December 11

Mark Masters’ Eleven Steps for Saving America Via the Energy Sector’s Renewed Thought Leadership and Ultimate Narrative Dominance Within National Media


I never dreamed that my podcast would reach the global market and the success that we have obtained. And when guests like Mark Masters are on the podcast, it really starts to sink in. The world is in crisis, and there is a great awakening happening. Will the political elite controlling the media act like a wolf in the corner? In my opinion yes, and in fact we have to move fast to save humanity. Being part of the solution is in our blood.

This podcast and outline from Mark Masters is the first in a series centered around changing the narrative and paradigm around energy and the media.

Mark A. Masters is the Chief Executive Officer of The Diamond Group, LLC,(TDG) a national media, broadcast television, network radio/podcasting strategic consulting firm. TDG helps clients solve structural impediments to growth and achieve breakthrough results with national audiences while eliminating structural waste in the process. With over 25 years of experience as a media CEO and over 35 years of experience in the media and technology industries, Mark is a nationally recognized media thought leader and innovator who has advised top chief executive officers such as Fox News Channel’s founding CEO (Roger Ailes), former General Electric CEO (Jack Welch), and a former United States President, to name a few. In 1992 Mark studied building quality into the process under then still-living legend and Quality Control Titan, Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

Mark has successfully built, launched and brought to national prominence seven of America’s top ten largest syndicated talk radio programs during his career, eclipsing both ABC Radio Networks and CBS/Westwood One Radio Networks for total national spoken word market share by 2008. Mark also built and launched three all-news only National Radio Networks (including Fox News Radio for the Fox News Channel) advised the CEO of FNC on the launch of the Fox Business Channel, became a joint partner in an international television production company, which produced five internationally recognized children’s series and scripted dramas in over 100 countries worldwide. Mark’s business philosophy is inspired by his key mentor, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, and Mark’s passion for innovation, quality, profitability, and serving underserved national audiences (for more see

Our Podcast is summarized and expanded in the following points below and is meant to explore a unique end-to-end solution for a sector redefining media offensive combined with a thought leadership offensive over the national inflation/terrorism/Middle East War/Putin energy narratives. Each of the points listed below is directly energy-sector related, while simultaneously being top-of-mind for most Americans at present.

Understanding #1: With no friends in national media, the energy sector must become the media. 

If top leaders within our energy sector believe they have “friends” within the national media, they are sadly mistaken. As a media CEO, I can confirm the energy sector has zero existing friends within the national governmental/media industrial complex. This is true while energy’s standard go-to – Capitol Hill lobbyists and ritzy PR firms – no matter how competent, will never even approach being a pale substitute for what a national media company’s distribution presence can cause in reshaping positive national consensus in favor of the domestic energy sector’s painfully needed resurgence.

If our domestic energy sector leaders continue to think they will eventually be treated rightly by US media companies, they will continue to wait until their own waiting unintentionally defaults into ceding the entire national energy debate to the radical left (and the environmentalists’ new capitalist-crushing religious system) in total. Yet this has tragically already happened.

There can only be one solution now — the energy sector’s leaders must stage a positively aggressive “takeover” of a portion of the national media complex by going into the media business themselves, doing so in order to save America’s energy independence, and with it, our entire way of life. Having a giant national media voice in this key debate is ultimately the only way America’s energy sector can positively reshape the narrative, reframe the debate, and thereafter save our way of life.

But how? By what method?

Simply put, the only way America’s energy sector is ever going to be able to reframe the entire energy debate nationwide is in like-minded, key energy executives getting organized and electing to become the media now, by either acquiring or directly building out a unique new national media voice within national media, without further delay. My team can help them do this — it’s what we do.

Understanding #2: ESG is a new form of “corporate communism” designed in part to curtail investment in the domestic energy producers who keep us free. ESG’s brutal tactics can and must be trumped by new, innovative solutions. Our media presence can reshape the national ESG debate entirely, such that its debilitating effects can be counteracted.

Assuming the domestic energy sector wishes to produce an entirely new level of petroleum energy at scale within a weirdly ESG-compliant America (which will effectively drive prices down internationally), it’s up to the energy sector’s leaders alone to completely reframe the entire current environmental debate in brand new dynamic terms, terms which can and will make America’s energy producers “heroes” to the common voter.

This can be done by creating a series of “earned media” solutions, which would methodically redefine several core energy narratives nationwide while also capturing the imagination of the public within that same narrative process. This would be a consensus-moving series of media efforts so effective that it would become worth a dollar equivalent in the billions of marketing dollars in purchased advertising (if done correctly) at a fraction of that cost. “Earned Media” is a term for free news coverage/airtime/print coverage value in advertising dollar spend equivalents.

Said narratives from our team will show how domestic energy plenty in America is a must and key to the following:

Ending foreign wars
Defunding Middle Eastern terrorism
Saving American agriculture

All of these can be accomplished at the exact same time.

The energy sector already has most of the best kinds of solutions for the above, including carbon footprint-positive regenerative farming (for carbon capture). In addition, through our media team’s efforts, the energy sector would finally be able to claim the moral high ground for these stunning solutions. A national media voice must be present to tell these stories.

My team can do this. 

Understanding #3: Domestic energy unleashed is a far better, faster solution to break the back of inflation than the Feds’ dangerous interest rate hikes will ever be. Our empowered domestic energy sector will also do more to end foreign wars than our own armed forces can.

We all already know that keeping domestic energy cheap is the fastest way of “breaking the back” of domestic inflation and very quickly so sense energy is an ever-present price inflater across every sector. President Trump knew well that cheap domestic energy would completely defund the likes of Putin, Hamas/Hezbollah, and Iran since expensive foreign energy profits only fuel both forms of foreign evil. So why did Biden pivot against Trump’s policies on domestic energy?

Understanding #4: An energy sector-supported media machine will make the energy sector beloved by the general public by first making the energy sector the saving benefactor of the downtrodden family farm. We can help the energy and agriculture sectors “fall in love” and “get married.”

So, how can the domestic energy sector become “heroes” to the vast general public in order to positively affect national consensus in energy’s favor?

We start out by showing how the energy sector will prove that saving our country doesn’t start at the governmental level ever but rather works best when initiated from within the highly innovative nature of America’s free enterprise system itself. In this case, we will demonstrate how the energy sector will act to ally with and thereby “save” the agricultural sector’s family farms, all without the need of governmental involvement to do so.

In this case, we would need to show why the biggest and most high-profile partner of the energy sector will always be the agriculture sector that feeds us all. My way of telling the energy sector’s “heroic story” to the public then is by having a period of time where leaders from the agriculture sector can tell America about how 30 or more mid-sized U.S. energy companies got together to offer qualifying suffering family farms “one year’s worth of free farm fuels to every family farmer in American who is experiencing severe business distress due to governmental policies alone.”(or a matching funds type offer).

Because this benevolent approach is a solution-based initiative presented as both thoughtful, authentic, and kind, it will effectively “shame” the corrupt media that has turned a blind eye to the American family farmers’ deep suffering for too long. This initiative will make the energy sector the single most beloved business sector in America within months of its announcement. This newly formed “energy/agriculture sector coalition to save family farms” can then later do state-by-state media-centric rallies for both helping to save the local family farm from high energy costs and from giant corporate farming interests as well. For starters, this would become an extraordinary PR victory for our energy sector partners as part of the design of this media process.

This approach would also bring necessary attention to ending foreclosures on the American family farmer. If done strategically for maximum media narrative impact, the energy sector can end up effectively playing economic, fiscal, and media “protector” — a pure benefactor role — to all of America’s domestic family farmers. This would first start with minority-owned, black family farmers, who have been hardest hit by the Biden economy. Without a media voice, the domestic energy sector has zero platforms by which to advocate for itself or the other sector it’s media efforts will be in part designed to publicly protect — agriculture and the family farm in particular. But with this authentically cool media approach, energy can save agriculture and small farms, and America will fall in love with that story’s real hero — the domestic energy sector, and more particularly, our coalition of positively-allied, 30 mid-sized domestic energy companies.

Understanding #5: It can only be the energy sector that can tell the agriculture sector’s story of heartbreak and suffering, and it can only be the agriculture sector’s family farmer who can tell the American public of the energy sector’s heroic story of human decency. 

When the points noted above, within #3, occur, we can then move very quickly to involve almost every American-owned family farm (along with many within their family-owned supply chain businesses), utilizing them for media training, which we will further provide them, training them into far better media savvy skills where our on-air, pro-family farmers become media “talking heads.” They can be trained how to create “ratings spikes” from within almost every interview they do on all broadcast or online media, making them highly sought after by all other media as subject matter experts on agriculture and energy.

Our participating family farmers will not only be trained to tell American agriculture’s story in a powerful, consensus-moving, authentic style, but more importantly still, they will tell the domestic energy sector’s heroic story as well including why the 30 mid-sized energy companies (who will all work with and through us) are to be credited as the true new heroes to America’s family agriculture business.

Understanding #6: The energy sector owning the most important game changer — media — will save America by becoming the media rather than remaining its vandalized victim. 

When the energy sector starts understanding why it must start owning a massive “bullhorn” within the national media complex itself, it will then tell America the true plight of the small American farmer everywhere. It will also offer thought leadership on exactly how the family farmer can and will be the best solution in providing environmentally popular carbon offsets via regenerative farming techniques, which do fully remove carbon from the air (as carbon offsets) in a way that further supports even more carbon-removal friendly domestic agriculture and the family farmer. This whilst making US energy’s carbon footprint ultimately shrink smaller than that of even poorly considered wind farms!

Understanding #7: The time is NOW and not tomorrow anymore. 

None of the above can ever occur if the energy and agriculture sectors simply continue to stand aside and wait until the leftist-dominated media tell their best stories. Because the leftist media appear to actually hate those two sectors more than any others, that day will never come as those two sectors (America’s energy and agriculture sectors) are now “enemies” of the left by virtue of their very existence. If the energy sector wants the above positive steps to actually occur, the energy sector must have a major voice within national media, period. We can build that big voice platform for them — it’s what my team and I do.

Understanding #8: Energy sector CEOs need a powerful media bullhorn to ensure that America-loving, domestic energy-supporting Attorney General’s & local DA’s hold office in each state going forward from here. 

If the domestic energy sector is ever going to overcome governmental “abuse of process” and finally end (or heavily curb) the corporate pro-communism of ESG business-killing restrictions, which exist within the quasi-governmental or media-governmental industrial complex, then it is up to the key mid-sized energy sector CEOs to also make sure they are actively supporting the other players who also matter in this “energy war.” These players are not necessarily governors, but rather are the state Attorney General’s and local District Attorney’s. If the domestic energy sector doesn’t fully consider why state AG’s and DA’d matter so very much, they will end up being crushed by George Soros-backed, anti-energy sector state AGs and local DAs – the same one’s going after Trump now. Again, the only way to ensure this is by key energy players owning the loudest, consensus-moving media “bullhorns” by creating their own beachhead within national media for the energy sector. This bullhorn would be used to support pro-freedom-loving AGs and DAs for public office in the process.

We can do this. It is what we do. 

Understanding #9: Energy sector CEOs can and must learn how to control the national narrative by becoming “media-centric thought leaders” in every action they take from here forward. 

Because energy sector CEOs don’t really understand how to enter into relationships with or ownership of the media space, they are at a severe disadvantage. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise when domestic energy producers are repeatedly attacked by the anti-domestic energy cartels of solar and wind electric, or defunded by woke ESG policies that affect their share prices. Corporate communism only exists today via ESG because the media narrative has been too long ceded to the radical left by virtue of the default of the energy sector itself, which has been far too busy to require an equal voice within the great debate.

That is a tragedy that must change, or America will become a bizarre experiment of what an advanced Western civilization looks like on expensive energy — a true Orwellian nightmare.

Understanding #10: Each energy CEO must take the 3 critical steps below.

In order to reverse the current media tide and reframe the entire energy debate nationwide, energy CEOs must take 3 critical steps now:

Each energy CEO must seek to build, within their own energy companies, a purpose-built media division for the purpose of changing their own company’s public narrative to one that effectively breaks through past inattention by way of truthful, emotional narratives that deeply resonate with the common man or woman.
Each energy CEO must further learn to become a go-to subject matter media expert on energy. They can each be trained to conversationally “own” media interviews within 60 seconds of the start of any interview. This will start to change the narrative but in baby steps.

My team and I can help the above to occur as well.

Step 3 is part of the final understanding below.

Understanding #11: Energy sector CEOs must put all differences aside now for the sake of the nation and work collaboratively to do a “hostile takeover” of aspects of the national media space in order to save America from totalitarian Marxism’s unaffordable energy nightmare.

When, or even while #10 above occurs, only then can the 3rd step of the three steps noted within #10 take place. That is where the best 30 mid-sized domestic energy CEOs start to collaboratively work together to fund an energy and agriculture media behemoth, which will act to completely reframe the entire domestic energy debate within the United States and afterward put together and host state and local political candidate debates, including presidential and federal policy debates.

This will not only end up affecting the overall composition of the House and Senate in each state but will also affect the federal government makeup and will ultimately positively redefine our government and its policies towards domestic energy and agriculture as the true national security necessities both sectors actually are to America’s security and independence.

In doing this, our coalition of energy players should consider drawing upon their own future congressional and senatorial candidates (for house and senate within state and federal elections) from amongst those same family farmers our happy energy coalition helped earlier to save!


Steps 1 through 11 cannot and will not ever occur unless around 30 members of the domestic energy sector make a choice to save themselves, the agricultural sector, and America through energy becoming a giant voice within American media, because it is only by key players within the energy sectors and the agricultural sectors working together that we can truly tell America’s story now.

My team can build all of the mechanisms noted above, which are now needed to achieve everything outlined herein, and we can start building them now.

If the domestic energy sector is ever going to overcome governmental “abuse of process” and/or finally end/curb the ESG business-killing restrictions of the quasi-government & media/governmental complex, then they are going to need such a huge media “national bullhorn” presence that it will actually change national consensus enough to elect anti-Marxist candidates — our candidates! For more on media go to

Kind regards,

Mark Masters, for and The Diamond Group,LLC.

As stated above, this podcast and outline from Mark Masters is the first in a series centered around changing the narrative and paradigm around energy and the media. Thank you Mark for your time and leadership in the media, agriculture, and energy. – Stu

Please contact me or Mark for more information on the media initiative to help energy and agriculture save America.

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Full Transcript being Added:

Energy News Beat 


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