May 2

Biden wants 50,000 new climate activists and the consequences will be devastating


ENB Pub Note: This is a disaster waiting in the wings. The “Climate Corps” would be looking to shut down any business that is not “controled” by AI or the government. Make no mistake, this is a power grab.

With the national debt racing toward a record $35 trillion, President Joe Biden released his budget proposal Monday, including an eye-popping $8 billion for a “Climate Corps” program.

Enthusiastically supported by Green New Deal architects New York Democrat Representative Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Massachusetts Democrat Senator Ed Markey, Biden’s Climate Corps would hire 50,000 government workers annually by 2031 with the explicit yet vague mission of “tackling climate change.” Any guesses which political party these workers will be supporting?

The budget proposal made good on Biden’s pledge during the State of the Union to triple the number of workers from the original 20,000 he proposed last fall.

One can only surmise the Climate Corps would focus on carrying out Biden’s 2020 campaign vow to “end fossil fuel.” Since taking office, his administration has done their best to make good on this promise.


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