November 27

TUCKER CARLSON: All prosperity in this country depends ultimately on energy – What do you think?


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I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, a day away from politics and mass media with people you love and who love you back. It’s really a spiritual spa treatment. That’s the idea. We ought to do it more than a couple of times a year, but we are back and now that we are, an obvious observation: All prosperity in this country depends ultimately on energy. Our consumer economy runs on it.

It takes energy to make things and bring them to your house. Our tech economy runs on energy too, a lot of it. How do you think they keep their server farms running? Energy is pretty much, in fact the key, to everything that Americans do for a living. It’s the key to health care and agriculture and yes, media and travel and construction, entertainment—even finance, which is symbiotic with the real economy, depends in the end on energy, because you can’t lend money to businesses if they no longer exist and if energy prices go up high enough, they don’t exist.

Given how central, very obviously central, energy is to everything that matters in America, it’s hard to believe that the Biden administration would intentionally make energy much more expensive, because we know for a fact, having seen it repeatedly through history, that high energy prices will crush our economy faster even than the COVID lockdowns did. People will become poor. Some of them will die. That’s not a guess. It will happen. Given all that, it’s unimaginable that anyone but our enemies would want to raise our energy prices to the point where our economy collapses and yet that is exactly what the Biden administration has decided to do and to do it, they’re using twin instruments of climate policy and their war against Russia.

The effect? In a nation with the largest recoverable oil reserves on planet Earth, many Americans can no longer afford fossil fuels and once again, this is not an accident. It’s not a natural cycle we’re going through. Politicians and policymakers are doing it to us on purpose. Now that the midterm elections are over, the media can finally begin to cover the inevitable result of these policies. CNN, for example, just ran an article about Americans who are worried about freezing to death over the winter in America.


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