April 26

Chain Reaction


Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.” – Robert Louis Stevenson

In the final year in which both nuclear reactors were operational, the Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) generated 16.7 terawatt hours of reliable baseload power from its 2.1GW of combined capacity—enough to meet roughly 25% of New York City’s total demand. By mid-2020, only one of those reactors was still running, but it managed to do so for the entire calendar year without interruption, turning in a perfect capacity factor of 100%. Not bad for a facility that sits on just 240 acres of land, the equivalent of a single square kilometer. IPEC permanently ceased operation on April 30, 2021, dealing a devasting blow to pro-nuclear activists around the country after their decade-long fight to stave off a counter-productive closure ended in bitter failure.

Punching above its weight


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