October 11

The Crude Truth Ep. 102 Blair Bravo A Sales Professional Connector and Lifelong Learner


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The Crude Truth Ep. 102 Blair Bravo A Sales Professional Connector and Lifelong Learner

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Rey Treviño [00:00:00] Cybersecurity. Networking. And marathons. We talked to an expert in all three on this episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:00:08] In 1901 at Spindle Top Hill near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically as like a fountain of fortune. Thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon Detroit would be cranking out Model TS by the millions, and America was on the move thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas. Now more than a century later. The vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric, but let’s be honest, America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:00:51] This episode is brought to you by LFS chemistry. We are committed to being good stewards of the environment. We are providing the tools so you can be to. Nape Expo where deals happen. Air compressor solutions. When everything is on the line, Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group. Exec Crue. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Texas Star Alliance. Pecos Country operating. Fueling Our Future.

Rey Treviño [00:01:26] Well, hello again, and thank you, as always, for tuning in to another episode of The Crude Truth. Today we are recording from the Real News offices here in Austin, Texas, as always. So thank you as always to them. They are a sponsor of the show also. But I love it down here in Austin because it’s weird. They’re real weird in the vibe is just fun and amazing. It’s been a whirlwind over the last few weeks. With me, as always, is my co-host. Kristy, how are you?

Kristy Kerns [00:01:54] I’m doing great. How are you?

Rey Treviño [00:01:56] Oh Man. Doing good. How’s Austin treating you so far this stop?

Kristy Kerns [00:01:59] Weird. Like you said, it.  I love it here. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:02:03] The food is great.

Kristy Kerns [00:02:04] People are amazing. I love it there.

Rey Treviño [00:02:07]  Yes, You would never think that. But I enjoy the energy more than anything is why I say you never think that. Because every time I walk into this town, I got to, like, put my arm around because, you know where the oil and gas industry and it’s like, there’s so many people are like, boohoo. You know, they want. So anyway.

Kristy Kerns [00:02:23] Your arm.  I got.

Rey Treviño [00:02:26] To go. So but also, you know, as we continue into the year, we’ve had some crazy things happening. You know, you and I are really ramping up the networking side of things. I’m trying to get out, meet people, grow this circle that we have, but also with networking. And it’s not the same kind of networking, but cybersecurity has been a big thing. We had that crazy crash, what, two weeks ago with the airports being shut down, what’s going on with all of that? And so I’m just so excited that we brought on somebody today that’s an expert in these fields of networking and cybersecurity. Blair Bravo. Blair, how are you?

Blair Bravo [00:03:05] I’m good. How are you?

Rey Treviño [00:03:07] Well, we cannot complain. It is just awesome to have you here in Austin, So thank you so much.

Blair Bravo [00:03:13] happy to be here? Excited?

Rey Treviño [00:03:18] Well, for those out there that don’t know who you are, you know, the tell us a little bit about yourself.

Blair Bravo [00:03:23] So I am a sales professional connector and lifelong learner is what I would say. Go on west or run on the side.

Rey Treviño [00:03:34] I love it. So, you know, in the teaser and kind of building up, you know, I like your connector, which is not networking, it’s your connector. And then also, you know, you said you’re the sales side of cybersecurity. You know, there’s just so many things going on right now. You know, tell us about the cybersecurity industry as a whole and, you know, maybe a little bit about that. Airport debacle a few weeks ago. I know we you and I kind of talked about it.

Blair Bravo [00:04:00] Yeah. And I actually experience I was part of the many people that experienced delays in their flights. But yeah, so, I mean, the threat landscape is constantly changing. That’s one thing that I learned ever since I started in this industry. There’s always going to be something that happens in there are best practices that organizations and business owners should have for themselves. But again, there’s always going to be something that it’s not if it’s when. So making sure that you have the right controls in place for your company and your business to protect that investment and it should be an ongoing process.

Rey Treviño [00:04:40] Wow. So with with what happened with the airline, you know, what did happened exactly with that.

Blair Bravo [00:04:45] So don’t get too technical on me, because I will never pretend to be somebody super technical. But I will say there was an update that went out that was pushed out and be as a result, they call it the blue screen of death, where obviously you probably saw that on news headlines or even saw photos of it were basically delta specifically, you know, experienced outages and that, you know, it had a ripple effect and delayed flights. People weren’t able to check in. They had to reboot everything. So, yeah, it was an update that was actually pushed out. I think Microsoft was also involved as well. So.

Rey Treviño [00:05:18] Yeah, I know Kristy had some friends that were involved in that as well.

Kristy Kerns [00:05:22] Say was coming from London.

Blair Bravo [00:05:24] Yeah.

Kristy Kerns [00:05:25] So yeah,.

Blair Bravo [00:05:25] And it was, I mean it, it permeated everything. And I think the lesson and all that, I mean, CrowdStrike is there’s this running joke in the cybersecurity industry where it’s like nobody’s ever been fired for implementing CrowdStrike. But it also shows that even the biggest, strongest vendors and service providers out there are still well, this was more of an internal thing, I think. So there’s probably going to be some repercussions from the legal side, I think maybe with that. But I think that no no matter how large you are, there’s always a risk of, you know, there being either a human error or it being, you know, an actual attack, which the actual attack, I don’t think was the case in this situation. It was more of a company error.

Kristy Kerns [00:06:12] So what about like AT&T was out I think a couple of months ago. Is that very similar in a sense.

Blair Bravo [00:06:19] From a probably from like an Internet and wi fi information?

Kristy Kerns [00:06:23] Yeah, All of it was down. You know,.

Blair Bravo [00:06:25] From a CrowdStrike standpoint, they provide managed security services in form of either a service or a product that’s deployed within an organization. I mean, that’s either handled internally for internal teams or in co managed fashion. That that’s what I know about it. Obviously, they don’t work at CrowdStrike, but that’s what I do know about it. Think so. And the I think the lesson also is or just the key takeaway, you mentioned the outage with AT&T. It’s we’re so reliant on all of these different pieces of technology. And as someone that’s, you know, a business owner or an executive, how do you mitigate that risk and how do you you know, those people are not given a blank check to do that. So how do you do that in a cost effective way but spend where it’s appropriate to?

Rey Treviño [00:07:17] That was I’m glad you brought that up because I was going to be my next question is like, you know, you have so many companies that are smaller companies. You know, how do you explain to them about, hey, you probably could use some cybersecurity because everything is going to the cloud like the networks, you know, You know, I feel like it was a play on words. You know, we’re talking about networking, connecting. But, you know, networks are a huge part of the computer. Yeah, right. And so how do you convince these people and I guess are even convinced, how do you show them that, hey, all your data is up in the cloud and we’re going to be that protector that protects all. I’m sorry. Yeah.

Blair Bravo [00:07:51] Definitely. So every conversation that I had with a client or new client, it always starts with a consultative approach. What is going on right now in your business and what is most important to you as a business owner? We start high level and then we kind of narrow in from there. And that’s the that’s what I like so much about working at Thrive specifically, is the consultative white glove approach that we have when we have conversations with our clients. So it’s really understanding, okay, what is in place today from a networking cloud cyber standpoint? And then. Going from there to really understand, okay, well, maybe your network’s great. And that’s something that’s covered by your cloud. Everything’s on prem right now, so do we need to have a conversation around? Migrating you to the cloud or doing. You know, that’s not done overnight. That’s a phased approach. So it’s really meeting them where they’re at. And I can get into all the technicalities. Well, some of the technicalities we have them fill out, you know, a worksheet form to kind of understand what exactly is going on right now and where do they want to go because. Protecting the business as a whole. That investment is so important and it looks different for each type of company or business owner or whoever that we’re speaking to. So it’s really meeting them where they’re at now and really aligning the goals of the business with technology.

Rey Treviño [00:09:20] Yeah. So there are just so many things which all are up to for individuals out there that have more cybersecurity type questions. You know, how can they get a hold of you at Thrive.

Blair Bravo [00:09:31] LinkedIn? LinkedIn, I would say, okay, we’ll keep it easy one one method LinkedIn or personal cell phone number. That’s really the two mode that I like to collaborate.

Rey Treviño [00:09:41] Analysis and.

Blair Bravo [00:09:43] Not yet. One day. One day we will, Put it out there.

Rey Treviño [00:09:48] Well, I wanted to switch gears here and talk networking, connecting with other people. You’re part of a great group here in Austin and you’re even growing your Connect network even more. You know, let’s talk about that a little bit to dive into that and all things that you’re up to.

Kristy Kerns [00:10:06] The backpack one.

Blair Bravo [00:10:07] Yes.

Kristy Kerns [00:10:08] Is that a network?

Blair Bravo [00:10:08] Yes, that was networking and that was through. So the Loop ATX. Okay. Is a social performance social networking group that myself and four others have started here to really bring together diverse, driven minds to ignite Austin’s next wave of leaders. And when I say diverse, I mean from different types of verticals and skill sets where I think we have like 67 different roles and titles that have either attended our events or shown interest. So I say that because I want someone to I want to be around people that constantly challenge me and also learn from people in other industries that, you know, I might not come across being in in the cybersecurity and cell space. So I really wanted to bring people together to connect, genuinely offer professional development opportunities and then give back to the community. And the topic, why So how many backpacks? So 90 backpacks we were able to fill every every student that received a backpack had all of their school supplies for the entire year online. We help support the kit sales school down in South Boston. Okay. And I was fortunate enough to partner with Rob Espinosa at Austin for the Kids. It is his nonprofit. It’s really centered around helping children in need and providing for them in the Austin area. So he had reached out and said, Hey, would you like to partner with me on this event? And I said, Absolutely. So we did. It learned a lot about the nonprofit space as a result of that. So and obviously that specific event was super close to my heart because I was previously a special education teacher. So it’s always great to be able to start kids off on the right foot because it’s so important.

Kristy Kerns [00:11:59] Yeah, start in your right mindset, right? Let’s go and then you can attack this year.

Blair Bravo [00:12:04]  So next year we hope to be able to provide backpacks for all four.

Kristy Kerns [00:12:09] I was going to ask you, what is your goal for next year?

Blair Bravo [00:12:11] Yeah, all 400. Okay. Well, we’ll get Rob on here some time to talk about his nonprofit.

Kristy Kerns [00:12:17] That would be amazing

Blair Bravo [00:12:18] Austin for the kids.

Kristy Kerns [00:12:19] Okay.

Blair Bravo [00:12:19] Yeah,.

Kristy Kerns [00:12:20] Love that

Rey Treviño [00:12:21] And the fact that y’all are out here, you know, helping the community, doing things, that’s, you know, something that Christy and I have talked about in the past is what are you sharing and giving and not expecting? Receiving as I.

Kristy Kerns [00:12:36] Expect return And you give it and not expect anything to return. Yeah yeah.

Blair Bravo [00:12:39] Just non transactional. Yeah. You know as being a human being in person and without wanting anything in return, you know when you want that’s when you. Yeah. It backfire. And we live in a society today that everyone wants something in return or wants to get something from someone else. And it’s our work,.

Kristy Kerns [00:12:58] Not get me or.

Blair Bravo [00:12:59] Yeah, that’s not where your heart should be. And I think that is one of the key differentiator specifically for this group is that, you know, for me, you know, I’m a runner, like I mentioned, and I could go to a run club every Monday morning with the same people, but not be able to dive deep and get to know them. Obviously, you have one offs, but generally speaking. There’s deep conversations aren’t happening. So let’s create an environment where we can work, have a recurring cadence of meeting to build those deep connections, understand what the group is going through, What development opportunities do you need? How can the group support you from a community standpoint? And we’re all better when we are giving back to the community. Something special happens when you are around a group of people that’s giving back to the community without wanting anything in return, and you form a special bond that way for sure. So.

Kristy Kerns [00:13:56] And then acknowledgment, I think people want acknowledgment for what they’re giving to. And that’s, you know, look at your type thing. But if you do it, you know, like the Bible says, give without basically acknowledgment and you will receive.

Blair Bravo [00:14:07] Absolutely.

Kristy Kerns [00:14:08] The gifts of lands.

Blair Bravo [00:14:10] Now, I think that’s been a key thing. Just the religious piece, too.

Kristy Kerns [00:14:13] Okay. So you don’t mention the religious right. You are telling me about your prayer.

Blair Bravo [00:14:18] Yes,.

Kristy Kerns [00:14:19] I obviously I know it’s very long, but what is the prayer that you pray.

Blair Bravo [00:14:22] So it’s called the Armor of God prayer.

Kristy Kerns [00:14:24] Okay.

Blair Bravo [00:14:25] It’s basically calling on God to set you up for success in your day and your mind, in your body and in your heart. In any situation that you walk into, you should have a calming, confident presence about you and through you get that through the Lord. So yeah, it’s a great prayer. And like Rocks Church in Austin.

Kristy Kerns [00:14:44] Okay, good to know. Yeah. I like to say spread your light. You know what can relate to everybody?

Blair Bravo [00:14:49] Yeah, absolutely.

Kristy Kerns [00:14:50] Love it. Yeah, Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:14:52] I tell you what, y’all are on it over here. And I mean, because morning routines are something that’s so warm and it’s talking about it. I mean. Right. And I know I do my best with one eye. You know, everybody should, you know, has a pretty good the morning routine for the most part. Even if you just got roll out of bed to the couch. But you know that you know. But what do you talk about? Your prayer and the body of our and you know you just speaking it and you’re putting it out there and that’s the awesome part also in what you’re doing. You know, you guys with your loop of Austin, y’all y’all meet, you know, how do y’all implement the whole because you’re saying, hey, we want to get into these direct conversations through, you know, giving back in these deals and do we want to so what are y’all doing to obviously you’re there, but how do you talk to people? Because you know, as anybody that knows me and so how do you open up know.

Kristy Kerns [00:15:50] Just be yourself.

Blair Bravo [00:15:51] Just to be yourself how. They also just. Being vulnerable, I think is so great because it’s okay to not know the answer to everything we’re not supposed to. We are all still figuring it out. But I think with what we’re wanting to create and again, we’re still very much in in the building phase. I mean, this started less than six months ago for us. So it’s, you know, offering a place in a community that people can come to no matter, you know, what stage in their life that they’re at, whether they’re really seeking connection in their life, they really need more community. There’s a spot for you here if you really are really aligned with the philanthropic piece. And that’s the only thing that, you know, you’re interested in and you’re only coming to our philanthropic events. Maybe, you know, I think offering a regular cadence of meaning to we were able to have a large event at the beginning of the summer, but then also we actually had a leadership meeting this past week and really kind of getting into more offering more niche events. So for example, cybersecurity, people in those areas to meet other people in that industry. We also somebody that’s very involved in financial services and the private equity space, space, wealth management, maybe those, you know, offering opportunities for those people to connect on a deeper level around business and maybe the challenges that they’re going through so that they can help each other exceed in their careers as well. So I think we’re very much in a building phase still and we’re still figuring it out.

Kristy Kerns [00:17:26] That’s what them.

Blair Bravo [00:17:27] Exactly. And what I do know is that we’re on to something because people are craving community c.

Kristy Kerns [00:17:34] Onnection, everybody so wanting that so bad.

Blair Bravo [00:17:36] Yeah, I definitely think that was something that came out of Covid. We were all, you know, remote. And then right now, you know, there’s a mix of hybrid in office, but there’s still a very large component of people that, you know, are working from home. And I am one of those people. And you you know, we are made to be around others and to have a sense of community. So,.

Kristy Kerns [00:17:57] So important.

Blair Bravo [00:17:57] Yeah, I think that that’s that’s really the goal is is community around young professionals and whatever that looks like obviously there’s you know it can take a variety of different ways which is why, you know, connection can mean, you know, a happy hour. But connection could also mean a yoga that, you know, intentional development could be a cold plunge event or a Ted TEDTalk esque type of panel, you know, if anything, anything. So.

Kristy Kerns [00:18:28] It doesn’t have to be limited to your typical networking connecting events because you’re actually tapping more when you actually separate from the focus part and like cold, plunging, are golfing or anything like that, people actually absorb more. You can talk and they absorb more. And when you’re doing something.

Blair Bravo [00:18:46] Absolutely.

Kristy Kerns [00:18:48] Very knowledgeable.

Rey Treviño [00:18:49] Yeah. You know, she mentioned health and I feel like our last several guests in a row have and she mentioned it first, just like our other guest. Yeah, yeah. I’m beginning like, you know, more things just as far as connecting goes. But health is sold or did it’s something that said to our CEO that’s something that I think in a good way that that I’ve been able to focus on more in the last year getting more into a Lisa routine to that because it is a disruption. You know we talked about that before the episode a little bit about eight your routines that help you de-stress, you know, as you’ve moved here in the Austin area, You know, where do you see Austin going? I mean, you have more and more people coming into town. You have, from my standpoint, you know, yeah, LA or California is coming and finally going to California. I did it while you’re here and you got those hills of California yet? The hill country here. So I see where they’re like, I look so similar, you know, where do you see Austin? You know, how do you see it growing?

Blair Bravo [00:19:45] I think that we have such a large talent pool here that especially within my age group, but also the cross collaboration tour with more seasoned executives collaborating with, you know, the 20s 30s. I think there’s such a large talent pool here where people want to see other people succeed.

Rey Treviño [00:20:10] Yes.

Blair Bravo [00:20:10] And I think that’s where we’re we’re in it. But there’s I don’t think that that’s going to change. And I think that seeing the growth of businesses and real estate and just obviously you can look outside the window and you could see skyscrapers all around, that’s indicative of growth. And I really I don’t see that stopping because of the type of person that lives in Austin I don’t think is going to be leaving anytime soon because there’s something about the type of person that lives here and the genuine or the people that I’ve come across. We’re all there. They’re cheerleading.

Kristy Kerns [00:20:46] Each other.

Blair Bravo [00:20:46] Each other on. And I just don’t see that changing.

Kristy Kerns [00:20:49] Like, attracts like.

Blair Bravo [00:20:50] Yeah,.

Kristy Kerns [00:20:51] They are attracting this.

Blair Bravo [00:20:52] Yeah. Don’t ask me anything about business. I mean, we’ll get it again, but I’m going to. I don’t have a full report to show all of them. But I can tell you from what I’ve. Seen in community based events that it’s not going anywhere. In fact, we’ll probably see even more of it, which is great because I know that’s something that we all want to do shows, though. Yeah.

Kristy Kerns [00:21:13] Like this. Said in it. So in it to win it?

Blair Bravo [00:21:15] Yes.

Kristy Kerns [00:21:16] That came to my mind. It’s in it to win and not you’re attracting and associating with. And so that says a lot.

Blair Bravo [00:21:21] Yeah and I think I mean and I’ll. Let you get on to the next side. I could use.  It’s like Wrap it up. no, no, no. No.

Rey Treviño [00:21:33] I’ve been. Terri. learning

Blair Bravo [00:21:38] I’m just also Kind of intuitive, too. So.

Kristy Kerns [00:21:39] High five me too We just had a three hour. Thanks for the

Rey Treviño [00:21:46] Yeah.

Kristy Kerns [00:21:47] Sorry.

Blair Bravo [00:21:50] No, no, no, no. Where was I going with this? The chai.

Kristy Kerns [00:21:55] Is it to win it.

Blair Bravo [00:21:57] But just on, you know. But going back to your comment around or our conversations around genuine connection, there’s people that want. Without a connection about last night. People just want to see others rise up together as a group. And that is unique from where I come. You know, I lived in Italy and I did not I do not see that or experienced that. And maybe I was just at a different point in my life there. But here it’s people are running their own race and they’re cheering on the person next to on their right and left. So it’s really cool to see that.

Kristy Kerns [00:22:31] It’s not I want to get ahead of you. It’s we’re all here together. We’re locking arms and we’re all going to succeed. I won’t. Ever. Yeah, sure. Where.

Blair Bravo [00:22:38] And how can I help? I mean, even just from the few group events that we’ve had, you know, had people that have reached out for just, you know, contact, Hey, do you need help with content? Or we can take photos here and just wanting to genuinely help and they would want anything returned. My gosh,.

Kristy Kerns [00:22:56] It sounds a lot.

Blair Bravo [00:22:57] A lot, So Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:23:00] Yeah.

Blair Bravo [00:23:01] And then.

Kristy Kerns [00:23:01] Yeah. Well yes.

Blair Bravo [00:23:02] Let’s all mean.

Kristy Kerns [00:23:03] Well yeah again like attracts like so yeah. Very giving person from your heart not expecting anything and so you’re attracting the same people. So.

Blair Bravo [00:23:11] Thank you.

Rey Treviño [00:23:12] The community aspect and collaboration, that’s something that would you go back and look every time all the successful a generational is what they’ve always collaborated with the other Sadat generation and somehow we’ve been in in my industry, in our industry, the only gas, you know, same thing. It’s like, you know, it’s pretty much, you know, you’re on an island on a rock. I think being one of the season to people.

Blair Bravo [00:23:37] And I met that call for you, by the way, I had a very cordial.

Rey Treviño [00:23:40] Message that people want to work with the 20 and 30 year old.

[00:23:44] Well, I felt like that if you’re going to. Stay that way.

Rey Treviño [00:23:49] That we do have to do a better job of just sharing our knowledge. I mean, you know, we had all a lady the other day when we asked that she just poured out her knowledge. And there’s people that we’ve met that they’ll know more. Like, you know, I use my dad will know more stuff. I forget more than a lot of them as well. Yeah. And so the more we can tap into that, you know, I know Kristy, he was talking about that, but she’s got one gentleman that’s like all it’s like just that knowledge that they want to sit there, they want to sit and they want to talk and share, take the time to listen. And that’s what she tells me to do, too. I mean, that’s on.

Kristy Kerns [00:24:20] Pause And, you know, and listen, that’s all you have to do. You have no idea how you would change somebodies life. I mean, I’ve been and interacted with people that they if I didn’t pause and smile and listen to them, they were going to commit suicide like right after that interaction. So it’s like, just pause, be still and listen to people. That’s all. People want to be heard. They want to be seen and heard and shared. And so it’s been yeah, with him, it’s been like just it’s okay. Like we don’t have to hustle and go and stuff like that. The relationship has to be still this thing and it’s, it’s so powerful because you change one person’s like absolutely always leave people better than the way you came across.

Blair Bravo [00:24:59] Absolutely. Always. You say that with my students and.

Kristy Kerns [00:25:02] Really,.

Blair Bravo [00:25:02] They better they will leave the classroom always better.

Kristy Kerns [00:25:06] That’s my purpose.

Blair Bravo [00:25:08] You don’t have to be doing algebra when we leave, but we need to be better than when we walked in. But back to your point around hurried and I struggled with that too, by the way, of just being like, just spinning multiple plates all the time and just having time to stop and think. And also not just having meaningful conversations to where it’s like, okay, my time. Extra ten minutes to. Ask someone, you know, how are you really?

Kristy Kerns [00:25:45] What, ten minutes out? Yeah. So it can have a shortened lunch. Ah, eat lunch, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Extra ten minutes is not going to hurt.

Blair Bravo [00:25:55] Now, I think back, like, any time I’ve done that, or I’m sure you have this experience, Junior, thankful that you spent the time.

Kristy Kerns [00:26:03] Yeah. It’s a life changing. I mean, he. He actually. We were having a conversation. He calls me Gravity, and so it says a lot about just what I am doing with the people. I’m not. I’m not. I’m just being me. But it shows that they get value of whatever I tap into with them. They needed that. That was a divine appointment. Everybody that you mean as a divine appointment. And you have to take that as a gift. Yes. And be present. Because that’s why I call present. It’s a gift. Yes, it’s a present that you get to open at that. So super. If you just tap into that aspect of life, then you’re going to be skyrocketing.

Blair Bravo [00:26:42] Well, I can talk more about that,.

Kristy Kerns [00:26:44] Of course.

Rey Treviño [00:26:45] Oh no.

Blair Bravo [00:26:56]  I know. We were going to make fun. Find my twin that’s also just brought out. I love that.

Kristy Kerns [00:27:02] I love that. Here. So.

Blair Bravo [00:27:05] That’s what party? Yeah. Put on a wig.

Rey Treviño [00:27:09] That would be anyway. Yeah. Yeah. De Kristy. Yeah. Wow. Blair.

Blair Bravo [00:27:17] I have a question for you. Am I allowed to ask you a question on this?

Kristy Kerns [00:27:21] Good luck with this, yeah,.

Blair Bravo [00:27:24] Yeah,.

Rey Treviño [00:27:24] Yeah, yeah.

Blair Bravo [00:27:29] Would you rather that you’re. You mentioned. Where do you. Where do I see Austin going? From a business standpoint, with your experience in networking, and what are you hoping to see in Austin and maybe what are your goals?

Rey Treviño [00:27:42] Wow. You know, I’m hoping to see Austin only continue to thrive. You have more and more affluent individuals moving in. And what I’m hoping is here in this city, we can get to a common sense approach and, you know, policy along with economic development. Growing up in North Texas and all of our family in San Antonio, we’ve taken 35 right here. Has it is is it been a journey in itself? You know, and because you always go by 35 and you would, you know, see it. And since 2007, it has just said nothing but expand. The University of Texas has a. Strong positive foothold on this state as far as bringing out great students out of there. And Texas, we still lead the charge from an economic standpoint and, of course, from the oil gas. But actually from an energy standpoint. You know, we’re one of the biggest solar power countries. Texas is wind power along with obviously the oil and gas industry. So if we can just get our economics here in on the grid in Austin, because again, Austin is gorgeous. So that’s a very good question. So I do see a lot of development here with connecting with the growing here in this area. And we have several oil and gas companies that are moved into also because of a more healthier lifestyle. Yeah. And so I really think that Austin is on its way, I hope in a direction of great prosperity itself. Just again, the policy and the economics has really got to be able to play a good hand of that to continue to grow.

Blair Bravo [00:29:27] In the over the next 12 months. In the short term, what would you like? Well, what would make you excited as somebody in the oil and gas space if something were to change, what would that one thing be over the next 12 months?

Rey Treviño [00:29:41] Man. I think for the industry as a whole, I want to see jobs pick back up. I want to see everybody get back out. You know, that’s one thing that I’ve enjoyed that I’ve learned. And again, we’re nobody special. But when you go into the small towns and you are using their band, their crews, you are providing more into a community. It is not just those men in those crews. It’s the restaurants you visit, the dad station that you go to once the warm little burrito is up. Yeah. You know, and so to me, it is a community and we’re all strong. The oil field, I know that’s something that’s even. It’s even different from where I’m at. Yeah.

Kristy Kerns [00:30:24] I like, my gosh, I was in hog heaven, literally. Why are the corn? Yeah. Pure like milk. You’re getting sprayed in the leg. That’s what I want to, you know.

Rey Treviño [00:30:34] Yes. No, but being out there in that community is even different than the other. Like, there’s just so much, but yet you can sit down somewhere. It’s almost like when you’re at the coast somewhere and you can sit there and you can have a beach bum and a multi-millionaire at the same little tiki bar. Shoot the shit every night as well. Yeah, it’s an equal place.

Kristy Kerns [00:30:55] Yeah, it’s like breaking bread with them. But obviously you’re watching, you know, the whole crew, everybody do their thing and the the formula and the flow. And it was just like the ebb and flow of everything. It was literally like you’re you have your family there because without them tapping, then you’re not going to be successful. And this it was very, very amazing.

Rey Treviño [00:31:14] Wow. Yeah. So over the next 12 months, I want to see the industry as a whole only grow. I end up I don’t know about the price. We’ll see where that goes. But I think as long as the industry grows, then that means everything else is going really your question?

Blair Bravo [00:31:28] How can I help?

Rey Treviño [00:31:30] Oh My Good.

Blair Bravo [00:31:30] From a networking standpoint. Really? Any standpoint.

Rey Treviño [00:31:33] Man. That’s a that’s a tough.

Blair Bravo [00:31:37] You can go back to me, I just say that that’s. Yeah,.

Kristy Kerns [00:31:39] I feel like.

Blair Bravo [00:31:40] Yeah,.

Kristy Kerns [00:31:40] Ponder on that.

Blair Bravo [00:31:42] Ponder. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:31:43] My partner on.

Blair Bravo [00:31:43] Homework.

Kristy Kerns [00:31:45] I tell his schoolwork.

Rey Treviño [00:31:50] Well, Blair, I cannot thank you for this time, you know. You know, we talked about the loop. How can people get connected? You know, even if they’re seasoned, they were. Surely just.

Blair Bravo [00:31:58] Sees it. I just want to let me reiterate here. season is allowed. Season is allowed. Anyone is allowed on LinkedIn, Instagram, Blair Bravo.

Rey Treviño [00:32:09] And it’s ATX Loop.

Blair Bravo [00:32:11] The Loop ATX on LinkedIn and Instagram, and then B Bravoon Instagram or Blair Bravo on LinkedIn. I don’t know many other. Blair Bravo’s out. There’s a whole. Point if easy to find

Rey Treviño [00:32:26] Well. Again Blair, we cannot thank you enough for this time. I will say this. This dynamic, that was awesome.

Kristy Kerns [00:32:33] That was amazing.

Rey Treviño [00:32:35] All through of today. Yeah. Or is it? Well, yes, for a reason. But I just you know, it was the.

Kristy Kerns [00:32:41] Podcast I’m talking We just met. We were supposed.

Blair Bravo [00:32:43] Yeah, this was supposed happen.

Rey Treviño [00:32:44] Yes. And I think that’s awesome. Yeah. So it was fun watching YouTube, you know, kind of have your own little mini podcast.

Blair Bravo [00:32:52] Are we We made you feel excluded.

Rey Treviño [00:32:55] No no no, Trust me. No, I have more than that. So Kristy is always ready to get on the air.

Kristy Kerns [00:33:03] Yeah. Kick a butt.

Rey Treviño [00:33:04] Well, let’s kick butt. Blair, I’ll get back to you on that question.

Blair Bravo [00:33:07] Please do.

Rey Treviño [00:33:08] We look forward to doing more.

Blair Bravo [00:33:09] Absolutely. Thank you guys so much for having me on. This is so fun. I love it.

Kristy Kerns [00:33:14] Love it.

Rey Treviño [00:33:15] It’s all our listeners and our viewers out there. Thank you, as always. And we’ll see you again on another episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:33:23] Again The Crude Truth would like to think today’s sponsors LFS Chemistry, Nape Expo, Air Compressor Solutions, Sandstone Group, Exec Crue, Texas Star Alliance, Pecos Country Operating and Real News Communication Network.

Narrator [00:33:42] The easiest way to start your own podcast and TV show, Real News Communications Network. Stand out from your competition. Produce streams of high quality social media content. Become a thought leader in your industry with RNC and you get to be the host. We handle everything else. Tour one of our three locations in Dallas, Fort Worth and the Colony. Call (972) 402-6333 or visit launch a show dot com to find out more.

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Blair Bravo, Kristy Kerns, Rey Trevino, The Crude Truth

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