November 29

Exclusive | China wielding ‘bargaining power’ with Russia over Power of Siberia 2 natural gas pipeline


Construction of the Power of Siberia 2 natural gas pipeline is likely to be slower than expected despite the ‘no limit’ strategic partnership between Beijing and Moscow
Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised to export at least 98 billion cubic metres per year of gas from Russia to China

Construction of one of Russia’s key natural gas projects to ensure a financial lifeline overseas is likely to be slower than expected as China seeks to leverage its “bargaining stance”, according to a Russian source and Chinese analysts.

The discussions with Beijing over the construction of the Power of Siberia 2 natural gas pipeline, a long touted signal of bilateral cooperation, have progressed slowly.

The pipeline, if completed, would divert 50 billion cubic metres (1.8 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas per year that previously supplied Europe to north China, offering a significant boost to Beijing’s energy security.

Energy News Beat 


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