July 13

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 91 Genevieve Collins And Kristy Kerns


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Candidate conversation: Political newcomer Genevieve Collins says she will be back - Lakewood/East Dallas

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THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 91 Genevieve Collins And Kristy Kerns

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Rey Treviño [00:00:00] The great group Americans for prosperity say when Texas is energy dominant, America is energy abundant. And we talked to them on this episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:00:11] In 1901, at Spindletop Hill near Beaumont, the future of Texas changed dramatically as, like a fountain of fortune, thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon, Detroit would be cranking out Model TS by the millions and America was on the move. Thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas. Now, more than a century later, the vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric. But let’s be honest. America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know the crude truth.

Narrator [00:00:55] This episode is brought to you by LFS chemistry. We are committed to being good stewards of the environment. We are providing the tools so you can be too. Nape Expo where deals happen. Air compressor solutions. When everything is on the line, Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group. Exec Crue. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Texas Star Alliance, Pecos country Operating. Fueling our future.

Rey Treviño [00:01:29] Well, hello again and thank you, as always, for tuning in to another episode of The Crude Truth. I am just so excited, as always, because this is just such a fun show to do, and I always get to meet so many great people. And so with me again today is my wonderful co-host, Kristy. How are you?

Kristy Kerns [00:01:47] I’m amazing. How are you?

Rey Treviño [00:01:48] Doing great, I cannot complain. Texas Energy is looking phenomenal right now.

Kristy Kerns [00:01:53] It is.

Rey Treviño [00:01:54] And I tell you what, I think if we can just get some of our Texas thoughts out to Washington, DC as far as the energy and oil and gas goes, I think the American would be doing a lot better.

Kristy Kerns [00:02:04] I would agree with that.

Rey Treviño [00:02:05] Right. And, but, you know, the other really cool part is that I’m just so excited, one, that you’re here today because we’ve got on a returning guest, somebody that is literally leading the charge here in Texas with what’s going on in the Republican ticket. What’s going on with energy? Technology. Our guest today is the Texas president of the Americans for prosperity, Genevieve Collins. Genevieve.

Genevieve Collins [00:02:32] Hello, my friends. Thank you for having me back.

Rey Treviño [00:02:34] Oh, my gosh. Well, thank you for coming back on. And, I loved it a couple of weeks ago when either you or your, your great guy Joe goes, hey, it’s been a couple of months. Time to get back on. Yeah. Oh my gosh, how hard.

Genevieve Collins [00:02:47] I’ve talked to all of your friends, but you and, I was just trying to remind you that Americans for prosperity wants to be on the truth.

Rey Treviño [00:02:56] Well, I cannot thank you enough. And, first of all, thank you also for allowing me the opportunity, on my oil and gas as an operator, to sit in on a couple of wonderful energy roundtables. The first one I want to highlight was a couple of months back with, Texas congressman, Pfluger. Yeah. And he’s out of West Texas, out of the Midland Odessa area. And what a great person to actually have on the, Energy Commerce Committee, is that correct? Yes. And so thank you so much for that opportunity. But you guys are also really leading the charge there. And I stole your tagline for the intro today. Can you say it again for me?

Genevieve Collins [00:03:34] Sure. When Texas is energy dominant, America is energy abundant. And as a Texan, we all love being dominant. And you know, I know that there’s 49 other states, but like as Texans we know what’s the real deal. Yeah. Right. And so we want to make sure that when Texas Energy really can showcase its depth and diverse portfolio and how that’s creating opportunities, innovation and energy capacity, transmission, reliability, all of that, but also innovation. Everyone wins, not just here in this state but across the country.

Rey Treviño [00:04:14] Right. And you know what? What made you guys decide to kind of as Americans for prosperity? Because Texas obviously is probably the the stronghold for Americans for prosperity. And I may just be saying that because it’s Texas, but as you guys go here in Texas, the rest of your group really seems to follow. So what was it about the energy side of this? All wanted to make a big push.

Kristy Kerns [00:04:37] That’s a. Good question.

Genevieve Collins [00:04:38] So no one really knows this. But the first day that I started on Americans for prosperity was the day of Snowpocalypse in 2021, February 16th of 2021. And I was like, so first day, I’m trying to like on board. I’m trying to talk to anyone on my staff and no one has power and it’s the only thing people are talking about. So I just called my boss. I was like, so can I get our energy policy point of view? And then like, well, we don’t really have one yet. This hasn’t been, policy that we’ve focused on. And I said, are you kidding? Well, you want me to lead Texas and we don’t have an energy policy point of view. So I just said, well, we’re going to go make one. And over the last three years, we’ve been hosting a lot of listening tours, really trying to understand whether you’re in Lubbock or Midland. Or Port Arthur or Dallas, or anywhere in between, that we have a genuine understanding of what’s happening across operators, across innovators, across inventors. Yeah. Right. And we want to understand the space before we actually begin helping work on policy. And so now we’re ready to launch.

Rey Treviño [00:05:52] Well, you know, you talk about ready to launch. You just recently just had another energy roundtable with Senator Ted Cruz. I don’t know of a bigger launch than that. Right?

Kristy Kerns [00:06:04] That was amazing.

Rey Treviño [00:06:05] What did you think?

Kristy Kerns [00:06:06] I thought it was absolutely amazing. So knowledgeable. Yes. And it’s great.

Genevieve Collins [00:06:09] Thank you. Well, one of the things that we have realized is that in our space, our real comparative advantage is connecting people with policy. And sometimes that’s also connecting people with lawmakers. You know, so often we think that policy just happens at the top level, and we want to actually change that paradigm and ensure that good policy is created by the people closest to the problems. Right. So we need to be talking to energy independence and operators. We need to be talking to, nuclear. We need to be talking to folks in data centers and blockchain. We need to be talking about renewables, renewables and what that looks like or recycling and really understand the entire ecosystem. So that way better policy gets written and derived from the bottom up and not the government saying top down, one size fits all.

Rey Treviño [00:07:02] Yeah.

Kristy Kerns [00:07:03] I thought it was interesting how, you know, everybody brought their concerns, which was amazing, and how he answered every single, you know, person at such a wide variety. And I learned a lot about blockchain and bitcoin yesterday, that I had no knowledge about the fact that you did solar and it’s running, you know, it’s like, that’s crazy. But yeah, so it was really empowering, just that he actually listened to every single business owner. It was very, very powerful.

Genevieve Collins [00:07:28] You know, sometimes we forget that these people are also real people. Yes. You know, because we put them on a pedestal. There are United States Senator, they represent us. But if they don’t connect with us, then how can they represent us well? And that that’s really one of the things that I think when we do these roundtables, whether it’s energy or health care, education, we really want the the member to hear directly from experts. Yes. And, and they don’t always have that opportunity because they’ve got lobbyists and people with, you know, very specific requests instead of just having more of a global landscape conversation, we can really help educate and inform members to do better for all of us.

Rey Treviño [00:08:12] It was it was very, very great and impactful. And again, you know, as Kristy was saying, is like it was really great that, you I had a chance to talk to him and that he literally was able to then he just he docked and we had we had our own conversation and it was great. And he had that with all 20 of us. And I think that it definitely the point got across. But also I think you’ll talk about connecting. He understands that it’s more than just an oil and gas problem, the transmission and the grid. It’s huge. I mean, we can have all I mean, oil and gas could be supplied. Well, we know that we can supply the next hundred years. That’s great. But we don’t have the grid, the electricity, or the transmission to actually distribute that power right now, you know? Right. And it’s almost like a blessing in disguise, because the real reason why we don’t have the grid as well is, is because we got so many people moving to Texas, and then you’ve got the AI facilities that are moving here and the Bitcoin that I Bitcoin take so much additional energy, that, you know, a lot of people don’t even know that AI takes ten times the amount of power just to do a quick Google search than it would to do a quick Google search so that.

Kristy Kerns [00:09:26] It’s crazy.

Rey Treviño [00:09:27] Yeah,.

Genevieve Collins [00:09:28] Yeah. When you’re scraping the entire internet within seconds, it takes a tremendous amount of load. Right. And I think that you guys certainly know, but most Texans or Americans don’t know that the AI revolution is going to change everything. People know that. But they also don’t necessarily realize how using this tool is going to fundamentally change our energy consumption, our energy capacity, as well as change white collar jobs. Yeah, not not blue collar jobs. It’s going to change white collar jobs. So this is truly I think this is going to be the next frontier revolution. Like the next industrial revolution, if you will. That’s my personal opinion, but but we’re already at capacity and people don’t know that. So. And so how do we help facilitate better learning, more education and more opportunity for conversation and connecting great people like you and like you guys with the senator?

Rey Treviño [00:10:24] Well, you know, again, that that conference, that roundtable was a true I mean, you can’t get no closer than that. I mean. We all had, even those. Again, there was, I don’t know, maybe 60, 70 people there or maybe even more. I just know that it was definitely a huge event as far as the impact that it had. So thank you so much for that.

Genevieve Collins [00:10:45] Oh my pleasure. Thank you for participating. And you know what I, what I love about what you do in your work life is, you know, your small family owned practice. You, you know, mom and pops and family owned independent oil and gas operators make up 20% of the marketplace. And often your voice is usually left out. So not right because the giants are giant for a reason. But but the independent practice are independent operators. I’m, in my opinion, are the ones creating innovation and really creating generational opportunities instead of just kind of chasing a bottom line.

Rey Treviño [00:11:23] Yeah, exactly. And and that was the point that I did make yesterday with them was, Brian Sheffield of Pioneer. And yes, pioneer is huge. Okay. But they’re still an independent. And the fact that Exxon did, the fact that the SEC came in and said, you can’t be on the board, that that was a very concerning thing to me because it’s like you don’t want the independence. Like we’re still the ones that actually go invest in random areas that in the exons and chevrons of the world, then go buy what’s it’s prove it, you know. And so it was very, very concerning. And to hear, Senator Cruz talk about the Rains Act yesterday. Rain. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I was not aware of that one. So that was something I definitely got to learn about because legislation or regulatory regulations is killing us right now. Yeah. And the fact that he said that the Rains Act can help stop that, I thought was very important.

Genevieve Collins [00:12:17] It is the number one most transformative policy that Congress can pass next year. Now, Congress is not at this point going to pass anything. It’s kind of a lame duck. Now that we’re, what, five months away from the general election? Yes. But the Rains Act, it’s spelled r e I n s Rains Act. And it’s regulatory consistency. It’s removing regulatory barriers that are causing duplication, that are causing redundancy and are causing more spending at scale. How do we remove those barriers and have regulatory consistency that allows for Nepa reform, that allows for permitting reform, that allows for all sorts of things, not just for within the energy space, but across the global landscape of regulation. It’s going to streamline UT, and it’s going to improve the it’s going to change the burden of every company and improve the quality of life for all of these folks to.

Rey Treviño [00:13:15] To be real nice. I mean, the fact that all these regulations that we came to have with the methane and, you know, the flaring, and when you see that America’s air quality only continues to get better, we don’t hear about the acid rain anymore, that we don’t or or, you know, a lot of the smog that we used to see, we don’t see why, because of the natural gas and all the positives that we come by using electricity that’s created from natural gas and oil. So yeah. So I get that was an amazing event. And but you guys and Americans for prosperity aren’t just focus on energy. We did just get done with all the primaries and runoffs and things like that. And another fun tagline y’all have it is freedom is always bigger in Texas.

Kristy Kerns [00:14:00] Always. Yes, freedom is bigger in Texas. This is our message for our rallying cry. It is how we are going to mobilize millions of Texans to to find their voice, to participate in communities and policy and the political process. And we want Texans to feel like they are empowered and that freedom is bigger here. That freedom, opportunity and prosperity are the bedrock of what makes this state the greatest state in the greatest nation, and that we need to be all in not protecting that, but supporting freedom, opportunity and prosperity for all.

Kristy Kerns [00:14:42] Yeah. That’s yeah. That’s amazing. What what advice would you give women obviously Texas being freedom women, young women that want to come up and let’s say I mean, you’re a woman in leadership. And what advice could you give them?

Genevieve Collins [00:14:55] Well, I always think that women think that they’re allowed to have a seat at the table, and that’s just ridiculous. You know, every woman I know has an opinion on everything. So just bring your chair to the table and tell people to make room. I actually said that to a guy, a couple of years ago, and. And he was this big, like, policy. Big, like big dog. And I said, I am not asking your permission to be at this table. I’m telling you, have brought my chair and you need to move over. And and the guy that I was sitting with was like, you know, but at some point, you know, whether you’re a. Woman or man doesn’t matter. Women have really unique perspectives and understand nuance in a way that they can articulate much clearer than men frequently. And I say lean in and always use your own unique experience and perspective. You have nothing to fear, you know? But it’s imperative that we have more women get involved.

Kristy Kerns [00:15:54] Yeah. Oh I agree. Yeah. My my new motto is, what do you bring to the table? I am the table.

Genevieve Collins [00:16:00] Oh, okay.

Kristy Kerns [00:16:01] So, like I say. Well, yeah. So it’s like, come on, I’m a woman. I have I’m empowered. I have different views and different intuition than a man. So without a woman, you know, it’s that goes coincide together. So it’s very powerful to have that dynamic. Thank you for sharing that.

Rey Treviño [00:16:16] Yeah. That you as a whole, you know, you’ve been into Dallas. I don’t want to say limelight, but you’ve been Dallas strong as far as in the other Republican side of things for so long. And a lot of people think outside of Texas that, you know, Dallas. So it’s just conservative. It’s run as a Republican. It’s really not.

Kristy Kerns [00:16:33] It’s not,.

Rey Treviño [00:16:33] You know, what is it about, you know, well, about what you’ve been able to do here in Dallas. And, you know, what made you want to even get into that interview? I know.

Genevieve Collins [00:16:42] I don’t know, maybe I wanted the rest of the world to know I’m crazy, you know, I mean, maybe I’m just fine with that. But, you know, when I initially ran for office in 2020, I just thought, I want to represent. I want a representative in Congress to look like me, to be a young, dynamic business person that, you know, isn’t an octogenarian. You know, I’m tired of having octogenarians make laws for me when that’s not going to affect them. And I just think Congress needed to look more appropriate to the world in which we live in. Yeah. And I also felt like we needed at that time someone with business experience. Dallas is a massive business city. I mean, we in Texas or excuse me, in Dallas, we have more financial services jobs in DFW than New York now since 2019. 32,000 financial services jobs have moved to Dallas like so we’re an economic engine and I wanted representation for that, you know? I’ve stayed involved now. I lost my bid for Congress, and thank God, because I would have been miserable if I were a member of Congress right now. I’m just being honest. But I said, you know, just because I lost an election didn’t mean I’ve really lost. No. You know, and and there’s so many opportunities to get involved, to get engaged and and to learn. Yeah. You know, I now work on policy and health care, education, energy taxes, regulation, immigration. So there’s so many things to tackle, not just in the city but across the state, and whether it’s affordable housing and how they’re that doesn’t exist here in North Texas. Or or how do we actually forecast a better future that creates that brings in free market principles to create more affordable housing, right. How do we look at the world and the paradigm that allows for competition, free market and innovation to be the drivers? And we need to have someone have that voice. And I guess that’s me. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:18:55] Well, you’ve done a great job at it. I mean, again, the Americans for prosperity here in Texas only continues to grow and get strong. And you know, speaking of growing and getting stronger, you guys just had a great turnout on the primaries and runoff elections. Is that correct?

Genevieve Collins [00:19:11] It is. It has been a long five months, y’all. So you know, we know that we have a a big general election this November for the president. But in the run up to that, there’s always the primary cycle. And this year we really focus. So at AFP we focus on three things. And so let me just take a quick step back. And then I’m going to jump back in on the primaries. We focus on three things one building communities. And that means like how do we educate, equip and empower communities to find their voice and tell their stories? Two how do we use our communities and their their problems, but also their solutions to create better policy outcomes? So how do we create better policy? And then three, how do we ensure that the policy gets passed by finding better policy champions sometimes policy. There are a lot of policy champions. And we experienced that last year in the Texas legislative session. Something that we care a lot about is school choice and passing school choice in the state of Texas. Well, that bill died in gloriously on November 17th last year. And, you know, we’ve been working on that bill for, well, 40 years. And we finally got it to a point where it got out of the House committee, which should never happen. And then it. Ingloriously and I just was so fired up, I was pissed. Yeah, just in full disclosure. So we’re going to go primary. These people, we’re going to go find better candidates that have a more holistic view of how Texas should, continue to. To create a brighter future. And we’re going to go find better candidates. They’re going to focus on school choice. They’re going to focus on health care. And they’re going to focus on lowering our tax burden. Yes. And so we did. And we participated in AFP and then our sister brand Libra, the Libra initiative, we engaged in 22 individual races. It’s the largest portfolio of primary races we’ve ever we’ve ever engaged on. And it was a mixture of defending some incumbents, supporting folks in open seats, and then challenging a bunch of people that needed to go. And we also we helped get 19 out of 22 candidates to a win, either in March or in May. So I feel so I feel so proud of my team really creating transformation in the Texas Legislature that we’re going to continue to let Texas lead the way, and we’re going to have transformational change when it comes to school choice policy.

Rey Treviño [00:21:48] Yeah, Holly, that’s so much a.

Kristy Kerns [00:21:50] Huge, huge accomplishment.

Genevieve Collins [00:21:52] Thank you. Yeah, yeah. 19 wins and three losses.

Kristy Kerns [00:21:55] That’s just crazy.

Genevieve Collins [00:21:56] I’m even dumbfounded. Yeah. You know,.

Kristy Kerns [00:21:58] Meant to be like,.

Genevieve Collins [00:21:59] Hey, it’s it’s what happens when you find great candidates that are convicted that show, that show that they’re part of their own community. They’re not faking it. They’re real. And, and you support really good people. You can pass really good policies soon to soon to come. Yeah.

Kristy Kerns [00:22:16] So very true.

Rey Treviño [00:22:18] That is I tell you what, what y’all are doing again is just so strong. And what I also find awesome is that here you’re talking about, you know, what y’all are doing with health care, with, the school choice, with energy and that you guys are truly taking the lead in here. You know, your tagline is when it Texas is energy dominant, America is energy, abundant. It’s almost like as Texas goes, America goes just as a whole.

Genevieve Collins [00:22:47] 100%.

Rey Treviño [00:22:48] And I mean, so we’ve got so much that is going on, that I just I can’t imagine all the things that you did. One question I will ask you is from taking in covenants and bringing in new people, you know, how do you walk that line? Just I mean, if you don’t mind me asking to where it’s like, well, we’re going to be with this guy, but this guy, we’re going to go with somebody new over here. I mean, man, I mean, that had to do some that had to be some hard work to do.

Genevieve Collins [00:23:14] Well, you have to be fine having uncomfortable conversations. Yes. You know, and at the end of the day, Americans for prosperity, we stand on principle. We believe in dignity, mutual benefit. We believe in self-actualization. We believe in bottom up solutions, and we believe in openness. Those are those are the principles of human progress, right? And we stand on those principles, and our policies are derived from those principles. And you know what? If you are voting against those foundational principles, those are just RFP principles. Those are our American founding principles. If you’re against the then I have nothing in common with you. And, you know, we think that there’s better opportunities to find someone that’s more in line with our vision for America.

Rey Treviño [00:23:58] Well, you say those five principles one more time.

Genevieve Collins [00:24:00] Sure. Dignity, openness, bottom up solutions, mutual benefit and self-actualization. Actually,.

Kristy Kerns [00:24:08] Those are great values.

Rey Treviño [00:24:09] Yeah, I know Kristy.

Kristy Kerns [00:24:13] I like that.

Rey Treviño [00:24:13] That was very nice. And, I mean, and so if you don’t got that, I can totally understand. It’s like, you know, that having that conversation and, you know, I want to get back to what, what Kristy was talking about earlier that with you, you know, like, I’m bringing my chair to the seat or Kristy said, well, I am the table. I’m bringing the table. Yeah. You know. Right. That just shows the kind of leadership that you ladies have is like, you know, and I think that’s awesome. And that’s again, bringing that perspective in. I mean, you’re running a show that, I mean, come on, 20 or 30 years ago not to get into that whole thing, but who would have ever thought so? I think that’s awesome the way that you’re doing it and it’s only continuing to grow.

Genevieve Collins [00:24:56] Well thank you. It’s easy to talk about policies when you talk about it through principles. Sometimes policy gets really wonky. You guys know energy policy better than I. You know, there’s a lot of wonkiness to it. But we believe in the dignity of work and that every person has unique value and ability to contribute and that they have comparative advantage, something that they’re great at. Right? We want to put people in places where their dignity is recognized so that they can fulfill their potential and self-actualized. They grow. You grow. Exactly. And that happens in any type of policy. And so I just like to say that we expand people’s vocabulary and lexicon when I’m talking about policy, because we can talk about it from a principled point of view.

Rey Treviño [00:25:41] Yeah. Well, I know that as we continue to go, you know, where do you see the rest of the year going? Like last year, if you don’t mind me asking, where do you see it going? I mean, we’re getting closer and closer every day to November and the rest of the year. So, you know, what are you seeing?

Genevieve Collins [00:25:57] Well, for AFP, we’re focused on we’re going to begin our freedom is Bigger in Texas tour. So this is a multi-year campaign okay. And we’ve launched we will officially launch later this month. We have, we have a preliminary website up. It’s called Freedom is bigger.com. I can’t believe that wasn’t taken. But we’re launching our Freedom is Bigger and Texas campaign and that’s doing things like these roundtables, these policy roundtables that’s actually hosting events like on Flag Day. We’re talking about the purpose of the Six Flags over Texas or on Juneteenth. We’re talking about freedom on Juneteenth and what that means July 4th. So we talk about freedom, opportunity, prosperity. That is American independence, right. And so we’re going to be starting to really accelerate. The messaging of freedom is bigger in Texas. And our goal is to ensure that we bring more people along with us over this the rest of this year, so that we can help activate them to tell their story during the legislative cycle. Because it’s one thing, if I go talk to you guys as a state rep and I say, hey, this is what we’re hearing back in Dallas or back in Waco. But the reality is, if I bring folks from Dallas or Waco to meet with their member, these are constituents that suddenly are empowered to tell their story and to really ensure that better policy passes. And then we’re going to go celebrate all the big wins that we’re going to get, next summer. But from this year, we’re really focused on making sure that we launch Freedom is Bigger in Texas, and then also ensuring that we set our we set our state up for big success, for the general election. Now, it’s one thing to win 19 primary races. It’s another to finally get through the finish line on November 5th and ensure that those people get get over the line and get elected. And so, so we’ll be focused on finishing the race and making sure that Texas stands head and shoulders above every other state with solid, principled legislators who are informed, educated, and know that they’ve got an army to back them up.

Rey Treviño [00:28:13] Wow.

Kristy Kerns [00:28:14] That’s amazing. I can’t wait to see.

Genevieve Collins [00:28:16] So I don’t sleep, you know,

Rey Treviño [00:28:20] So, Genevieve, again, I cannot thank you enough for being here again. You know, I got to ask you, how can people reach out to Americans for prosperity? And get connected with you guys?

Genevieve Collins [00:28:31] Well, so we are launching our ambassador program, and that is on our website. www dot freedom is bigger dot com. And to become an ambassador, you just sign up and we’re going to include you in all of our events. We also have some amazing swag like I hate swag but I actually want to wear this. but it’s not just about swag, but we’re really trying to identify people that want to tell their stories, that want to be included. Like you were saying, how do women feel like they can be included? Share your experience and we will help prepare you. So they can visit us on our websites. www dot freedom is bigger dot com. You can follow me on Twitter at G Collins TX. That’s where most of my stuff goes out. And, and then you just call you guys and you go, how to get Ahold of me? So.

Rey Treviño [00:29:22] Yes, ma’am. Well, Genevieve, again, I cannot thank you enough, Kristy, as always, thank you. Thank you. And it’s all our listeners out there. Thank y’all. Please check out Americans for Prosperity. Thank you, as always, for tuning in for another episode of The Crude Truth. We’ll see you next time.

Narrator [00:29:40] Again, the Crude Truth would like to thank today’s sponsors LFS chemistry, Nape Expo, Air Compressor Solutions, Sandstone Group, Exec Crue, Texas Star Alliance, Pecos Country Operating, and Real News Communication Network.

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Genevieve Collins, Kristy Kerns, The Crude Truth

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