February 13

Daily Energy Standup Episode #59 -Gov Newsom is not an energy racist – He destroys fossil and renewable equally. Africa gets it in the drive-through, Alex Epstein gives us insight to Biden’s energy policies.


Daily Energy Standup Episode #59 – Gov Newsom is not an energy racist – He destroys fossil and renewable equally. Africa gets it in the drive-through; Alex Epstein gives us insight into Biden’s energy policies.

Stu wins the Super Bowl bet, and we cover all that and a bag of chips.

Stu says $85 to $95 oil due to the alien outbreak – not the ones coming over the southern border.

Biden been a significant cause of the global energy crisis – Talking points on Biden’s State of the Union 2023 – Alex Epstein

February 11, 2023 Allen Santos

​By Alex Epstein I can summarize the economic portion of Biden’s State of the Union speech in one word: evasion. President Biden is evading responsibility for the consequences of the anti-freedom, anti-development, anti-fossil-fuel policies he […]

Oil Rebound More Likely This Year, $100 a Barrel Possible, OPEC Sources Say

February 12, 2023 Allen Santos

​Summary Oil rally to $100 not ruled out by OPEC sources So far in 2023 Brent is up slightly at just over $86 China demand rebound, lack of sizeable supply growth key drivers Some OPEC […]

Conspiracy! Illegal! California’s new solar rules must be ditched, critics say

February 12, 2023 Allen Santos

Do-over! Critics who hate the state’s new rooftop solar rules — which slash the amount that future rooftop solar owners will get for exporting power to the grid — are demanding a rehearing before the California Public Utilities Commission. […]

Debt crisis, energy security, and Nigeria’s slippery road to net-zero …

February 12, 2023 Allen Santos

Nigeria, like many African countries, is at a crossroads. Although endowed with immense natural resources, energy access and security remain primary concerns even as the debate for energy transition creates more worries. With a debt […]

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