February 18

The Crude Truth Ep. 116 Gin Hart, President of GHI Consulting, Client Relations Expert


The Crude Truth Ep. 116 Gin Hart, President of GHI Consulting, Client Relations Expert

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Rey Treviño [00:00:00] And any profession you have customers or you have clients. But the real question is, do you have the heart to really give them the attention and the information that they really need? We talked to an expert on that on this episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:00:16] In 1901 at Spindle Top Hill near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically as like a fountain of fortune. Thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon Detroit would be cranking out Model T’s by the millions, and America was on the move thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas. Now, more than a century later, the vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric, but let’s be honest, America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know the crude truth.

Narrator [00:00:59] This episode is brought to you by LFS Chemistry. We are committed to being good stewards of the environment. We are providing the tools so you can be too. Nape Expo Where deals happen. Air Compressor Solutions. When everything is on the line, Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group. Exec Crue. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Texas Star Alliance. Pecos Country, Operating Fueling Our Future.

Rey Treviño [00:01:34] Well, hello again and thank you, as always, for tuning in for another episode of The Crude Truth recording here from our Austin studios, downtown Austin, Texas, with Real News communications team. What just an amazing year it’s already been. And we’re still in the first quarter, which is just amazing. And so many things have happened. And right now you probably got a lot of individuals out there that watch the show that are starting their own new companies or they’ve been at it now for a while and they’re getting bigger. And there’s just so much more responsibilities that come into play. And yet you still have to take care of those that helped you along the way. Maybe people that invested with you or maybe people that you’re now using on a regular basis and they’re coming back to you guys for more and more of your services that you provide, maybe in the oilfield or somewhere else. And it’s like, how do you continue to just maintain that rapport with those individuals and continue to grow? And so today I wanted to just kind of take an awesome, awesome opportunity to talk about that because it is something that I know that we’ve struggled with and tons of growing business out there always struggle with that. It’s not about just putting oil in the tanks and selling it or, you know, selling a widget every day. There’s so much more that goes into that. And today I brought on someone that is just a true expert in that. Somebody that knows exactly how to communicate between the clients and the CEOs or the C-suite individuals. Today, my guest is Gin Hart. Gin, how are you?

Gin Hart [00:03:11] I’m great. How are you Rey?

Rey Treviño [00:03:13] Doing Real well. And I thank you so much for coming in. You are someone that is just always on the go, always busy. So for you to come here to the great state of Texas, Jesus, thank you so much.

Gin Hart [00:03:24] Who could refuse to come to Texas?

Rey Treviño [00:03:27] Amen to that.

Gin Hart [00:03:29] It’s Texas, after all.

Rey Treviño [00:03:31] Yes, it is. My gosh. You’re absolutely right. So thank you coming here to Austin and to do this. And you know, you and I have had a chance to talk a couple of times and, you know, your knowledge and the customer relations and the investment relations world and and I think I’m really making it small. There’s so much to it and we’ve been able to visit. And that was really something that I wanted you to come on today and talk about. And so just again, thank you so much.

Gin Hart [00:04:00] Yeah, thank you for having me. I’m excited to expose this area of business that a lot of people don’t know about or they overlook. And there’s a big gap out there that needs to be filled. So thank you. Thank you for today.

Rey Treviño [00:04:17] Well, tell us, we’ll just start this. For those of you out there that don’t know Gin, you know, what’s your background on that?

Gin Hart [00:04:23] Okay. Well, I have done this globally. I lived in South Africa for several years, worked for some major companies and organizations there doing client relations and decided to come back to the US after a long while and picked that up here. And so I’m very much a people person. I love people. I love empowering, motivating people in what they’re doing and helping the. And be the best they can be, you know. So as far as client relations, that is a huge part of it, you know, empowering businesses and companies for growth.

Rey Treviño [00:05:14] Right. Because, you know, you talk about the growth part is like once you’ve been grown for a while and you’ve got all these people, all of a sudden you’ve got all these people. Yeah. And you can’t, as a C-suite executive or a president, be able to talk to them as much in the beginning, especially not in the beginning, But there’s a stage in there where the growth is happening.

Gin Hart [00:05:35] Yes.

Rey Treviño [00:05:36] And it’s like, okay, what do I do? And you want to make sure that all these people that have helped you succeed are continuous to be heard. And that was something I thought was a real issue. We had a chance to talk.

Gin Hart [00:05:47] Yeah. Because, you know, like you just said, you you start out, you get this great base of clients, you know, or customers. And in the beginning, obviously, you are there as the owner, the founder, the CEO. You are there connecting with them. You’re there being personal with them. But it’s unrealistic to think that you can continue your growth and still maintain all of these relationships at that level. But on the same hand, they need that attention. They need that personal experience and connection. Right. Right. Especially when it comes to investors, which I’m sure we’ll talk about in a little bit, because investors have invested.

Rey Treviño [00:06:42] Right, Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Gin Hart [00:06:44] So they’re not, you know, per say, just a customer or a client. They’re an investor in your business. And so staying connected with them is super important and it does get difficult at times. So that’s where we come in and try and fill that gap for companies and C-suite.

Rey Treviño [00:07:06] I think that’s great the way you just made a difference between a client or a customer and an investor. And I think that sometimes things that we don’t see that there is a big difference. You know, you’ve got great people with a product that they’re buying, that’s a customer, that’s a client, and you want them to continue to be happy because they’re bringing you in a revenue source, right? Then you’ve got investors over here that are doing some of the same things, but it’s it’s really not right, you know? Yeah, the money’s still coming in. So I’m glad that you really, really made a key point to make a difference, you know, on the customer side of things, you know, what do you all doing and how do you all help the C-suite people to let your handle handle it and do things? And how do y’all.

Gin Hart [00:07:50] Yeah, well, you know, most companies have their sales team that really stay connected with those type of customers. So a lot of times each company, each CEO, each investor has their own way. They like to make things work within their organization, which makes sense. So it can vary from business to business what they want their client relations person to do. However, a lot of times with customers, it’s a matter of going back and going, Are you happy? Are things good? Are we providing the service that you need? Is there anything you feel we could do better to serve you? Right? And that’s so important because as a CEO, as a founder, you are out there running around keeping the business going. You’re, you know, from dusk till dawn. And, you know, everybody knows as a founder and CEO, that’s life. That’s just the way it is. So you don’t always have the time to double back with your customers and say, how are we doing? Are you happy because there’s a retention You want to retain that. You don’t just want to get that customer, that’s great, but you have to know how to retain them because today there’s so much competition. There’s so many people. They’re going to come and try and offer a better price, a better deal, you know, and take those people. So it’s super, super important that your customers are happy with the service that they’re getting from you. So that’s kind of one of the areas we step in and make sure that your clients and customers are happy.

Rey Treviño [00:09:44] Wow. So then let’s talk about the other side of that. You know, with investors, which, again, it’s a totally different reason why they’re giving you cash or investing in you. So what where do you see that and what do you see? Let’s talk about that first and I’ll ask another question.

Gin Hart [00:09:59] Yeah. So my my real first experience with that was working for a foundation. And we were the foundation was building homes. And so we needed investors to invest in this nonprofit so that we could carry out the vision of the nonprofit. So it was my job when it came to the investors to take current investors and stay in touch with them, to meet with them, to do whatever C-suite felt they needed. But it was a lot of communication because these folks, these companies had invested their money in us and obviously wanted to know what’s happening, how it’s being used. You know, every investor wants a return on their investment, right? Right. We don’t invest not to get a raise. Yeah. So what we did was just stay in touch with them on a personal level, keep them informed of how things were going. Again, you know, are you happy? Do you see anything in us that we feel you feel we could improve? And then the other side to that was me going out and making connections with new investors, with new companies and sharing the vision of what we were doing and inviting them to get on board, you know? Yeah. So there was a twofold purpose in that, which I think with any investment you have your current investors and then obviously new investors potentials that all need. Yes, they need that one on one with a founder. Yeah. But there’s a lot of follow up that needs to be done. And I think a client relations specialist frees up CEOs to keep things moving. Right. While we do a lot of follow up.

Rey Treviño [00:12:21] Yeah.

Gin Hart [00:12:21] And there’s also, you know, I like to call it a liaison. Okay. Because we sometimes become a liaison between investors and the CEO. Let’s say you’re out in the field doing whatever. You’re not reachable. Yeah, but you have an investor or a client that really feels there’s a pressing matter. If you have a liaison, if you have a client relations specialist, this is somebody that your clients and your investors know that at the drop of the hat, if they can’t get a hold of you, they’re going to be able to get a hold of me and know that I can get through to you. Right. Right. Yeah. And I am going to fast track what they need or their concern that they have. Yeah, because it’s unrealistic to think that you as a CEO, as a founder, are going to be able to sit and answer 20 phone calls, 20 emails a day, answer questions. You know, so it’s that that person in between that sort of becomes a buffer.

Rey Treviño [00:13:33] Right.

Gin Hart [00:13:34] Yeah. Is one way of looking at it.

Rey Treviño [00:13:38] Well, you know, as you do this, what is one thing that you see that’s always been missing? Like when you go into a new a new company, what is one thing that it’s like, that that’s the most common thing that these CEOs in these companies are missing as far as getting in contact or connecting with the investors in class.

Gin Hart [00:13:56] Yeah, I think it’s just the busyness. One of the things I’ve really seen lately is I have seen some of our CEOs and founders who are running rampant from Atlanta to Denver, you know, then to Chicago, then to Houston and are literally exhausting themselves. Right. Because they are trying to be everywhere at once. Right. And I would say that is that is one of the biggest things I see right now happening, because after 2020, a lot of budgets were cut. A lot of people at different levels were let go. And so a lot of C-suite has had to take on a lot of things they didn’t have to write before 2020. So we like to step in and help with that process. You are in Atlanta meeting with someone, but you really have somebody in Houston that needs time, that needs to be heard, right? That needs connection. So we jump in, go meet with that person, go meet with that investor, go meet with that client and let them know that they are important. Because at the end of the day, it’s about making sure that your clients, your investors, your customers all realize a genuine this, that they are an important part of what’s going on.

Rey Treviño [00:15:36] Right. So I guess just sitting on a check every month isn’t enough, right? I mean, that’s true.

Gin Hart [00:15:41] I mean, it’s not bad.

Rey Treviño [00:15:43] It’s not bad. No, but. But. But no. Yeah. No, having having someone there to talk to and do that, I think probably goes tenfold. Yeah. On top of just that.

Gin Hart [00:15:53] Yeah. And as far as investors, you know, just keeping them abreast of what is going on, what’s currently happening this month, you know, where are we at? Because that’s what they want to know. So that’s kind of what we do.

Rey Treviño [00:16:11] Well, what made you get into that? Like, what was it about it? I mean, I know you said that you were in South Africa. You said, okay, but what what made you get into the customer relations side of things?

Gin Hart [00:16:22] I think it just kind of fell into my lap. And exactly. I like I said, I’ve always been a real people person. I love people. I love interacting with people. And I was doing some different things. Had my own consulting firm there in South Africa and met with this foundation. Yeah. I was introduced to them and they were just like, my God, you know, we would love to have you help us out. They saw a need for it. And so they were just like, We’d love to have you help us out with our contributors, our investors, because it’s just getting so much right. And so that’s what I did. They kind of like were my first client. I took on with that and loved it and kind of cut my teeth there. And then when I came back here, it was kind of something that just came naturally. Wow.

Rey Treviño [00:17:30] So when you go into so many calls, you says, hey, we want you to come on board. You know, what’s your process that you normally go through with a place like this?

Gin Hart [00:17:40] Well, it depends. Okay. Each company is different. Obviously, as a client relations person, we want to learn. Everything about the company that we can because anybody in oil and gas industry will tell you that there’s nothing worse than having a pretty face show up at one location and they don’t have any idea what they’re talking about right now. And we know that happens a lot. Okay. I’m not I’m not doubting it. I’m just saying you need to know what you’re talking about. Right. If somebody comes to me representing another company, but they really don’t know what they’re talking about, I’m probably not going to want to speak to them again. Right. So as a client relations person, it’s very important that you understand the ins and outs, ups and downs, purpose, vision, forecast of who you’re representing. You know that that’s a huge one. And so that’s kind of where it starts. And then, you know, the logistics vary from there, from company to company, right?

Rey Treviño [00:18:56] My gosh. What a what a deal. And I can’t imagine just doing all that having to. That’s a lot. I mean, it really, really is. And and I see that thinking back to myself that, you know, we do that and it’s like it is a lot. And that’s a that’s a that’s a full time thing. And that’s not even 9 to 5 is Yeah, it’s, it’s probably even more than that.

Gin Hart [00:19:16] Yeah. You know it’s, it’s one of those things that it can be 9:00 at night or 7 a.m.. Yeah. When somebody tries to reach out to you. But that’s one of the things that you try to do is make yourself available as that liaison. As that connection. Right.

Rey Treviño [00:19:38] Right.

Gin Hart [00:19:38] Yeah. That’s really important.

Rey Treviño [00:19:40] Wow. That’s. That’s so much. I mean, I just I just think about it and, you know, you’re definitely bridging that gap of of a company that is continuing to expand because again, like you said, at some point you in order to keep growing one, obviously, obviously you got to bring more people on. Yeah, but you also have to be strategic and very bring on because it’s like, you know, you don’t don’t want to do this or you know, what path to take.

Gin Hart [00:20:07] Yeah. And I think it’s so important to get this message out because there is a gap. A lot of companies that don’t even realize that they need this until they see the difference it makes, right? And once they see the difference it makes, then they’re hooked, you know, with with needing this in the company. And so, yeah, I think that the more people have an understanding of it, the more it’s going to help their company with growth and acceleration. It’s just part of growth.

Rey Treviño [00:20:52] And that’s I think you put those two together and I know it’s growth in acceleration, but it’s like if you can actually have somebody, you know, allow them to help out with what you’ve got in a way. Right? Let you go attend and find more and then that that growth. But really we’re going to see that growth accelerate from there, which then means that, hey, everybody still making a dollar and being cared for, which I think at the end of the day is most important part.

Gin Hart [00:21:19] To make a dollar. Yeah. Or be careful.

Rey Treviño [00:21:21] Though, both for people like, well the only gas industry, you know, safety is always in one.

Gin Hart [00:21:27] Place is a big one, is a big one. And you know, it’s so exciting to see what is going on in oil and gas industry right now. And of course, anybody that has a four thinking mentality in oil and gas industry right now realizes that it’s getting ready to explode like never before and having people in place to do client relations. Is better to have what you need there than to play catch up.

Rey Treviño [00:22:05] Rights.

Gin Hart [00:22:06] And get behind. Now I have to hire a client relations person to try and help me out, but to have one on deck already. So as the growth comes, the acceleration, you’re prepared because it’s better to be prepared than play catch up. Absolutely right. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:22:23] You know, I always like to say I’m not trying to catch up. I’m trying to get ahead. Yeah, Yeah. Because what if you can get ahead in day? You know what you hopefully picks up, But if you already know.

Gin Hart [00:22:34] Absolutely.

Rey Treviño [00:22:35] You know, with everything you’ve got going on, how can people reach out and get with you and your team too? So, you know, to dive in and maybe get a consultation and see how it is that you and your team can help.

Gin Hart [00:22:45] Yeah, I think probably one of the easiest business platforms to reach me is on LinkedIn at, you know, Gin Hart and just shoot me a message and I’m happy to have a conversation with anyone that is interested or just has questions, you know? So yeah, I’d love to hear from anybody that’s interested, that sees a need, you know, and that’s one of the great things I respect about you is that you were so interested in this. And when we first began to talk, you were like, my God, wait. Tell me about.

Rey Treviño [00:23:27] This. Yes. Yeah. No, it’s a lot. Yeah, it’s a lot. That’s a very positive thing to where, again, you can remove certain things from what the C-suite is doing to allow them to continue to do the positives that they were doing and still keep everything, you know, just as important. Yeah, because there’s that one part that isn’t less important and it’s like, so that’s the thing that always kind of thinks of us like, yeah, but if I’m not doing that, you know, is it not important? But it really, really is. It’s just, you know, that somebody else do it.

Gin Hart [00:23:59] Yeah. And I think here’s another aspect of it that we haven’t really discussed is having someone on your team that attends meetings, investor dinners, things like that gets to know your investors that is not on the outside, but just can see the whole picture. Because sometimes as a founder, it’s hard to see the whole picture when it comes to our investors. Right, Right. So there have been times when I have attended things with clients of mine companies and afterwards have said to the CEO, you know, I really have a weird feeling about this. Something didn’t sit well. They said this, they said that. And they would they would be like, Really? You think so? And we would have this whole discussion around why. And I remember one particular instance I had said to a CEO, I said, no, I need you to watch this guy. He’s going to try and screw you over, I promise you. And he’s like, no, no, no. You know, we’ve been of it seven years. I was an editor. I’m like, okay. I said, But because he said this, this, this, and we know this is happening, I said, Just be aware. And lo and behold, about six months later, that guy did exactly trying to do exactly what I told him. And he said to me, he said, Thank God you were there. I didn’t see it. You know, he said, We’re humans. And having another person’s perspective who’s basically looking out for our company became so valuable because they were ready for what that company was going to try and do. Yeah, because it was already in the back of their mind that this is a possibility. So it’s really great to have somebody by your side that you trust has the best interest of your company and you as a founder, right and at heart. So yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:26:31] Wow, What a story. Yeah, a story. Well, again, Gin, you’ve definitely shed so much light on this because, again, I don’t know how many oil and gas companies out there again, and you said it about the industry. We’re we’re primed. We’re ready to go for a big influx, big increase over the next several.

Gin Hart [00:26:49] Drill, baby, drill.

Rey Treviño [00:26:50] Drill big. And, you know, we want to see all these companies run. Yeah.

Gin Hart [00:26:56] And thrive.

Rey Treviño [00:26:57] And thrive. And it’s like, hey, what can we do now to get ahead of when? When it really gets going. And so I just cannot thank you enough for that.

Gin Hart [00:27:06] Yes, I’m excited. What is going on? It’s just been such a shot in the arm in oil and gas industry recently. And I think, you know, recent events obviously haven’t hurt at all. So it’s going to be great. It’s going to be a great year. There’s going to be a lot of growth, and I think everybody’s anticipating that. So let’s work together. Let’s get companies thriving and making money and excelling and doing what we do here in America, which is be great.

Rey Treviño [00:27:52] I love it. My God. I think that’s right. We’re going to end it right there. Let America continue to be great. Great. Well, Gin, thank you. Thank you again. Thank you so much for coming on. And to everybody out there, please. If you’re looking to only continue to expand your company, your business, what you have going on in 2025, 2026, because I think what I heard was that Gin is very excited that President Trump is back. I won’t confirm or deny she was very politically correct. She was also pretty interesting and positive there as far as client investor relations go. But anyway, don’t hesitate to reach out to her. Gin Hart, and thank you all, as always, for watching another episode of The Crude Truth. We’ll see you next time.

Narrator [00:28:37] Again, The Crude Truth would like to think today’s sponsors LFS Chemistry, Nape Expo, Air Compressor Solutions, Sandstone Group, Exec Crue, Texas Star Alliance, Pecos Country Operating and Real News Communication Network.

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Gin Hart, Rey Trevino, The Crude Truth

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