August 19

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 96 Jamie Gruber, Gobundance Emerge


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Podcast: Small Changes, BIG Results: Multifamily Millionaire

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THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 96 Jamie Gruber, Gobundance Emerge

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Rey Treviño [00:00:00] For all of y’all out there that are in corporate America. Can you imagine leaving your $400,000 a year job and then just moving to Paradise? Well, we talked to somebody that’s done that and formed a heck of a group and a community. We’ll talk to him on this episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:00:17] In 1901 at Spindletop Hill near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically. As, like a fountain of fortune, thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon, Detroit would be cranking out Model TS by the millions, and America was on the move thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas. Now, more than a century later, the vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric. But let’s be honest. America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know the crude truth.

Narrator [00:01:00] This episode is brought to you by LFS chemistry. We are committed to being good stewards of the environment. We are providing the tools so you can be too. Nape Expo where deals happen. Air compressor solutions. When everything is on the line, Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group. Exec Crue. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Texas Star Alliance, Pecos country operating. Fueling our future.

Rey Treviño [00:01:34] Well, hello again and as always, thank you for tuning in to another episode of The Crude Truth. As we continue into the wonderful year 2024, we take a look at a lot of emerging groups that are going on and being created. And as always, is my co-host, Kristy. Kristy, how are you?

Kristy Kerns [00:01:52] Amazing. How are you doing?

Rey Treviño [00:01:53] Good. You know, these groups are just getting bigger and bigger. And, what kind of groups? These are all like minded people that the best way.

Kristy Kerns [00:02:02] To put like minded in your track like minded people. Yeah. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:02:04] And they’re getting together and they’re really kind of forming a community of investors and, you know, kind of like the motto Long goes are doing right. And then you’ve just got all these other wonderful groups that are doing the same thing, you know, what do you think about those kind of groups?

Kristy Kerns [00:02:19] I actually love them. I want to get in every single one of them, or maybe create my own.

Rey Treviño [00:02:24] On one of the two.

Kristy Kerns [00:02:26] Yeah, something like that. Yeah, yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:02:28] But, but no, I know you could do that, but but you know, so on this episode, what I did was I reached out to somebody that, I know named Patrick Menefee. He actually works with us. And the oil and gas space, I guess you call him an oil and gas investor. And then he had he was finally in Austin, Texas, and for a great thing called the Gobundance emerge. And it’s a it’s another one of these awesome community groups. And I had a chance to meet, real briefly, the owner and founder of the group. And, we have chance to have him with us today. And his name is Jamie Gruber. Jamie, how are you?

Jamie Gruber [00:03:01] I’m great. I’m great. I have a question real quick. Montelongo. I know Paul Montelongo. Is that. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:03:07] Yes.

Jamie Gruber [00:03:08] What’s the connection?

Kristy Kerns [00:03:09] We love that.

Rey Treviño [00:03:10] We love those guys.

Kristy Kerns [00:03:11] They’re great. They’re amazing. They’re besties.

Jamie Gruber [00:03:13] I will tell Paul I said hi for sure. So downtown beer. I appreciate you having me.

Rey Treviño [00:03:18] Well, thank you so much. And, you know, thank you for coming to the great state of Texas a couple of weeks ago. I know, you were down in Austin, so we definitely, you know, one of the prettier spots of the state. But even though the whole state is very pretty, in my opinion, you know, but know what, Jamie, tell us about yourself. And, you know, I did that teaser, and that was you. You walked away from your $400,000 a year job. Let’s talk. You know, who are you to walk away from that job?

Jamie Gruber [00:03:44] Yeah.

Kristy Kerns [00:03:45] I first.

Jamie Gruber [00:03:46] I’m kind of. I’m kind of amazed that I did it. So I was a, at 21 years old, I became a claims adjuster with a big insurance company called progressive, and I quickly started to move up the ranks. I was pretty good at negotiating claims, resolving things, that sort of thing. And so by 23, 24, I was a supervisor. By 25, I had, kind of a territory that I oversaw. And then eventually I moved to Boston for a higher level position. And, eventually in 2017, after years of of doing different things within the company to try to get there, I took on an executive role. So that means big equity, big office, big team, big income, big salary, all of that stuff. And that moved me from Boston to Michigan. Once I got there from Michigan, we kind of fell in love with, didn’t expect to. It was beautiful there. But more than anything, I realized, man, I’d been searching for something to fulfill what was missing. Something was missing, and I was searching for that thing to fulfill it. I thought it was the job. I thought it was. Well, you know, I’m just Miss Level. Once I get to the right level, once I’m being paid and recognized for how much value I bring, that’ll be where I feel that sensible film. And it’s the job. You stay there. You get all this equity over the years. Equity, every year. And one day you retire with, you know, millions in the bank and you’re good to go. But within about 30 days of getting that job, I was honestly miserable. I didn’t, I didn’t like what I was doing anymore. I was there 17 years at the time, and something just broke. And I always like to say, I think in that year, my ego kind of got confronted by a, my authenticity, which I had diverged from for 70 years up to that point. And this sort of internal epic battle ensued with my authentic self eventually winning. It went. I went through depression. I went through, you know, sleepless nights, a couple of years of just what am I going to do now? I’m making a great living. My wife doesn’t work. I had one boy when we moved. We had a second kid after we moved, you know, how do I replace this income? How do I replace this lifestyle? What am I going to do? I found my way to real estate. Date investing and started investing in, first some single family duplexes and then eventually multifamily. And expanded on that. But even within that, I really love where real estate does. But where I got more fulfillment was on the sort of networking and interactive side of real estate. Investors tend to be high minded. They tend to be people that are driven toward big goals. And that was more interesting to me than, you know, underwriting a deal or actually buying the property. Yeah. So I built a bit of a brand in the real estate space, expanded on that to become a little bit more of a, of an overall entrepreneurial brand as I was moving toward eventually quitting my job. And at some point after I joined this community called abundance, which is a high net worth men’s mastermind group, the founders said, hey, we want to build a future millionaires club. Would you want to do it? And I said, yeah, let’s, let’s go. I know nothing about it, but let’s go. So I partnered with them. We built what’s called go button submerge. I launched it in, I guess would be November of 2020. And in April of 2021, I just decided not because I was making any money on it. But you know what? I’m going to live on a little bit of runway. I’m going to go on Faith and I’m going to quit this big job. And I walked away April 9th, 2021. And, it’s been a fun ride ever since these.

Rey Treviño [00:06:46] And now you’re living in Paradise. I mean.

Jamie Gruber [00:06:48] Yeah, a year later, after I realized we weren’t going to go broke, we sort of exacted a, a goal, which was the whole time I was anchored on this vision of, look, I just want to be able to travel with my family three plus months anywhere we want to go. Yeah. My wife’s originally from the DRC, immigrated when she was a kid, but she still has family here, so we thought, you know what? Good first place to go. We came for a year. We’re going on year three. So we’ve kind of fell in love with, with what we’re doing down here.

Kristy Kerns [00:07:13] It’s beautiful there. I love visiting there. So God bless you.

Jamie Gruber [00:07:16] Thank you.

Rey Treviño [00:07:18] You know, you mentioned that, you know, you had that inner struggle between your authentic self and your ego. You know, what a, I feel like I think you’re rubbing off on me a little bit on my course. On you guys. I mean, it’s sometimes I think a lot of us have that struggle every day. How did you recognize it? And, you know, it didn’t sound like it was an overnight battle. It sounded like it took some time. You know, let’s dive into that for a minute.

Jamie Gruber [00:07:45] Yeah. It did. It took a while. And what I learned, you know, without getting into every little nitty gritty piece, but on that journey of, say, let’s call it 2018 to 2021, when I finally left my job, what I learned about myself was the thing that was I was struggling with the most. The reason why I was feeling misplaced, or how I diverged from my authenticity, was less because the ego was in control. That’s what I felt at the time, but it was more because of the relationship I had with my own ego. So the Stoics talk about ego death or killing the ego or the ego is the enemy. And I literally bought into that line my whole life like ego’s bad. Kick it to the corner. You want to get rid of your ego? Don’t be. Don’t allow your ego to be part of you or whatever. And when I went through this journey and I got deep into certain things, you know, personal development retreats, even psychedelics at one point, what I learned about myself was, man, you know what? The one thing holding me back from having everything I want is that I keep pushing my ego down, and I’m not learning how to partner with it. So I took a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of energy going through some things that sound very practical and then sink some things that are going to sound very woo woo, to really repair the relationship with my ego, to almost become a partner with it. Because I realized this, if I’m going to put a goal across the room, something I want to accomplish, I’ve got and I ask myself who I am to go get it, and I ask my ego to go get it. My ego is going to get there before anybody. So everything that I’ve accomplished in this life, everything I’ve overcome, everything that I’ve been afraid to do but did it anyway. It’s all because of the ego. When I thought, no, I had to kill that thing. So what? My ego and I. I guess you could say I have learned how to really work together in partnership to achieve what I want to achieve, as opposed to me trying to separate myself from it. So I think that was the the lesson I learned after I went through a year or two of not sleeping and not being present and being sort of like Adam Sandler in click. If you remember that movie just sitting at the table eating while life was happening around me. I went through all of that, and I really learned and still work on making sure that I check in with my ego, that I partner with my ego, that I don’t allow it to take control because when it does, bad things happen. But partner with it in order to achieve whatever it is I’m trying to achieve.

Kristy Kerns [00:09:53] That was going to be my question. The ego. Obviously the ego is a good thing, but if it takes over, then that’s where we spiral downhill.

Jamie Gruber [00:09:59] It’s a delicate balance. You have to sort of walk that line between, you know, it being it being the driver and, and you know, you don’t want it to you don’t want to kick it to the corner either. But sort of again, it’s just like anything. It’s like having a best friend that’s always there for you. They might be a little annoying. They might when they get they get a couple in them. You don’t want to be hanging out with them, right? Like that’s kind of the ego. Yeah. But if they’re always there, you just find space for that person, like when I’m down there, there. So that’s kind of when I look at the ego as, is that crazy best friend that you got to kind of keep in check. But, you know, you also understand the value of having them in your life.

Kristy Kerns [00:10:32] So obviously the ego I’m, I do life coaching as well. So the ego is a big. I guess fine line. How did you go about learning about keeping your ego? Did you learn yourself? Did you get information somewhere, or did you have a mentor? Like how did you understand that your ego is kind of your best friend, but not let it get up here. Just keep it equal.

Jamie Gruber [00:10:54] So, this is an an odd entry line to answer that question, but we’ll start with the command packet. I’ve never done a drug in my life. I’ll start with that. Okay, so so when the idea was presented to me, actually a good abundance event in a room of what we call our champion members, which are ten plus million net worth. So these there’s guys in the room, 8102 three, $400 million in net worth. And I’m at this event, kind of, you know, attending. And I hear the topic of psychedelics come up. And in that topic, the matter of factness with which the room addressed it or talked about it, all these really high achievers, it was just sort of like part of a routine. It’s like, well, duh, you know, you have to put gas in your car, you have to wake up, you have breakfast, you have psychedelic retreats along, you know, through your journey. So it was interesting to me to explore. I read some books, watch some documentaries or whatever. And I said, you know what? I’m going to try, psilocybin mushrooms. So I found an actual therapist who does not only, the administration of but, but pre and post integration sessions on, leveraging something like mushrooms to sort of deep dive your spirituality will seek will say so I think it’s three different three different things in that realm. First was the first session I went into with the intention, what is keeping me from being the best version of myself? And in that session it felt I took 5.5g like a hero’s dose of mushrooms. And it was fully facilitated recorded, which I haven’t listened to, but it was recorded and I had this sort of dark, evil force come after me. Something that you hear about people going mad about, and it scared the hell out of me. And in the integration session, what I learned was that your ego, your ego saying, hey, you want to know how to be the best version of yourself? You keep kicking me to the corner, actually partner with me and we can do some things. Then I went through something called Constellation Healing. I don’t know if you’ve done that before, but where I literally confronted sort of it again, this is where the wolf comes in. The physical manifestation of my ego. In a room, another human being felt the energy enough to play my ego and allowed me to kind of have a conversation with it. That healing led me to my second and final psilocybin retreat where there was it was very, I guess there was a lot of healing in that. It wasn’t dark, it wasn’t heavy, was the same dosage. But there was sort of this round table that I was at with my with all aspects of myself, my authenticity, my my ego, my sense of humor, my my whatever, my inner child. All of us sort of partnering on what’s going to happen next in my life. And those three separate sessions, those three separate, I guess, deep dives with a lot of work in between each of them for me, was the path quickly to starting the process of healing my relationship with my ego. I hope that answers your question.

Kristy Kerns [00:13:24] That answered it tremendously, and I. I love that answer, actually, because so many people that obviously are in the network that you talk about, they do the retreats. The, is it the ayahuasca retreats?

Jamie Gruber [00:13:34] Ayahuasca? Yes. Ivan. Ketamine.

Kristy Kerns [00:13:36] Yes. And so it’s very interesting just to hear that so many, multi-millionaires are billionaires are doing that to tap into what their gifts are and their purpose, how to create these business entities and stuff like that. And I, I know people are so on the fence about it, but, it’s very, very interesting. And not to dive into that because I could go down the rabbit hole with you because I love all that stuff. But it’s very empowering just to know that you obviously embraced that and killed your ego, but partied with it at the same time. You tapped into the inner child healing aspect, which is so powerful because your ego technically is your inner child. You know it’s your best friend, and you grab your hand and let’s go let we’re doing this together. You’re safe. And all those things that you work into. So I don’t know, that’s just so interesting. I want to dive more into that. So that’s a mean.

Jamie Gruber [00:14:24] While I get to your point, without going without going way into the into the depths of this. For me as a corporate guy, right, for 21 years, I need things to make sense. There’s a great book and documentary by Michael Pollan called How to Change Your Mind. So that was sort of the science, the background. It really took this sort of like, oh, man, guys doing shrooms somewhere up in Michigan. That weird? Yeah. Like with a with a tie type symbol on my chest sort of view that I had of that whole world to like, oh, actually, I, I understand the power of these and again, not getting too deep into it, but to know that, these were heavily research and heavily used for, helping people cure certain mental ailments, addiction, that sort of thing. In the 2030s and 40s, the hippies made it look bad. So the government dried up all funding, and in the 90s they started to fund this research again. So it’s not as if it’s, it’s some, some weird underbelly getting high and stoned on a weekend sort of thing. It’s actually something with scientific evidence to help people, you know, as simple as change the way in which you’re thinking about your life all the way up through curing addiction or helping to heal addiction.

Kristy Kerns [00:15:25] And that sort of literally rewires your brain because you’re, you’re, you know, pivoting that certain functions that are in the brain and you’re, rewiring the systems and the neurons. And it’s very interesting.

Rey Treviño [00:15:36] So with all of that. Talk. Okay. And as as as me. You know, first of all, thank you for sharing with us. You know your path because it’s the crude truth. And so even though you know, this show is about oil and gas, and I use quotations for our listeners out there, this is what it’s about. But also the fact that you took that journey and now you’ve taken gobundance emerge and just skyrocketed. So it’s like for people to understand, it’s like you went through that entire journey and when you said, hey, I’ll do go. Abundance emerged. You didn’t hesitate. You said, yes, let’s do it. And I think that’s something you and I definitely have in common, cause like, you know what? You can’t hesitate in the oil and gas industry or any type of investor. It’s like you’re going to do your due diligence and boom, you’re going to get into it. So let’s talk about Gobundance Emerge and what you guys are doing and why you have such a large, you have such a large community and why you only continue to thrive.

Jamie Gruber [00:16:33] Yeah. What I love about when I joined abundance, the, sort of the the millionaires club, if you will. What I loved about it was that it wasn’t a program. It wasn’t, 12 steps to to achieve something. It wasn’t a a course or something like that. And there’s no guru. There’s no, like, person out in front that knows it all. And you follow their steps and you get to achieve whatever they achieve. It’s truly peer to peer. It’s truly a premier peer to peer networking group. And that’s the energy obviously, that we brought when we built go. But it’s emerged like, well we’re going to it’s it’s in the vein of abundance right. Like so these all these millionaire men. So let’s build on emerge in the same way. So what’s been great about it, in my opinion, is, you know, you’re not coming into some sort of sale or some sort of thing that you, you know, as steps or whatever. It’s it’s very realistic. It’s like, look, I’m going to assemble a bunch of people that we vet and talk to and make sure that they’re the right fit for this community that are aligned around certain principles and abundance has, you know, like any, any organization, any community has certain certain pillars. Right? So it’s around health, relationships, wealth, contribution, accountability. And there’s another one I can’t think of right now. But anyway, there’s so there’s six different pillars that we align around. So all the people in the group are looking for progress in those pillars and accountability for achieving whatever they want to in those pillars. And we use, you know, different tools of technology, if you will, within the group. That helps people. But to me, what it boils down to is simply this. And this is my own, my own story of what what a merge is all about. When I was a high level W-2 guy, when I was an executive at an insurance company, and I dared to think about doing something other than that, invest in real estate, start a business, or whatever. People are initially supported. Oh that’s cool. You bought a house? Yeah. I should do something like that. That’s that. That makes sense. Then you buy a second and a third house and people start to like, what are you doing? You what? Your job. Then as you, as you start to build more, you get the the naysayers who have heard something and then they regurgitate that as if they know, like, I don’t. If you want to get in this real estate thing, man, like my Uncle Tony went bankrupt, or do you really want to be answering 2 a.m. calls and all of that stuff? So when you start to share ambitions that deviate from the norm, it’s uncomfortable for what I call your remember when friends. So these are the folks who will always known you for who you are and who you been, and they really just want to keep you safe. If you’re going to diverge from who they remember you to be, they want to pull you back in like, wait a minute. Just be careful. You got a great job. What are you thinking? You don’t want to go too far on this. What if your company finds out you’ve got this side hustle or whatever I needed? Imagine when friends. And that’s what got abundance. Well, that’s what abundance emerge is for people. It’s saying, okay, look, I have great. Remember, friends, I’ll always have them in my life. I love them. But this thing that I have, this beautiful vision or goal that I that I’ve curated and I’ve thought about and I’ve stayed up at night writing and thinking about, I want to make real. I can’t give it to my remember one friends, but when I give it to my imagine when friends, something really cool happen, which is the moment I deviated from this, which is not even me yet, but where I’m going. My imagination. Friends who don’t know anything about who I’ve been would hold me accountable and make sure I don’t lose my nerve in going toward where I said I want it to go. So that’s what abundance abundance emerge have done. I believe is created and imagined when network for people to help you go forward, when we all want to go back because it gets hard, it gets weird, you get exposed. Your old friends say, hey, I was right. You shouldn’t have gone that far. All of that happens with you. Remember when friends, the imagine when friends are the ones who just that one day when it might all break down. They just. They just prop you up enough so that the next day you can continue to make progress. And to me, I always say, in the first 40 years of my life, I had a good life. I grew up in a great family, got married to my, you know, the girl of my dreams 15 years ago. We’ve had two kids and I climbed a ladder for 21 years to a corporate level that most don’t achieve. In the five years after I left, I bought and sold 41 units of real estate syndicator 250 more. I have a top podcast called Tribe of Millionaires. I moved out of the country. And so much more is happening now in my own personal brand in five years. Only because I finally dare to be me and share that version of me with people who don’t care about who I’ve been, who only care about where I’m going. So remember when versus imagine when. I think that’s the secret to a great community. That’s what I think Gibbons has done well.

Kristy Kerns [00:20:40] I love that is that terminology, because so many people that are trying to go forward with their dreams are not what, you know, the universe is telling us. We have to go work a 9 to 5 job or get a salary or stuff like that. We’re stuck with that. No, you can’t do that. But the ones that want to jump out and and conquer their purpose, they don’t know how to do that. They want to. But there’s there’s not much. You know, now, obviously, we’re finding out these, you know, by meeting you I’m like getting chills just from the energy on the the zoom from you. So it’s so empowering that you’re doing that because even me as a female, you know, a woman that didn’t work for many years and coming into my own business and entity and stuff like that, you can’t I talk all the time. But we had this dream. But it’s like you need to be around people that support you and don’t think that you’re crazy because you’re female and you want to get an oil and gas or do this, or, you know, him being a successful, businessman and the oil and gas and just like people are going to hate on you, but you have to be so strong that you have that community that people are going to hate because you’re doing something right and changing your mindset.

Jamie Gruber [00:21:46] So that 100% the I again, I’m a corporate guy by my 21 years, so most of my life. So I need things to make sense. And I’ve been the guy who would have said to me explaining that like, wait, so you pay for internet friends? I don’t understand. Like, so what do they get? What do you get for that? Right. Like it’s just, yeah, I’m a consumer. We all are. So like you spend in the case of go buy the smartest five grand a year if you go to the higher levels is 12, 5 or $20,000 a year, depending on which level you go into. People like, what do you get? Because we all expect the keys, you know, to the house or to the car. We expect the the exchange of goods for the money. And it’s like, I get nothing but access to amazing people that I get to serve. And by doing so, because we all know if we’re in service to others in our lives, it returns. Yeah, I’m being connected to and serving guys that are at levels way beyond way beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. I went to a ball game, major league game in the owner’s suite because one of the guys owns a major league baseball team. I didn’t know those people. Am I remember when life. Right. I didn’t know those people might go up, like maybe 300 level seats, that the company will let me expense, but that’s about it. But to sit in the owner’s suite comes when you’re intentional about aligning with other people who represent where you’re going, as opposed to anchoring into only who you’ve been. That’s my take.

Kristy Kerns [00:22:57] That’s that’s powerful, too, because, I have a friend, Neville Goddard. I don’t know if you’ve heard of him, but, you know, he teaches about basically living and your emotions and your, your brain have to live in where you want to be, not where you are now. And so, yes, it’s a good to be present, but you have to feel where you’re going. If you want to be a billionaire, you have to act like a billionaire. You have to portray, you have to your verbiage, everything be around and stuff like that. And so it’s like living in the future, but in, at the present at the same time. So it’s interesting that you just say the, you know, the 300 and then now you’re in the owner suite and how your, your around that, that synchronicity of your life. And it’s bringing so much I’m sure a financial but not only that you’re so abundance because you’re giving and you’re receiving what you’re supposed to from whatever you believe and you’re getting filled from that.

Jamie Gruber [00:23:47] Completely agree. Completely agree.

Rey Treviño [00:23:49] You know, Jamie, I want to re, highlight, kind of what we’ve kind of combined some of the things is that one you. We partnered with your ego. And in five years again, you know, I mean, you’ve done what you flip. You sold over 40 properties, syndicated over 200 in a five year span, and grown your net worth beyond what you’re doing in the corporate world. And, you know, I think that’s something that I can definitely resonate with is like, hey, you have to step out on your own and you’re going to invest not only in a project, but in yourself. And that’s what you at abundance is doing. That’s what you’re doing, that that investment, you know, it’s an investment that that you’re making into that group and to that community and and just look at all the things that you’ve done and like, you know, Kristy just highlighted you did you went from 300 seats to the owner’s box and the time frame that you’ve done that. And I think, you know, nobody sees at 21 years, you know, the and so I cannot thank you enough for sharing that, because it’s so important to know, you know, like, as George Strait said, or whoever it was, you know, we’re not an overnight success. Unfortunately, as much as much of people want to want to say that, it’s like they don’t see all the hard work that went into this before, and they just see what it is now. And it’s like, well, you don’t know all the, the, the pains that I’ve gone through, the heartache, the, the, the investment dollars. I mean, I don’t know how many times it’s like just to be where I’m at. Don’t ask me how much I’ve lost. But, you know, with your invest, with your group and your community, you mentioned that you guys are always doing things. And I want to kind of, talk about that because we’re grown up now in a society where it’s all individualism now, hey, we need to do it this way. We do it this way. Well, when you go back and look at all the successful in the world, whether it’s Rockefeller words, JP Morgan or all the big family oil and gas companies, they’ve always worked as a community and worked together. And so is that something that you guys promote there? I go above it’s.

Jamie Gruber [00:25:44] Oh my God. I just as an example, coffee company out of Columbia owned, by a group, one of whom is is a governance member. So to be exposed to him and for him to say, hey, because we’re in this group, you know, whatever, I’m going to offer shares at a discounted rate, got an early on. It’s doing really well. So there’s a ton of collaboration. And on that point I had, Grant Cardone on my podcast. Some hate him, some love him. That’s not the point. But I asked him a specific question about, being a category king because he’s, you know, he’s got kind of he’s the king of his own category. And he said, man, you know what? When I was younger, what I learned was you got to go head, head on it. Whoever the king is right now, you got to go after him. You gotta you gotta attack him and take him down. He goes, my success came when I went from competition to collaboration. He’s like when I learned to collaborate with the category Kings and do business with and partner with. He’s like, everything changed. And it’s the same thing for me. When I got into a group like abundance, I mean, look, my my syndication business partner is a Gobundance member. I mentioned the coffee company, I invested it, I’m sitting on the board of a tech startup who’s a Gobundance member. Like tons of collaboration there. But the the secret, the key to it. And I talked to people about this all the time, whether they’re joining Go Buddies or any other mastermind group or anything like that is, again, you want to go in and say, what do I give this money? What’s the ROI I get? And a good one shouldn’t give you a definitive ROI because that to me is impossible. Like you, it’s your action that’s going to determine it. But it’s really for me, more like, is this the group that I want to contribute my money and then go in with the intention of how do I serve everyone there? When you do that, the return comes. If you go in with the idea of what do I get? The return may never come. But if you go in with the idea of what can I give, it’ll come. But that’s, I think, collaboration and that giving attitude is I mean, I’ve learned it, at least in my short entrepreneurial career. It’s everything. It literally is everything.

Rey Treviño [00:27:26] And what’s the name of your podcast One More Time? I know you mentioned it earlier.

Jamie Gruber [00:27:29] Now it’s like A Tribe of Millionaires was the name of the project.

Rey Treviño [00:27:32] Want to make sure that everybody you know what make sure gets out there? You know, and I like how you you mentioned your your community there. And if I may, you know, again, we met through, one of your, members there, Patrick Menifee. And, you know, he, he’s done some projects with Pecos Country operating, and he had, recommended it to some other people in his community. And I know for him to do that, Jamie, it was an honor and nerve wracking all at the same time, because I felt the closeness of the community that he was a part of, which at the time, I didn’t know. You know, maybe you know what, what group it was a part of, but it was an honor to take on that responsibility, to give those, you know, to work hard for him in that group that came into this. So I felt like it was like, okay, I can’t not only my can and I let me and my family down, but I can’t let Patrick down in his family. And, so I just want to say that that’s the kind of community that I feel with your group over there. It’s like y’all are a tight knit group that really focuses on helping each other out, rather that, how are you going to help me? Yeah. So I thank you for that.

Jamie Gruber [00:28:40] Yeah, that means a lot. I, I completely agree. Yeah.

Kristy Kerns [00:28:42] Like that part that you said, you know, and competition versus being around the community to support each other because that’s what so many people talk about. I’m competing. I’m going to be the best. I’m going to beat you. I’m going to this. No. If you come together, you know. The church or whatever, the more come together with like minded limits, the more that you you grow and prosper. So you.

Rey Treviño [00:29:02] Do, you know, and we talk about ego. And if I may, you know, whenever we talk about ego, I think of, one quiet one and two loud ones. The two loud ones are Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and the Tim Duncan. I’m a big Spurs Christian. But you know, you look at you look at what Michael Jordan did in the 90s. And then let’s let’s bring in Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. You know he attacked those guys one after that after the 92 Olympics. He just skyrocketed. Why? Because they had become a team together and work together in some form or fashion after years of battling, but also with the ego. It’s like, hey, I’m going to do this. This is my dream. And that’s what all three of them that I mentioned had, you know, all all five of those guys. It was like, we’re going to do this dream and we’re going to come. I’m either going to drag you kicking and screaming or you’re not going to be part of my dream. And, you know, I think those are some guys that love them or hate them kind of the same thing. They were able to partner with their ego to really thrive and only excel and create a community around them, because you really don’t hear people say anything bad from a team standpoint, from any of those guys. So I really appreciate you saying that.

Jamie Gruber [00:30:10] It’s it’s funny say about Kobe, like the memory of Kobe now is legendary, right? Yeah. Incredible competitor and everything. And I I’m a huge Kobe fan so I agree. But if you go back into the middle of his career he was not liked. You know, he was not like he was not a team guy. He seemed very selfish and everything. To your point, when he got to the point of understanding, how to lead and how to bring people along, not just chastise and kick them because they weren’t at his level or at his standards. Like that was really the turning point for his his legacy, I believe. Like if he didn’t have that second half of his career where he was more of a collaborator, still high standards driven guy, you know, no nonsense, no doubt. But he did it in a way that was collaborative with his teammates, with others, as opposed to in competition with it. Kobe’s legend is only what it is today. I think because of that second half of his career. And to be honest with you, I think part of that was that another Olympic team that he jumped on, with the Redeem Team, I think was in 2010 or whatever.

Rey Treviño [00:31:05] Yes. Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, that’s what I’m saying. It’s real funny how that whole thing kind of works. And so what I think is really neat is that you, with your experiences, for individuals that, again, have not experienced maybe some of these retreats or these things like that, we can just learn from your experiences and only continue to thrive and in a community like that. So again, you know, what y’all are doing at Gobundance Emerge is just amazing. And and again, that’s a group of a lot of high W-2 income earners. Correct. Am I saying that right.

Jamie Gruber [00:31:36] No. No. Emerge emerged probably 70% higher income W-2 and then 30% entrepreneur. And as you go up sort of to the different levels, it limps. So you get to that. Like I said, the champion level, that’s all high end entrepreneurs, very few W-2 with any.

Kristy Kerns [00:31:49] So, basically anybody that joins at a lower level is going to get to that high one, right?

Jamie Gruber [00:31:53] Yeah. We’ve had about 90 in the last three years. Go from, you know, not quite at that multimillion level yet to multi-millionaire and beyond which I.

Kristy Kerns [00:31:59] Think that’s.

Jamie Gruber [00:32:00] Very, very satisfying.

Kristy Kerns [00:32:01] That says a lot.

Rey Treviño [00:32:02] Say that again please. I want everybody to really listen to that.

Jamie Gruber [00:32:05] Yeah yeah yeah I do folks. And again I can I can tangibly look at what they did to get there. It was the same pattern I took which was how do I serve? How do I get involved? How do I do things selflessly. And things just kind of came to them. Partnerships with guys that were in the abundance elite champion, you know, multimillion dollar rank, the taking chances on things they didn’t think possible because they consistently engage with other people in the community. Imagine when people who didn’t allow them to lose their nerve. So yeah, I have yeah, 9090 so far, kind of go up to that level has been really, really fulfilling for me.

Rey Treviño [00:32:36] And how can people, you know, you know, and what kind of people are y’all looking for? I know I mentioned there will be two, but what are you looking for? You know, because I know it’s an application you have to fill out.

Jamie Gruber [00:32:47] Yeah, entrepreneurial minded folks, I would say not necessarily have to be entrepreneurs. But honestly, you know, when we first started it, I expected because, you know, we had gobundance, which at the time was 1 million plus. Now it’s 2 million plus to be a member of. So I expected that our membership would be like 25, 26 year old, you know, just starting out and all of that. But honestly, what it really is, if I had a peg it it’s like 38 year old dad, father of two, make it 180 to 220 a year. They’ve got a good 41K, but that’s really it. Have never been exposed to investing in anything else. So. So net worth or investment is maybe they’ve got a TD Ameritrade account that they dabble in or that sort of thing. But so that person who’s at that point in life where they’re just sort of saying, man, I’m halfway through or about halfway through or in that halfway through time frame. And I don’t know that this is for me, whatever it is, the business that I’m in, I’m a slave to it. The job that I have, I don’t love it. You know, the company that I formed, I don’t know if it’s really for me anymore. Whatever it is, they’re at this point where they just don’t know how to break away from it because they form such identity in it as I have. And they just need people around them that make it possible to, to be the next, you know, Colonel Sanders at 69, who starts a KFC to be the next Mary, Mary Kay, who started a business in her mid to late 40s that became a multibillion dollar enterprise. That’s what they’re looking for is how do I. I don’t even know the path forward. I just know that there is one for me, and I need people around me and accountability for the vision that maybe I already know, but I won’t admit. Or the vision I’m not quite clear on just yet.

Kristy Kerns [00:34:21] So you basically are helping them make a breakthrough to where the.

Jamie Gruber [00:34:24] 100%, that’s what it’s all about. It’s just consistent engagement with people that are not going to allow you to deviate from the path. You say you want to go down.

Kristy Kerns [00:34:33] You’re locking arms and you’re going hit, you know, balls to the wall. Pardon my French with them to this. Yeah okay.

Jamie Gruber [00:34:39] Yeah I love that.

Rey Treviño [00:34:40] She’s in the oil and gas officially opens up.

Kristy Kerns [00:34:44] Starting to wear off. All right. Here. You keep my feminine energy here.

Rey Treviño [00:34:49] Oh, you know, Jamie, what you guys are doing is just amazing. And I cannot just wish you nothing but more and more success. How can people get in touch with go above, just emerge and really start to join this tribe of millionaires?

Jamie Gruber [00:35:06] Yeah. It’s gobundance So go be un dance You can go there on Instagram at gobundance emerge. We have content there. You want to follow me on Instagram? It’s at me, Jamie Gruber. You can see kind of I document my lifestyle down here in Dr.. But go on MERS-CoV, fill out the application. One of our member ambassadors will be in touch and sort of do the interview and figure out, are you the right fit for for us? Are we the right fit for you? And if so, then we’re off and running.

Rey Treviño [00:35:33] And what’s the name of your podcast for everybody out there one more time?

Jamie Gruber [00:35:36] Yeah, it’s a tribe of millionaires everywhere. You want to see it on Instagram? I’m sorry. On YouTube. On audio episodes, we’ve had some really cool guests. I mentioned Grant Cardone. We talked about Kobe and Michael, his coat, their coach, Tim Grover. I had on.

Rey Treviño [00:35:49] You had Tim Grover on for relentless.

Jamie Gruber [00:35:51] I did, yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:35:52] I may have to get off with you. Off off off off off the show here to talk about that. That’s awesome I enjoy that.

Jamie Gruber [00:35:59] I’m a live stage interview which was fun. I’ve done a few of those exhibit and I remember exhibit A live stage interview with him. That was fun. There’s been a bunch it’s been a lot of fun doing the podcast.

Rey Treviño [00:36:10] Very cool, very cool. Well, again, I cannot thank you enough for coming on. What a what an experience I had today to learn so much about, thinking outside the box, trying to break through those levels, even as, you know, an investor, my selves in that how, we need to have those visionary friends and how important that is to get to the next level. So I cannot thank you very, very much, Kristi, as always. You know, you brought a lot to it. As always.

Kristy Kerns [00:36:43] Thank you.

Rey Treviño [00:36:45] And, to everybody out there, please, you know, check out his podcast, Tribe of Millionaires going to gobundance Jamie Gruber everybody. Jamie, thank you again so much. And we’ll see you all again on another episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:37:01] Again, the Crude Truth would like to thank today’s sponsors LFS chemistry, Nape Expo, Air Compressor Solutions, Sandstone Group, Exec Crue, Texas Star Alliance, Pecos Country Operating, and Real News Communication Network.

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