July 24

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 35 Matthew Loessin Executive Vice President at FSC, Inc and Shay Schoettlin


THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 35 Matthew Loessin Executive Vice President at FSC, Inc and Shay Schoettlin

Foundations for success don’t start with Participation Trophy’s! We bring you another awesome episode of THE CRUDE TRUTH. Watch and listen as we talk with Entrepreneur Matthew Loessin who is Executive Vice President at FSC, Inc, and his Business Development Manager Shay Schoettlin. We talk about how quality is the biggest driving force and why nobody wants to work anymore. Also we talk about the Ritz Carlton of Hunting Lodges Vara Ranch.


Please reach out to Matthew Loessin on his Linkedin HERE  

Please reach out to Shay Schoettlin on his Linkedin HERE  

Check out StatusJet HERE

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro
03:16 – Let’s talk about FSC and all the great things that you’re doing, What do you all do? How are you all doing it? And you know what kind of people you are doing work for?
04:06 – Talks about A&M Corpus Christi
07:34 – let’s talk about some of, you know, names or anything, but some of your different clients and what they’re looking for and how you guys help them out there, You know?
09:02 – Right now with the way the oil and gas industry, you know, we’ll tie that, you know, what are you guys seeing right now on the surveying side?
11:25 – I don’t understand it’s like I don’t know why people don’t want to work right now
18:11 – Let’s talk about this Ritz-Carlton place
24:02 – How big is the Ranch?
25:47 – How does that feel, you know, to be doing all this just give them back and with everything that you are doing
27:51 – Talks about Midland Texas
29:35 – Shay, how can people get a hold of you over there?
30:16 – Matthew can you leave us with some great entrepreneur, awesome, jaw dropping advice on the spot? Ready, set, go.
32:09 – Outro

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 35 Matthew Loessin Executive Vice President at FSC, Inc and Shay Schoettlin


Rey Trevino [00:00:00] A foundation for success. As oil and gas people know, surveys are the utmost important. We’ll talk about that and much more on this episode of The Crude Truth.

Rey Trevino [00:01:09] Good Morning, Good Evening, Good Afternoon whenever it is that you’re watching or listening to this Episode of The Crude Truth, thank you as always. Please be sure to Like and Subscribe you know, leave stuff about five-star reviews. But also, if you’ve got any questions, please send it my way. It’d be more than happy to answer them, especially if they’re about the Oil and Gas Industry.

Rey Trevino [00:01:27] Well, today, my guest, I just I’m just so excited because I’m blessed to do this and I bring on some of the best people there are in the industry, whether it’s oil and gas or people that are just entrepreneurs and today I’ve got somebody that tackles both of those. Today I brought on Matthew Loessin the CEO of FSC Inc and Business Development Rep, Shay Schoettlin. Guys, how are you all doing?

Matthew Loessin [00:01:51] Great and yourself?

Shay Schoettlin [00:01:52] Great.

Rey Trevino [00:01:53] Did I say that? Last names right?

Matthew Loessin [00:01:55] Oh, close, Close enough.

Shay Schoettlin [00:01:56] You got mine that’s the first.

Matthew Loessin [00:01:58] I’ve heard about every variation so you got close enough.

Rey Trevino [00:02:00] Oh, men, And I know. I mean, I’ve even written them down, and it’s just I’m a little nervous I don’t know why. Thank you guys so much I mean, as you know, we had had our do a couple of different takes and so I thank you guys so much for coming on.

Rey Trevino [00:02:16] And you guys are everywhere right now Shay you are just doing everything Matt, You’re also the thought leadership that you’re bringing to the table on the surveying side is just amazing. And so thank you guys for just taking the time to come down here to the Fort Worth Fruit Tree Studios. How are you all doing?

Matthew Loessin [00:02:35] Very good. Very good. Oh, yeah and thank you for having us we’re very honored to to be a part of it.

Shay Schoettlin [00:02:39] Oh, absolutely and we had to take the opportunity we got to come and see our our Fort Worth office while we were here see our other clients, so we were thrilled to be invited.

Rey Trevino [00:02:47] Yeah, because y’all have offices kind of spread out throughout Texas, is that correct?

Matthew Loessin [00:02:51] Yes, that’s correct, we’ve got our main corporate offices is in Columbus, just west west of Houston, a little bit. It kind of services that South Texas area as well. We’ve got an office here in Fort Worth right on West Seventh in the cultural district here, just west of here. And then we’ve got a satellite office in Midland as well, where most of our field operations take place in for West Texas and New Mexico.

Rey Trevino [00:03:14] I love it. Well, you know, let’s dive in a little bit here and let’s talk about FSC and all the great things that you’re doing, What do you all do? How are you all doing it? And you know what kind of people you are doing work for?

Matthew Loessin [00:03:25] We’re a kind of a multi-discipline firm. We do surveying and engineering, mainly focused on oil and gas. We also do transportation we do land development as well. But we started in 1970 my grandfather actually started the company after a career with the Texas Department of Transportation, decided to go out on his own after that, mainly focused, he did a lot of oil and gas in the eighties and of course, everybody knows what they were doing.

Rey Trevino [00:03:53] Yeah. Oh yeah.

Matthew Loessin [00:03:54] So he kind of, you know, went away from that a little bit and went more into land development and private ranch sales and that type of survey work and kind of continue that on. I got I guess I graduated college around oh four from A&M Corpus Christi.

Rey Trevino [00:04:12] Okay.

Matthew Loessin [00:04:12] Not A&M University apparently that’s not really is.

Shay Schoettlin [00:04:15] It does not count.

Matthew Loessin [00:04:16] Yeah it doesn’t count.

Shay Schoettlin [00:04:17] Sorry to offend anyone

Rey Trevino [00:04:19] A word about all of that even even the one in Galveston, which technically is part of college stations

Shay Schoettlin [00:04:24] Those are Sea Aggies

Rey Trevino [00:04:25] Some people don’t even consider them Sea Aggies like guys like you can’t have a water program in College Station you got to have it there.

Shay Schoettlin [00:04:34] We love them we have a heart for Sea Aggies, but someone there’s a lot.

Matthew Loessin [00:04:39] There’s.

Shay Schoettlin [00:04:39] There’s just a little bit I hate to say of the leaders of College Station and being there day in day out. It’s it’s a thing it’s a colt and we admit that.

Matthew Loessin [00:04:49] We didn’t join the colt.

Rey Trevino [00:04:50] Yes.

Matthew Loessin [00:04:51] And so we’re kicked out of the out of the.

Rey Trevino [00:04:53] Yeah yeah Corpus Christi I know they had a club soccer team many years ago I don’t know if they still play that or maybe now it’s a real a real sanctioned run. But many years ago when I was looking at colleges, that was one that I looked out there on the island.

Matthew Loessin [00:05:12] Oh, yeah, for sure and when I was there, they I think they had, you know, a couple thousand students there and I think it’s like grown to I haven’t been been back there in quite a while, but it’s it’s grown pretty big now I know it expanded quite a bit.

Matthew Loessin [00:05:26] But, you know, I came back out of college, bought out my grandfather’s company at that time. He he was nearing retirement, didn’t want to do a lot, started having some more health issues. And then so we kind of really changed focus after I got out of school.

Matthew Loessin [00:05:46] I think I want to say he just want to hit for people, one of the managers from there and then within about ten years or so, we had grown probably to over 100 people and and multiple offices and with with the focus still on keeping true to our core of what we are long term clients that we’d had for generations, you know, and then also as well as divulging to other businesses and you know, oil and gas pipeline transportation element.

Matthew Loessin [00:06:18] Just because there’s always cycles of every business and, you know, if one segment is stronger than the other than the other ones picked up, you know, when oil and gas is great, everything seems to be great everybody’s spending money is doing good. But other than that, you know, I mean, it was just critical to to diversify just for the the longevity of the company as well as you know.

Matthew Loessin [00:06:41] I’ve always been the person when when we when we have when we give somebody a job we want we want them to become family. We want them to to have a feeling of security and everything that they’re going to have. And so that’s very important to me to make sure that the company is also able to withstand ups and downs as well. So.

Rey Trevino [00:06:58] Well, I think when you can bring in that that family feel, but then also train your individuals and give them all the real tools, because I think sometimes that that doesn’t help when you keep people back or it’s like, okay, this guy can’t be successful but I don’t he is like, No, let them go do what they need to do,.

Matthew Loessin [00:07:14] Right.

Shay Schoettlin [00:07:15] Yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:07:15] And if they leave you, they leave you, but at least they’re hopefully left in a better spot and you give them everything,.

Matthew Loessin [00:07:21] Right? Correct? Oh, yes, for sure.

Rey Trevino [00:07:22] Grow and develop these individuals and speaking of Development, Shay that’s what you’re doing in the business development. Work up you know, these kind of talks about, you know, all the different diversify. You know, let’s talk about some of, you know, names or anything, but some of your different clients and what they’re looking for and how you guys help them out there, You know?

Shay Schoettlin [00:07:41] Absolutely. So, I mean, just to speak on it before I like to compliment Matt in the company, I mean, I’ve worked in from different companies, different industries. It’s been I’ve come over here back in January and I cannot speak good enough about the culture. It’s absolutely phenomenal. Like you don’t see companies anymore hardly that have people that work there ten years, 15 years, 20 years and it’s just it’s just not common.

Shay Schoettlin [00:08:02] And so to come in and that’s spoke volumes to me from the very jump that everyone was, Oh, I’ve been here for three years, five years, ten years. You know, we do stuff as a group like we it’s just it’s amazing. It is something to be said for.

Shay Schoettlin [00:08:13] But as far as the companies and what we’re working with, the biggest thing is we just want to, you know, us to be known. We want our companies to trust us, know that we have a good culture, we support each other we’re always available you know, we will travel to see you if that’s what we need to do we you know, you can come to us and come into our office because, again, we’re like a family if that’s what we need to do that’s just really the image that we want to portray is that we are open and we will do what it takes, whatever they need.

Shay Schoettlin [00:08:36] Because some customers, you know, they want to, you know, us come into their office we want to sit down and have formal meetings and, you know, have presentations, other ones like, no, man, let’s go out, you know, just go get dinner. Oh, let’s, you know, we’ll we want to be involved in what you’re involved in.

Shay Schoettlin [00:08:49] So all these events that I’m out seeing, whether it’s community events, whether it’s networking events, sometimes they want to go to those and be involved. Like I want to get involved in what you’re involved in. So it’s just a really big, diverse group.

Rey Trevino [00:08:59] Very cool. I like that. And you know, right now with the way the oil and gas industry, you know, we’ll tie that, you know, what are you guys seeing right now on the surveying side?

Matthew Loessin [00:09:09] Um, you know, it’s it’s. When COVID hit you know, of course, everything was just kind of in disarray, you know? Yeah, I mean, it just, you know, the biggest thing I would say, like for us that we struggle with is finding the quality people to to do the work. And then, of course, you know, oil and gas is we want it done, you know, not to now but an hour ago, you know, so it’s like always having those quality people that will do what’s available.

Matthew Loessin [00:09:38] You know, that’s that’s a big, big thing with us is just struggling to find really good people to work. It’s a very competitive market. I mean, you have to prove what you’re able to offer to employees, what you’re able to do and, you know, I think we really do a good job of that. We’ve got we we kind of have a different way of thinking as far as we’re not like 100% corporate we’re not mom and pop type deal in that in-between balance is is is work really well for us.

Matthew Loessin [00:10:11] But other struggles and you know oil and gas is just like everything is just you know. Hopefully. You know, I think things are starting to build up. Back from where they were a facility, construction and construction seven was a big part of us with COVID that really affected us just because couldn’t have more than ten people on the site, you know, And like so major construction projects got put on hold, you know, for a year or more. And then all of a sudden it’s like, okay, now we want to do the one that we were working on, but we else we want to build three more to keep up with production.

Matthew Loessin [00:10:41] So it’s like, you know, just that balance of there’s so much work, not enough people, but you still like we’re not the common company that also is just going to throw a body out there just, just to do the work. Like if we care about it, like our clients, success is our biggest driving force and that’s what we always want to provide and trying to find that balance of that is probably been one of our biggest struggles.

Rey Trevino [00:11:06] Well, I mean, just the work force itself, there’s just so hard to literally find anybody.

Matthew Loessin [00:11:11] Right.

Rey Trevino [00:11:11] Now. So to find somebody that’s qualified, that knows how to do the job and get it done right the first time,.

Matthew Loessin [00:11:17] Right.

Rey Trevino [00:11:17] That’s even harder. Right?

Matthew Loessin [00:11:19] Right. Oh, yeah, for sure.

Shay Schoettlin [00:11:19] Absolutely

Rey Trevino [00:11:20] And I. I don’t know why we’re in this. I can’t. I don’t understand it’s like I don’t know why people don’t want to work right now, and there’s no money. I mean, I don’t I know there’s no stimulus going out there. No, you know, actions are, you know, so I don’t know why people aren’t working.

Rey Trevino [00:11:39] And I saw I mean, the other day of just, you know, some some some younger generation just sitting there like, you know, on the phone. He goes, this is what they do all day. And I joke and I say that because, like, it is now part of life. But you still got to work. I mean.

Matthew Loessin [00:11:54] Exactly.

Shay Schoettlin [00:11:54] Right.

Rey Trevino [00:11:55] You know, nothing comes easy to everybody wants to just be your social media famous.

Matthew Loessin [00:12:00] Yeah, right. Oh, yeah. You know, And, you know, like we I’ve had a lot of discussions with other business owners, entrepreneurs about that whole thing. It just I don’t know if it’s a. You know, I’m sure people, generations of about me always complain about my generation.

Shay Schoettlin [00:12:15] Right.

Rey Trevino [00:12:16] Yes.

Matthew Loessin [00:12:16] You know, so it was always like I know every previous generation complained about the current one and everything else as well, but I don’t. You know, at some point I feel like there was a shift of wanting to work hard, wanting to go out, wanting to make something of yourself and not living this like free culture now of,.

Matthew Loessin [00:12:34] You know, Oh, hey, I got a degree you need to you need to give me a job because I went to school and yeah, pay me a ton of money because I don’t because just cause I went to school or something like that, you know, it just it just feels like it’s it’s they want it to be given and not working hard for it

Rey Trevino [00:12:50] And that’s the deal is like I don’t understand why that is that they feel that way. It’s like, okay, guys, you have to prove your worth.

Shay Schoettlin [00:12:56] And there I can pinpoint it I’m going to tell you right now where it is or participation trophies. I will die on the Hill because I’m a millennial, I am 29 years old. I am part of the generation but my parents did not subscribe to the participation trophy, which is instant gratification. And you didn’t work for it here’s your trophy take it and run with it and I think that’s the entitlement is the word we’re looking for and that seems to be such a prominent problem.

Shay Schoettlin [00:13:18] And I mean, I feel like I’m a large part of the workforce of, you know, that late twenties, early thirties, that unfortunately that is where I’m like and I will die on the hill that I’m like, I think it’s participation. Trophies is where it all started when we were all five is that took the work, the hustle, the work, hard drive and that motivation to do it because we’re just handed it to us.

Rey Trevino [00:13:36] Well you know, and I also I think I blame Michael Jordan because.

Shay Schoettlin [00:13:40] Why?

Rey Trevino [00:13:41] Because he worked so hard and he did so many great things.

Matthew Loessin [00:13:45] Right.

Rey Trevino [00:13:46] And it was earned. Now, everybody else is just getting it right out of high school.

Matthew Loessin [00:13:51] Right?

Rey Trevino [00:13:51] Exactly. I mean, you know, Lebron James now has a lifetime deal. I think even his son has a lifetime deal with Nike.

Matthew Loessin [00:13:57] Right.

Shay Schoettlin [00:13:58] For what? Why?

Rey Trevino [00:14:00] What did he do? You know, and I’m bad, too, because, like, I’m a big San Antonio Spurs fan,.

Matthew Loessin [00:14:04] Right.

Rey Trevino [00:14:05] We just got the first round draft lottery pick for this company there’s some seven foot five guy that it’s supposed to be amazing. So I’m excited but he’s already probably going to get all these deals,.

Matthew Loessin [00:14:16] Right Oh, yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:14:17] You know, so yeah and Jordan, I was on a Jordan kick the other night who I think is probably why I’m bringing him up. But, you know, he was on Oprah years ago saying, look, man, they’re paying them now for their potential, rather than what they do.

Matthew Loessin [00:14:28] Right, Right.

Shay Schoettlin [00:14:29] Yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:14:29] And I, I don’t that’s not I know that’s not the way we work in the oil and gas industry. Now, you got somebody that works over a company B and you want him now over at company A it’s right. That’s what he did that you’re going to pay for that,.

Matthew Loessin [00:14:42] Correct? Oh, yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:14:43] But to have somebody come from, you know, and be like, okay, I’m going to pay you lots of money for nothing. No, I mean, it’s job in the real world in a so I do like where you’re going with this participation trophies and I’ve got an 18 month old and you know he’ll pick stuff up and drop and it’s like okay And you go pick it up now.

Matthew Loessin [00:15:02] Right. Exactly.

Rey Trevino [00:15:02] He can he can figure that out. I mean, you know, these things and it’s like, okay, let me go pick it up, put it back where it goes. And it’s like, I’m not going to just pick it up. And, you know, it’s like, hey, that’s your hands up.

Matthew Loessin [00:15:13] Yeah, right, exactly.

Rey Trevino [00:15:15] And I mean, why didn’t make them but out of water and plants it they makes you give them the opportunity to drink from the hose because you know what.

Shay Schoettlin [00:15:21] Old School I like it

Matthew Loessin [00:15:23] That’s exactly Right Right.

Rey Trevino [00:15:25] The Generations in, you know, all this different stuff and it’s like, you know, I don’t know too, because, you know, I think that this generation is definitely weaker than we were. But then again, you know, hey, everybody said that about all the other ones.

Rey Trevino [00:15:36] But I still think the greatest generation, I’m not going to the 1940s with all those young men that went over there and and continued to serve and gave us our freedoms. All right. Yeah, but, but no. Yeah. The days of, you know, what happened to the lead paint, you know the, you know.

Shay Schoettlin [00:15:52] Thorn the health code. Yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:15:54] And that’s something else getting back to entrepreneurs, right. Had the entrepreneurs before us not tested those boundaries. Ah, we wouldn’t have to do boundaries with health codes and things if somebody had to do something bad for us so there was a blessing in disguise, right?

Matthew Loessin [00:16:10] Oh, yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:16:11] Yes, Matt you are not only you’re successful here at FSC and everything that’s going on, all right? But you also have a state of the art. I’m going to call it, but I think I’m gonna do a disservice hunting lodge but I don’t but it’s like Ritz Carlton time. Okay.

Shay Schoettlin [00:16:32] I would agree.

Rey Trevino [00:16:33] And I think we even have a little video, right?

Matthew Loessin [00:16:35] Yes, sir. Yes, sir, we do

Rey Trevino [00:18:09] That’s awesome. So, okay, let’s talk about this Ritz-Carlton place.

Matthew Loessin [00:18:14] You know, I’ve always loved the outdoors the of course, Savannah’s outdoors. I grew up in the outdoors. I grew up traveling with my grandfather, hunting, you know, Mexico, West, Texas, all those areas. And it’s just always been a passion.

Matthew Loessin [00:18:31] So about seven years ago, it was always kind of started getting into an already I kind of found it as just a passion. Um, African exotic species, species from around the world started just doing like a free roaming breeding program with them.

Matthew Loessin [00:18:48] And then, you know, one thing led to another just my mind’s like constantly like, okay, but yeah, it would be cool if we did this then and then this then, you know, And so like that turned into because oil and gas is also about treating your clients right, you know, wanting building relationships with them. So, you know, taking them to each you, taking them to, you know, just returning the favor of things,.

Rey Trevino [00:19:16] Golf. Golf, their, you know, golf.

Matthew Loessin [00:19:19] You know, some people love.

Shay Schoettlin [00:19:20] Checking the boxes.

Matthew Loessin [00:19:22] Some people would love to go play golf and you know, where any day of the week instead of go hunting so, you know, it’s just it’s just another avenue. So but I was able to share our passion with  doing that.

Matthew Loessin [00:19:31] And then, you know, I just turn into like, okay, well, we have these animals now, you know, we have everything of available to do a hunting operation. And, you know, we were after hunting all over the place and kind of seeing what others are doing now, which is like, you know, but like, I took like the best of every place I went to and built it into one.

Matthew Loessin [00:19:52] And made a place where it’s like, you know, it’s not we don’t have 100 people out there, but we have that close knit group of four or five people to develop relationship with. And what I we’re not one, we develop a client relationship like that I want them to be not only a client, but they have to be a friend. You know, you you want to trust that.

Rey Trevino [00:20:15] Yes.

Matthew Loessin [00:20:15] We’re going to do a good job for you you’re going to do a good job with with us you know, it’s just that trusting relationship. And the best way to do that is just to really get to know that person.

Matthew Loessin [00:20:24] So what we did with that, since building relationships are so important to everything, we created this place where companies could come and bring their four or five best clients and, you know, build those relationships with them. So, you know, everything everything that we have, it’s it’s a private suite, private, private bathroom, everything I mean, like linen sheets I mean, just everything is.

Rey Trevino [00:20:48] It’s very nice.

Shay Schoettlin [00:20:51] No detail was left undone

Rey Trevino [00:20:52]  What is a movie? What is John Hammond saying in Jurassic Park? No spare, no expense?

Shay Schoettlin [00:20:58] No, exactly.

Rey Trevino [00:20:58] I’m still waiting for the invite but I mean, just based off that and what I mean, very rich is awesome, right? I mean, yeah.

Matthew Loessin [00:21:05] Yeah. So we. I mean, we brought in we have a chef that worked at the Bellagio. He was executive chef. I mean, just everything. The stuff he comes up with. I’m like, Where do you even think about this? Like, you know, he came up with the dishes like a a a pork backdrop and stuff, and then he’s got, like, caramel corn with it. And like, I’m like, looking at that, I was like. Okay. Like.

Rey Trevino [00:21:28] Yeah.

Matthew Loessin [00:21:29] May work or not. I’m always kind of odd and then you’re like, you put those two combos together and it’s like, Holy crap. Like, man, like, I would have never thought that, but it’s just like, the flavors work, you know?

Matthew Loessin [00:21:39] So it’s just, it’s just that whole experience of companies being able to bring come and bring their best clients, their clients, you know, and just develop those relationships with them right around, you know, look at animals that you don’t even have to hide. Just look at animals. Set up our firepit, have a good time getting a hot tub, get in the pool. You know.

Shay Schoettlin [00:21:57] Use golf putting green

Rey Trevino [00:21:58] Well, yeah, I mean, that’s that’s what I think of, though, when I go hunting. It’s like, man, I could really use a hot tub right now. But. No, no.

Shay Schoettlin [00:22:04] You may not but the wifes do

Rey Trevino [00:22:05] Why do we go pheasant hunting?

Matthew Loessin [00:22:07] Right.

Ray Trevino [00:22:07] And pheasant hunting is no joke. You know, it’s duck hunting, so I can see. But, you know, I can definitely go. There’s been a time to was like I. I got to go after a long day of walking and all that crap.

Matthew Loessin [00:22:16] Right?

Shay Schoettlin [00:22:18] Absolutely.

Rey Trevino [00:22:18] But that. But that’s what I’m talking about you’ve, like you said, you sold my life. You’ve taken stuff from all these different places and you’re now sharing that experience, you know, And that’s like we talked about in our preproduction meeting it’s just that sharing of stuff, whether that’s really giving back or it’s like, you know, that’s what we do in the only guys is like, Hey man, let’s share and we’re going to just do that.

Rey Trevino [00:22:38] And you talked about like, Hey, man, don’t bring five people. I mean, that’s that’s the way you hunt, I think. Right? Are you group of close people that you’re with? You know, me, my brothers and our father? You know, that’s that’s our home. That, that’s where we started, right? I think.

Matthew Loessin [00:22:52] Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It’s that commodity that everybody loves more than just like, you know, we could have five complete strangers. Yeah. You know, and I’m not saying sometimes that doesn’t happen because. But sometimes it’s worked out great because it’s like, all of a sudden they’re talking, Hey, man, I do this. I do this Like.

Shay Schoettlin [00:23:07] Your best friend, by the end,.

Matthew Loessin [00:23:08] Connected to other people with their businesses, too, as far as, like, you know. Oh, man. Like, I really need that in my business and stuff so it’s actually worked out really good. No.

Rey Trevino [00:23:17] And you know, I know about a handful of times in my life I’ve played golf where it was just me. And you get thrown into just a different group. Right?

Matthew Loessin [00:23:27] Right.

Rey Trevino [00:23:27] Two of those experiences, they were they were great right you know, And you still talk to those people so, yeah, sometimes you can’t go wrong with having any type of a beverage around a fire. Exactly right. Whether it’s sweet tea, a Shiner Bock or a Tito’s, you know, exact Texas, Texas drink.

Shay Schoettlin [00:23:47] All right.

Rey Trevino [00:23:48] Dr. Pepper.

Matthew Loessin [00:23:49] Yeah.

Shay Schoettlin [00:23:50] You know.

Rey Trevino [00:23:50] So. So, you know, but now those are just some of the best moments that you’re going to remember for your life, right? So the experience there that you guys have at that ranch is just awesome. So very, very Awsome. How big is it again?

Matthew Loessin [00:24:03] So we’re out of Columbus. It’s it’s several hundred acres. Yeah. And, you know, we’re like most of our majority is on the client corporate groups. We’ve got a competition, skeet and trap range. We’ve got long distance shooting.

Matthew Loessin [00:24:18] You know, we actually are in the process of developing our own custom rifles for a long range, you know, to completely customize color, you know, your put your company logo on it or whatever we do all that as well I’m just waiting on my final permit from the from ATF and we’re ready to go on that and stuff so.

Matthew Loessin [00:24:40] You know, it just it just my mind’s always been like that okay like this is cool, but like it we could also do this and then this. You know, there’s just those different avenues that kind of all tied together, even like the name of the ranch.

Matthew Loessin [00:24:53] Silveira actually is a survey measurement that originally everything in Texas was laid off on when when they when they got the land from Mexico. So it’s a mexico Mexican survey measurement.

Rey Trevino [00:25:04] Okay.

Matthew Loessin [00:25:04] Started three and a third inches. So mostly all of everything pre 1836. And actually if you still do stuff for the general in office, you still have to submit it in various. So that’s how like everything kind of has that same tie together.

Rey Trevino [00:25:15] How cool is that? Well, I will say this, all my listeners out there, be sure to get some work done from FSC inc analysis again at the end, but because it sounds like they’re definitely ready to take you out to the Ranch.

Shay Schoettlin [00:25:29] So thats not the end.

Rey Trevino [00:25:30] FSC Survey and get, you know.

Matthew Loessin [00:25:32] That’s right.

Rey Trevino [00:25:32] Oh, I want to transition because again, you guys have been everywhere like I said in the beginning of your been giving back. Y’all have been spending time with organizations and then of course, then do the network, you know, and you said that your customers like to you know, how does that feel, you know, to be doing all this just give them back and with everything that you are doing, that’s just awesome that’s really cool so I got to ask, you know.

Matthew Loessin [00:25:55] It’s it feels really good to get back. I mean, it. Just.

Shay Schoettlin [00:25:59] Just never.

Matthew Loessin [00:26:00] You know, like, you know, and just in various markets, like, you know, at Christmas, we’ll we’ll do like the Toys for Tots and, you know, you see just the the smiles of families that are struggling or, you know, that they’re actually going to have a Christmas or.

Shay Schoettlin [00:26:15] Yeah,.

Matthew Loessin [00:26:15] You know, even, you know, like I know she’s big on like all field helping hands and all that they do you know it’s and I think one of the like the biggest misconceptions but people arent aware of how much oil and gas actually gives back to their communities.

Matthew Loessin [00:26:31] You know, there’s there’s one side of the world or half of the world that thinks oil and gas is just the worse, the worse, the more. But they don’t realize how much is actually given back to each community, to all these different foundations. How much research goes into things? How much research, funding for medical, you know, everything, cancers, you know, huge. I know. Like the sky high for kids.

Rey Trevino [00:26:54] Yes.

Shay Schoettlin [00:26:55] That’s huge.

Matthew Loessin [00:26:56] You know, with things so it’s it’s it’s good to see that I don’t think people realize how much is actually given back and.

Rey Trevino [00:27:02] Yeah.

Matthew Loessin [00:27:02] They just see the the.

Shay Schoettlin [00:27:04] The media painting the media.

Matthew Loessin [00:27:06] Paint a picture of oil and gas instead of like what it actually provides and I think that that’s it’s really sad that that that people don’t see that.

Rey Trevino [00:27:13] No. And you mentioned about giving back and I think, you know, Midland is something that comes to mind about giving back. And they’re doing it now like the redoing stuff and the big companies are coming in.

Rey Trevino [00:27:25] And I’m happy to see that because, you know, we talked about the eighties or the fifties you know, it was just a town that was like a better word, sucked dry for all its resources while men were there working.

Matthew Loessin [00:27:36] Right?

Rey Trevino [00:27:37] Then you go look at a company like Wal-Mart. Okay and Bentonville, Arkansas. Right. That town has some of the best schools in that state. Now it is Arkansas okay.

Shay Schoettlin [00:27:47] Yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:27:47] Oh, but, you know, they’re getting the best talent and, you know, it’s hard to sell Midland, Texas. Oh, okay. So could you imagine if all those companies kind of jumped in and did that same type of deal? Hey, we got the best public schools. You know, they had the they had the football in the late eighties,.

Matthew Loessin [00:28:04] Right? Oh, yeah, for sure.

Rey Trevino [00:28:05] But but again, that, you know, hey, man, what about teachers and what about the stuff and such? You can’t get those top CEOs that want to move.

Shay Schoettlin [00:28:12] Yeah. And get so quality schools that.

Rey Trevino [00:28:14] I am very excited to see that they’re finally starting to do some stuff there.

Matthew Loessin [00:28:17] Right. Right.

Rey Trevino [00:28:18] And give back as well because that that stigma is just terrible. It’s like, I don’t know, we do so much. It’s funny, right?

Matthew Loessin [00:28:24] Right. Yeah. Yeah. Midland  you know, it was built for 100,000 and there’s 800,000 there now. And it’s just like, you know, it’s just not, not able to even sustain itself. And it, it is good. Like, you know, I was we were there a couple of weeks ago and, you know, it’s they’ve got like some great restaurants now.

Shay Schoettlin [00:28:41] Yeah they brought in some five star 1 million people are talking about.

Matthew Loessin [00:28:43] Sushi in Midland now like that’s flown it you know and it’s just.

Shay Schoettlin [00:28:47] Flown in every 24 hours.

Rey Trevino [00:28:49] Yeah I sort of know I mean.

Shay Schoettlin [00:28:51] They swear it in every 24 hours.

Matthew Loessin [00:28:53] You know, like in Midland it’s like, you know, okay, sushi, like I’m, you know, being in Houston, it’s just a normal. Yeah, yeah, I got Midland, you know, but, but they’re, they’re bringing that in to attract, you know, a different, a different style of workforce, you know, to, to really make it more of a place to live now and then. So just, you know, everybody used to go to Midland to go work and then they would go home basically and so they are trying to do that. I think that’s good.

Rey Trevino [00:29:17] I’m excited. And, you know, because Midland is still baby, I mean, it’s still I mean, we’ve got, God willing, another 200 years worth of oil out there, right? Yeah, right. So it ain’t going away. Right, Exactly right, guys. You know, again, I just really cannot thank y’all enough for coming on the show, You know, Shay, how can people get a hold of you over there.

Shay Schoettlin [00:29:37] So you really can reach out a lot of different ways as obviously, you know, have the good old cell phone. I’m actually out of Houston and I work with the Columbus and the Fort Worth office, so I handle a lot of like our connections with Houston but have wheels will travel.

Shay Schoettlin [00:29:49] So phone great email, great but I also run all the social media pages so we have a lot of people reach out through LinkedIn that’s a really common one, believe it or not and then obviously we have like our Instagram and Facebook too, but we can probably get a hold of us about a hundred different ways we never want to be inaccessible to our customers. Okay.

Rey Trevino [00:30:05] And Matthew, I can’t thank you again for coming on you know, again, you know, you’re in the oil and gas sector you’re an entrepreneur that’s what this show is about. And so, you know, can you leave us with some great entrepreneur, awesome, jaw dropping advice on the spot? Ready, set, go. No, I’m not I’m not going to cut it record. You know.

Matthew Loessin [00:30:26] You know, I would always say any business needs to be customer driven. Of course, you don’t have customers if you’re not doing a good job. So, you know, it needs to be customer focus. But the biggest I want to say the biggest success that we’ve ever really had with everything is the people that we hire.

Matthew Loessin [00:30:44] Just because no one person can do it alone you can try all you want, but you’ll always fail unless you have good people and surround yourself with people. I surround myself with people that are way smarter than me and it makes me even look better. I feel like I can’t say enough to the people that are our employees. Everything else that actually go out and work day to day because they’re the ones that really make our customers success and make our company a success.

Rey Trevino [00:31:07] Well, guys, again, I cannot thank you enough Shay, thank you so much for setting this up to option to meet Matthew. For all my listeners out there, please definitely check out FSC Inc advance and we’ll see you here next time on another episode of The Crude Truth.




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