May 28

Thank green fanatics for New York’s looming summer blackouts


The green fanatics have been so successful at crippling the Empire State’s power infrastructure that now a minor heat wave, just three straight days with temps only above 95 degrees, could plunge the state into darkness.

The grim news comes from the New York Independent System Operator, the nonprofit that runs the local power grid: In those near-inevitable circumstances, the NYISO warns, the system will be short more than 1,400 megawatts.

New York plans on cutting CO2 emissions 40% by 2030 and 85% by 2050.CBS via Getty Images

One megawatt covers the needs of 800 to 1,000 homes, so that translates to well over a million houses in the dark.

Just think how bad it could get if temperatures run above 100° for few days, or we get one of those beyond-sultry Augusts when thermometers sit above 90° all month.

So to recap: Our climate freaks, so publicly obsessed with ideas like “sustainability” and “resilience,” have sent the state’s power system back into the Stone Ages, leaving millions of New Yorkers vulnerable if we just get a typical summer.

How have they done this?

By demanding that the state switch generation away from tried-and-true sources like natural gas and oil (and nuclear) to wind and solar — except that the sun doesn’t always shine, the wind doesn’t always blow and the state’s solar and wind buildout is nowhere near sufficient to meet its massive, growing energy demand.

Yes, New York is shooting for an insane goal — cutting CO2 emissions 40% by 2030 and 85% by 2050 — and immiserating its citizens along the way.

In heat waves, the NYISO warns, the power grid will be short more than 1,400 megawatts.CBS via Getty Images

Pointlessly: Even if New York somehow hits this target (it won’t), the overall impact on climate change will be null, thanks to committed emitters like China and India — both still building coal plants by the dozens.

They know better than to try and choke off the carbon-based fuels that power the modern world — and will need to keep powering it until we get the only truly sustainable solution, nuclear energy, off the ground.

Indeed, the Green New Dealers’ brainless strategy here, i.e. calling for transition before wind and solar can possibly get built out enough, has rendered New York City’s grid “dirtier” than Texas’ and the US average.

The only thing the green drive will achieve is depriving Empire State families of the blessings of modernity — like refrigeration and AC.

Not only will the juice not be there, the cost of trying to build enough wind and solar guarantees massive rate hikes.

With every new absurdity, climate fanaticism is revealed more and more as a quasi-religion, not a rational response to the risks of a warming world.

Not that the true believers (or the politicians who pander to them) will pause to face these inconvenient truths.

Remember who to thank when you’re plunged into darkness in this summer’s dog days.


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