August 15

OPINION: India adds new tools to realise COP26 targets


The Energy Conservation (Amendment) Bill 2022 (the ECA Bill) is among a series of policy initiatives taken to achieve India’s Net Zero target by 2070. New Delhi: As India prepares to celebrate its 75 th Independence Day, it is putting in place necessary building blocks to deliver on its pledge to fightclimate change. TheEnergy Conservation(Amendment) Bill 2022 (the ECA Bill), introduced by the Union Power Minister on August 3 in theLok Sabhawhich approved it on August 8, 2022, is among a series of policy initiatives taken to achieve India’s Net Zero target by 2070. The ECA Bill seeks to amend the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (ECA) with a view to enhance energy efficiency targets, bring large scale residential buildings within the ambit of energy conservation regime and strengthen the penalty provisions. This article focuses on two key features of the ECA Bill, which if implemented in right earnest, has the potential to make a significant contribution to India’sCOP26commitments and steer the economy on the path of sustainable development.

Minimum Consumption from RE Sources

The ECA Bill introduces clause (x) to Section 14 of the ECA empowering the Central Government to specify targets for consumption of non-fossil sources by ‘designated consumers’ as energy or feedstock. The designated consumers under the ECA are mostly large-scale industrial establishments including cement, fertiliser, iron and steel, aluminium and petrochemicals. These are energy intensive industries and also significant CO2 emitters. Following the announcement of Green Hydrogen Policy (GHP) in February 2022, it was widely felt that the GHP was missing on demand creation measures for green hydrogen. The ECA Bill fills this gap by setting a minimum RE consumption obligation which can be satisfied through consumption of feedstock such as green hydrogen or green ammonia. This will stimulate the demand for green hydrogen and green ammonia and attract greater investments in the RE sector and green hydrogen.

While the imposition of minimum RE consumption obligation is a welcome step, it is not clear whether this will replace or subsume the existingrenewablepurchase obligation (RPO). The Ministry of Power (MoP) recently notified the RPO trajectory for the period up to 2029-30 with sharp upward revisions. Many of the designated consumers under the ECA consume electricity through open access or captive power plants and are obligated entities under the RPO regime. An additional RE consumption obligation may prove unsustainable for such consumers.

Incidentally, the RPO regime has not delivered on the intended objectives due to absence of robust enforcement and falling price of energy from RE sources. The report of the Standing Committee for the MNRE records that about 19 states met less than 50% of their RPO and only four achieved more than 100% in 2019-20. As a result, the market for renewable energy certificates (RECs) has failed to develop in a meaningful way. Therefore, strict enforcement of the mandated RE purchase obligation will be key to realising the objectives of the ECA Bill.

Introduction of Carbon Trading Scheme in India

Section 14(w) of the ECA Bill empowers the Central Government to specify a carbon trading scheme for reduction of carbon emissions, and registered entities will be entitled to purchase or sell the carbon credit certificate in accordance with the carbon credit scheme. While the details of the scheme are yet to be published, it appears that India is looking to adopt a cap-and-trade scheme wherein the government will issue permits for emission of specified quantity of CO2 to designated establishments. Those establishments which are able to achieve lower emissions than their permits will be able to receive carbon credit certificates. These certificates may be sold to establishments which exceed their permitted quota of CO2 emissions. Introduction of carbon trading has been envisaged as a key policy tool to help achieve lower emissions and spur investments in clean energy projects and technologies.

However, the key to developing a successful carbon market is to (i) set appropriate CO2 emissions cap, (ii) set appropriate price for the carbon emissions, (iii) devise a credible verification mechanism, and (iv) strictly enforce the specified emission targets. If the carbon price is set too low, there won’t be enough incentive for the participants to reduce emissions and earn incentives in the form of carbon credits. Similarly, if the emissions cap for specified industries is set too low, there will be too many sellers of carbon credits and not enough buyers. The experience of energy saving certificates (ESCerts) under the Perform, Achieve and Trade(PAT) scheme implemented by the BEE bears testimony to it.


The ECA Bill seeks to add two crucial tools to help realise India’s COP26 targets and reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels. However, the key to realising the potential of these new tools would be to imbibe the lessons from existing schemes such as RECs, RPO and ESCerts, and also from the EU emissions trading scheme (ETS) which has faced the challenge of carbon leakage and low penalties for non-compliance of the emission caps and implement the carbon trading scheme in a phased manner for specified industrial establishments.

[This piece was written exclusively for ETEnergyworld by Ramanuj Kumar, Partner, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas; and Ragini Agarwal, Associate, Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas]


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