July 18

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 34 Debra Wold of GreneLily Energy & Water


THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 34 Debra Wold of GreneLily Energy & Water

On this episode we talk with International Director Debra Wold about #ESG. Can it be used for good and not just #government #subsidies? Can we have true carbon neutrality when recycling #hydrocarbons? Can investors actually make a profit when investing in ESG? So many questions and I thank God that Debra is here to answer them all. Dive in and listen to another great episode of THE CRUDE TRUTH.


Please reach out to Debra Wold on his Linkedin HERE  

Check out StatusJet HERE

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro

02:53 – Debra Wold Introduction and Background

05:34 – You mentioned water recycling what are you guys in Green Lillies doing here with all of that?

07:33 – What are you seeing with these cities that are that you’re working with and how is that going with them, especially in today’s world of anti-fossil fuels, if I use those dirty words?

10:13 – Talk about ESG investing and how it can be a benefit

15:16 – I would like to dive into more about how you are doing things with natural gas on an ESG level

16:32 – Talks about Return of Investment

17:27 – We need to train our Children not only on the Business side but Morally Speaking

23:39 – How is it that you’re getting a return for individuals in 12 months using oil, natural gas, and coal as an ESG product?

25:32 – But you do have Biofuels that are made or that you’ll do is that correct?

33:35 – How to get a hold of Debra Wold

34:50 – Outro

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 34 Debra Wold of GreneLily Energy & Water


Rey Trevino [00:00:08] On The Crude Truth My goal is to bring all forms of energy to life. We talk about ESG investing in this episode of The Crude Truth.

Rey Trevino [00:01:12] Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening whatever time of the day you are listening or watching. Thank you, as always for tuning in to another episode of The Crude Truth. As I mentioned in my teaser, you know, we need to know all aspects of energy.

Rey Trevino [00:01:29] The good, the bad, and the awesome is, as I’ll call it because you know what there’s no time for ugly because it all helps us out and that’s the goal. But today, I’m just too excited, today I have somebody that just is all about renewables.

Rey Trevino [00:01:45] And more importantly, if I say it correctly, recycling of all forms of energy and bringing it back to the market in ways with, dare I say the word ESG benefits today. My guess is the CEO of Green Lilly Holdings, Deborah Wold. Debra, welcome to The Crude Truth.

Debra Wold [00:02:05] Thank you for having me. Appreciate it.

Rey Trevino [00:02:08] Oh, my gosh well, first of all, thank you, thank you. Again, I know I said it several times in our little pre-meeting there. And I have seen you. You have been on with some phenomenal guests already and for you to come beyond with me, thank you so much.

Rey Trevino [00:02:24] More importantly, what you have been up to is just phenomenal you are bringing in you know, if I say it wrong, please let me know. And I want to do a disclaimer When it comes to what we are talking about today, I am not a somebody that fully understands the renewable or recyclable side. Am I even saying that right when it comes to renewing or recycling oil and gas or there?

Debra Wold [00:02:53] So basically just a little bit about myself I’ve been in the energy business since 2000. I work with international companies in the oil and gas companies. And what happened was I saw there was a niche market there. I’ve never, ever, ever been against fossil fuels.

Debra Wold [00:03:09] Fossil fuel is a part of who we are as people it’ll be a part of thousands of generations to come. It’s never going away, number one. Number two, there are ways and this was actually done several decades ago when a technology came out called Fisher Trough Technology in Germany they were needing fuel for their tanks. So a brilliant scientist went out, got cool, took the carbon out of it, and created diesel for the tanks. Now, that happened decades ago.

Debra Wold [00:03:42] So what we did, we saw that and we found the technology partners that have been doing this from around the world. They’ve been successfully doing this at multiple plants overseas. I said, Here’s what I’m going to do. I’ve always been a woman in business enterprise. I’ve always been in the male dominant market because I feel that we can work together as a team.

Debra Wold [00:04:03] I work with the Union, the Laborers Union they support and endorse all of our projects. I work with many, many different industries that are male-dominant.

Debra Wold [00:04:12] But the thing about it is, in this world nowadays as a WBE, it gives us just a little bit of edge in helping other companies understand the value of what we’re doing. So what we did is we went out as a WBE and I started another company with some environmental attorneys, senior executives, and some insurance companies we’ve got a whole plethora. We even have a business manager from the Laborers Union who is a part of our company and these gentlemen have come together with me.

Debra Wold [00:04:42] And what we do under Green Greenleaf folding is we now offer a variety and a plethora of different services, whether it’s with water treatment, whether it’s with a client needs a GTL, which is a gas to liquid that fisher technology. And we’ll get into that explanation in just a minute. Or it’s a waste-to-energy technology where you need to take your trash and your landfills, get rid of them and turn them into something profitable, which is something that can be usable.

Rey Trevino [00:05:12] Wow. That’s a lot.

Debra Wold [00:05:14] Yes, there’s a lot we can unpack it.

Rey Trevino [00:05:16] Well, so tell me about. Okay. I mean, you’ve just unpacked a bunch, right? Well, you’ve just packed a bunch right into that right there. Let’s talk about Green Lilies a little bit being a WBE., which is a Woman Business Entrepreneurs.

Debra Wold [00:05:31] Enterprise, Enterprise.

Rey Trevino [00:05:32] Enterprise. Women Business Enterprise. And you mentioned water recycling what are you guys doing here with all of that?

Debra Wold [00:05:39] So what we do with Green Lillie, we go out and identify what they are we get a client and they come to us and say, We’ve got phosphates in the water, we have peat bogs in the water, right? So we go through our Rolodex and we find out which is the best water company that we can engage into that situation that can actually, through their MDS reports, validate, authenticate, they can clean up that situation.

Debra Wold [00:06:01] Right now, we’re engaged with several municipalities. One is Peat foss and the other is phosphates. And instead of spending this enormous amount of money on these gigantic facilities for municipalities or doing a smaller module type where it can be in-house. So each client, supported by the municipality, can have their own in-house water system. And it’s not reverse osmosis.

Rey Trevino [00:06:26] Really.

Debra Wold [00:06:27] No. And here’s the key thing about it with these smaller modules that we have, they can be custom designed based upon the technology that we’re talking to for each individual home. Let’s say one home has more PFSA, which is the there are six parts energetics. I’m not a technical person or doctor, but they’re very toxic. Right?

Rey Trevino [00:06:51] Yeah.

Debra Wold [00:06:52] And one has more of an in a household or in a neighborhood than the other. The technology and once you own the technology, you can custom design that to accommodate them.

Rey Trevino [00:07:04] Right. Wow! Wow! That you’re you’re not you’re not joking when you say that you definitely have a niche market right now.

Debra Wold [00:07:11] Yes, exactly.

Rey Trevino [00:07:13] So, you know, when you guys are doing this because you’re basically cleaning water is right. You’re pulling different things out. So I want to ask you about all that because that’s a whole thing in itself and you’re working with municipalities. And it’s like, what are you seeing with these cities that are that you’re working with and how is that going with them, especially in today’s world of anti-fossil fuels, if I use those dirty words?

Debra Wold [00:07:47] Well, for the water incident, that’s a pretty easy one because there’s not too much resistance there. I mean, they have their water reclamation centers and things like that that take care of the bigger stuff in the cities.

Debra Wold [00:07:59] But the people on the outskirts, they don’t generally get taken care of their own well water. That’s another thing, too, like a county also deals with a lot of well water. Right. And Ray, let’s be honest, when you have 12 landfills of 50 acres a thousand feet high, they’re built like a cake right upside down there’s going to be issues coming from the water.

Rey Trevino [00:08:24] Yes. Well, yes, yes.

Debra Wold [00:08:27] I know other people want to say no there are rainbows and unicorns flying out of there but no.

Rey Trevino [00:08:31] Well, actually, it’s the rainbows that protect it in the unicorns protect the Rainbow. Yes, ma’am. Exactly.

Debra Wold [00:08:39] So with that being said, you’re going to have aquifer problems, right?

Rey Trevino [00:08:44] Right.

Debra Wold [00:08:44] People who have wells are going to be dropping the water from the aquifers under their homes. Right. But down there, carbon capture we’ll get to that another day. But anyways, what’s down there will come up, right? Right. So we can’t take care of the aquifers what we do is take care of what comes into the home that comes from the aquifers.

Rey Trevino [00:09:05] Very cool well, that is very awesome, because, I mean, come on. Yeah, I like to think common sense so, yes, you know, it’s going to go down and yes, it does. You know, I mean, they don’t say that you know, it travels downstream. Right. Or whatever. Right. Yeah.

Debra Wold [00:09:22] Yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:09:23] Well, you know, I want to talk about the dirty word ESG and then throw in the word investing in there.

Debra Wold [00:09:31] Sure.

Rey Trevino [00:09:32] You have what I understand and again, I am a novice today. I mean, to get my clipboard out, I feel like I’m hanging out with either Dr. Tom sitting or Doctor Ed Ireland here in class right now. And, you know, so please, can we talk about that and maybe dive into is investing in ESG interest products is a good thing?

Rey Trevino [00:09:58] Because I ask that from face value, you see all the big major oil and gas companies turning away from it now because they’re not making a Dollar. So all that being said, let’s talk about ESG investing and how it can be a benefit.

Debra Wold [00:10:17] Okay. Just for full disclosure, I’m not an investor. I’m not a stockbroker analyst, things like that, just a neophyte in that area. But based upon my understanding, so we know what happened with some of the banks that invested in ESG out there.

Debra Wold [00:10:32] So the key thing is for environmental, social governance that’s what the title of ESG stands for underneath that title and I understand why oil companies and everybody is shying away from that. It’s got a bad stigma.

Debra Wold [00:10:46] But here’s the thing the words don’t have a bad stigma on environmental and social governance right? But it was framed in the right way, under the right umbrella of understanding. It would be clarified more clearly. We’re in we’re you’re oil and gas companies would not be shying away. It’s almost like we’re painting in black when it’s supposed to be green. Right? But what color is green?

Debra Wold [00:11:12] So in a lot of people’s minds and I internationally all the time, I deal internationally when I see ESG over there, the automatic response is solar, wind, hydrothermal. It’s like an automatic response.

Rey Trevino [00:11:24] Right.

Debra Wold [00:11:25] And I said, well, wait a minute. What about natural gas, coal, and oil that’s been around forever? Why don’t they qualify? They come from the environment. I mean, we just don’t put the gas out of the sky it comes from below. Right? Do you find out when you shell one of the biggest gas fields, you know, premium basins, right? LP shows up here in Illinois where all the CO2 is supposed to be buried Let us not go there.

Debra Wold [00:11:53] But anyways, the point is this. It’s the interpretation of ESG and it’s how we’re describing it to other people. It’s important for us to be honest and transparent. It’s not just solar going hydrothermal, it is oil. It is gas, it is nuclear everybody should come under that umbrella.

Debra Wold [00:12:14] And when you talk about it like we talk about it like our duty else, I’m very upfront. We take natural gas from utility companies and we take it into our facility and we transform it like a refinery. Does that have your business proved right?

Rey Trevino [00:12:31] Right.

Debra Wold [00:12:32] They run it through their processes and they make diesel. Well, all we’re doing is streamlining the process of making fuels.

Rey Trevino [00:12:41] Really.

Debra Wold [00:12:42] We’re not taking away we need the reserves to be restored by the refineries. The refineries make a large amount of fuel. Right? They need to have a contract with the government saying they will restore the reserves of diesel in our country so we can be ready for an act of whatever.

Debra Wold [00:13:06] What we do is we find the niche market, a trucking company, a logistical company that needs it nearby where they’re at. So we build our facilities nearby, logistical companies so they can have more of an exclusive and maybe they need a special blend of fuels. Right?

Rey Trevino [00:13:26] Right.

Debra Wold [00:13:27] Maybe they need something, whatever how whatever interpretation may be or what they’re looking for. So we bring that back to more of a customized facility for them, not taking away from the oil companies, not taking away from the gas companies.

Debra Wold [00:13:43] So this is why I go back to the ESG we need somebody who’s intelligent and can articulate exactly what ESG means environmental. If oil companies were so bad and gas companies were so bad, why are we now dead?

Rey Trevino [00:14:00] Yeah, Right. Well, you know, and you say that, and I don’t want to give too much like, you know, the young lady right now as today when we’re reporting know, it’s the June 22nd. And that lady from Germany, you know, had said that we would all be wiped out five years ago she said we’d all be wiped out today.

Debra Wold [00:14:21] Yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:14:22] And keep in mind that that person was, I think, 15 years old when she said that it blows my mind how individuals will listen to somebody. Anyway, that’s well, anyway, but I want to say this, Debra, you’re absolutely right about what we think of with ESG, wind, solar and wind, and electric now or so. Thank you so much for saying, hey, what about natural gas? What about that?

Rey Trevino [00:14:50] So you guys are literally then finding ways with the environmental part of ESG, because, yes, those words are all great words. And I feel that ESG has now taken over HSC, which is, you know, of safe health, safety, and environment, and put HSC under urgency. I would like to dive into more about how you are doing things with natural gas on an ESG level as well I mean, you’re absolutely right it comes from the environment.

Debra Wold [00:15:27] Yeah, exactly. So we have several environmental groups that are giving us letters of endorsement.

Rey Trevino [00:15:33] Right

Debra Wold [00:15:34] Big ones get to disclose it. But we do have large ones. And they came to us and said, hey, I want to sit in one of your presentations and I want to hear what you’re doing. And they came up to me, the president did, and said, Well, you’re not hurting our environment. You’re just taking what’s naturally there and doing something positive with it. She goes, Why are the oil, the gas companies getting bad feedback? I said Because you’re not out there promoting them.

Debra Wold [00:16:02] Because you know why? Because you’re more concerned about the short-term results. You know, the solar and the wind and the hydrogen, the thermal, short term, all subsidized, let us say disrespectful. But if you can’t make a profit in this world on your own merit, you shouldn’t be in business you should be doing it on your own efforts. Right?

Rey Trevino [00:16:22] That’s The Crude Truth right there, Deborah and let’s let’s expand on that. Right. That is why I wanted you to come on. It’s like you’re not making a dollar in ESG from where I sit unless you’re getting subsidized money and the investors back, the one that gets the money, it is the guy that is so the company will make all the money and the investor gets the tax write off, nothing more. And I’m sorry if I’m investing, I’m expecting a return. So let’s dive into that more. Let’s go.

Debra Wold [00:16:56] A good return on your investment is 8% or above, right? Right. And you’re right. When you put money into something, you want to see something come out of it. And that’s what we do. You do it on a larger scale. We do it on a smaller scale so we can turn within one year we can turn a profit.

Rey Trevino [00:17:14] Right.

Debra Wold [00:17:15] And that’s the key thing, because we’re smaller, right? The larger you are, the longer it takes to turn that profit, the more established you have to be. So with our situation in this book, I’m going to tell you why I think this is so cool.

Debra Wold [00:17:27] My daughter’s 12 years old and she speaks the same language I do not because I’m sitting there engraving it into Greta’s had my daughter’s like, Right. But, you know, engraving is in her head. She listens to me talk, she comes to my meetings with me you know why? She’s the next generation she’s going to carry this message on.

Debra Wold [00:17:45] We as parents need to start telling our children the truth ESG is not evil and bad. Oil, gas, solar or Coal they’re not bad. What we’re doing is not bad and what we can do by that, there are the generations that are going to be investing in our projects we’re going to live so long, and God is going to take us home.

Rey Trevino [00:18:05] Right.

Debra Wold [00:18:05] They got to carry it on. Right? Right. Like what your dad did with you he instilled within you business values and doing what you’re doing and having confidence and the credibility that you bring to your job, right? To your career.

Rey Trevino [00:18:19] Yes, ma’am.

Debra Wold [00:18:20] You you’re going to pass that on to your children because your children are watching you. You’re not bowing down to the almighty green gods.

Rey Trevino [00:18:27] No.

Debra Wold [00:18:27] You have no other gods before us, right? As if God is one. Yeah. Green can go wherever it wants to go. This is a phase. Look what happened over in Europe. It’s going to come here. Which it did. 20 years. It was over there. It came and the United States was all going green. Subsidize everything else like that. It’s going to go away. What’s the younger generation going to do?

Debra Wold [00:18:50] And that’s what I do a lot. I talk to the younger generation. I say, Hey, and this is another key component. We work with the unions, the labor unions. They’ve given us letters of endorsement from state, national, regional, and national levels endorsing our projects.

Rey Trevino [00:19:05] Yeah.

Debra Wold [00:19:07] Because again, it’s not about, you know, whether someone does have behind work. It’s about the quality of work. It’s about what you do is quality it’s about what we do is quality. So why not bring the quality union workers in that have the experience, Right?

Rey Trevino [00:19:22] Right.

Debra Wold [00:19:23] It’s kind of like the facade of the east. You go ahead.

Rey Trevino [00:19:25] Well, no, no, no. I think what you’re saying in your ad is excellent and I like how you’re bringing in one guy because, you know, I believe in God. And I believe you know that Jesus died for one man.

Debra Wold [00:19:38] Amen.

Rey Trevino [00:19:39] I believe that all day long and it’s interesting when you first said and I want to talk about this just for a second, get off of that. You go. My daughter speaks the same language of which, of course, I’m here thinking of what other language do you speak? I was about to ask you, like, okay, German is it? And then you talk about the business language.

Rey Trevino [00:20:01] And it’s interesting and again, I’m getting off of ESG as a whole and I apologize to everybody out there, but I was in church just this past week talking about our I wasn’t talking preacher was talking about King Solomon.

Debra Wold [00:20:19] Yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:20:20] And, you know, he wrote Proverbs and are with a group of people he helped write proverbs and all that. And they just talk about how you’re teaching your kids how to be an example or you’re being an example for them and, you know, I do believe in allowing my son because I have an 18-month-old and he’s going to go down his own path. I believe that.

Rey Trevino [00:20:44] But also, you know, the days of my dad was a shoemaker my grandfather was a shoemaker are those are all gone okay. And we’re losing out on trade, on trades also that’s a whole other thing. Okay.

Debra Wold [00:21:00] True.

Rey Trevino [00:21:01] But I think the I think really what we are losing more than the fact that shoemaker is the values of being in business and how to conduct great business. You know, I had to tell I tell people all the time, you know, I still love a handshake however I have to have it on paper that handshake now so the value of business is very important.

Rey Trevino [00:21:26] So I think what you’re seeing right there and bringing in the next generation is so crucial. And I’m going to throw out a crazy idea you mentioned, you know, ESG was in 20 years ago in Europe now it’s here today. And maybe that’s why we have so many fads that come back every 20 years because we go to people this has already been there, done that it didn’t work then and it’s not going to work now. People are trying to maybe reinvent the wheel with certain things and it’s not working.

Debra Wold [00:22:02] 100% agree because, you know, it’s like we went to the Ozarks and we were driving down We saw all the solar fields and, you know, the wind fields. My daughter’s like, what are they trying to do? They look ridiculous because they’re taking to it this was her 12-year-old. They’re taking away space where you could grow food for human consumption, the solar. You can’t drive your tractors underneath that because they’re ground level.

Debra Wold [00:22:27] Again, taking away food for human consumption and she says, Mommy, I think we’re more concerned about what we’re getting from the government and she was what is it you and every other business, the government, army, taxpayers. Where’d you learn that? Economics at 12 years old.

Debra Wold [00:22:43] But this is coming out of her mouth because she’s listening and understanding that in order to put food on the table, you have to do something beneficial that someone else needs a service provided and you’re absolutely correct on that.

Debra Wold [00:23:02] We do need to train approach children, not just on the business side, but morally speaking, I’m so proud of her because she knows that she’s a girl. She doesn’t need to be told this and God bless everybody who is confused. That’s okay. You’ll figure it out. Just like with the ESG, they’ve got to figure it out faster, though.

Rey Trevino [00:23:19] Yes, right and let’s let’s get back into you and how it is that you and your company. Let’s talk about that if you don’t mind. Now, can you give me an example? Because I feel like I think people want to know, well, how is it that they’re getting a return? And then I sidetrack this. They’re so giving back. How is it that you’re getting a return for individuals in 12 months using oil, natural gas, and coal as ESG products?

Debra Wold [00:23:49] So basically with the plant, it takes about 32 months to build based upon the size, based upon our off-taker. So everything we do is based upon how many off-takers we have. In one situation, we have 30 million gallons that we’re building our facility from gas to liquid. So the natural gas turns into diesel.

Debra Wold [00:24:06] The end product is what we sell and where the investors are getting the return on investment. We sell it at lower than wholesale cost because it doesn’t take as many processes to make it. The processes are where you get your cost. We streamline that process because we’ve taken it from what was happening years ago streamlined, streamlined, streamlined. The technology people have now it’s down to a single or double process.

Rey Trevino [00:24:32] Gotcha. Okay.

Debra Wold [00:24:33] You save money there. Yeah. So and the end product, we sell at this price. You have your mark, your cost price, and then you have your wholesale and then you have a job. So we make sure that the profit, of the product that we produce is more cost-effective than the wholesale price. Okay. That you get this, Fred there, right? So your investors get your money back and then they know that the plan is for 40 years plus.

Rey Trevino [00:24:59] Right.

Debra Wold [00:25:00] This is why you need a union, right? Because we’re going to build a union we’re going to operate it in union. And we’re training the apprenticeship programs in how to run the plants.

Rey Trevino [00:25:12] Wow. Very unique. Very unique. Very unique. Well, let’s move forward to your final product. Those are all considered biofuel. Is that correct or not? Am I wrong?

Debra Wold [00:25:27] No, not in this case, no.

Rey Trevino [00:25:31] Okay. But you do have Biofuels that are made or that you’ll do is that correct? My wrong about that.

Debra Wold [00:25:39] No, you’re right. There’s another technology called waste to energy.

Rey Trevino [00:25:43] Okay.

Debra Wold [00:25:44] And there are several companies that have been doing this for a long, long time they’re scalable again this is based upon how much trash is in the region. So, for example, yeah, it’s 200,000 metric tons of trash in the region. Yes, we make 63 million gallons of diesel.

Debra Wold [00:26:02] On top of taking that trash we can make great hydrogen we get hydrogen out of that we get yeah, these are the benefits. So in the trash, there are gold mines. Don’t tell anybody, don’t want the waste companies to know this, but there is a technology this is well known it’s called waste to energy it’s not inspiration it’s close to it it’s just a little better than the incineration process. So it’s cleaner you don’t need scrubbers. That transforms trash carbon-based or whatever carbon-based is in the trash. If it’s recyclable, it goes off here it’s this or that, whatever, and turns it into a product.

Debra Wold [00:26:47] So if we knew that we could take a piece of paper, trash, whatever it may be, and that can be transported and transformed into fuel, there’s a value to which it is recyclable, in essence. So under the umbrella of biofuel, because it’s made from trash.

Rey Trevino [00:27:03] So you’re telling me and I’m sure you’ve probably heard this before. Oh, sure. I’m wondering how many of our listeners and viewers are thinking the same thing, right? That the character in Back to the Future Part Two was right in the scene where he literally says, I need fuel and is digging in the trash can and taking a beer in a banana peel, just shoving it down into something bad.

Debra Wold [00:27:36] Well, in essence, it’s similar so the trash comes into the facility, it gets sorted out, whatever. Carbon-based tires are a great source of fuel, Right? Carbon base?

Rey Trevino [00:27:45] Yeah. Yeah, But yeah, we’ve got to have hydrocarbons to make it we got to have oil to make the cars absolutely. Okay.

Debra Wold [00:27:52] So we sort that all out and take out of there what we can use it then goes to what we call a catalyst in that callus heat mass balance, an energy mass balance. It breaks it down and then it trends. I’m not a technical person again, the technology partners, it transforms it into a drop in market fuels.

Debra Wold [00:28:13] Because whatever has carbon in it can be transformed into that and do their super source or what do you want to call it? That’s when they get their end products. And there are many plants that have been reviewed before and they’re not on stage so, see, that’s the thing. This technology is being brought into the United States through our company and there are other companies out there, too, that are giving a good, you know, a Charley try on everything but that’s okay, though, because we work together and.

Debra Wold [00:28:42] That’s why greenlighting holding is so important, because let us say one region, they don’t need this particular product. Maybe they need gasoline and they need something else. We’ll pull in another technology company. It makes us very nimble to work with multiple areas and under the WBE that helps us in negotiations it helps us get through the front door.

Debra Wold [00:29:04] Because it seems like our world is going, you know, ESG. I won’t go through the other things that were being labeled, right? But it’s like the WBE is a value add too and that’s one of the things not being against male men I think men are wonderful I’ve been married 30 years.

Debra Wold [00:29:23] But the beautiful thing about it is if that’s what they’re going to do, then we’ll play that card until that runs out and no longer need it. But the quality, everything comes down to the quality of your work. When you have a quality product, you have a quality and product and you have quality people building your product like the union, your risk is adverse. So insurance companies are running to insure these kind of projects.

Rey Trevino [00:29:50] Wow! You have taken what could seem like a bad word for somebody in the oil and gas industry and ESG and have really been able to then use it to your advantage of not only the business world but for the advantage of the environment everywhere by continuing to use oil, gas, and coal and just creating more energy and I think that is awesome.

Rey Trevino [00:30:22] I mean, Deborah, I cannot thank you enough. Wow. Wow. You have evidently my mind is going in so many directions right now. Now, I’ve got some other stuff I want to talk about. And I’m not in that right now. You know.

Rey Trevino [00:30:41] I feel like every single little topic that we’ve talked about from O Green, Lilly Holdings to how to invest in these different projects. And then, of course, waste to energy now could be it’s their own little, little segment on The Crude Truth little show.

Rey Trevino [00:30:58] And I think what you’ve done, I hope today is really just open up everybody’s mind to ESG, at least in a friendly way.

Debra Wold [00:31:09] Right.

Rey Trevino [00:31:09] And make it. I guess, a positive in the oil and gas industry because it looks like and it sounds like it can be outside looking in rather than when solar and electric.

Debra Wold [00:31:26] is 100% correct. You know, and it is what I do a lot of public speaking and I talk to various groups, various investors, various companies, and I’m always saying, why did you throw the baby out with the bathwater just because you want to agree or you want to be at this time where everybody sits down at the carbon neutral table.

Debra Wold [00:31:43] So I created a carbon neutral table solar, wind, hydro, thermonuclear oil, gas let’s sit down together like Camelot, right at the roundtable. And let’s work on low-cost energy and low-cost fuels. And if we come together as one family, instead of opposing this and opposing that and put the environmental groups right in the center so they can see that we’re not fighting each other, we can all work together because, at the end of the day, you and I want to have our children be able to turn the lights on 20 years now, be able to get in their vehicle, not ride a bicycle to the stores. Right.

Debra Wold [00:32:19] Because if we keep this bickering and this intensity and misunderstanding and misinformation. Our children are going to be the ones suffering so I’m a warrior, in essence, in every industry and publicly speaking about this constantly really, for my daughter, she’s a gift from God, and I will fight heaven and earth but you know, everything that’s going on in this earth, all the virtue signaling, all these things like that, to make sure that her and her friends can live their generations and then their generations in a world where we’re able to use everything at the carbon neutral table.

Debra Wold [00:32:58] And oil and gas and coal are key they always have been. God’s never going to get rid of them and by the grace of God, you’ll make more come out and put the narratives that are out there now. We’ll just fade away and they’ll continue on our children will continue on this great adventure for us.

Rey Trevino [00:33:18] Oh, my gosh. Deborah, I cannot thank you enough for the people that want to have you come out and talk about this. You had a public speaking engagement or people want to kind of dive into the ESG investing world a little bit more. How can they reach and get a hold of you?

Debra Wold [00:33:37] So we have our website. I don’t know, stewards never forget that you’re not and our information is on there, so we’re more than welcome to give me a call.

Rey Trevino [00:33:45] And what is the website?

Debra Wold [00:33:47] It is green. I remember I used it right. So it’s for GreenLillyEnergyWater.com

Rey Trevino [00:33:55] GreenLillyEnergyWater. Okay.

Debra Wold [00:33:58] .com Yeah.

Rey Trevino [00:33:59] Yes, ma’am. Well, Deborah, connect. I cannot thank you again enough for coming on this episode, and we’re going to have to do this again. I’m now going to have to go do some more research and come up and dive into each one of these so that we can have another great conversation about this again. Anybody out there that wants to buy Deborah on their show wants to invite her out to public speaking it’s a Green Lily.

Debra Wold [00:34:31] Energy and Water.

Rey Trevino [00:34:33] Energy Water. Dot com.

Debra Wold [00:34:35] And put it into your.

Rey Trevino [00:34:37] Yes, ma’am. In your as well you’re on LinkedIn. So thank you. Thank you so much for coming in. I want to thank all my viewers and listeners out there for watching another episode of The Crude Truth we’ll see you next time.

Debra Wold [00:34:48] Thank you.

Rey Trevino [00:34:50] Thank You.




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