July 11

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 33 JP Warren of the Connection Crue


THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 33 JP Warren of the Connection Crue

JP Warren may have the best networking group in the Oil and Gas industry but he is also an author and a very successful entrepreneur. . . On this episode of THE CRUDE TRUTH, JP and I celebrate his 100th event of Crue Club and talk about all that he has learned on his journey to becoming a great entrepreneur.


Please reach out to JP Warren on his Linkedin HERE  

Check out StatusJet HERE

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro
03:22 – Connection Crue 100 events in 18 months that’s got to be some kind of record
05:36 – People just don’t know how upside-down California really is.
08:02 – Talks about Crue Club and Kids Crue
12:06 – Talks about the 100th Connection Crue Event and the People and Companies he met which whom he had a Great Experience on
15:04 – You could probably write a book about how you’re doing this
17:14 – And so those settings allow people to actually sit down and talk about things in a way to where that you can make good negotiations and work together as a team.
18:35 – You’re an entrepreneur what is one of the most exciting things that you’ve been able to learn during this new entrepreneurial that you’ve been on for about two years?
22:52 – Think about your day think about waking up your day
25:38 –  Talks about Exect Crue
30:05 – JP Working people find you as always?
32:02 – Outro

THE CRUDE TRUTH Ep. 33 JP Warren of the Connection Crue


Ray Trevino [00:00:00] I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, Connections are key in the Oil and Gas Industry we’re going to talk about that and much more on this Episode of The Crude Truth.

Ray Trevino [00:01:07] Well, once again, Good Evening, Good Afternoon, Good Morning thank you for listening every time of the day it is. As always, please be sure to Like Subscribe, and only leave 5-star Comments and Reviews please, please do. Today I’m just so lucky again and I know I say this every time now I say that every time as well. Episodes. But I’m just so blessed to have a great podcast in which my guest is amazing and once again have another repeat guest and I just I’m honored to have Connection. Crue, JP Warren, JP how are you?

JP Warren [00:01:45] I am doing good, man. I am coming off of a high right now. I think last night you were there, we celebrated. I mean, we celebrate our 100th Crew Club event. Yes, last night. And it was a packed house and it’s just so I’m kind of I’m still kind of ecstatic. It’s kind of surreal. So the only better way to follow up a night like that is a morning like this with you on The Crude Truth.

Ray Trevino [00:02:09] Oh, you’re too kind. It is an I love it for those days. I like it.

JP Warren [00:02:14] But honestly, I like repeat guests you know, you get to kind of dive in a little bit more and kind of explore topics that you didn’t have a chance before. So I’m sorry if I’m on again, everyone, but, you know, through this for the next 30 minutes and I thank you for that.

Ray Trevino [00:02:28] Know, I’m excited that you’re here. And since the last hour which has been about a year.

JP Warren [00:02:33] Yeah, I think so. Yeah.

Ray Trevino [00:02:35] We’ve I mean, we’ve been able to, as you would say, chop it up, have some good times. I’ve been to Denver for some connection improvements I’m actually going there.

JP Warren [00:02:43] Midland.

Ray Trevino [00:02:43] Midland. That’s right. Midland.

JP Warren [00:02:44] Yeah.

Ray Trevino [00:02:45] And, and then we socialize a little bit outside as well And that’s, and I think that’s why it’s exciting that this definitely a different feel this time than the first time that.

JP Warren [00:02:54] We know each other more we get into the relationship more it yeah the connection yet stronger, Yes.

Ray Trevino [00:03:00] We talk about how your love for basketball that you have.

JP Warren [00:03:02] Oh yeah sure I guess we don’t know each other at all because I don’t follow sports.

Ray Trevino [00:03:07] Now at all. Not at all

JP Warren [00:03:08] Try to get into.

Ray Trevino [00:03:09] It. I don’t work like, you know, get it because your daughter does play a little bit. And so I’m still always excited about those games.

JP Warren [00:03:17] I have. Yes.

Ray Trevino [00:03:18] I think I really would if that’s really been very, very excited.

JP Warren [00:03:21] Watching her play.

Ray Trevino [00:03:22] Connection Crue 100 events in 18 months that’s got to be some kind of record.

JP Warren [00:03:31] You know it’s I’m not sure if it’s like I was going for a record or not. I think I you know, when I started this, it was kind of it was out of necessity. You know, I you know, my monthly burn rate was kind of outpacing what was the income that was coming in.

JP Warren [00:03:49] So, yeah, you know, taking a chance of the worst, you know, the worst thing that can happen. I just tried to find another job. So, yeah, I mean, this was, I guess, the speed at this. I kind of, you know, going into this, you know, the first you know, you don’t know where it’s going to go you don’t know who’s going to track if it’s going to work.

JP Warren [00:04:05] So seeing, I guess, kind of the evolution of the Crue Club Events, which for those that don’t know, Crue Club is an Operator focus networking events where we host intimate gatherings where, you know, there are no solicitations, there’s no anything like that, no expectations, no presentations it’s just kind of creating an atmosphere for genuine networking.

JP Warren [00:04:27] So too, you know, starting this off, you know, I was looking through pictures, you know, of kind of like where it started. And, you know, it’s funny. It’s my wife and I in front of the desk, you know, with a crew club sign welcoming people to our first event and kind of flip through pictures. I saw that we started out of cardboard boxes as we hauled like nametags and like cardboard boxes and all that stuff.

JP Warren [00:04:49] And so to see kind of like I was going to work, I don’t know, let’s figure this out to where it’s at today. And I think it’s cool kind of seeing where is that today. Kind of seeing the I guess the level where it’s at.

Ray Trevino [00:05:02] Well, I mean, you talk about where you’re at today you’ve added on, you’ve written a book that’s doing amazing.

JP Warren [00:05:10] Yeah.

Ray Trevino [00:05:11] In fact, I kind of feel bad we don’t have one here I feel like everybody.

JP Warren [00:05:13] Well, the reason we don’t have one is because they’re sold out that’s why.

Ray Trevino [00:05:16] Boom,.

JP Warren [00:05:16] Boom that’s why.

Ray Trevino [00:05:17] That’s why that’s Crude Truth, right there.

JP Warren [00:05:20] That’s The Crude Truth.

Ray Trevino [00:05:20] You already have graduations and but it’s it’s going gangbusters sell it out like you just said. You’ve you’re now doing an energy facts check with Michael as well

JP Warren [00:05:30] Yeah.

Ray Trevino [00:05:30] Bringing in California and what’s going on out there shared.

JP Warren [00:05:34] It’s important.

Ray Trevino [00:05:35] Yeah, because people just don’t know how upside down California really is.

JP Warren [00:05:39] But the goal of it isn’t really, to highlight how upside down California is. You know, there’s, it’s funny, the rhetoric is like, oh, California, keep it safe or don’t California, my Texas or California Colorado.

JP Warren [00:05:54] But in reality it’s a policy spreads and we’re not just we’re not trying to highlight, I guess, how upside down places are I guess we’re trying to bridge Energy Realities with energy expectations because, you know, you see all these headlines come out and that was and that was kind of the. Yeah, you’re right. There’s a lot going on right now in the world.

Ray Trevino [00:06:12] Yeah.

JP Warren [00:06:13] And everyone’s world, not just mine, but. Yeah. Energy facts started to kind of try to because I think there’s a lot of I’m not going to use the word misinformation. I can use that There’s just not a lot of understanding about where we are today in the energy atmosphere, the energy space when it comes to renewables, when it comes to hydrocarbons.

JP Warren [00:06:30] So the whole goal of it is to kind of, I guess, highlight and bridge that gap and have these conversations. So when we see a policy come out or headlines come out, we talk about like, what does it really mean? What does it really mean for, and for me, I always ask the question, what does it mean for the environment and what does it mean for the everyday consumer?

JP Warren [00:06:48] Because at the end of the day, politicians can put up X, Y, and Z what they want to do they get passes, pass that. But if the everyday consumer or family is going to affect by higher prices, higher this and all this stuff, why? So we’re just trying to kind of shed some light on that so it’s been fun I mean, you know, you talk about reviews and five stars one, we’ve gotten several one-star reviews and I’m like, okay, that means people are listening. I’ll take it.

Ray Trevino [00:07:10] There you.

JP Warren [00:07:11] Go. But I remember before I first started, like my podcast, all the stuff, like I was so nervous about, you know, negative reviews, negative that. But, you know, there’s many people out there that don’t dig what you’re doing or just, you know, the term haters and all that stuff but it is what it is you keep you keep being hit.

Ray Trevino [00:07:26] Well, you know, and you said in our preproduction meeting, it’s like, you know what, if somebody is going to sit there and I love your take on it, which was, hey, if somebody’s going to sit there and focus on one thing that I you know, maybe that, you know, down a long time was, yeah, guess what? I got somebody listening. Great.

JP Warren [00:07:43] Yeah.

Ray Trevino [00:07:43] Thank you. And that’s the best way to look at it, I think. And so I just love how you are doing all of these things because, you know, again, I just want to highlight you and now you’ve got even Kids Crue.

JP Warren [00:07:54] Yeah.

Ray Trevino [00:07:55] And you did one event and now you’re going to knock out two in the next three months if I’m correct.

JP Warren [00:08:00] Yeah that’s correct. And a whole Yeah. So again, I mean it’s you know whether it’s Crue Club, you know you know an idea to bring people together and you know whether it’s Kids Crue it’s. It’s challenging and fulfilling, I guess, to try to communicate like it’s tough.

JP Warren [00:08:18] Because you’ve got to communicate what you’re trying to do the event or the the the atmosphere you’re trying to put together and communicating that and having people visualize what you’re trying to put together is a challenge. And we’ve done two kids crew events where we bring kids together, learn about energy, get them excited about STEM activities and hobbies and it’s you know, we’re going to have our third and fourth one we’re doing it back to back and we’re going to try stuff out.

JP Warren [00:08:44] And that’s, you know, going back to, you know, being an entrepreneur or having your own business and stuff, you know, I don’t want to miss what is it? You don’t miss greatness for perfection. You know, I’m and I’m getting I’m trying to take my own advice on that.

JP Warren [00:08:56] So when it comes like Kids Crue Yeah, we got one coming up in Midland on June 11th and we got one in Houston on July 15th. And the involvement and the sponsors and who we got to come in and do the stamp presentations is it’s going to be unbelievable.

JP Warren [00:09:13] And It is fun it is fun watching these kids get pumped it’s fun watching them get excited about these experiments. So and have them take home a little STEM kit so they continue their exploration of, you know, STEM activities. It it’s fulfilling. It’s cool. It’s a lot of hard work. I kind of wish it was a little bit easier, but it’s fun. I dig it. Yeah, Well.

Ray Trevino [00:09:29] I mean, but you’re sharing knowledge with Kids Crue, you know, and you’re not forcing anything down anybody, you know, throw it or it’s like, hey, come, come, come, learn, come have a fun time doing it. And I remember those days and, you know, you remember like, the wood-burning kid or the science chemistry.

JP Warren [00:09:49] Yeah. Oh, absolutely.

Ray Trevino [00:09:50] Those are. I haven’t seen any of those in years and I’m not saying that like, I was like always playing with those things, but hey, you were born and you learn from them and nowadays you don’t have any.

JP Warren [00:10:02] You want to know why you’re gonna hear this here on The Crude Truth it was the monopoly of the slime industry. Once slime entered the chat, every science kid shut down because every kid wanted to play swat with slime and ruin couches and ruin rugs. Because we’re taking you down. Slime industry we’re coming for you all right. Windfall taxes on the slime industry.

Ray Trevino [00:10:25] When you talk about slime and remember what guac or yak you.

JP Warren [00:10:28] Oh, yeah.

Ray Trevino [00:10:28] All that stuff that. Yeah, Yeah. On Hulu. Is it an off-topic here? There is a whole documentary on Nickelodeon about the slime okay and I think it was called The Orange Years or something like that and it’s called and goes through all of it. And from like Hey, dude, you can’t see that on TV.

JP Warren [00:10:49] Double Dare.

Ray Trevino [00:10:49] Yeah, because you can’t see that on TV was like all that before all that and Yeah, Double Dare And that guy, that guy last year. Yeah. Mark’s over yeah and he talks we got to do we can’t do that on TV but we did it and anyway yeah slime. And so you just remember you always.

JP Warren [00:11:05] That’s why the science and chemistry sets that are being sold aren’t, are on the shelves anymore.

Ray Trevino [00:11:10] Oh yeah. I just thought that Airsoft was a Nerf. Nerf guns?

JP Warren [00:11:14] No, it’s the slime industry.

Ray Trevino [00:11:16] Oh yeah.

JP Warren [00:11:17] Oh, yeah. It’s a conglomerate. It’s a monopoly but no, I think it’s been fun. It’s been. It’s been fun bringing people together and having people kind of trust what you’re trying to do and have buy-in.

JP Warren [00:11:30] And it’s, you know, a lot of times, you know, your heads down, the weeds, you know, you’re focused on, you know, 500 different tasks that you probably shouldn’t be focused on that really kind of don’t benefit you, but you feel the stressors that and the need to kind of accomplish them.

JP Warren [00:11:44] So, yeah, I think, you know, I think right now, Connection Crue, you know, first of all, is a baby was crawling, you know, then Roller runs back with, you know with Crue Club and kind of seeing it grow up. And I think now we’re in the toddler stage we’re walking now where, you know, the baby gates are down.

Ray Trevino [00:12:01] Well, you know, if I may and I don’t want to do I too namedrop. Namedrop. Okay. You did your 100th Connection Crue Event Yesterday.

JP Warren [00:12:10] Yes.

Ray Trevino [00:12:12] You had her stone? Yeah. Petra Legacy by Tall Pecos Country operating.

JP Warren [00:12:18] That’s right.

Ray Trevino [00:12:19] I mean, answer.

JP Warren [00:12:20] Black Mountain.

Ray Trevino [00:12:21] Yes, but Mount was there then let’s talk about great service companies.

JP Warren [00:12:25] Oh, yeah. American cement is their De Parker and Kyle Jones. I mean,.

Ray Trevino [00:12:29] Yes,.

JP Warren [00:12:29] Again, I mean, that’s and that’s the cool part about it. I mean, you meet so many great people at these events and the relationships. I mean, you have I mean, I say this it’s not a lot of B.S., but this is like the relationship and the connections that you make at these events extend beyond the events.

Ray Trevino [00:12:46] Yes and another one of the service companies. I’ll do it is Micah over there.

JP Warren [00:12:52] I love him.

Ray Trevino [00:12:53] You know, I remember before I left yesterday, you know, I got I said, hey, let’s do it with Pacos We got Mike and it’s those guys that you just mentioned, Dave Parker. And it’s like, Yeah, yes. And it’s like, that’s a yeah Cody, a Corvette and it’s like, that’s a group right there.

Ray Trevino [00:13:08] And being and I told somebody this the other day because I think there was an event that I went to and a saw, saw, saw several of the guys there at different tables. But I already knew people. I was like, Hey, how are you? You know, and you can at least.

JP Warren [00:13:24] Walk into a room and know someone.

Ray Trevino [00:13:25] Right? And so then so, you know, Michael might be with a whole different group at that event or good old Randy, you know, he was with a whole other group with the completions articulate and but it’s like solutions, but it’s like it’s so it’s very cool how because of your Connection Crue Events when there’s other stuff like oh man already knows some people there how are you doing?

JP Warren [00:13:48] Oh it’s so things that it’s so cool to hear that, you know, I mean, you know, you know, starting this out again, looking back, you know, you start this out and I told myself there’s value here. I told people that there’s value here and I believe that.

JP Warren [00:14:03] And, you know, when you start doing something, you start going on this and you and you want to bring people together, you want to connect people, whatever it is, let’s say, is this is not people, whatever it’s a company also.

JP Warren [00:14:13] You know, you want it to be valuable for people and to see and to believe in that and to kind of like slowly finally start getting validation, to slowly start hearing stories like this, to slowly start hearing like, oh, man, Randy and I were hanging out, you know, last Tuesday thought of you it’s like, Oh my God. Like, did y’all know each other before? Like, no, we met at a groove.

JP Warren [00:14:32] And so hearing, I guess, the, the validity and the feedback and it just kind of just, it just makes me more passionate because, okay, the value, what I was saying is actually there and it’s, and the potential’s I don’t even think untapped.

Ray Trevino [00:14:44] Yeah. And I want to talk about, you know, going back and it and you said you did this, hey, you know, you’re talking about, hey man, my output was more than my input I needed if I needed a way to to make some an income. This is a business.

JP Warren [00:14:57] Yes.

Ray Trevino [00:14:58] Okay. What has been the most because this is a whole this is untapped I mean, you could probably write a book about how you’re doing this.

JP Warren [00:15:07] So I’m actually. I’m in the process.

Ray Trevino [00:15:09] No, you’re not.

JP Warren [00:15:09] Well, it started off as, like, blog posts. I’ll put all these, like, blog posts out there and all this stuff, and I start kind of put them together. My wife’s like, Hey, why don’t you just kind of save these? Yeah, hold on to it.

JP Warren [00:15:18] Kind of make a book because what you’re doing, you’re kind of providing guidance and kind of, I guess, a mindset counsel on people kind of in this world of like, what do I do? What do I do like, how do I accomplish this? How do I feel, you know, success when I got So it’s yeah, it’s kind of like a mindset rambling.

Ray Trevino [00:15:36] But but, but you’re, but you’re doing something so that’s cool because you’re not you are like speaking a different management talking about networking now.

JP Warren [00:15:44] Yeah.

Ray Trevino [00:15:44] Okay. And you know that is one of the things that you say, you know, a lot of people do say your network is your net worth, but you’re saying, hey, these connections that you make are going to be there in the up times in the downtimes.

Ray Trevino [00:15:57] And that’s you know, that is your that’s what you say at the events also I was like is like if these connections that we make and you are doing something that I don’t think other people can really do these intimate settings. I mean, I think last night was probably one of the biggest.

JP Warren [00:16:14] It was large only 30 people.

Ray Trevino [00:16:16] Yeah and yet everybody was engaged the roundtables, nobody, you know, no assigned seating. You know, everybody just sat down. I had an opportunity as a small operator, to listen to some of the bigger operators and listen to some of their woes some of them are the same woes. And, you know, some of them are different, you know, because again, smaller versus.

JP Warren [00:16:35] Yeah.

Ray Trevino [00:16:36] But it’s awesome to listen to them and there’s also listen to the service companies actually talk shop. It’s like, hey, because, you know, I’ve said it on here numerous times, Well, we had $100 oil service companies piling went up in price.

JP Warren [00:16:48] Yeah,.

Ray Trevino [00:16:49] We went back down to 70. They haven’t come down on the price I understand it as a businessman. Why they haven’t come because the poor, poor guys, they stayed pat for three years.

JP Warren [00:16:59] Yeah,.

Ray Trevino [00:16:59] Okay. As an operator, though, I’m worried that when we get back up to 100, they’re going to go up again. But it’s fun to listen to them at these dinners. Also, talk about things going on and, you know, it’s, hey, man, we still got supply chain issues, too. And so those settings allow people to actually sit down and talk about things in a way to where that you can make good negotiations and work together as a team.

JP Warren [00:17:24] And I think, you know, I went to that and it was the contractor’s forum. And I think a great point was brought up is that dialog needs to. You know, between what I mean, whether you’re in the energy space or whatever space you’re in dialog with, with, I guess your industry probably should increase, probably should continue.

JP Warren [00:17:43] So I think having an atmosphere where people can kind of drop those walls of, you know, service company operator have that. I think having an environment where people can kind of have open discussions, have conversations, learn from each other, hey, you know, I’m stuck in this formation. What do you kind of do in this? Oh, I mean, you know, heard about this. I haven’t.

JP Warren [00:18:00] So to have to facilitate these conversations, I think it’s just going to improve, you know, on a grand scale, the industry. But also, you know, looking down, drilling down on it, your business and yourself. So, yeah, I think I think the conversations. Crucial.

Ray Trevino [00:18:16] Yeah, it’s key, and anything I think you know and I’ve said that on here before is like being able to talk to somebody is important. I mean, you don’t want to throw the Bible down their throat, so to speak. It’s like, hey, let’s just let’s just let’s just, you know, I was just like, let’s just rip. Yeah, yeah, this is ripping it off. Okay. You’re an entrepreneur what is one of the most exciting things that you’ve been able to learn during this new entrepreneurial that you’ve been on for about two years?

JP Warren [00:18:44] Well, I mean, there’s a lot of lessons to be learned. I guess the first one is and I’m and I have troubles with this is I mean, look, we can talk about the business case. Like you have to really communicate what you’re trying to accomplish you have to tell that story in 15 different ways. So, you know, if someone is reading it and they can, you know, there are different angles to see.

JP Warren [00:19:08] So besides the marketing and building it and kind of growing the name of it, I would say on a personal side of things, I don’t think a lot of people I had a conversation with Chuck Yates about this. You know, there’s a lot of celebration or pat yourself on the back when it comes to entrepreneurship.

JP Warren [00:19:26] And I think that there’s a lot of stuff that we can learn that’s kind of that’s not talked about. When I talk about mindset, that’s serious. I mean, there’s you know, when I was in several ruts starting this out, I was my worst enemy. I was doubting myself. I was negative self-talk and myself. I was I had completely no faith in myself, but I was just faking it till I made it.

JP Warren [00:19:51] So I think I think the lessons learned is, you know, have a good support system. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I think you need to find some humor and I think you need to enjoy what you’re doing because, I mean, just whether it’s a podcast, whether it’s a job, whether whatever, if you’re not finding some sort of personal satisfaction and you’re not enjoying it, it’s not fun for you. I’m not saying for 100% of the time, but if you’re not finding fun in it, what is the point?

JP Warren [00:20:16] So for me, it was kind of a breaking away and I think, you know, obviously, yes, we’ve got to pay bills. You know, we need, you know, cash. I’m by no way means raking it in. However, I do think that. When when I’m in survival mode, it’s like I got to get I got to make money. I need money to pay the bills. I need money to pay for groceries. Also, when I get in that mode, it gets into like you separate yourself from the creative part.

JP Warren [00:20:42] You separate yourself from I separate myself from the fun part I had undue stress when I shift to the creative side, I look at all this I want to create like, you know, obviously I want to, you know, talk about that crew towards the end of this.

JP Warren [00:20:54] But yeah, I think for me it’s it’s kind of putting new lenses on, not looking at situations as doom and gloom there’s gray areas as areas to improve. Something fails it fails if something succeeds that’s awesome, like stop and celebrate success, because if not, no one else is going do it for you.

JP Warren [00:21:10] And that was a challenge that I’m kind of learning along the way is to stop, pause, reflect, and say, Hey, JP, good job, man. Like it’s okay to say a good job. And I, I had a tough time with that, you know, previously. So I’m kind of there, I would say, yeah, I think there’s a lot to it. But I think I think having a good support system and having a good mindset and kind of not being tied down in the weeds is probably a good lesson to be learned.

Ray Trevino [00:21:35] Don’t get tied down in the weeds.

JP Warren [00:21:36] Don’t. I mean, don’t. It’s easy to do, though.

Ray Trevino [00:21:39] It is. And you know, I like what you’re saying about, hey, you know, you can fail. You can. You got to learn from that. You’re getting it. You know, you enjoy it. And I think I needed that this morning more than anything on my way here.

Ray Trevino [00:21:52] You know, I kind of do McLuhan on a project myself this morning, just thinking about it going, okay, it’s done. But then yet at the same time, it’s really not done. It’s just starting. And. And if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. So I like, I like, but.

JP Warren [00:22:05] Then it starts and then that anxiety starts to eat you up you’re like, Oh, this all You think about news predicting the worst thing, but chances are it’s not going to turn out the way at all.

Ray Trevino [00:22:12] Yeah, yeah.

JP Warren [00:22:13] At all.

Ray Trevino [00:22:13] Yeah. And, and that’s the thing that I think I’ve learned the most is that you don’t know how things are ever going to turn out. I mean, you know, I was telling somebody yesterday and I mean this joke when I tell it, it’s like you don’t know what’s going to happen anymore.

Ray Trevino [00:22:25] And I don’t think we ever did. But it’s like, you know, Donald Trump was president of the United States. Who would have ever freaking guessed that you know, So anything can happen and things can change for the best and that’s the way I like to look at it. You know, things can change for the best at the drop.

JP Warren [00:22:41] Absolutely.

Ray Trevino [00:22:41] And, you know, I guess that’s the way I would say the glass half full rather than saying life can go negative, you know, it’s like, hey, and you know what’s going to happen, We’ll walk, you go around the corner.

JP Warren [00:22:51] But I mean, I mean, think about your day think about waking up your day if you’re thinking about And honestly, I’m kind of noticing this. I mean, I’m noticing like, I’m actually kind of doing experiments with myself with these when it comes to this stuff.

JP Warren [00:23:01] But like, hey, about you wake up in the day and you’re worried about something you stress about something, you’re thinking, Oh, I got to do this, I like this. I do this guided stuff, and you start putting a negative spin on the day, your whole day shot. Yeah, it really is. And chances are you probably will meet some of those negative outcomes just because that’s kind of what you’re focused on.

Ray Trevino [00:23:16] Yeah.

JP Warren [00:23:16] Versus, you know what? Like last night? Yeah, I was nervous as hell. I was anxious. Oh, what if, you know, I thought, Oh, what if they hate it? What if this was all skin? I had this imposter syndrome going on literally before when I sat there, you know, I did some breathing. I was like, you know what? Picture how this picture this how you want it to go. Yeah. And I was like, you know, it wasn’t a great time with me some great connections made I’m going to have I’m going to have fun. I’ll be so stressed about this.

JP Warren [00:23:42] Because, look, the work’s done. People are coming whether you like it or not so I was like, okay, well, I’m going to picture this being the best one of the best events ever. And I would say it was probably the best event ever.

JP Warren [00:23:51] So, yeah, so waking up is just kind of like you can focus on good, you can focus on bad, try to focus on the positive side of things. And I think I think your days would be a lot better and I think the results are going to be probably a lot more positive as well. Oh, I mean, it sounds like frou-frou to me. It is really for me, it’s really not.

Ray Trevino [00:24:07] I think I needed it more today than preach on brother. I mean, shoot, I think today more than anything O something else that you have been really doing, you know, I think with your energy facts checks and kind of switching gears,.

JP Warren [00:24:19] Yeah,.

Ray Trevino [00:24:20] You’ve been really kind of telling people what’s going on in the oil and gas industry more. You know, you’ve been sharing things about, hey, here’s what’s going on with the oil and gas and I think that’s awesome and I think people want to hear more of that from you it’s like, you know, what’s shaping up to, you know, and you know, what’s going on with the oil prices and things like that and your little minutes.

JP Warren [00:24:39] Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. It’s one of those things about what piece of content is okay. Yeah, those are fun to do. Yeah. There if I need to find a way to streamline it, make it a little bit quicker. But I mean, having those hot takes is fun.

Ray Trevino [00:24:49] Well, you look at somebody like Robert Bryce, it’s like, Hey, here’s a minute on this and that’s what you do.

JP Warren [00:24:54] And it’s full of information.

Ray Trevino [00:24:55] Yes. And so I enjoy yours and that’s what I’m prepared it’s like, hey, you’re like, hey, here’s what’s going on that ends with that. And so those are another thing. And so you’re just again, with you, with Energy Crue, with Connection Crue you are just really somebody in the oil and gas industry that people need to know.

Ray Trevino [00:25:15] And I’ll see that again I’m going to look at the camera. People need to know JP You don’t know how many people last night that I’ve never met were like I met him through JP. JP Oh man. JP and I go way back and it’s just awesome.

JP Warren [00:25:30] That I mean, that’s pretty cool. Here that really is and love that is kind of cool. I mean, I think it’s great when people connect and, you know, that’s a great segway to what we’re going to be talking about next Exect Crue.

Ray Trevino [00:25:41] Exect Crue

JP Warren [00:25:42] Yeah. So I think, you know, I mean.

Ray Trevino [00:25:45] Excect Crue don’t, don’t exist.

JP Warren [00:25:47] Crew Yeah. So I feel like so start off with, you know, Crew club. You see the genuine connections made, you see the benefits and what happens from those connections. And it’s, and is a really cool thing to see, but that’s a membership-based group.

JP Warren [00:26:04] So how do we connect people, How do we kind of expand this connection, and also how do we start a group without making it just another executive group? So. I sort of reflect and realize, look, I’ve had better advice and I’ve gotten better feedback, counsel guidance from people that have been in my shoes, from people that maybe not have been in my shoes, but more experienced in a leadership role or running a business, whatever that is.

JP Warren [00:26:32] And I’ve gotten more from conversations through support groups or pinging people or all this stuff versus any lunch and learn or any, you know, podcast or book or anything like that. So. How do we do this? So it’s going to be an executive for executives and founders and aspiring executives.

JP Warren [00:26:51] And really, it’s one of those things I want people to come in and I want to have life. I want it to be fun because it’s not fun. I don’t want to do it. I want to learn something, too. So the whole goal is for everyone is a teacher. Yes. And everyone’s a student we all got something to teach someone we all got something to learn we have a lot to learn more.

JP Warren [00:27:08] But I want people to come in. I mean, if I say, hey, you know, we’re all going to talk, you know, 20 minutes about mentorship, about something. Okay, I can do that, JP. That’s probably pretty stale. I’m not going to lie that’s going to be stale I don’t give a crap what it is that’s gonna be stale.

JP Warren [00:27:23] However, if I say I want you to talk about 20 minutes, about what you’re passionate about, about your role, is that building a team, is that raising capital, is that growing a business? Is that utilizing the latest technology to increase your brand awareness using A.I., whatever that is?

JP Warren [00:27:37] I want executives and leaders to come together and share their passions with others, to have genuine connections with others. Because I think, you know, as you rise up, I think you kind of get siloed. You get siloed in your networking opportunities you get siloed and you kind of get stale and your ideas.

JP Warren [00:27:53] And I think once that happens, then you’re just kind of surviving. I think if you want to take yourself or your company to that next level, you have to constantly learn and you have to. Honestly, I think the best way to learn is by having conversations through passions with others.

JP Warren [00:28:07] So yeah, I think we’re going to be kicking off Q4 2023 and really going after it Q1 2024. And you know, it’s not going to be a club thing. It’s going to be one of those things where it’s, you know, you have to meet certain requirements but application referrals, invitation, like I want this thing to kind of, have the same impact, but more actually kind of the same impact of Crue Club when you walk in a room, Oh my gosh, I know that guy and I know that girl, I know this person, I know this. But actually how you’re facing these issues, this person, my exact crue group kind of deals with the same thing. I think they can help you out.

JP Warren [00:28:43] So it’s it’s gonna be a great way for people to connect with other people have these genuine connections and learn from each other and also share their passions, because I think that’s what I do. I dig it when people like you always tell you to tell us in a podcast, people like start talking about, Yeah, I do this, I do this, and then they kind of start going on a tangent about their passion they change.

Ray Trevino [00:29:04] Yes,.

JP Warren [00:29:04] Their how they talk, change, how they communicate changes and I think that’s what I want to bring to Exect Crue and that’s, that’s the goal of it. So I’m excited about and you can find that out on WWW.ConnectionCrue.com and that’s true. C R U E like Motley Crue dot com.

Ray Trevino [00:29:17] Icon That’s right, That’s right.

JP Warren [00:29:19] You know, Well real quick, funny story about that. I was checking in yesterday to the hotel. Yeah, I was like, oh, you have you have an email. And I was like, yeah, it’s JP and a connection through dot com. And she’s like, I was like, Oh, that’s a c r u e like molecules. Oh, sorry, that’s silly. I don’t know why anyone would do that good thing you didn’t do that and I was like, Yeah, I know what an idiot, huh?

Ray Trevino [00:29:43] Well, well, what a stupid company. Yeah. Oh, my God.

JP Warren [00:29:47] I thought it was pretty good.

Ray Trevino [00:29:48] Jeez so some people said no.

JP Warren [00:29:51] That was hilarious but you got to laugh.

Ray Trevino [00:29:52] You have to you have to laugh you got it. If you’re not laughing, you’re not letting it.

JP Warren [00:29:57] Live laugh, love.

Ray Trevino [00:30:01] We’re done that’s it.

JP Warren [00:30:02] That. That’s me.

Ray Trevino [00:30:03] That’s the Episode that’s the episode right there JP Working people find you as always?

JP Warren [00:30:07] You can find me on LinkedIn, you can find me on Twitter. I start a new Tik Tok well, I’ve been on Tik tok, you know, I have the energy thing, but I just started a new one for entrepreneurs and kind of like mindset, kind of what I’m going with.

JP Warren [00:30:19] And that’s from what Chuck Yates and I were talking about. I was like, Yeah, talk, be vulnerable, share this, share your struggles. So I’m doing that. That’s called true entrepreneur I know and where else you can find my book? Energy for Everyone is a children’s book on Amazon Energy for everyone, you know, all the fun stuff.

Ray Trevino [00:30:36] Yeah. And I’ll definitely be sure to post the lead to energy forever.

JP Warren [00:30:40] It was a lot of links there’s a lot of links.

Ray Trevino [00:30:42] But yes, make sure people buy and leave nothing but five-star reviews.

JP Warren [00:30:47] Yeah, there I think there are some cats at least like the negative view that is like, hey, thanks for buying the book. Appreciate it. You know, you brought your daughter, you learn something you don’t want to learn. So. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ray Trevino [00:30:57] Well, JP, thank you so much for coming back to the future.

JP Warren [00:31:00] It’s always good to be in your.

Ray Trevino [00:31:01] And again, congratulations on the success of Connection Crue, everything that you have going on 100 events and growing so congratulations. Well, that’s it on this Episode we’ll see you next time on The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:31:15] This episode of The Crude Truth is brought to you by Oil and Gas Workers Association Sandstone Group, Air Compressor Solutions, Basin Fluids, and the Fuel Pros

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