September 24

PETA Germany Threatens Sex Strike Unless Climate Destroying Meat is Banned – “That’s Funny No Matter Who You Are”


Source: The Telegraph

​ENB Pub Note: Ok, some stories are just fun. and Larry the Cable Guy has it right. “That’s Funny No Matter Who You Are.” – Fill out the form below and we will publish everyone’s thoughts! 

Essay by Eric Worrall

PETA has demanded a ban on pork, and has threatened not to have sex with men who eat meat unless their terms are met.

Ban all meat-eating men from having sex because their love of pork is killing the planet, animal rights group demands

21 September 2022, 21:46By Will Taylor

Daniel Cox, Peta Germany’s campaigns team leader, said: “We all know them, the suburban fathers with beer bottles and barbecue tongs, sizzling 70c sausages on their €700 grill.

“The courgette added by the visitor is eyed with suspicion and only reluctantly tolerated.

“The fact that Germany’s ‘grill masters’ believe they have to prove their masculinity to themselves and their fellow species through their consumption of meat is not only to the detriment of the animals, however.

“Now there is scientific proof that toxic masculinity also harms the climate. Therefore, a hefty meat tax of 41 per cent for men would be appropriate.

“A ban on sex or procreation for all meat-eating men would also be purposeful in this context.”

Go for it girls.


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