December 28

ENB #168 Kyle Reyes, Owner Blue Lives Matter Media, so does your families security get impacted with an open border? Will the grid be attacked?


Source: ENB

I have been following Kyle and his Blue Lives Matter on LinkedIn for a long time. After seeing some of his posts on the open border crisis, I had to get him on the podcast.

There are over 30 major interconnects in the US Grid that China can access remotely, and after seeing the military-aged men standing at parade rest being processed for illegally crossing the border, it made both of my hairs stand up. The Biden administration warns that the grid may fail and be prepared, but many are not putting these pieces together.

During our discussion, I was humbled by Kyle and his commitment to our great law enforcement and our first responders facing PTSD. It is extremely cool to hear our discussion about how lives can be impacted for the good if we just listen. My wife understands how PTS has impacted my life.

As Americans we need to be ready to defend our homes and our neighbors until the first responders can arrive. My fear is that the “Think Blue Line” will be stretched beyond the breaking point soon.

Please follow Kyle on his LinkedIn Here:

Support our First Responders HERE:

Thank you for stopping by the podcast! I had an absolute blast, and let us know if we can help – Stu

Highlights of the Podcast

02:08 – Emphasis on individual preparedness, criticism of defunding the police narrative, and concerns about Gavin Newsom’s potential presidential run.

04:54 – Kyle Reyes critiques Colorado’s constitutional rewrite, discusses political shifts with Stuart Turley, and shares mixed views on RFK Jr.’s positions.

08:14 – Proposal of electric vehicles as an energy crisis solution, criticism of the lack of a sustainable energy path, and humorous discussion on alternative plans.

10:58 – Concerns about open borders, citing European reactions and the influx of Venezuelans. Kyle Reyes attributes LinkedIn’s success to truthful content.

14:01 – Powerful story of a life saved by a post-traumatic stress video, the distinction between post-traumatic stress and disorder, and details on law enforcement initiatives.

19:32 – Alarm about the border crisis, referencing FBI Director Wray’s warning, immigrant influx, security risks, and the Biden administration’s role.

24:07 – Urgency for action against the border crisis, emphasizing the need to protect American values and address threats posed by unchecked immigration.

28:08 – Importance of owning marketing channels, overcoming censorship, and raising awareness about PTSD, especially among law enforcement officers.

30:21 – Acknowledgment of the persistent challenges faced by law enforcement, expressing gratitude for their dedication amid the growing crisis.

32:55 – Inquiry about contacting Kyle Reyes’ marketing firm.

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Stuart Turley [00:00:06] Hello everybody. Welcome to the Energy News podcast. My name’s Stu Turley President and CEO of the Sandstone group. This is a little bit of a different podcast for me. We are having an energy crisis coming around the corner. The grid is absolutely. The FERC has said we could be facing rolling blackouts because of the way the additional power is coming. However, the Chinese have an estimated 30 major components in our national grid and they can shut those down at any time. We then on the border, I’m sure everybody has seen these lots of foreign nationals invading us on the border and military men stand different. And when you took a look last week on TV, you saw a lot of men standing there. They’re standing at parade rest week. And it’s a problem. And I’ll tell you what, I have had an absolute blast on LinkedIn following Kyle Reyes. Kyle is an owner law enforcement today and you’re just he’s wearing a shirt for our podcast list. There’s two things right now he’s got built I saw there’s the dam. I love firearms and sitting in front of an amazing wall or risk, I’m sitting here going, Okay, what kind of guy is this? Welcome to the podcast

Kyle Reyes [00:01:34] Thanks for having me on, brother. I appreciate the opportunity to connect with all of your people out there.

Stuart Turley [00:01:39] You who? You’re absolutely. You’re up in the great state of Connecticut that you call that something. Now, the.

Kyle Reyes [00:01:48] People’s Republic of Connecticut is how we typically refer to it and how we are lovingly looking forward to leaving it behind. When we moved to Florida next week.

Stuart Turley [00:01:57] Oh, my goodness. Congratulations. Thank you. Got an alligator pet yet?

Kyle Reyes [00:02:01] Not yet. But we do have a dog that that alligator pet could become a problem pretty quick. I think that’s that’s my kid’s major concern.

Stuart Turley [00:02:08] Well, I’ll tell you what, your posts are phenomenal. We’re going to have your linked in here and we need to get to know you just a little bit. As a law enforcement officer, you’re you had your posts are sponsoring and.

Kyle Reyes [00:02:24] I am not a cop. I am the guy that can run my mouth in support of police officers and no agency can fire me.

Stuart Turley [00:02:34] But you’re supporting them. And we had chit chatted. You know, the I’m an NRA certified instructor in everything from sniper to pistol to shotgun black powder. And everybody needs to know guns. And I think personally, we’re at a point where we’re going to need to absolutely be prepared to defend your family. And I never, ever want to have that problem. But you got to be prepared.

Kyle Reyes [00:03:05] You 100% have to be prepared. And listen. For years we were told you don’t need guns because the police will. And then 2020 happened and it was, well, we don’t need the police, right. We need to defund them. We need to abolish. And then this wild and crazy thing happened at the end of 2023, which is called There’s an upcoming election. And now all of a sudden nobody wants to talk about that whole defund the police thing anymore, do they?

Stuart Turley [00:03:28] How about Newsom, our buddy Newsom out there in California? This one cracked me up. He just tried to circumvent the Second Amendment and he just said there was a court, I believe it was either yesterday or today that said that was not good.

Kyle Reyes [00:03:45] Same thing just happened with Wachtel in New York. I mean, and listen, let’s call it what it is. Newsom is probably going to be the Democratic nominee for president. I’ve been saying this for a very long time, and I actually think that that dude is something to be worried about because he has a marketing apparatus behind him that is very dangerous. In 2015, I was on Fox and I said, if Donald Trump throws his hat in the ring, the guy is going to win as president because he’s going to run a marketing campaign, not a political campaign. And that’s exactly what he and that is the dam wall. That’s one of the many dangers of Newsom, is that the guy has built up a massive marketing machine behind him.

Stuart Turley [00:04:27] Oh, yeah. And I love his oh, I’m not going to run. But I think in March, the Democrats have said that if Biden steps down in March, they can put anybody in they want and it just circumvents everybody’s voting in the initial election. So it’s kind of like the, you know, why vote for a Democrat when the elite are going to pick Just scary times.

Kyle Reyes [00:04:54] I mean, look at Colorado, right? Setting the precedent for rewriting the Constitution instead of. Mercury eyes. It is. We are looking at you know, for the longest time, I was told, oh, you’re you’re a conservative. That means you’re a fascist. People don’t understand what fascism is, nor do they understand what tyranny is. If you want to see tyranny, look at a state court system attempting to control the results of an election through election interference by shredding the Constitution that is tyranny right there.

Stuart Turley [00:05:25] Oh, I don’t get it. And then out of that one with the California excuse me, the Colorado, the last time that happened was Abe Lincoln, correct?

Kyle Reyes [00:05:36] They were desperate to keep Abe Lincoln off the ballot, too, aren’t they?

Stuart Turley [00:05:39] So in the Democrats were for slavery.

Kyle Reyes [00:05:44] But but that’s not what they’ll tell you. Let’s say that. No, everything actually flipped. Like, there was this like polar shift and that flipped. And Democrats became Republicans and Republicans became Democrats. This world’s got nuts, man.

Stuart Turley [00:05:57] Oh, it is. And then they assassinate. So I really hope our beloved Secret Service is on Trump. Kennedy? Yeah. Kennedy cracks me up that they’ve held the Secret Service for him in the CIA. You killed his his uncle. So, you know, it’s like, what’s up with that?

Kyle Reyes [00:06:21] I mean, listen, I can’t. I couldn’t in good conscience vote for RFK Jr because I have very different perspectives on on, you know, pro-life issues and things like that. With that being said, I’ll give the guy credit. I actually love his foreign policy stance on the CIA and the FBI. I love his stance on big Pharma. And so, you know, if Trump’s desperate for them to do that, you know, I’m not into things the moderate vote, because here’s the thing, RFK Jr right now, do I want to see him as president or V.P.? No. To be clear, however, him running as an independent is going to pull votes from Trump. That’s the reality of it, because you have scrubbers, right?

Stuart Turley [00:07:03] But here’s on the energy side. He came through and he said he’s going to ban for or we already have a war from the Biden administration on our great energy suppliers because they can’t even there’s 24,000 permits even for renewable energy. Let’s say that renewable energy was possibly sustainable, which is not. And so if it was that you can’t even get those done, and we have all the renewable companies losing billions and they’re not able to continue bidding on these things, The the offshore bids are not happening in the war. We’re now exporting everything. And then you take a look at the Nord Stream that Joe hinted that he was. You know, it won’t matter because it’s not there. Sorry. That was my as I was leaning into my mike doing my worst Biden moment, you know, everybody was saying that we blew it. I have no idea. But on the other hand, you sit back and know who’s the benefactor. You know, why would Putin? I was like, you know.

Kyle Reyes [00:08:14] I actually have the solution to the energy crisis. It’s very simple. I come up in the world right now, ready? We need everybody to drive electric vehicles. That that’s the solution right there. Don’t don’t you know that? I mean, that’s why we have to do this.

Stuart Turley [00:08:27] Thank you, Kyle, for coming on the podcast. I appreciate you guys. Quickly, I mean.

Kyle Reyes [00:08:33] We are so backwards right now. We’re we’re literally sitting there going, yeah, they’re probably going to be rolling brownouts and blackouts, but everybody needs to go get an EV right now. And we’re going to put tons and tons of money into something that we do not have a sustainable path for energy to support. Oh, and by the way, can we talk for a second about how how the mining happens to to gain the crucial news?

Stuart Turley [00:09:00] Right.

Kyle Reyes [00:09:01] Anyway, sorry, I digress.

Stuart Turley [00:09:03] Oh, no. But you’re you’re dead on right now. I want to say I’m not against an IB. I love the concept if you want one. Great. But the family turmoil of the Trump Derangement syndrome. I’m going to tell you, I was watching Rosie O’Donnell go nuts on Trump over the weekend. My sister in law went nuts. Just Trump. There’s Trump that every this ivy that my brother in law. Evy, Evie, I left. Guess who does not have to go to Christmas at their house get.

Kyle Reyes [00:09:41] So much winning.

Stuart Turley [00:09:42] I mean, I’m going to the lake house. I call that a personal problem.

Kyle Reyes [00:09:46] Listen, we got out of a lot of stuff, too, because, you know, instead of having to to spend our money on Christmas presents for a family that doesn’t like us, I’m just going to go sell my unvaccinated sperm for gobs of money and have a lake house soon. That’s my new plan.

Stuart Turley [00:10:00] But yeah, I see mine is where a I can survive a zombie apocalypse. And I’m a zombie apocalypse kind of guy. I do think that we all need to get into there. I’m putting in a victory garden in a thing. You know, I wish I’d done that last year, but had some things going on. So, you know, a greenhouse is going up this winter. So I’m going to you’re going to need the World War two. We got we survived because of the victory garden.

Kyle Reyes [00:10:30] That’s correct. Absolutely. We also survived because we didn’t have a generation of whiny and entitled snowflakes that gets triggered by the wrong pronouns. So I mean the combination of the victory gardens. Yes. And the fact that we actually had good men and women who are willing to stand up, fight for freedom and believe in the constitutional values that people are trying desperately to destroy in this country right now. There’s that little component to.

Stuart Turley [00:10:58] Do you think that people I called last year in 2022 that there was going to be a great away. And I it’s a little later than I thought it was. But in Europe, you’re seeing France looking at banning and trying to shut down their border problems. You’re you’re seeing people realizing that you cannot have a sovereign country with an open border. And the Slavic countries are where people are wanting to go retire. You know, Indonesia is a pretty cool place to go retire. And when you sit back and kind of work, the great people are tired of high cost of energy and not being able to be defended because of the violence coming in to their country. We’re here now. I saw a report I can’t call. I’m going to give you credit because I think it was on your post. But yeah, take take the credit. It was among us is in Venezuela and there’s a bunch of Venezuelans coming in. So here we are a couple of days before Christmas when we’re recording this and you got Hamas running in here and they’re saying they’re going to take down the evil country. 11 guys, last time I checked. Okay, I’m with Oklahoma State University, but last time I checked, 11 guys took down the tower, supposedly. Yep, they had a little help.

Kyle Reyes [00:12:24] But that’s a what’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? It’s about six months.

Stuart Turley [00:12:31] Okay. Yeah. I’m surprised you How many conspiracy? Alex Jones is a nut. I think that’s.

Kyle Reyes [00:12:37] What he proved to be right. More than he’s been wrong lately, hasn’t it?

Stuart Turley [00:12:42] And did you see the one with. Oh, who was it? Said I ain’t got time to bleed. I like Jesse Ventura. Yeah, there was a Jesse Ventura that described it covered. Did you see that interview? That was who? I ain’t Got Time to Bleed. I love that movie for that predator I got to give him. Was he a Navy SEAL?

Kyle Reyes [00:13:03] I’m not sure.

Stuart Turley [00:13:04] I think he was. Then he was governor. Yeah. So anyway, shout out to Predator. We’re going to need to be predators here pretty quick or at least have one in your back pocket. So what can you tell people that you’re doing? Why is your your LinkedIn doing phenomenal. You’ve got 35,000 followers. What are you doing? Right.

Kyle Reyes [00:13:25] So the truth, that’s really what it comes down to. I do want to give a little background and context real quick, because you probably are people who are watching right now going, why is this guy like a raging alcoholic? What’s up with all the booze? So law enforcement today, one of my companies, we do a series called Behind the Uniforms, So we have the Whiskey War and we invite active and retired emergency responders and veterans to come to the whiskey while they bring a bottle. We share cocktails and they tell you story on camera about a good day on the job and a lousy day on the job. Why not? Bottle in the bottle goes on the wall. And so wait, I want to I want to show you something here.

Stuart Turley [00:14:00] Hang on. Okay.

Kyle Reyes [00:14:01] So I’m sitting at the office one day and I get this bottle. Now, you’ll notice it has not been opened, right? This thing comes in the mail. There’s no no return address. There’s a handwritten note, Van Winkle, which spectacular. And this person, whoever it was, male or female, I’ve no idea that they were scrolling through Facebook with their gun in their hand and they were just delaying the inevitable that they were trying to get the courage to take their own life. And there they stumbled upon a video that we had done one of our behind the uniforms a couple of years ago, where it was an officer who was sitting there with his pistol in his mouth, and he was about to pull the trigger and his kid walked out and said, Daddy, what are you doing? And his kid saved his life. And so he talked about post-traumatic stress and getting help and getting treatment for it and and how he found God and his recovery. And so whoever it was that sent this bottle, sent a note saying that when I saw that video, it saved me. And I’m alive today because of that video that you guys did. And so So this war, brother, it’s it’s just a. Tribute to those men and women who serve and protect. And so go ahead.

Stuart Turley [00:15:05] How cool is that, man? I’m over here getting all clamped in. How well done. PTSD is real. Totally. I’ve had a problem my whole life because of that. My wife is very understanding of that. PTSD is real.

Kyle Reyes [00:15:23] Absolutely. Absolutely. And one of the things that we talk about, we’re going to be doing a series of wounded officer retreats in Connecticut where we take care of these guys and we just love on them. And we bring out a chaplain and a pizza expert. And, you know, some will probably do some equine therapy out here and a myofascial release and everything. But one of the things that I think is important to keep in mind or the narrative that we’re trying to change is that there’s a difference between post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic stress disorder. And so to say, disorder implies that these guys are broken and can’t be fixed. And so we’re trying to remove the D out of the PTSD because we want them to know that there’s so much love behind them. They’re not broken. They’re not, you know, handicapped. I mean, they are and we’re working to fix them. And so what we’ve seen in our travels since I acquired this company has been nothing short of heartbreaking and terrifying. And so context there I was. I run a marketing agency by day, right? It’s called the Silent Partner Marketing. Fox News called this America’s most Patriotic marketing agency, who we went viral in 2017 for the Snowflake test. It’s our hiring process to make sure that we don’t hire whining, entitled snowflakes. And so we did 14 appearances in the first couple of days, Fox and Friends FOX and for us at first Varney and company, Lauter with Crowder, Kennedy, Adam Corolla, you name it, we have 40,000 emails in a week, 10,000 job applications, bro. I had like three open jobs at that point. It was ridiculous. So anyway, I, I came into law enforcement today and about 2017, 2018, I was the national spokesman because I could run my mouth and no agency could fire me. And then I became the executive director. So in 2020, during all the lockdowns and the riots, we were reaching over 100 million people a month through the platform. It was insanity. And so earlier this year, Captain Greenberg, the founder of Law Enforcement, today he’s about to go into his 40th year of law enforcement. He said, hey, I think I’m going to shut it down. I was like, what the hell are you talking about? He said, I just don’t have time to do this. My my heart is really in law enforcement. And so I want to wrap up my my career in law enforcement. So I acquired the platform side of winning go under two days later. And so I closed on it with strict nondisclosure agreements on 4th of July, because America, that’s why. And then two days later, our competitors contacted us and asked if I’d be interested in acquiring them. I thought it was a joke, but I thought that they knew they had no idea. And so in October, we closed on the acquisition of a Police Tribune. Blue Lives Matter, Law Enforcement, Family, Law Enforcement for Life make the Cops YouTube page. And so collectively now it’s the largest police news outlet in the world, one of the largest in the two spaces. We have about 3.4 million followers on Facebook, not including my personal LinkedIn. We’ve got almost 400,000 LinkedIn subscribers, 600,000 YouTube, a couple hundred thousand each on Twitter and Tik Tok closing in on a million email subscribers. And so we we seek to support the constitutional principles of our country, the men and women who serve and protect our communities and our country and do so through truth. Right. So part of that is humanizing the men and women that are wearing those badges, wearing those uniforms every single day. But part of it is showing what’s really happening. So my personal LinkedIn, which you follow, we travel a lot, man. We’ve been boots on the ground in Arizona, Texas and all over the country the last couple of months because we want to show what’s really happening. We need to show that every state is a border state. So we’ve been going out on the road with the National Border Patrol Council. Sheriff LAMB, Sheriff Daniels, Cochise County, Tucson PD. We went up in the air with them, Texas DPS, the border sheriffs, the border police chiefs, because this is such like brother, people don’t even realize you talk about the Great Awakening, right? And I think it is starting to happen. However, the media is a very controlled narrative still. And so you have to ask yourselves if all of a sudden you see certain messaging coming out, then then what? What else is happening? I’ll give you an example. Wray The FBI director, when that dude comes out and he says, before 911, there were blinking red lights. Now there are blinking red lights everywhere, everywhere. That is a cover your but statement that is a we know things are about to go down and get really ugly. So now I can say, hey, I tried to warn you all, but we saw the border and if you want, I can go into some of the numbers and experiences, please.

Stuart Turley [00:19:56] Yes, please.

Kyle Reyes [00:19:57] So we. We are facing an existential. As a country. I’m not saying that to be inflammatory. I’m not saying that to sound like a conspiracy theorist. And you’re seeing right now I’m.

Stuart Turley [00:20:06] Head of the FBI, who I don’t trust says that. Sorry for interrupting. Go to my place.

Kyle Reyes [00:20:13] So when you see the media finally reporting on tens of 15,000 illegal immigrants crossing on day. Right. We need to add some context for your average small town in America has 5000 people in it. So right there, you’re saying 2 to 3 small towns a day. Now people think, yeah, but they’re all being deported. Right now. About 95% of them, at a minimum, are being released into the interior of the U.S. They’re being ticket tickets.

Stuart Turley [00:20:43] They’re going to jail or.

Kyle Reyes [00:20:44] They’re being put on domestic flights and shipped all over the U.S. without any identification. Now, some more important info for your listeners and your viewers to understand is that if I come into this country illegally and I don’t have a criminal record in America and I am not on a terror watch list, nobody knows that I’m a convicted murderer in Iran. Right. Nobody knows that I’m a convicted drug or sex trafficker in Venezuela. Nobody knows that I’m part of al Qaeda. And so we don’t have any information on these people. There’s no way of getting them. If you can’t get them, you look and go. Now, they don’t have any records, so we’re going to release them here into America. Now, here’s where it gets really scary. So all of the contacts that I’ve been out with in the last few weeks on the border in Arizona and in Texas, New Mexico, California, they are estimating the number of gateways to be as many as twice the number of apprehensions. So if you’re coming into America and you’re saying sanctuary, asylum, and you immediately get processed and released into the U.S., why would you avoid that process? Because you’re just going to be given a court date that five years from now and you’re not going to show up to it. Why would you avoid it? So when you’re seeing as many as twice the number of gateways as there are apprehensions, do the math on that, man. We’re talking about as many as 45 to 50000 people per day flooding into America. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of Chinese nationals Pakistani, Iranian, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Iraq, young, fit, single military age, clean cut men. It is absolutely alarming. And then if you look at the number of OTMs or other than Mexico nationals who have hit the border, we’re talking upwards of 260 nations outside of Mexico in the last few months. And then you combine that with the fact that less than 3% of cargo that comes into America from overseas gets inspected before being distributed all over the U.S., we have a recipe for the the greatest series of potential terror attacks this country has ever faced. And you’re right, it was about a dozen people who brought American trainees on September 11th. What happens with these numbers that we’re looking at now and I’d like to use the analogy, because a lot of people don’t realize how bad it. They don’t realize that that their state is now a border state. So if you have a big old jar of Eminem’s and in that jar of Eminem’s, you have 3000 Eminem’s and you have 50 of them are poison that will kill you when you eat them. Or you can take a handful in a jar. What if it’s 500? What if it’s two? Are you going to take that handful of Eminem and take that risk? And that is what we’re facing right now. There are innocent women and children who are being exploited and victimized on their path to get to a safer place. I’m not I’m not minimizing that by any means.

Stuart Turley [00:23:37] They’re not disgusting.

Kyle Reyes [00:23:39] But that that is being encouraged, enabled and empowered by the Biden administration that has opened up the borders to these cartels and these coyotes that are making literally billions of dollars on these innocent women and children, along with all of the numbers of of terrorists, known terrorists, people with terror ties, cartel members, human traffickers, drug runners all across the country that are being flooded in from the border.

Stuart Turley [00:24:07] Sorry. That’s all I’m I’m I’m over here. I’ve been saying this our podcast. We’ve got some great listeners and I love all of them. We’ve got a different audience than you do, and that audience is more in the energy and finance and CEOs. They’re not. But all I can say is, as American men, we need to stand up. And I believe in God, I believe in Jesus. I’m just telling you right now, I don’t care if they try it there at Google’s already censoring me. Yay! It means I’m saying something, right? But we need to be able to even survive just a natural disaster. The government’s not going to be there for me and youth. They’re going to be there for the folks coming across the border, giving them $5,000 in return. Lacey, I can’t believe our Congress people said I think it was yesterday or the day before. We need to replace the people, our voters. I hope that if you’re a Democrat and you’re in a city that you’re on the front line now, I hope you realize they’re trying to replace you.

Kyle Reyes [00:25:18] Well, and let me throw this out there to Maine, because your point is not lost on me about who the audience is. And I appreciate and respect that. And I got to tell you, I had zero interest in being in the law enforcement space as far as an owner of the largest law enforcement news outlet in the world.

Stuart Turley [00:25:34] I’m impressed.

Kyle Reyes [00:25:35] But. Well, thank you. But but my point is that I listen, I run a marketing agency, man, like we market everything from whiskey and firearms to t shirts to law firms to you name it. So what the hell am I doing sitting here at the whiskey? All right, now. Well, there’s. There’s a time in society where good men need to stand up and declare enough is enough. I am a father of four little girls. I am a husband. I’m a Christian, first and foremost. That supersedes everything else and.

Stuart Turley [00:26:05] Equal.

Kyle Reyes [00:26:05] Triumphs when good men and women do nothing. So we can sit on the sidelines and we can allow this insanity to happen. And we can watch as our society collapses and we can watch as our businesses falter. And we could watch as our taxes skyrocket. And we could watch as crime explodes in this country. Or we can all stand up and say, Yeah, you know what? I might be the CEO of a company. I might be in the energy sector. I might be in the finance sector, but dammit, enough is enough. Like this is our country that is on the line right now.

Stuart Turley [00:26:33] Right. Mark Masters, I want to give him a shout out. He’s the one that helped set the radio talk radio, which is the single biggest medium that’s out there, the conservative with Rush and HANNITY and everybody else. And I’m trying to help him with an energy channel to help because the media. You are doing phenomenal. I just I’m sorry. I get it. I want to help you in any way that I possibly can with this new market in. It’s the underserved market of energy. And farmers are poor. Farmers are just getting brutalized. Why in the world is Bill Gates buying all this stuff so that all the land so he can kill the great American family farm? That one drives me nuts. You got your oilfield workers. You got your guys on the line. You got your blue, protect the blue, protect your first responders. You got your farmers. All of these people are great people. But I’m sorry I’m getting worked up.

Kyle Reyes [00:27:41] Because I’ve been so calm about this now.

Stuart Turley [00:27:44] For a while over some serious relaxant.

Kyle Reyes [00:27:47] But I don’t even drink anymore. That’s the irony.

Stuart Turley [00:27:52] I gave up 25 years ago.

Kyle Reyes [00:27:54] I started. That’s how I Like I said, I got four little kids, man. If I could just inject this directly into my veins, I probably. That’s. I can’t say that on YouTube. That’s going to be that’s going to shut you down. That’s going to be misinterpreted.

Stuart Turley [00:28:08] And it’s all about owning. As a marketing guy, I’m sure you understand this. We as Americans need to own our own marketing channel, and my substack is doing quite well. So when you sit back and think I have figured out a way to get around the Google Analytics, I buy it based on the interaction, who I’m interacting with. I’m quite happy with it. LinkedIn shut me down. Yay! That’s a badge of honor. I’m okay with that. It’s kind of like getting your range master certification. I’m skipping around like a little girl with my coat on going, I’m a range master. So mental image.

Kyle Reyes [00:28:52] There for a second.

Stuart Turley [00:28:54] There. You know, I had to throw people off my line. I do not. I enjoy a good target shoot. I enjoy teaching people. Having hundreds of Boy Scouts come through my lines. You know, teach them how to shoot black powder. Love all of that. Working with the police guys, having competitions on ambidextrous shooting. And that was the only time I ever won. I love the camaraderie on the range. When you’re say it is all about safety, But Kyle, I am so proud that you took the time and the things that you’re doing, because I know that from a personal standpoint, PTSD is I love the way that you said that because I have PTSD. Not the day. That was a while ago. But I’m going to tell you right now, it’s because I stepped in and help up. I saw things that I shouldn’t have seen, but I didn’t walk away. And it’s better. Bad enough that you stand there and I feel sorry for the first responders that walk into that every day.

Kyle Reyes [00:30:04] Well, there was a great analogy that was made for me by one of the one of the national vice presidents for the National Border Patrol Council. I was having a conversation on the border in Texas with him and Lieutenant Alvarez, who’s you see him on FOX and CNN.

Stuart Turley [00:30:20] And.

Kyle Reyes [00:30:21] Great guy. And the point that they made was and this is not by any means and the guys at Tampa said the same thing, Texas Municipal Police Association. So this isn’t to take away from our veterans, right. By any means, but many of them have seen and experienced is the stuff of nightmares. But when they have a let’s call it a critical incident that happens overseas, an IED explodes, they lose some guys when they come back and they’re now out of the sandbox. They have an opportunity to to deal with it in a very different environment back home. Again, not minimizing what they’re going through. But when you’re in law enforcement and you have that critical incident that happens, that officer involved shooting that baby, that you pull out of pool and try and resuscitate and you can’t you might have a couple of days off to try and cope and deal with things, but then you’re back in it. You’re back on that route, the same route every single day. And some of these guys are on it for 20, 30 years. And this is why we have such high suicide rates right now with our Border Patrol agents and with a lot of people who are down on the border because what they’re experiencing is a tsunami. It is a tsunami of an invasion. It is a tsunami of a humanitarian crisis. It is a tsunami. We were called fake news because we reported on the rape tree. I don’t know if you’ve heard of this. The rape tree is where they bring these women and children and they sexually assault them at this tree near the border. And then they hang an article of their undergarments on that tree is like a memento. And we were told that that was fake news. If that doesn’t happen, brother, I saw with my own eyes I was out there on the border with the sheriff. But you’re being told that these things don’t happen. And yet these officers and these Border Patrol agents are experiencing this every single day. And the next day, two days later, they’re back out there. And so PTSD takes many different forms for some more physical triggers. For others, there are just smells and sights. But but, man, I just every day I throw up a prayer of gratitude and support for these incredible men and women because they are at war every single day while guys like us are sitting here on our butts with our iced coffee in front of us talking about how bad it is. We don’t have to live with that every single day yet. But as this comes to our communities and don’t get me wrong, this is absolutely coming to our communities. Our reality is going to change very quickly here in America.

Stuart Turley [00:32:39] And sooner than later. Kyle, you’re a rock star and thank you for your time. Thank you. And I hope that if you ever need anything, I want to get your story out to my audience to help expand your audience also so much. And how do people get a hold of your marketing firm? Does any of that?

Kyle Reyes [00:33:01] Cool. Thank you. The Silent Partner Marketing com America’s Most Patriotic marketing Agency. If you want to if you want a chuckle man, just look up the snowflake test in Washington of those media appearances, but make sure you pee first because otherwise I think you’re going to wet yourself when you see the meltdowns that people had about this thing. We are the silent partner, marketing, e-comm, law enforcement. is our news website. People can follow Kyle SEO on Facebook. Same thing on on Instagram. Law enforcement today, Blue Lives Matter, Police Tribune. We’re all over the place. You can’t miss us.

Stuart Turley [00:33:33] I just thank you so much. And your wall of booze. You and I could have coffee looking at that, I think that would be great. I think that would be absolutely, absolutely wonderful.

Kyle Reyes [00:33:43] You have an open invite whenever you want, man.

Stuart Turley [00:33:46] Well, I’ll wait for you. Thank you very much. I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate. To see.

Energy News Beat 


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