January 31

Rethinking American Energy


In the Energy News Beat – Conversation in Energy with Stuart Turley is joined by author and energy consultant Ronald Stein for a thought-provoking discussion on the complexities of energy policy, sustainability, and the transition to renewable energy. They explore the indispensable role of oil in manufacturing and energy production, highlighting its connection to over 6,000 everyday products while addressing the challenges of moving to renewables like wind and solar. The conversation delves into the environmental and ethical concerns of mining materials for EV batteries, the economic impact of misguided energy policies, and the inefficiencies of current green energy initiatives. Stein emphasizes the need for energy literacy, conservation, and efficiency, advocating for a balanced approach that includes nuclear power as a clean, reliable energy source. The episode concludes with insights into global energy trends and the importance of strategic planning to ensure a sustainable and economically viable energy future.

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Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro

00:58 – Oil Dependency and Renewable Energy Challenges

03:26 – Correlation Between Renewables and Fossil Fuel Usage

04:00 – Ethical and Environmental Issues in EV Battery Production

06:00 – California’s Energy Paradox

09:15 – The Global Push for Green Energy

14:00 – The Role of Oil in Modern Society

20:01 – Future of Energy: Conservation and Nuclear Power

33:32 – Predictions for 2025 and Energy Trends

40:08 – Closing Remarks and Call to Action


Stuart Turley [00:00:07] Hello, everybody. Welcome to Energy News Beat Podcast. My name Stu Turley, President of the Sandstone Group. I’ll tell you what, today I am recording this podcast with a true friend of the show, Ronald Stein. He is an author and I mean, he has got some great books out there. But let’s talk about today’s inauguration. We have President Trump rolling in. And I mean, it is entertainment like you couldn’t believe. But when he says he’s going to drill, baby, drill, it’s going to be a little bit tougher to say drill, baby, drill when fiscally responsible should be the way to say it, because I don’t think the oil companies are just going to throw money away. They’re going to be giving money back to their investors. But today’s discussion is really with Ronald Stein and his opinions on what’s going on. How are you today, Ronald?

Ronald Stein [00:00:58] Still doing fantastic. Drill, baby.

Stuart Turley [00:01:00] Drill when fiscally responsible. That does not sound like a political campaign stump speech, does it, Paul?

Ronald Stein [00:01:08] Fiscal responsibility is going electric is irresponsible because electricity, everybody wants electricity, right? The electricity came after oil. You can’t make electricity unless you have oil to make all the products that make the computers, the walls, insulation, the air conditioning. Right. And without that, there is no electricity.

Stuart Turley [00:01:31] And in the diesel and everything else is just, you know, several years ago, Ron Ronald I went out and I put I was tracking the more money that we had been putting in to fossil fuels. The I mean, the more money that was spent on renewable energy, the more fossil fuels were used. You know, for years we’ve always heard, it’s going to be a peak oil and then all that. And it keeps going up and up and up. So the more money that has been put into renewables every year, I keep seeing more and more fossil fuels being used. So there’s a correlation. The more money you spend in renewable energy, the more fossil fuels are used. Call it Turley’s law if you want, But it is it is happening.

Ronald Stein [00:02:20] You’re right, because wind and solar is really just a redundant electrical system. And internationally, if the winds are blowing and the sun’s not shining, you need reliable power to run it. Reliable power is coming from wind and solar and hydro and nuclear, and all the components are made from oil. That’s the thing that people do not understand.

Stuart Turley [00:02:43] Your your article you sent me, I think two weeks ago was absolutely wonderful on the 6000 products that that are made out of oil and gas. Then you have fertilizer with a natural gas. And quite honestly, air is killing actually the renewable industry. Air is absolutely wiping it out because they need data centers.

Ronald Stein [00:03:06] Well, they just aren’t going to happen. You are renewable. Renewable energy is so called wind and solar, but that is unreliable. Artificial intelligence need continuous electricity. Computers need continuous electricity before the operating room. You want continuous electricity to go to the wind stops.

Stuart Turley [00:03:27] Don’t want to hear oops from the doctor.

Ronald Stein [00:03:30] Yeah. So, yes, it’s really just a redundant source of electricity. You are spending a lot of money and digging up the world to build those components. The the lithium, the cobalt to build the wind and solar and even batteries is coming from developing countries. Then the labor controls no governmental laws, works for the people of yellow, brown and black skin. So we can get this lithium and cobalt so we can go green. But it’s really unethical and immoral.

Stuart Turley [00:04:00] You know, when you you’ve got California was importing horrific amounts of oil from Iraq sanctioned countries. And so you’re backing. Take a look. Why doesn’t California unleash its own oil? Kern County is a phenomenal resource.

Ronald Stein [00:04:21] The country, California, all the Democratic governors want to reduce their state oil production because they have the mindset, we’re going to get rid of oil. We’re going to run this world on wind and solar. Still, it’s impossible to do that. Most of the women, if you can’t make it all the oil, you know, what we need is a replacement for oil. I don’t favor get rid of oil. If there is a replacement, we get 200 Jewish to replace that in Poland. Able to do it. In fact, every year we’re more more dependent on the products we come out of fossil fuels and, you know, wind and solar, they can make nothing. They can’t make what they can’t make. So for. They can’t make asphalt. They can’t make you can make anything if you just generate electricity, if the wind is blowing, you know.

Stuart Turley [00:05:07] Well, maybe if we got the agencies cleaned up and boy, Lee Zeldin is going to have his work cut out for him with the EPA. Holy smokes, Batman. That is going to be a chore. Did you hear this morning? Here we are on the 20th. And the Biden administration approved another 2.4GW of offshore wind. They approved it just before President Trump takes office so he can put the offshore wind band in effect. You can’t find this kind of entertainment. My gosh.

Ronald Stein [00:05:41] No, it’s it’s amazing. What do you need electricity for if you get rid of oil? Because you know, everything he needs. Oil is made from I mean, everything. It’s made from oil. It uses electricity. The iPads. The iPhones.

Stuart Turley [00:05:56] Right.

Ronald Stein [00:05:56] If you can’t make those things, don’t need electricity.

Stuart Turley [00:06:00] You know, it’s funny. Most Californians don’t understand that even though they’ve got rid of no coal plants in California, there’s one coal plant in Nevada that they import electricity from. But why has coal use in California gone up over all these years? It’s coking coal for asphalt. I mean, for cement. And you’re sitting here and kind of go, they have not got rid of coal yet.

Ronald Stein [00:06:32] You know, it’s a boy, little boy. And you’re right, we have California now imports about 30% of its electricity. Early warning states and we shut down in state power plants. Right. We can import electricity from coal power plants outside the state of California.

Stuart Turley [00:06:49] It’s it’s like us. You know, Germany has de industrialized so badly. I feel so sorry for the German people that have elected these green energy policy folks. And the de-industrialization of Germany has almost completely done. You now have Chancellor Schulze. I think he’s related to Sergeant Schultz. I see nothing. And I and and you’re seeing him he is now having to face a vote of no confidence and they’re having to come up against new election in a few months. And his person running against him, she has said she wants to reopen the Nord Stream pipeline that was blown up. There’s one of those pipe. There’s four Nord Stream pipelines. One of them is still there. So now if you do industrialize, you close your nuclear plant, you reopen coal plants and then you try to do this. Isn’t that what California is doing?

Ronald Stein [00:07:52] Well, you know, Germany was the first country to go green. They now have the most expensive electricity in the world, Right. India is right behind them. We have the second most expensive electricity in the world. We have the most expensive electricity in the country because we’re trying to get rid of oil. We have the most expensive fuel in the country. And that is contributory to everything going up. The cost of gas goes up, the prevalence goes up, and the cost of labor is going up. And it is extremely inflationary. And it’s, you know, it’s endless in electricity that sort of can’t run the world.

Stuart Turley [00:08:29] I don’t get it. I really don’t get it. I mean, when we sit back and we take a look at the other day, who Californians are buying their gasoline from is amazing. And when you sit back and look at the imports of products that are, we would have so much less impact on the environment. If I was a Californian and you refined it locally with strict refineries in the United States, you had great looking at making sure everything was done properly and you didn’t have to bring it in. China is increasing their downstream capacity. Let’s watch how much diesel is imported to California from China in the next few years.

Ronald Stein [00:09:16] You know, if you have a location, it’s environmentally controlled in California is the most environmentally controlled location in the world. If you basically build something, you want to build it here under the most environment controlled conditions. Exactly. Instead, the government wants to get rid of it and have it done outside the borders of California. I joke that Governor Newsom only preserve within the borders of California. It’s outside the borders. Don’t breathe.

Stuart Turley [00:09:41] That is it because of his hair filter that he’s got?

Ronald Stein [00:09:44] I got you. But it’s okay to have products made outside the borders of California because he didn’t do that. There was no emission controls. That’s okay. That’s left for someone else to breathe. And yeah, it’s crazy. He’s just trying to. I just got to sit and talk about Newsome. There’s a one second pause between first year relations doing a fantastic job. Pause. Pause. Okay. Where we came from, the economy. They couldn’t do a better job. I mean, this is driving up the cost of everything. Everything’s very inflationary. You know, we have a $16 an hour minimum wage here, and it’s crazy. And, you know, to go out to eat is just cost a fortune. It’s really bad because, you know, the other thing that people do recognize is most people don’t have ability to save money with, you know, with school loans, credit cards. And they just put things on a credit card and just keep adding to their debt. And if they happen to, you know, lose a job because most people don’t have many savings, they’re paycheck away from joining the homeless.

Stuart Turley [00:10:51] Exactly.

Ronald Stein [00:10:52] And it’s it’s really pathetic. You see people go into this layer of families and you look at them saying, I can’t afford the price of admission, but they put on their credit card and.

Stuart Turley [00:11:03] Insurance has gone has almost quadrupled. For every owner’s now, homeowner’s insurance in California has got to be tough To be tough.

Ronald Stein [00:11:14] Yeah, a lot of insurance companies all left California. There was a devastating fires for that last couple weeks. There may be more insurance companies leaving California.

Stuart Turley [00:11:23] How do how do companies cancel insurance policies two months before a fire? I was watching where we had people got notices that right before the fire that they don’t have homeowner’s insurance and now they’ve got a multimillion dollar home burned down and they can’t get enough money for what they owe on it.

Ronald Stein [00:11:46] Well, the insurance companies, they back those reality. You know, we had a couple of years of pretty good rate. Well, that’s the good news. The bad news. That rain is allowed plants to grow. Well, when you lose rain, you now have a lot of fuel for the winter drying out. So great fuel and one little spark in Laguna. And they knew it was coming.

Stuart Turley [00:12:11] And the mismanagement of the funds to build the retaining areas for the water was not even implemented.

Ronald Stein [00:12:20] But amazing moving water for them. The other thing, too, is, you know, when you have a vast area like that. When you go to the winds coming through it, the fire department can’t find anything. So they have to wait for the winds to die down. In that time, you’ve given the fire like ten hours of uncontrolled growth. Yeah. The idea of turning on the hydrants or the hydrants at the same time, the issue was of studying why there was no water pressure to go to your house, turn on all the faucets, turn on the, you know, social editorial to the same time to your sprinklers and see how much water dribbles out of your faucets.

Stuart Turley [00:13:03] Well, it broke my heart when I was seeing the one guy staying in there and he got a gasoline pump. And it was he was pumping water out of his pool to save his house.

Ronald Stein [00:13:14] Yes, he saved.

Stuart Turley [00:13:15] His house using a gasoline pump that that is now banned in California. You can’t buy this kind of stupid. I can’t. He can’t you can’t even buy that water pump from your back. If you’ve got a pool in your backyard. You’re not allowed to have a pump to pump out and and spray your your property with your pool water.

Ronald Stein [00:13:41] Look, I know.

Stuart Turley [00:13:42] What we’re going to get. How are how are the houses going to get rebuilt with the permitting, the issues going on? That is amazing to me.

Ronald Stein [00:13:51] Well, you know, I was talking to my sons at lunch, and we’re of the opinion that it may not be rebuilt. Now, you take take the Pacific Palisades. You know, thousand homes got water to survive. You know, so that’s supposed to be built right there. If you can’t afford to rebuild, do you want to rebuild an area that is a war zone? You’d be the only house there.

Stuart Turley [00:14:13] James Wood, God bless James Wood. And he his house survived. And, you know, he didn’t have insurance. So I’m very happy for him that it did. And he’s going to be trying to help out folks as well. But his neighbor helped save him with his pool water. But good grief, you’re right. The neighbors, it looks like a war zone.

Ronald Stein [00:14:34] It is. And it’s hard to clean it out. It’s going to take years to clear that.

Stuart Turley [00:14:39] And lots of permits.

Ronald Stein [00:14:40] Permits, you know.

Stuart Turley [00:14:42] My goodness.

Ronald Stein [00:14:43] And the motivation, you know, what’s going to motivate someone to rebuild a house. It always a place, you know, going to 10 or 20 years maybe to be rebuilt of thousand houses. But in the interim, when you drive to your house, the roads are just a mess.

Stuart Turley [00:14:58] Did you. See the ex post the other day where they had eight Ukrainian generals, had their multimillion dollar homes burned down in in California. And I’m like, is this a joke? I don’t I didn’t never found out if that was real or not. Why are Ukrainian generals buying multimillion dollar houses in California? You can’t buy that. You can’t make that one up.

Ronald Stein [00:15:23] It was great. It was great to hear the whole range of California. That’s the good news. And the bad news. Yeah. Well, what.

Stuart Turley [00:15:30] Do you see? The Trump administration. We know that oil prices dropped today on inauguration thinking that everybody is going to drill more. And that’s just not going to be the case because I think ESG has done a good thing for oil companies over the last ten years to 15 years. And there’s there are a lot more fiscally responsible giving their shareholders their money back. So I think fiscal responsibility in the oil business is been established. I don’t think drill, baby, drill is going to happen.

Ronald Stein [00:16:05] No, we have to you know, we have to take a look at the other side of the picture, too, of it. The Earth has so many resources and we’ve been extracting these resources coal, coal, lithium, cobalt. And the actual plan is not replenishing these resources. So the goal is not to drill, baby, drill. We’re just going to become more and more efficient because, you know, if we run out of or run out of coal, it’s eventually going to run out. I mean, you can’t keep taking millions of barrels out of every day and expect it to be, you know, endless. And so we know that at some time it might take years, thousand years. But one thing we do know, this 4 billion, your planet. It’ll be here without us.

Stuart Turley [00:16:50] I just bought this, and I’m surprising you with this one. And this one is called the Manual of Free Energy Devices and Systems. And it’s got all of the patents and how people make these things. And there is a correlation of people that come up with these free energy devices that end up dead. It’s kind of like. So you sit back and go. I think technology is going to be the end of oil at some time. I would be thrilled out of my mind, just like you said, let’s quit using oil and gas if something else can can take its place.

Ronald Stein [00:17:25] Exactly. If there’s a replacement and we have more replacement in demand yet, and that’s the confusion of the use of the word energy, because all the politicians say, well, we’re not sure energy was replaced fossil fuels, but right time we’re not solar only generates electricity. They don’t make anything. And we can’t survive on electricity by itself.

Stuart Turley [00:17:47] Last time I checked, you can’t make fertilizer out of a windmill. Need a little bit of natural gas on that one.

Ronald Stein [00:17:53] So, you know, my motivation is to have conversations because I don’t understand. You know, Lucian takes a stand, but let’s talk about it. You know, you want to get rid of oil and run the status quo. Let’s go without all this. Let’s plan. How are you going to do it?

Stuart Turley [00:18:08] Yeah. And you know what the funny thing is? You and I are in agreement. Let’s get rid of oil. Great. But let’s have a plan. Let’s make sure the economy stays on target. Let’s make sure everybody is employed and has a paycheck and can afford their house and plan for it. But it seems like nobody plans for it. They want to say, here’s your I mean, you got to have it now. In my opinion, Ronald, is I think Tesla is going to be a survivor. It is going to be the premier ev if you want to be, I think it’s going to be great. I want and I’m going to go on record. I’ve got to go buy a Ford 250 just because of the trailers that I have to pull and everything else. But I want a cybertruck. I would love a cybertruck, especially when I go to town. It’s bulletproof. And people want to shoot at me just because I’m a podcast host and I voice mine. I am kidding. But I like the idea of a bulletproof car. But the thing about an EV, I actually sat in and I was sitting there looking and an m a guy had an MF rate radar thing and he was pulling it around in the TV. And I’m sitting here kind of going, I don’t know that I want to sit in this car very much longer because that thing was just redlined and we’re in a cybertruck kind of doing this. And I know he’s that thing was hot. It was not healthy for that much electromagnet waves coming off of that car.

Ronald Stein [00:19:41] You know, the one thing that people do recognize is the easy how much dependent it is on oil, because the thousand pound battery, the thousand pound battery was all lithium and cobalt, manganese, all the metals. You got to move about a half 1 billion pounds of earth to make one battery. And so that.

Stuart Turley [00:19:58] Again. Half 1 million pounds of earth.

Ronald Stein [00:20:02] To get enough exotic minerals and metals to make one battery.

Stuart Turley [00:20:06] Is that tons or pounds? Half a million. Half a million tonnes?

Ronald Stein [00:20:11] Yeah. 30,000 to 30,000 pounds. Now, in California, our governor wants the 18 wheelers to go easy or steal the battery for an EV. A truck is 16,000 pounds. To make one truck battery, you got to move 8 million pounds of earth to make one tractor. And the mining equipment in these developing countries are huge and they happen to be driven by oil, diesel filled.

Stuart Turley [00:20:42] And then you got to ship it here.

Ronald Stein [00:20:43] So it’s crazy. And it’s got.

Stuart Turley [00:20:46] It’s got to get shipped to China to be made into a battery and then shipped across the pond. So think about how many miles and shipping that you’ve got holds.

Ronald Stein [00:20:56] Well, the Tesla is 100% made from oil in terms of computers. The battery is managed with without oil and you have no vehicle. And so I’m just amazed that, you know, there are leaders like the nation is is so inclined to they should drive oil out of the state of California. They like to drive it out of the world. But he only controls California. And it’s it’s really bizarre that he will get involved in a discussion.

Stuart Turley [00:21:26] Do you think he has a chance on the next election?

Ronald Stein [00:21:29] No, no, no. I mean, that was one of the reasons of the Cabal cut. They start because you can go to Teterboro and nobody wants to be in California. You know, we’ve got the highest cost of electricity has cost unbelievable inflation. And the rest of the country doesn’t want that. And, you know, this can be a disaster. But ironically, I got to basically tell the truth about California, since if he was eligible to run again for governor. Right. Because he’s turning up 26 California citizens with gridlock. You know, you can’t blame the governor to go basically look at the census and you’re you’re picking this you know, it’s killing the lottery and you want to back is that I’m I’m both of the this this disaster we’ve had over the last four weeks in the past leads to the resignation of our governor and our mayor.

Stuart Turley [00:22:22] The mayor. My. She was part of a communist regime change group. And I am serious. That woman went to Cuba. She early on, she’s part of a communist group wanting the downfall of the United States. Why is she a United States mayor? I don’t get.

Ronald Stein [00:22:44] It. Well, so in that sense, we are the kind of problem. There is a measure that works good.

Stuart Turley [00:22:53] But I stand corrected at my about my deepest apologies, but.

Ronald Stein [00:22:57] I have no sympathy for the council. In a sense, there are one thing. That is the people that are killing the economy, killing the environment, and it’s it’s just devastating.

Stuart Turley [00:23:09] And do you think there’s any chance of getting rid of the Dominion election machines in California?

Ronald Stein [00:23:17] Well, the election machines are made from oil, so then you’d.

Stuart Turley [00:23:19] Think that they’d want to get rid of them if they were made from oil, that they want to get rid of them. But I don’t know that they’re willing to give up their election fraud capable machines.

Ronald Stein [00:23:30] I don’t either. I think we should have an election by hand.

Stuart Turley [00:23:34] And count them. You know, we want we want to see you now that we totally lost control of this podcast. Do you see some real sanity coming in to energy? And do you see Governor Newsom and President Trump working together or is because I see that it’s if he’s trying Governor Newsom or a new scam, as President Trump calls him, said he’s trying to trump proof he spent an extra couple billion dollars trying to Trump prove California is not going to be a good dry guy. If I was President Trump, I’d say, I don’t want to give you any federal money. Have a good.

Ronald Stein [00:24:17] It’s going to get tough because California owes the feds 2030. When the Covid hit, the unemployment insurance budget with in California wasn’t enough. It was $20 billion to the folks Newsom just showed his billions budget is no attention paid back. And so if you’re true, here’s a state that owes a $20 billion, right? We’re a sanctuary state. We got this free flowing people coming over the border. And every city says we’re a sanctuary state. Come on. Virtually.

Stuart Turley [00:24:48] And the Fed just announced that they’re not going to be having any money coming into the federal treasury. And it’ll be the first time in a long time. And now. So you don’t have any money coming in to the Treasury from the Fed. I’m like, Let’s get rid of the Fed.

Ronald Stein [00:25:04] Do all you say work with. So if we’re doing the Fed’s $20 billion in violating federal immigration laws and yet we have to go ask for more money. Right. So you’re saying, well, hey, you’re you’re violating federal laws. You’re not paying us back, so you’re going to be able to do do this?

Stuart Turley [00:25:26] Absolutely. This is going to be I’ll tell you what, 2025 is going to be a very entertaining year to be in the energy space, let alone just as a Californian. What part of California are you living in right now?

Ronald Stein [00:25:41] We’re in Chile, California. We’re not that far from there. We’re about 50 miles south of all the fires here. Real low state. We’re going state. And it’s interesting because the weather here wasn’t perfect. The sun burning and there’s no smoke. Big 50 mile south. And it’s amazing that there’s a war zone where we have to have four months worth of us.

Stuart Turley [00:26:06] That is just crazy. That is absolutely crazy. And we sit back. What are some of your biggest predictions coming around for 2025 for the U.S.?

Ronald Stein [00:26:17] Well, I think myself, you know, guys like Alex Epstein, guys like that around the world. I think we’re making progress in providing energy literacy to the world. And there’s there’s been more people writing articles like myself around the world. And my articles get published weekly at America News and to be posted around the world with pretty good expos, maybe half a million people. And then my motivation is I’m stimulated. I’m trying to stimulate conversations, right. This idea of taking the microphone, meeting Joe Biden. I mean, he was famous. He said, you know, the report on your plate, 100% made with oil products to make the plane. Right? Boy. Aviation fuel, which comes from oil. And he screamed, in America, we’re going to get rid of oil. Can you break still? There you go, thing. Get rid of oil. We should ground Air Force One. I mean, it’s crazy. And they do some very good things like boil pollution. It will have an increased coolness here.

Stuart Turley [00:27:18] I made a joke one time and I said if he fell into the bay that they would have the heat have to get called by the EPA for an oil slick.

Ronald Stein [00:27:27] Slick. That’s right.

Stuart Turley [00:27:28] And that one got banned on YouTube as well, too. And you cannot make a joke against Governor Newsom in his hair. I didn’t think that was very funny. I thought it was. But if you.

Ronald Stein [00:27:40] Want to ruin the economy. We’re a materialistic society, right? Well, you know, we enjoy like 2000 products that are made for the oil is manufactured tomorrow because crude oil about self-produced black tar, is it. But with human ingenuity, we can basically throw the refinery and things like that crackling all these crazy things and get these derivatives that we use to make products. When you think about everything that needs electricity is a really good thing. It needs electricity. The iPad, your television, etc., etc., is made for those oil derivatives. Right. So you get rid of all you’re going to get rid of iPads and iPhones and televisions. Communications didn’t exist 200 years ago. Other than smokescreens, you know. So, yeah, like I said, we have, you know, before 1800s, we have no oil. And that’s where we’re going to go unless there’s a substitute for coal oil. And we have yet to identify the energy minister of energy. It’s not replacing oil because it’s only generating electricity. Right. If you get rid of oil, you know, we got six ways to generate electricity. So imagine you got coal, natural gas, hydro, nuclear, wind and solar and all the components, the computers, the electronics wiring, the insulation. It’s all made from oil. And so if we want to go back to the 1800s. Yeah, let’s give it a go. Well, it’s a two something and then there’s no conversation. So that’s the thing that I promote is having a conversation. You know, my articles go on and usually I’m on 1 or 2 podcasts a week and the answer is basically the questions to me and we have a discussion, but there’s no discussion with the people that have the microphone. We’re going to get a word.

Stuart Turley [00:29:33] That’s funny.

Ronald Stein [00:29:34] I’m all for. But how are you going to run the economy without it?

Stuart Turley [00:29:39] You know, I think eventually if we go to the free energy type products, you’re still going to need oil for those products. I mean, even if you had all the free electric, the electricity you wanted, you’re going to need oil.

Ronald Stein [00:29:56] Well, a book title said free energy device. Right? Well, it’s really true the way you’re talking about. You know, I’ve had to go into the communications. I tend to be very restrictive, usually the way that I use electricity or products.

Stuart Turley [00:30:11] That’s a great point.

Ronald Stein [00:30:13] What are the other? That’s right. There’s a misconception of the word energy. When the choice to replace fossil fuels, when the solar energy is a great choice, fossil fuel energy. But fossil fuel, you think about it, was used for power.

Stuart Turley [00:30:27] The title of this should be the manual of free electrical generation devices, because that’s what all of these are. Is that generating electricity for free out of the different magnets and those kind of things?

Ronald Stein [00:30:43] Sure.

Stuart Turley [00:30:46] But you could sure cut down on the amount of fossil fuels that you would use if you had those kind of things. And you were. I think we’re in agreement that that’s not a bad thing. It’s just how do you get there?

Ronald Stein [00:30:58] Right. So we have to continue working on efficiency and conservation, human ingenuity. Your first call to eight miles per gallon, now getting 40 to 30 miles per gallon. So we kind of you know, we have a rule and we don’t want to just walk away because we haven’t.

Stuart Turley [00:31:15] My last Ford 1050 got nine miles to the gallon. I loved it. Holy smokes. That pig was very expensive to run.

Ronald Stein [00:31:24] I needed this so that we got to focus on conservation. But I encourage people to stop using the word energy. Do you want electricity or you want products? Because we’re not sure. We generate electricity. They can make new products. Whereas oil coal is used for power plant generation. Natural gas is used for power plants but were never used to generate electricity. As mentioned, we don’t use the black tar. I mean, the Beverly Hillbillies do that.

Stuart Turley [00:31:51] Well, fuel oil is used in Hawaii. 60% of Hawaii is fuel oil, which is a it’s it’s even worse than diesel as far as where it is in the refinery chart. You know, when they bring it into that refinery chart and everything else, fuel oil.

Ronald Stein [00:32:09] Oil is manufactured from crude oil, right?

Stuart Turley [00:32:13] Exactly.

Ronald Stein [00:32:14] So low grade. But again, if you go back and you get more electricity, they really.

Stuart Turley [00:32:20] Don’t need to be using fuel oil at all. And at this day and age, I know natural gas is something that’s different and I’m all in use all the natural gas you want. Yes, I think that that would be because I think it is a lot cleaner burning than either coal or fuel oil.

Ronald Stein [00:32:37] I think we’re going to see a resurrection of the interest in nuclear. Well, we’ll take some maybe we got a 70 year track record. Maybe it’s going to take about 80 vessels, aircraft carriers, submarines or nuclear power to use the fossil fuel.

Stuart Turley [00:32:52] We buy 80% of our uranium from sanctioned countries.

Ronald Stein [00:33:00] But the interesting thing, too, is winter is proliferating around the world. I think there’s about 60 nuclear power plants now under construction. Right. The state used to be the leader in nuclear power because nuclear is got the bad word. Basically does the delegating, the control of that technology to China and Russia. And you’re going to see a resurrection of nuclear, you know, zero emission electricity, your continuous electricity. Nuclear is the way to go.

Stuart Turley [00:33:33] I couldn’t agree more. When you take a look at we have 419 nuclear facilities around the world. We have 69 under construction. We have 92 under pre-construction name. That’s a lot. I did not even know that we have 178 announced.

Ronald Stein [00:33:56] And they’re all outside of that.

Stuart Turley [00:33:57] Stage one is in pre-construction and one is announced in the US. Turkey Point nuclear power station is in pre-construction and Surrey Green Nuclear Center is now announced.

Ronald Stein [00:34:14] They’re very much in. The thing about the earth has so many resources. The amount of lithium and cobalt needed. We know the oil. We’ve got a lot of technology and technology develops. More and more oil sources like fracking technology, we can get more and more oil. But I guess the point is you can’t squeeze out of internal and I don’t know we don’t know how much lithium and cobalt there is in the world.

Stuart Turley [00:34:40] Right.

Ronald Stein [00:34:40] And, you know, this is being provided, you know, by India and South America. And it’s it’s very limited supply. And you can mine for lithium in the United States, God forbid. I mean, that is does dirty mining. And if you want to look if if it’s here. It’s not attainable because you’re going to get a permit environment in the circuit that you’re buying to live here. It’s obviously my fault over there. We can’t see what’s going on.

Stuart Turley [00:35:09] Right. I don’t get that. Just as a side note for what is announced, construction and construction is 9900MW of nuclear power.

Ronald Stein [00:35:22] Keep a couple of light bulbs. Yes.

Stuart Turley [00:35:24] And that’s amazing.

Ronald Stein [00:35:25] That is amazing. And again, that’s conservation because you can hear that continuous electricity. The neat thing about nuclear, it uses very little material to make it. It uses very little land for a nuclear power plant, and it just generates power. And right now, it’s slightly used to nuclear fuel. Is this about 97% of the energy still leftover? So the fast breeder reactors to be using so-called nuclear waste to power it. So it’s a matter of, you know, continued conservation and efficiencies. And what better way to generate limited electricity, zero emission electricity, continuous supply of electricity. And you’re not really a dependent on a nuclear power plant running in.

Stuart Turley [00:36:10] The footprint is the what gets me the biggest difference on a nuclear power plant versus wind farms or solar farms. You take a look at the you know, here’s a ten acre lot. There’s your, you know.

Ronald Stein [00:36:23] Some concern about the small modular reactors. They are small modular reactors. You could put out assembler in a community of 100,000 location and to empower them. Right. It is not trust me, forever.

Stuart Turley [00:36:38] Do you see that nuclear? Because if we could tackle the nuclear propulsion. The US Navy has done it great. You bring up our Navy men. They have done a phenomenal job. I was reading where the one of the aircraft carriers could go for two years without refueling. It has to. Two small nuclear reactors on board. That’s a strong test. I think, you know.

Ronald Stein [00:37:06] Testimony is fact. If you take a step back and look how big the aircraft carrier is, Bishop Auckland Underwater City.

Stuart Turley [00:37:14] It is a city on the water.

Ronald Stein [00:37:17] In the fact that requires no fuel to run the fuel.

Stuart Turley [00:37:21] Right.

Ronald Stein [00:37:22] But, you know, that’s that’s amazing in nature. We got a 70 year track record right there. Safety track record, right?

Stuart Turley [00:37:28] Yeah. And what gets me is we also have there are six nuclear reactors, four ships that Russia has for the they’re Arctic icebreakers. And those are getting a workout right now. And they are really because the the Arctic run going over the is really from Russia oil going to China is really getting a they’re really going after it up there. So there’s a lot to be said for having a nuclear icebreaker.

Ronald Stein [00:37:59] Yes, I think we can actually reduce our use of oil if we start using it, because I think we’re wasting oil by mining for lithium and cobalt because it has a limited lifespan. And then we have we dispose of a lot of the problems that happened, the Pacific Palisades, which people just like myself in the urban area. That’s why there’s heavy use of the parked on the ground. And the same thing in the Palisades, a lot of cars and parts of the garage. So the it is easy when it burns. It’s not a fire you can put out because it’s a chemical fire requires, you know, tons and tons of water to put up on eBay. And one was it burned and now you got that toxic waste into the soil. Who knows? If they decide to clear the Palisades, it could be a toxic waste dump.

Stuart Turley [00:38:51] My goodness. I didn’t even think of that.

Ronald Stein [00:38:53] I know you want people to rebuild their house.

Stuart Turley [00:38:55] No, I just bought a backhoe and I’m having a lot of fun diverting all the water on my property onto my neighbor’s property. He is a left wing nut job and I’m having a lot of fun throwing rocks, putting them in water. But at least if I get my cybertruck, I’ll be able to dig all the all the bad chemicals out and I’ll get a hazmat suit now. So if I have to ever dig out the fire battery for it.

Ronald Stein [00:39:20] Well, you know, here in California we have a lot of oil offshore, but the technology, there’s no offshore drilling require you drill on land and smart drill to get the oil. We technology has made killing that much more cost effective. But they’re really, you know, sensible. But the bottom line is we have to keep focusing on conservation and efficiencies because because we have the stuff. This is cool. Yeah. We just can’t use it and throw it away.

Stuart Turley [00:39:49] Or how do people get a hold of you?

Ronald Stein [00:39:51] You can just Google my day. Well, it’s time. Energy consultant, Energy literacy all over the internet and. So it’s easy to Google my name and you can drop me a note. I’ll add it to the distribution list in many articles like say they go up weekly. They don’t encourage people to share that with your friends.

Stuart Turley [00:40:09] We will have one of your links in there for everybody as they listen to this podcast, because I want people to reach out to you and buy your book. So we’ll have those in the show notes as well too. So we have.

Ronald Stein [00:40:22] Energy literacy exploitation that talks about all the exotic metals and metals to go green coming from developing countries, about labor controls, no environmental controls. Exporting people of the world black skin to mine for that stuff. Any environmental dedications atrocious. But that’s okay. We’re going green.

Stuart Turley [00:40:40] You know, I think as we’re as we’re winning this down, I think that we’re going to see a 2025 is a really interesting year, especially because when you look at the banks that have stepped away from the net zero funding and they are they’re getting out of those funds and they’re realizing that the climate scam is out. There is truly a wealth transfer and people are tired of it.

Ronald Stein [00:41:05] Yes, I mentioned it beginning the focus. You know, myself, the hundreds of people like me writing articles. I think we’re getting to the public and educating them because that’s the that’s the motivation I have. People have an energy literacy. Number one is because missing a day of children out of the off the bridge without parachute, it’s not such a good idea.

Stuart Turley [00:41:28] And, you know, you can’t just shut it off. Now, the folks that glued themselves to highways and things, I know there was a couple states that have just said it’s okay to run over them. And I’m like, I did didn’t I did not see that on my bingo card this year. It would be a way to run over somebody that glues their hand to their the thing. I think that’s bad either way. Like why anyway? Well, thank you very much for stopping by, Ronald. I do appreciate your stories.

Ronald Stein [00:41:58] Enjoy chatting. It’s a great pleasure.

Stuart Turley [00:41:59] And we’ll see you later.

The post Rethinking American Energy appeared first on Energy News Beat.

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