June 4

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 87 Tinja Anderson, CEPA


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THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 87 Tinja Anderson, CEPA

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Rey Treviño [00:00:00] Do you really want to leave anything to chance as you get older and move forward? We talk about that in much more on this episode of The Great Truth.

Narrator [00:00:09] In 1901, at Spindletop Hill near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically. As, like a fountain of fortune, thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon, Detroit would be cranking out Model TS by the millions and America was on the move. Thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas. Now, more than a century later, the vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric. But let’s be honest. America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know the crude truth.

Narrator [00:00:53] This episode is brought to you by LFS chemistry. We are committed to being good stewards of the environment. We are providing the tools so you can be too. Nape Expo where deals happen. Air compressor solutions. When everything is on the line, air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group exec crew. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Texas Star Alliance, Pecos country operating. Fueling our future.

Rey Treviño [00:01:27] Well good morning. Hello and thank you, as always. Whatever time of the day it is. Thank you, as always, for tuning in to another episode of The Truth as we continue our just another fortunate and epic year, which is 2024. By this time you’ve already prepared and done your taxes, or maybe you’re already done an extension, or by the time who knows when it is. But hey, taxes are right around the corner. They just happened. And for a lot of people that really understand taxes are year round, but today to discuss really not necessarily taxes but how to plan. And also as in my TS are leaving things to chance because when we do that, we actually spend more money than we need to. I brought on, amazing guests today, somebody that I’ve had the ability to, meet out in, in, in, in Houston at other big financial events, someone that brings real quality to taking and helping you save and grow your money. Somebody also that has such an in tune, in-depth with the finance game and oh, by the way, she is Miss Texas International 2022. Mark yesterday is Tinja Anderson. Tinja how are you?

Tinja Anderson [00:02:44] Hi. So good. Very happy to be here. Oh my gosh. Thank you for all the kind words.

Rey Treviño [00:02:51] How well you know just to be sure to put the check in the man. There you go there. You know. But no, for real. I mean, you are a freaking I mean, I want to use the word savant in a way, if I may. Thank you. And I know you’ve used it in other ways for other individuals, but I think when people actually get to sit down, discuss things with you, and then maybe even hear just a little bit of your background, it’s like, what is Savannah? You are in the game of the finance world and really that generational wealth and generational legacy. And then also the fact that, I mean, come on, you were just, you know, a year ago, Miss Texas International.

Tinja Anderson [00:03:29] I love that you’re getting it right.

Rey Treviño [00:03:31] Yeah.

Tinja Anderson [00:03:33] I am currently the United States of America’s Miss Houston.

Rey Treviño [00:03:37] Yes, yes, that’s right. And that’s what we did have the chance to meet. So thank you very much for coming up to Dallas. Yes. And I know it’s always fun to get the rival $3,000. So for you to come up. Thank you so much. I hope the drive wasn’t too bad.

Tinja Anderson [00:03:51] It was eventful.

Rey Treviño [00:03:54] Well, I mean, look, let’s. I just want to start off. And for those of you out there that don’t know you, you know, please dive in and tell us a little bit about yourself.

Tinja Anderson [00:04:03] Yeah. So I am a financial planner. I’m a certified exit planning advisor. I also still run my family’s consultancy doing strategic sales, communications consulting. My mission currently is to basically just educate, empower and advocate for business owners simply on the power of now with regard to strategic financial planning. I was raised inside that consultancy, so I know firsthand how important it is to get it right from a comprehensive, proactive approach to leaving nothing to chance associated with the the business, the team, the family, the legacy. You know, I’ve spent 15 years in consulting in the last five in financial planning. And so it’s it’s mission critical to get it right and then adding that additional credential of the CPA to tie those two worlds together really has just been. Paramount to getting it right for high net worth business owners. You mentioned taxes, but we’re we’re looking at it from a holistic, comprehensive perspective. So what I like to say is to simplify it, because we’re basically organizing somebody’s financial junk drawer and identifying all of the goals and objectives and the time horizon in order to mitigate whatever risks associated with with that. But a lot of times, what’s happening is the challenges associated with the actual exit of when a business owner decides, okay, I’m done, I want to retire, and it’s usually 2 to 3, three years out. And that doesn’t give us enough runway to maximize and harvest that wealth that’s already inside the business. So for me, it’s just something that I, my family like, I like to refer to my family’s approach as like a legacy of excellence. We leave nothing to chance. Like you leave everything that you touch better than how you found it.

Rey Treviño [00:05:45] Well, I do like that. You know, I do believe also that hopefully you can leave things better than you found them. And, I’ve done that all my life just because I did the Boy Scouts of America, it was always, you know, did you leave your campsite, you know, cleaner?

Rey Treviño [00:05:59] Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:06:00] So I get that. But also, I’m glad you brought up CPA and the paramount of bringing those two together, because a lot of people out there don’t understand how important it is that, you know, that they’ve got, you know, to, you know, several million dollars and they’re looking at an exit. How much of that they may be losing or, you know, in things of that realm. And I know that, you know, a lot of the times right now, the economy is not. Yeah, the strongest it’s been. But we do have a lot more millionaires than we have in a long time. And we do have a lot more, more importantly, business owners and entrepreneurs that at some form or fashion, are going to be excited. And, you know, we have an administration right now. I don’t want to jump on it, but it’s already talking about adding more taxes, whether that’s during it or when you sell. So, not to jump on the tax side of it, but yeah, I know there are a lot of things that you can do. And, you know, right now I just, you know, what was it that, you know, I know you mentioned you you’re trying to leave things, better, you know, was that something that inspired you to do this or what was it?

Tinja Anderson [00:07:03] She got recruited into finance way. My parents retired. They basically they did not have a great hand-off for me. It was 2017, so down cycle in oil and gas. So they spent 35 years, in oil and gas primarily. But, you know, also in the finance world, on the consulting side. And 2017 happened summers they bought out our primary client and they took everybody off the Avion. Oh, wine. So I had to decide. They give me the intellectual property. Right. My mom’s a PhD in communication, a neuro linguistic expert. We have a proprietary negotiations model. She has a, a quadrant model. So just like desk, but more adaptable, easier to understand and easier to integrate. But yeah, they’re like, here’s our intellectual property. You can do whatever you want with it. Oh, by the way, we just lost our primary client, so I was I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do as far as do I build this consultancy under my umbrella and figure out what that actually looks like, without a primary client. So now I got to go network. I was doing 80 hours, in four days, recover on a plane, do it again the next week. So I had no true network outside of, like, our global client. And so it was like, all right, we got to go, like, understand who Houston is. And then, I ended up doing some small contract work, doing like, two minute pitch, body language boot camp and building out the pitches for one of these advanced planning firms. And I really liked, what we were building. I liked who they were serving. So again, high net worth and business owners and focused on understanding how to leave a legacy, but also how to maximize their spend in retirement. So it’s it’s understanding how to protect the value of the business, maximize the value. Yeah. Understanding how to protect the personal finance financial readiness. But then it’s what is life look like after business. So I got recruited in and they basically wouldn’t let me say no.

Rey Treviño [00:09:02] No.

Tinja Anderson [00:09:04] But I loved it so much because it’s just it speaks to the heart of, you know, in the consulting world, it is about business optimization. It is about understanding the value proposition development. And then it is the executive coaching side of it. So moving into the personal side was, was really actually challenging. Because I didn’t realize how personal and emotional like money truly is when it’s it’s in this context. That’s why people leave it until 2 to 3 years out from retirement, which is extremely challenging to, to maximize that harvest. Literally. Statistically speaking, 80% of a business owners wealth is tied up into a business.

Rey Treviño [00:09:43] Yeah, I believe that.

Tinja Anderson [00:09:44] Yeah. So if you can’t time your exit, effectively exit literally only 20% of companies that. Go to sell. Actually sell.

Rey Treviño [00:09:54] Whoa! Yeah. What happened to the other one?

Tinja Anderson [00:09:57] Your guess is good at my orderly liquidation. Internal buyout. That’s not super effective. Gifting strategies. So very, very, very challenging. Especially in this day and age, since all the baby boomers are getting ready to retire and pass the baton. Huge tax implication associated with that. So my team I work with specialists across across the country. Yeah. Some of the top in the field that specialize on advanced tax strategies, some in the qualified space. But also on the premium financing side of things.

Rey Treviño [00:10:25] Well, we definitely more than half. Yeah. I mean.

Rey Treviño [00:10:28] Know with a lot of word of mouth. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:10:31] And we may have to talk about this just from but I get I get it. Yeah I get it.

Tinja Anderson [00:10:36] You deal.

Rey Treviño [00:10:37] I do. Wow I love it. You know.

Tinja Anderson [00:10:40] What do you get.

Rey Treviño [00:10:42] That.

Rey Treviño [00:10:42] The transition is an I mean it in this. You can’t even say that word anymore. Anyway, that’s a, but that the passing of the baton, between us is going to be more strategic then. Hey, here you go. I’m walking out the door, below my office. Staying there. I’m talking about my dad. Yeah, it would be within our. Well, I guess within our oil and gas company. So, and that kind of, you know, mentioning my father there. When I reached out to you, I said, hey, you you, you know, obviously you’ve got such a, a presence on LinkedIn. You’ve got your, Mark, you know, I want to get back to that mark being in your boot camp in a minute. But I said, I want you to talk about legacy. Well, legacy assets. And then I said, no, I’m in the on the gas industry. A lot of people like like the word legacy. And you’re like, it’s generational. And so I apologize, and I actually really like that a lot better. I was at an event and it’s like, you know what? I’m trying to make this generational. It’s like, you know, not just a legacy. You know, legacies are I feel like that’s J.R. Ewing with the old Dallas show. That’s a legacy. Like, remember that show? Oh, God, it was so great. Real generational. It is. The increase of the world are the basis of the horn to it’s like, look at art. Even the Waltons. Look at what they’ve done for a generation. Yes. And so can we dive about.

Tinja Anderson [00:12:01] Yeah, I it’s something that’s near and dear to my heart because it gets to, understanding culture and understanding the family’s culture. So generational wealth isn’t just about creating buckets of money to pass on. It’s about also creating the skill sets and understanding what what you want to have happen. So it’s like understanding the goals and objectives of the family, but then equipping those that are going to inherit those buckets of money tax efficiently. How do they continue to build that wealth?

Rey Treviño [00:12:34] Yeah.

Tinja Anderson [00:12:34] It’s not just about letting you know, I oftentimes come into contact with with trust funds. Right. And they just literally keep that $10 million sitting in a trust fund that skips generations. And they never actually optimize the funds that are in it. It’s just something that was built. Grandpa wants to pass the baton, pay for some grandkids education, and it just continues to just sit there whether or not it’s properly diversified or optimized inside of that trust or investment account is really challenging. That is not generational wealth in the context of being optimized or proactive or creating a legacy of excellence.

Rey Treviño [00:13:12] Quality, your your knowledge and the confidence and everything that you’re talking about. It just it just blows me away, you know? And with that being said, you know, when I really think about it, it’s like, how are you? How are you educating your clients about how important this is and things like that.

Tinja Anderson [00:13:26] I love it. So again, I partner with specialists across the country that are unique in the different solutions that we’re providing. So upfront, when we’re onboarding our client, it’s really that gap analysis side of things to understand how, again, that word is so overplayed. But from the comprehensive side of things like two questions, what matters to them? What do they want to have happen to their stuff? Okay, then we do the whole risk analysis and figure out where are their gaps, major risks. And then I bring in the right specialist to to assist in solving what those are. And there’s some very creative ways for us to do that. A lot of times, when I meet with people, they’re like, oh, I have a tax attorney. I’m good. Oh, I’m really happy with my CPA, an accountant. Like, we’re buttoned up. We’re we’re, harvesting our losses. And he was name like. But you have a tax problem. Like, your losses are not going to carry forward into to. Okay, you know, infinity. So how do we how do we strategically start thinking about, minimizing that tax burden to be able to take five, six, seven, eight figure income tax deductions, to be able to have tax advantaged income distributions ten years from now and maximize what that, that, the traits for of assets looks like from an estate planning standpoint.

Rey Treviño [00:14:49] See, and that’s where I want to just go back to how it’s so cool. How. You’re bringing so many things together and that your education that you have does that. It’s like you just brought in, hey, basically, how are we going to get you to retire? We’re going to save on taxes. Oh, and by the way, we’re also going to get you ten years from now. Tax already. What tax free revenue every month in some form of retirement. I mean that’s a job of 6 or 8 people. Yes. There. And you guys now you have a team like that. But that’s what you see. And that’s where I really believe again how you as a savant are able to do these things. No, I mean, I really, really.

Rey Treviño [00:15:28] I know I’m the.

Tinja Anderson [00:15:29] Dumb one in the family. Please remember this. Like I am the dumb one in the valley.

Rey Treviño [00:15:34] So I’m gonna go in.

Rey Treviño [00:15:36] I do want to highlight that you are actually first generation American.

Tinja Anderson [00:15:39] I am my father immigrated here in wooden clogs.

Rey Treviño [00:15:43] At.

Tinja Anderson [00:15:43] 16.

Rey Treviño [00:15:44] Yeah, literally. Yeah. You are sweet, sweet sweet. Yes. I cannot believe.

Tinja Anderson [00:15:49] That I was born in Hong Kong.

Rey Treviño [00:15:51] But in Sweden, I love it.

Tinja Anderson [00:15:52] But, because of the political environment post-World War two, everybody who wasn’t Chinese had to get out of Hong Kong. Yeah. So ended up in Sweden. And it took them 13 years to emigrate to the United States. Met my mom in high school in wooden clogs that as soon as he immigrated her. So they went to prom together. So. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:16:11] What a story. Yeah, well, you know Davi. No, no, I want to kind of back up here real quick. How can people reach you? Just. Just here in the middle of, of our show today on how to reach you for financial planning.

Tinja Anderson [00:16:23] Yeah. So really easy to find. There’s not too many tangents. I’m on LinkedIn, so Tinja Andersen and then Instagram as well for my, my personal brand side of things will.

Rey Treviño [00:16:34] You know, kind of want to discuss that a little bit. And I also obviously I didn’t highlight you being Miss Texas International for no reason, but you also have a great coaching group that you do yourself. Yeah. And you know, coaches are more and more important today than they ever have because we’ve lost mentors, I believe. And now we’ve got coaches because people are not are not just picking people under the wings.

Tinja Anderson [00:16:58] Yeah. Hold on I want to before before we move on to coaching, I do want to just round out the educational side of things because compliance is totally going to, make a note. So we’re because I’m a financial planner, we’re heavily regulated by, as you see in Ben Ryan. So making sure that we’re adhering to rugby, which is regulation best interest, the client has to understand what the recommendations are. So no matter what we do, like you can’t just trust me and execute like you have to understand what the strategy is. So education is is mission critical to anything that we do. So that from a compliance hat standpoint, we can talk about coaching now.

Rey Treviño [00:17:38] You’re right. Ladies, only if you I don’t think Ginger crosses her. T’s your daughter. I’s. Well, I love it. We’re on it. Yeah. My gosh. Okay. Yeah.

Tinja Anderson [00:17:48] So consulting.

Rey Treviño [00:17:50] Consulting or consulting?

Tinja Anderson [00:17:51] It’s not coaching. Well, I mean, it can be considered coaching because it is executive level coaching, but it is more robust on the consulting side because it’s a much more gap analysis value prop build out than just straight coaching. It’s small group dynamics. It’s not really one on one.

Rey Treviño [00:18:06] Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:18:06] Yeah that’s it.

Tinja Anderson [00:18:08] Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:18:11] All right.

Rey Treviño [00:18:12] But what happened to you like teaching people how to, be that presentation?

Tinja Anderson [00:18:15] Yeah. Okay. So I’ll be strategic sales, communications consulting.

Rey Treviño [00:18:21] Sales communications consulting.

Tinja Anderson [00:18:23] Yeah. Yes. So there’s a lot to unpack there. Essentially in layman’s terms it’s business optimization. So consulting is such a broad term. And everybody says they’re consulting and nobody knows what that means. I funny that’s really funny. I follow a really funny account on Instagram. Like consulting means consulting humor. And I’m like, no, I’m not Deloitte.

Rey Treviño [00:18:45] No.

Tinja Anderson [00:18:46] But no, essentially, when I’m brought in to understand how to take a company, their sales force and they’re, they’re right now struggling to be able to negotiate a value proposition, define the value proposition and then increase sales. So capture more spend with an existing customer or capture more market share just in their territory. If they haven’t properly built out what their strategic dashboard looks like. So vision, mission, KPIs, critical, strategies and your sales force cannot tell the story of why why, whoever the company is, then it’s very, very challenging to get them to be able to persuade. Wow. But it’s also just how do you build out a value calculator to competitively differentiate? And if you haven’t, then that’s a baseline. But yeah, do it. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:19:42] If I haven’t what.

Tinja Anderson [00:19:43] Built out a value calculator. So is it are we savings efficiency gains, risk mitigation, logistical constraint reduction. CapEx reduction CapEx reduction. Like, what are we doing to competitively drive value for your customer, but also ultimately like looking at it from from the end user standpoint of how do we how do we. Create value for our customer to drive value for their customer. And then where does this decision get made? And so we’re building out value propositions for whatever point of entry that looks like so that they have. A streamlined approach to actually get a yes a lot faster. And most of the time, if you’re going to procurement, you’re never going to get the sale. Yeah. So you got to get into the right room.

Rey Treviño [00:20:33] Yeah.

Tinja Anderson [00:20:34] And you got to say the right things. And so as far as like the persuasive presentation coaching side of things, that’s where the neuro linguistics comes from. Yeah. So my mom, my mom again, she taught debate. She taught at Harvard Law. For their child advocacy for any opening argument. She also taught communications at MIT. My mom had me do my first public speech contest at nine. It was traumatizing. Not going to lie.

Rey Treviño [00:21:04] Well.

Tinja Anderson [00:21:05] Yeah. So, I mean, like, the the alignment of what you say and how you say it and how you command your space is literally what makes or breaks your the one. Did the audience actually hear what you said? Did they believe what you said? And did you drive credibility to make sure that it stayed with what you know, two weeks from now? Are they going to remember what you said?

Rey Treviño [00:21:24] I freaking should have definitely talked to you about that. But no, it’s so good. Holy cow. Okay, let’s get back to your mom putting you into this speech at nine years old.

Tinja Anderson [00:21:36] Oh, yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:21:37] Okay. Traumatized. Okay.

Rey Treviño [00:21:39] But I highly.

Tinja Anderson [00:21:41] Recommend, if you have kids, put them in the to the Optimist Club, for the speech contests. Okay. Yes. Why? Because it they they do a topic every single year, and then there’s scholarships associated with winning. Oh, yeah. Very cool. Another reason why I like pageants is because of the public speech side of it.

Rey Treviño [00:21:58] Well, and that’s where we were going next on this because being Miss Texas International.

Tinja Anderson [00:22:04] 2022.

Rey Treviño [00:22:04] 2022. Yes. That’s a new thing for you.

Tinja Anderson [00:22:09] Totally.

Rey Treviño [00:22:09] Yeah, that’s that’s why I really wanted to bring it up. Because, as I told you earlier, I’ve had on the Miss America 2023. Okay. Before and, you know, and so she kind of, you know, it was, you know, but you just almost woke up one morning. And what?

Rey Treviño [00:22:25] Yes. Yes.

Tinja Anderson [00:22:27] So yes and no. So I, when I was real little like babies, that is, my nanny put me into a couple pageants.

Rey Treviño [00:22:37] I was in many.

Tinja Anderson [00:22:38] Many folks nanny because my parents worked 80 hours and four days and recovered on the plane and turn around and get it again. But no, I am very grateful for the experience. I was I was Little Miss San Diego, and then my dad had none of that and put me on an all guys soccer team. So there we go. But no, I was finishing out a buy. Sell, with, a client who was a former misses USA amongst a whole other slew of titles that she’s held. Probably one of the most dynamic women like in that I’ve ever met. I jokingly asked her. I was like, what would it take? Like, what would it take for me to compete?

Rey Treviño [00:23:20] Yeah.

Tinja Anderson [00:23:21] I have a baseline skillset, but there’s a difference between like peak performance and pageantry versus having a baseline skill set. Yeah. So, she I finished out my marathon. So this was at year end. Was going to run a marathon like three weeks later. I needed to get through that before I could even start training for this pageant. Or even just, like, conceptually understanding what the commitment actually was. She put me through a six week bootcamp. Okay. Interview is a is a art form. It’s a science and an art. My most challenging part was learning how to walk because I’m an athlete. So being graceful in gowns on stage and like there is, there’s a whole art form associated with how how you are, evaluated. Okay. Yes. It’s all about confidence and how you carry yourself and, you know, that whole side of things. But there is like a right way to do it. And each pageant has a different preference. So like for different types of walks and posing. So it’s understanding what the system is, what kind of judging you have. and then the other scoring is fitness. And then fun fashion which is fun. And our on stage question. So it is a lesson in grace. Okay. Like that for me was my. Obviously I went out there and I won. But the year that year was so profound for me because I served over 15 different nonprofits on top of my platform, which was celiac awareness at the time. So I wrote a cookbook. I served as an ambassador for Beyond Celiac. But the funds that we raised, with the rest of the organizations was really profound. Yeah. So it’s like the whole being a servant, to your community. I think the probably the soul part of the pageantry that I really, I, I wasn’t expecting how powerful that was going to be.

Rey Treviño [00:25:20] So that was your first pageant you ever did? Yes. And you want. Well.

Tinja Anderson [00:25:25] Besides being a baby, but. Yes.

Rey Treviño [00:25:26] But the one you did when you were a baby, too?

Tinja Anderson [00:25:29] Yes, yes, I won multiple. And then I wore the wrong socks for one of them. And I lost the big one.

Rey Treviño [00:25:35] You wore the wrong side.

Tinja Anderson [00:25:36] So many rather wrong socks.

Rey Treviño [00:25:38] It was.

Tinja Anderson [00:25:39] The 80s.

Rey Treviño [00:25:39] Okay. Well, I’ve never.

Rey Treviño [00:25:45] Done running a marathon. Yeah. And a year later, you win.

Tinja Anderson [00:25:48] No, no, six weeks later.

Rey Treviño [00:25:50] Oh, you win. Six weeks later, you won. Who in the. All right.

Tinja Anderson [00:25:56] But this year is like a whole nother level.

Rey Treviño [00:25:59] So you’re technically. What? What’s your new title right now?

Tinja Anderson [00:26:03] United States of America’s Miss Houston Unpaused.

Rey Treviño [00:26:06] Right.

Tinja Anderson [00:26:07] And then you go. But it’s a different system. This this one involves a swimsuit, which is like a whole nother level of fitness. So we’re going to have to get disciplined.

Rey Treviño [00:26:19] Yeah, but I guess I guess so after you did that one, though, you did go, I guess, compete for the Houston one.

Tinja Anderson [00:26:25] So the middle one. So there’s like three different.

Rey Treviño [00:26:28] Yeah. Sounds like a lot of thing going on.

Tinja Anderson [00:26:30] There’s a lot of winning. Then there’s. Yes.

Rey Treviño [00:26:33] And I mean again, kind of going back to the savant. I mean, it just blows me away. It just just completely ridiculous. Holy cow. I mean, what else is there? I mean, and you also teach people how to, like, publicly speak a little bit, right?

Tinja Anderson [00:26:50] That’s not my day job. Yes, I do a day job. I so I prefer small group dynamics. Behavior modification is much more powerful in a small group rather than one on one. So if you’re going to efficient, it’s the theory of constructivism. Okay. So have it. No constructivism. So understand. Creating your own understanding of the information so that you can actually execute and adapt your behavior so that it’s it’s yours. Right, right. So I’m going to teach something complex. You have to hear it. You have to try it on, but you also have to see somebody else go through the process. And you’re going to pick up other things that you hadn’t experienced in your own situation. And so you just holistically, I’m going to overuse that word. But it’s just, an amalgamation of understanding to adapt your behavior more effectively.

Rey Treviño [00:27:42] Wow. So, like, give me an example what you do with those people?

Tinja Anderson [00:27:48] We put them through the firing line. We endearingly call it the firing line. So anybody who’s ever taken any of our winning words, they have to. It’s like, a badge of honor. Like they earned their stripes. They survived the firing line. So once we’ve built out their baseline value prop, then they have to get up in front of their executives and give a two minute synopsis, and then they wait and we go through every single difficult situation. Everything from a silent audience, egos, multiple interactions, hidden agendas, off topic questions. You know, aggressors, contrarians, pricing challenges. They just don’t like you resume challenges. Any type of scenario, ethics right way. You know, I guess you can’t do business, just like. All right, you know, quid pro quo. So it’s like we put them through the firing line, they get 25 minutes in the hot seat, but then they have to watch everybody go through it as well. And then I start giving them cue cards to start coaching on the negotiations model. So how do we overcome and handle objections to position to a win win the back end. So it’s based off of the Jerry and theory of decision tree analysis, which is basically just a really complex way of saying how people make decisions. So that’s our proprietary negotiations model. There’s very few sales models that don’t stem from that original research. So yeah. Yeah. Did that mean it’d be like I answered the question, but I don’t know, before.

Rey Treviño [00:29:17] You shoot it.

Rey Treviño [00:29:18] In the classroom, I mean, shoot us. Well, I think why would that all that. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I’m a producer wife. He got it. All right. It’s good. It’s all right.

Tinja Anderson [00:29:26] But. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:29:27] Wow. What? What? Okay. When do you. What else do you do? For goodness sakes? Is there anything that I don’t know? I mean, we can discuss. I mean, I mean, there’s so much.

Tinja Anderson [00:29:38] I feel like we talked on the on the finance side. But, yeah, I.

Rey Treviño [00:29:42] Feel like that’s all in some form or fashion. I feel like whether it was talking about the financing, which again, as I always tell my guests, it’s like, hey, I want to talk about what you do for a living, you know, promote you. Yeah. But we get into your side hustle. That’s about basically financial stuff. We talk about how you being a pageant, lady woman winner. I don’t know what’s in it.

Tinja Anderson [00:30:08] I’m a queen. Thank you.

Rey Treviño [00:30:09] Oh, a queen.

Rey Treviño [00:30:11] Oh.

Tinja Anderson [00:30:13] I have a crown and.

Rey Treviño [00:30:14] Yeah, and you got it. Just the other day.

Tinja Anderson [00:30:18] I got the new one. Yeah. Yes.

Rey Treviño [00:30:19] Well we forgot. Great. Yeah. But all these things tie into the success that you have for your client.

Tinja Anderson [00:30:28] Yes.

Rey Treviño [00:30:29] Like all of it?

Tinja Anderson [00:30:30] Absolutely.

Rey Treviño [00:30:30] And so that’s what really blows me away with today’s episode is, how you are able to do so many things, and yet they all continue to elevate. Yes. And that’s the truth.

Tinja Anderson [00:30:42] It’s. I don’t win unless my clients win. And I hate to lose. Now I don’t very often.

Rey Treviño [00:30:51] Holy cow! Jeez, Louise.

Rey Treviño [00:30:54] This is fun. See.

Rey Treviño [00:30:56] I told you, that’s a good time. I cannot thank you enough for coming up to Dallas Siki.

Tinja Anderson [00:31:00] For having.

Rey Treviño [00:31:01] Me. And I mean, again, for everybody out there that wants to get in contact with you and your team. How can they reach you guys?

Tinja Anderson [00:31:10] Tinja teaching at financial guide to.com. I also have a website landing page, so I’ll make sure that that gets.

Rey Treviño [00:31:19] Put in there. Well, we could do is we can put that on the, whenever we get these hundred bars at the bottom of our names or something like that. I don’t know if they’re there right now. I don’t know, maybe it is. We go up here. I don’t know. Well, need to take care of that. But no, again, I cannot thank you enough for coming on. We’re going to have to have you come back on because we need to talk about politics or anything like that, and how that can probably sway things left or right when it comes to generational wealth.

Tinja Anderson [00:31:46] Yes, yes. My job is to maneuver, depending on what the politics are, so that it is what it is. So ultimately, with an election, they want the market to look good. So it’s curious. But tax side of things are very challenging. Oh okay. But we don’t want to talk about politics right now.

Rey Treviño [00:32:06] No I’ve never heard of that. Don’t know what it is.

Tinja Anderson [00:32:09] Well don’t get me started. God bless Texas.

Rey Treviño [00:32:14] You’re right.

Rey Treviño [00:32:16] Well, again, thank you so much. Anybody out there that wants to, connect with our team about generational wealth? Please reach out to her. And good luck on your next, endeavor for 2024 as, Miss Tech. Miss you? Yes. Hello. A United States of America pageant, USA.

Tinja Anderson [00:32:36] Oh, yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:32:37] And, so just thank you all again for listening to another episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:32:42] Again, the Crude Truth would like to thank today’s sponsors. Laughs. Chemistry, Nap Expo, Air Compressor Solutions, sandstone Group, exec Crew, Texas Star Alliance, Pecos Country Operating and Real News Communication Network.

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The Crude Truth, Tinja Anderson

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