September 26

Green California Governor on Skyrocketing Prices: “We’re Just Getting Started” – Or As We Say In The Real World “Trippling Down On Stupid”.


California Governor Gavin Newsom doubling down on the climate policies which are destroying quality of life for ordinary Californians.

Newsom’s 2024 Climate Platform

Blackouts? No worries, mate. California is ‘just getting started,’ as the Governor signs 40 new laws.

By The Editorial BoardSept. 20, 2022 6:44 pm ET

California can barely keep the lights on as its climate policies bite the electric grid, but Gov. Gavin Newsom is undaunted. On Friday he signed no fewer than 40—count ’em 40—new climate bills to amp up California’s green-energy shock experiment.

Even as gasoline prices nationwide have fallen to an average $3.68 a gallon, Californians are still paying $5.45 a gallon. California’s electric rates are already more than double those in neighboring states. This is what happens when politicians try to eliminate fossil fuels with a Molotov cocktail of regulation, taxes, and renewable mandates and subsidies.

But Mr. Newsom blew right past that on Friday: “We’re not only doubling down, we’re just getting started.”

One thing to bear in mind, unless Californian elections are totally rigged, the majority of Californians voted for politicians who support these policies.

How do we interpret this apparent acceptance and support for higher prices? Do Newsom supporting Californians want to pay higher prices? Or do they still believe the green fiction of cheap renewables, do they expect prices to fall in the near future? At what point do voters expect Newsom’s green lunacy to start to feel good?

Whatever their expectations, the next decade will be a painful test of their resolve and patience.

Essay by Eric Worrall

h/t M; California Governor Gavin Newsom doubling down on the climate policies which are destroying quality of life for ordinary Californians.


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