July 29

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 93 George Bush, Managing Partner ( TX ) @ Michael Best & Friedrich LLP


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THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 93 George Bush, Managing Partner ( TX ) @ Michael best & Friedrich LLP

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Narrator [00:00:00] In 1901 at Spindletop Hill near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically. As, like a fountain of fortune, thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon, Detroit would be cranking out Model TS by the millions and America was on the move. Thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas, now, more than a century later, the vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric. But let’s be honest. America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know the crude truth.

Narrator [00:00:43] This episode is brought to you by LFS chemistry. We are committed to being good stewards of the environment. We are providing the tools so you can be too. Nape Expo where deals happen. Air compressor solutions. When everything is on the line, Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group exec crew. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Texas star alliance. Pecos country operating. Fueling our future.

Rey Treviño [00:01:17] Well, thank you, as always, for tuning in. This is a crew truth exclusive. We had a great opportunity to be with the former land commissioner of the great state of Texas. And also somebody that knows a thing or two about the politic politics that go on not only in the great state of Texas, but in America. And there just been so much going on in the last three weeks that I had to call this gentleman back and say, hey, can I get a few minutes just to ask you what you think is going on? So today my guest is once again George Bush of the great state of Texas. How are you?

George Bush [00:01:50] Great to be with you, man.

Rey Treviño [00:01:51] What a roller coaster it has been for the last few weeks. I mean, can you believe everything going on?

George Bush [00:01:56] I can’t. I mean, it’s truly a historic moment for for the country. We hear that a lot in politics, but this is a situation where it’s actually true, where you have an associate, an attempted assassination attempt, you have a sitting president step away from the presidential nomination process and choose not to run for reelection. And, you know, I think for a lot of historians, it’s it’s rightful to compare this to 1968, where we had high profile assassinations involving RFK and and Martin Luther King Jr. And and just topics that really divided our country. And also a sitting president that decided not to run for reelect. And so these are these are challenging times. But, you know, I’m encouraged by the strength of the American people, by how we’ve come together, not only as the Republican Party after the RNC, but I think as Americans, I think we all recognize that that any attempt at our political leadership’s life and their attempts to just represent a differing viewpoint shouldn’t be disturbed with violence and that the battle of ideas need to be just that, just a battle of ideas through our arguments in our civil discourse, rather than through ammunition and weaponry. So I’m hopeful that as we head toward the DNC, that they uphold their end of the bargain and have a civil convention. I was in Milwaukee myself between that fateful assassination attempt and the president’s nomination, and I can tell you was very peaceful. It was very well organized. I hope the same will occur in Chicago for the DNC.

Rey Treviño [00:03:29] You know, with so much going on, like we’re saying, let’s jump back here to that day almost two weeks ago as we were recording, and we would try to get this out as soon as possible. You’ve been in the military. You you shoot guns, you live in Texas. You know, as far as the perimeter goes, you know, how far was that enough perimeter for the former president to be protected, in your opinion?

George Bush [00:03:50] Absolutely not. And, you know, there remains a lot of questions that have to be answered by the Secret Service. You know, I think it’s going to take an outside investigation. You know, I think at least 300 is is a more appropriate perimeter. I don’t claim to have had experience with the Secret Service and, you know, setting up security perimeters. But, you know, just as a, as a shooter myself, I mean, we were we were truly blessed that that an individual got within 150 and managed, managed to miss a vital organ of our former president. And so, you know, I think there needs to be a total reassessment. The excuses we’ve heard from the administration are unacceptable, that there was an event that Joe Biden had, apparently, and in the vicinity and resources had to go to that, that the Trump campaign has asked on numerous occasions to have additional security protection, but have not been granted that request, that RFK Jr himself has been campaigning without any protection. So there’s just a lot here that we need to unpack, that we need to reassess. I’m frankly tired of the excuses from the Secret Service. They’re better than that to say that it’s local law enforcement, which may. May be the case, but a lot of the evidence is showing that there was a lack of communication on the ground, and really it was just a variety of different errors and omissions that occurred on that day of like people having heatstroke and children getting lost, which consumed the communication channels and the security protocols on the ground. So I honor those Secret Service agents that came to the president’s aid and and put their body between the shooter and the president, which is really the highest calling any of us can ever have, whether it be as a civilian or a member of the military. But the security protocol leading into the actual event, we’re just going to have to question and learn from. Otherwise, we won’t be able to protect our leaders moving forward.

Rey Treviño [00:05:39] You mentioned earlier, 1968, and how we kind of eerily or the same. And I want to transition, obviously, to President Biden resigning. But in 1968, for those out there that don’t know the history, you know, that’s when Lyndon Johnson resigned. And what he said was he wanted to focus on getting our troops out of the Vietnam War. That was one of the main reasons, if I’m correct, and I know you’re a history buff way more than I am, but that was his reasoning. And then unfortunately, that was in March of 1968. And then that gave the party so much more time to go find another candidate. And unfortunately, that though that was the Robert F Kennedy who was coming up looking like the the guy. And unfortunately he was killed, assassinated during one of his rallies to bomb. Correct. And now here we are, where we have a president that’s resigned, a presidential nominee that has been assassinated. Two you know, what are your thoughts on all of this in the house? The price where you would you heard that President Biden was retiring?

George Bush [00:06:43] Yeah. I mean, I think that’s why a lot of the comparisons are correct, that it’s just a tumultuous time in our politics. It’s a very divisive time. We were in the middle of a very contentious war, where there was an incredible division of of idea and support around and, and, you know, in our country right now is facing historic inflation, where the average worker is, is not making as much as they once were. We have a serious crisis of confidence in our institutions. Our rhetoric is not unifying, and people just can’t seem to be able to talk to one another. And our border is insecure. You know, there’s just a lot going on geopolitically as well with the war in Ukraine, which were not physically boots on the ground, but we certainly are supporting. So when the president decided to announce, you’re right, I think that the key, you know, factor that you mentioned in there that I think the American people should be aware of is the fact that LBJ let the democratic process on his party play out, whereas this president decided not to. He waited to the very end before the DNC and making this decision without the input of everyday Democratic primary voters. Now, look, I’m not a Democrat. They’re not going to listen to me anytime soon. But the way the Democratic Party is structured is such that they’re going to fall in line behind Kamala, and they’re going to try to make this DNC a convention of unity, rather than allowing voters to to weigh in. And this is a party that keeps on talking about democracy and how we are anti-democratic and how Trump is not for democracy. But yet this president has decided to basically wave the magic wand and hand it. And now there’s a lot of discussion as to why he’s decided to do it. I think LBJ, you know, was a little bit more forthright in saying that he wanted to focus, like you said, on withdrawing from the Vietnam War. But he also had some health concerns. And, you know, he became pretty transparent about it as that year played out. Whereas President Biden, in his speech just a day ago, didn’t really get into that at all. He didn’t say in nor could he could he say it because then the argument would be that he has to leave office now that he’s not physically up to the job of being commander in chief, and that he was going to lose to President Trump no matter what. So that that’s kind of where they are trapped right now, and they’re going to try to play the best hand that they possibly have. I don’t think they’re going to be successful in doing that. But but that’s why I think there’s a lot of similarities, but a little bit of a difference between what we saw in 68 and now what we’re seeing in 2024.

Rey Treviño [00:09:11] Yeah. So there are so many similarities. You know, it’s just really interesting how the falling in line with Kamala, I mean, I don’t know how I would feel and maybe some of those voters were like already technically not voting for Joe. They were voting for Kamala. But I mean, that’s 14 million people that voted that their vote doesn’t count. But also what I do find interesting is 81 million people. George voted for President Biden in 2020. I’m not hearing a big uproar from any of his supporters. Oh my gosh, why is he dropping out? And that kind of worries me a little bit. But that’s you know, that’s for another show.

George Bush [00:09:46] Yeah. I mean, and you know, I think that when it comes back to it that, you know, Kamala is not going to be proven candidate. I mean, a lot of the primary process is going through the gantlet being put through the wringer in state after. Her state meeting with constituents day after day and all kinds of venues. And she hasn’t been been tested, frankly, whether it was attorney general race or U.S. Senate in California. So and when she ran for president against Joe Biden in 2016, she didn’t get I don’t think she she dropped out before she even got a vote. So, you know, there’s there’s a lot here that’s going to be that’s going to play out to the benefit of President Trump and the Republican Party. But, you know, like I said, they’re going to play the best hand that they can, but in large part is because of Joe Biden’s desire to enrich him and his and his family and this stubborn kind of viewpoint that he could try to try to outlast Mother Time. And we all know that we can’t.

Rey Treviño [00:10:39] Well, I will say this, but I know we’re running short on time. Let’s just say President Trump went and he asked him to be his campaign. Would you say you? Well, you answer that one. It’s going to be.

George Bush [00:10:50] Well, I don’t think that I’m on a short list, but if I were, I’d be I’d be honored and definitely would consider it, to be honest with you, I love, you know, being at home a little bit more and being around my boys and building my legal practice. So. And plus, Ray, you and I wouldn’t be able to hang out as much. I mean, I’ll try to bring you up to DC, but and get back to Texas. But we’ll see how it goes. I mean, service, I’ve been blessed to serve in the military, to serve Texas land Commissioner. And who knows, maybe the door will open in in in Washington, DC.

Rey Treviño [00:11:18] Well, you know, I had to mess with you on that one, but, no, I want to get you out of here is where you need to be. Is out here drilling for oil wells and getting back out there. You know, you love it. And yeah, I know you definitely would not have time to, especially with what you do. And I will say this you have been, as I use this word all the time, blowing and going over there at the loss of you all have just been getting so busy George, and hiring so many great quality people. Awesome.

George Bush [00:11:41] Yeah, we were lucky to to bring on my former number two Mark havens, who for a lot of people in the oil and gas industry know very well, and we’re really pleased to have him strengthen our oil and gas practice. And yeah, I mean, it’s it’s been a great leadership role being in the, in the private sector as, managing partner of the law firm here. And, and there’s nothing more quintessentially Texan than the entrepreneurship. And so this is a firm that’s small, but we’re growing leaps and bounds interviewing some great folks from around the state to join our, our practice and be problem solvers for our clients. That’s the bottom line. We’re not focused on trying to build ours. We’re here to to address the challenges of our clients. So, so we love, love what we’re doing and hoping to grow it.

Rey Treviño [00:12:23] Well George, keep it up there. And again, I think everything right now in the private sector, it’s helping out the great state, great state of Texas even more. And and people don’t know it. So I want to just say thank you so much for as you continue to fight for the oil and gas industry and for the everyday Texan, an American. So I want to thank you for that talk. And as always, thank you so much for your time, George.

George Bush [00:12:44] You got it right. We’ll be in. Touch.

Rey Treviño [00:12:45] Thank you.

Narrator [00:12:46] Again. The Crude truth would like to thank today’s sponsors LFS chemistry, Nape, Air Compressor Solutions, sandstone Group, Exec Crew, Texas Star Alliance, Pecos Country Operating, and Real News Communication Network.

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