February 24

Prysmian starts installing Italian interconnector


Prysmian has kicked off cable installation of the Elba Piombino project, the new subsea power cable connection between the island of Elba and the Italian mainland.

Prysmian’s Leonardo da Vinci vessel (Courtesy of Prysmian Group)

The Italian company will carry out the installation by using its cable-laying vessel Leonardo da Vinci.

With a length of 34 km submarine cable and 3 km of the land route, this HVAC 132 kV project awarded by Terna, is expected to double the island’s energy supply, guaranteeing a more secure and sustainable energy flow.

The project, worth circa €68 million, was awarded to Prysmian in November 2021.

The submarine cables were manufactured at Prysmian’s Arco Felice plant in Naples, while the onshore cables were produced at the Pignataro plant.

A month ago, Prysmian finalized the cable laying and burial operations for the submarine power interconnection between Ibiza and Formentera in Spain.

In terms of Prysmian’s more recent news, it is worth mentioning that the company recently wrapped up the installation of the UK land cable section for the 1.4 GW Viking Link interconnector between the UK and Denmark, and kicked off the construction of its new cable-laying vessel.

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