December 8

How Protests and Crackdowns Can Exacerbate Climate Change


It has become impossible to parody the delusion depts of Climate Alarmists. No one could come close to making fun of them that matches this from Foreign Policy

From the article.

Tear gas, water cannons, pepper spray projectile launches, laser dazzlers, traffic barricades, fires, helicopters, and military tanks—hallmarks of modern protest and counterprotest around the world—cause injuries, endanger human life, and can violate human rights. They may also pose risks to the climate.


And there are other, perhaps more insidious ways the state can exert control and simultaneously cause environmental damage. Consider fire, an inhumane and environmentally reckless countermeasure to protest—potentially lethal and indiscriminate in the people it can kill and the property it can destroy.

“In Ethiopia, especially during countrywide protests between 2015 and 2018, some activists who protested government practices sought refuge in forests,” said Felix Horne, a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Security forces then proceeded to burn some of those forests in an attempt to force the protesters out.” Fire as an answer to protest can be wildly irresponsible, especially when variables such as wind are present.

While protesters themselves may be driven to light fires, they typically do so out of desperation, exhausted by the limited tools available to express opposition. Nevertheless, tire fires in particular—either those lit by accident or intentionally as demonstrations escalate—likely have an effect on carbon emissions.

Be prepared to spit up all over your keyboard and read the very very serious article here.

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