old oil fields with very small towns that might have, a little bit of work going on, but you get a great re simulation bill, have some of these operators, those little towns pick up again that you know, it it, it re simulates those economies gets them thriving again. And that’s to be is one of the bigger benefits is like what’s the economic impact on some of these smaller cities that are all throughout Texas. All of sudden you know you kind of be driving on the back roads. All sudden you see fields of oil, gas, and then it goes away. And, so that’s another reason why I like them. And, they kind of ask you about that recirculation bills.

Tim Tarpley [00:23:51] Definitely. I think it’s a good point there. There are all kinds of small communities all over Texas that, you know, they all the gas industry is really the lifeblood. Yeah. So, providing a long term, sustainable, option for some of these old, older, older wells, I think is great. And it helps support those communities.

Rey Treviño [00:24:07] Well, you know, as, as we continue as we go into, 2024 and we see all these things that are going on right now, I don’t want to ask you to give me a price of oil by any means. But, you know what are you guys really going to focus on to help out and continue on in 2024?

Tim Tarpley [00:24:25] So 2024, obviously an election year. Yes. There’s going to be a lot of talk about energy, national security, you know, energy access. It’s just kind of been touched on so far, at least in the Republican primaries. It hasn’t been as much of a focus as I think it will be in the general. Especially if some of these conflicts continue, into the general, which I think they will, unfortunately. Yeah. So we’re going to keep talking about national security, energy access here in the United States, how how the US, energy security matters not only for us, but it also matters to our allies and friends all around the world. I think that that’s going to be the story for 24. Oh, that’s what we need to be pushing.

Rey Treviño [00:25:04] You know, you, Tim, you are you, you’ve got your you have the pulse of this entire industry going on. So I, you know, what you guys are doing over that, the energy, the Energy Workforce and Technology Council is just amazing. And what you’re doing, I mean, you know, again, your background is second to none. What what a great person to have fighting here in Austin and more importantly, out in DC when you got to get out there. I mean, you’ve worked for some great congressmen as well, and your staff is amazing. So shout out to the staff out there. But.

Tim Tarpley [00:25:39] We’re blessed to have an excellent.

Rey Treviño [00:25:42] But, I mean, you know, is there any anything here as we wrap up? You know, one thing you know, please tell me the name of the website again for me.

Tim Tarpley [00:25:48] Energy workforce.org.

Rey Treviño [00:25:50] And, you know, anything else you want to tell everybody out there about you or about the organization? But, as we move into 24 wrap up today.

Tim Tarpley [00:25:59] I appreciate that. Well, I think what I want to say is really thank you to those 650,000 men and women, of of our sector. They’re they’re the real heroes. You know, it’s it’s our pleasure to tell their stories. And when you’re talking to politicians, you know, folks in the executive branch, it’s their story that matters. It’s their story that they care about. You know, I go into members of Congress offices all the time, and some of them very interested in the meeting, some of not. But how you really get their ear is when you say, sir, man, there are 10,000 energy workers in your district. Here’s where their facilities are and here’s what they do. Then all of a sudden, their ears perk up if they’re a good member of Congress. If they don’t perk up, then they’re not a good member of Congress, does. They don’t know what they’re doing. But but it’s it’s those men and women story that really. Tells us it tells the story of our industry, and that’s how we’re going to connect with people. So that’s really what we work on, is making that connection. Because we have we have workers in all 50 states. For a while, we didn’t have anybody in Vermont. It took me a while to find an individual Vermont, but I did find them. Okay. So I can say all 50 states now. And, and that’s that’s that’s amazing. Not not every industry or sector has that kind of reach. Yeah. Many of them are just very, you know, geographically focused in one area, the country. We got people in all 50 states.

Rey Treviño [00:27:18] You told me that the only gas industry is in all 50 states.

Tim Tarpley [00:27:21] Yes.

Rey Treviño [00:27:21] And that’s Crude Truth.

Tim Tarpley [00:27:22] Yeah. Not even just oil and gas industry. The service and equipment sector. Just just a sector that we represent. Whoa. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:27:28] That’s awesome. Yeah.

Tim Tarpley [00:27:29] And a lot of that is because the supply chain, you know, building oilfield equipment, you know, the supply chains all over the place, you know, and, that helps give us connections to people that otherwise maybe would, you know, think, oh, the oil and gas is just a Texas Oklahoma thing. We’re not we don’t touch that. Well, no, we got the data here actually. You do you because you, you know, it’s here in your district. So that’s I think real important for the industry to do is show how, how important we are to the whole country, not just, you know, particular geographic.

Rey Treviño [00:27:56] Area that you have. I did not know that, that you’ve dropped some knowledge on me today. That is awesome. And and again, it, I’m going to say it again, you’ve got your freaking ear to the ground and, you know, this industry like there’s no other tem. I cannot thank you enough for coming on the show.

Tim Tarpley [00:28:13] Thank you. I appreciate you giving us the time. Did it to to talk.

Rey Treviño [00:28:16] Well, I want you to come back on. And especially this year, especially with this election year. I mean, we we gotta we, you know, there’s going to be policies and things like that that we probably need to dive into more. I know the, the lag one that we could probably spend the whole time talking about that.

Tim Tarpley [00:28:32] Oh, we could and we’d Need another hour to talk about.

Rey Treviño [00:28:33] Probably. Yeah. Oh. And but no, no, let’s have you back on that, Tim. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Tim Tarpley [00:28:40] Thanks for having me.

Rey Treviño [00:28:41] I think you need to run for Congress or something. I’m just saying. I’m just saying. But, Tim, no, thank you so much. And thank you to all our listeners out there. And we and we will see you again on another episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:28:52] Again, thank you to our sponsors. LFS chemistry Nape Expo, Air Compressor Solutions, Exec Crue, Oil and Gas Workers Association, Pecos Country operating.

Narrator [00:29:08] The easiest way to start your own podcast and TV show. Real News Communications Network stand out from your competition produced streams of high quality social media content. Become a thought leader in your industry. With RNCN, you get to be the host. We handle everything else 2 or 1 of our three locations in Dallas, Fort Worth and the colony. Call (972) 402-6333 or visit. Launch a show dot com to find out more.

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Rey Trevino, The Crude Truth, Tim Tarpley

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