March 26

Denver Suburb Caps Number Of Gas Stations To ‘Promote Electric Vehicles’


A suburb of Denver, Colorado has voted to ban the construction of new gas stations in order to address ‘environmental concerns with the continued use of gasoline powered vehicles and equipment.’

The Louisville City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday in support of a 2022 ordinance limiting the number of gas stations to six – with an exception carved out for one more (for a total of seven) if big box stores such as Costco or Sam’s Club build a store that’s 80,000 feet or larger and includes a gas station.

The limitation includes existing gas stations.

A 79-page report of the ordinance issued by the City Council on the day of the vote in part states such caps on gas stations “is a growing trend for local municipalities due to health and environmental concerns with the continued use of gasoline powered vehicles and equipment.”

The reports also states gas station “bans may also be seen as promoting the use of electric vehicles.”Just the News

The report acknowledges that gasoline is still required for non-electric vehicles.

“The proposal for a cap but not a full ban on new gasoline and automobile service stations is in recognition that there will continue to be some demand for gasoline and automobile service stations as more EVs enter the market and gasoline vehicles are transitioned out of the market over time,” it reads.

The proposal included letters from the community in support of the ordinance.

“I strongly support and encourage you to not allow the further construction of fossil fuel refueling stations (gas) in our community. All of us, not just the citizens of our community, need to move quickly away from fossil fuel consumption,” reads one letter from resident Channah Horst.

“If you are a climate denier then my plea falls on deaf ears. If you acknowledge the peril our planet is in then it is your responsibility to do what you can to help us make changes in the way we live. In other words–do not make it easier for me and my fellow residents to keep using gasoline.

Eric Lund, Executive Director of the Louisville Chamber of Commerce opposed the move, writing “If you limit the number of gas stations then competition could become an issue as our local residents will likely have to pay higher prices if open market competition is blocked by an ordinance of this type,” adding “I am not sure that there is a benefit by limiting the number of gas stations which typically also include retail stores and would be interested to understand the thought behind how this ordinance helps to support local businesses and our residents in the area.


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