October 9

THE CRUDE TRUTH Exclusive with JP Warren and the announcement of Exec Crüe


THE CRUDE TRUTH Exclusive with JP Warren and the announcement of Exec Crüe

**MUST WATCH** JP Warren knows how to bring the energy in a THE CRUDE TRUTH Exclusive! Have you heard of Exec Crüe? If not consider this your introduction to the next level of Collaboration, Innovation, and growth as a leader! This organizations will bring C-Suite individuals together for networking and give them the ability for Growth and Learning. IF you want to learn more go to https://www.connectioncrue.com/execcrue



Please reach out to JP Warren on his Linkedin HERE  


Check out StatusJet HERE

Highlights of the Podcast


THE CRUDE TRUTH Exclusive with JP Warren and the announcement of Exec Crüe

When the transcript becomes available, we will include it here. -Thank you!



We want to thank our sponsors of THE CRUDE TRUTH.













Sponsorships are available or get your own corporate brand produced by Sandstone Media.

David Blackmon LinkedIn

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The Crude Truth with Rey Trevino

Rey Trevino LinkedIn

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David Blackmon LinkedIn

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Exec Crüe, JP Warren, Rey Trevino, The Crude Truth

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