August 4

“Imagine a Million Electric Cars Trying to Flee”: Hurrican Survivors Sound Off on Major Problem with EVs


Were a hurricane barreling toward you and you needed to escape, would you want a car that could travel hundreds of miles, refill with a few containers of fuel that you carried without much hassle, and then start driving again almost immediately to get you out of the danger zone?

Or would you prefer a car that looks flashy, gets you claps from Hollywood types, can only travel a few hundred miles at most (and normally quite a bit fewer than that), and requires a complex, electricity powered refueling station, a generator, or solar panels to recharge, with that recharging taking anywhere from half an hour in the best of circumstances or hours upon hours in the worst, with the solar panels option taking forever, assuming the sun hadn’t been blotted out by the hurricane at that point?

Obviously, the combustion-powered engine is the better one in that circumstance. You can carry the fuel to keep it going after its tank has been exhausted, it has a longer range to begin with, and isn’t reliant upon highly complex infrastructure (assuming you were smart enough to fill up a few Jerry cans before fleeing).

So, in the case of a natural disaster, much as the greens might not want to admit it, a combustion-powered vehicle seems like the far, far better choice.

Such is what one large Twitter account posted about, highlighting that major failure for EVs, saying:

I live in Florida – hurricanes are unpredictable until the last hours – imagine a million electric cars trying to flee, stuck on major hwys going north and running out of charge … thousands dead – months bringing gas powered generators to clear major highways. This is reality.

I say this, because unlike the elitist billionaires pushing electric cars, I’ve been ground zero to many major hurricanes – most recently hurricane Michael Cat 5 – my 100 year oaks fell like twigs. I put American flags on them to say you can’t defeat me. Total destruction.

Commenting, one person noted “During Irma it took 20 hours to drive from Tampa to Tupelo… No way could it have happened if ever 10% of the cars were EV.”

And what would have happened to those cars that couldn’t make it? They would have been stuck on the side of the road, putting the people driving them at risk as the hurricane barreled down on fleeing Floridians, or, even worse, stuck in the middle of the road, holding up traffic and putting everyone in danger. And, again, a Jerry can of gas can’t be poured into them, so getting them moved out of the way would be a pain.

Another commenter agreed, saying:

I remember evacuating for Katrina and it taking 10 hours to get from Nola to Lafayette on a bad day it takes 3 hours then it took another 7 hours to get to Shreveport that whole trip usually takes 5 hrs. The interstates will be clogged with dead electric vehicles or worse

Another, posting pictures of solar panels and other “green” energy sources damaged by nature, said:

EVS ,Wind and solar are a disaster of epic proportions in the making in the event of a hurricane or natural disaster

You need gas to power cars and trucks to get the hell out of dodge. You need gas for boats, helicopters, first responders generators and such

There’s a case for EVs in certain situations, namely commuting short distances to and from work. But if you ever, God forbid, find yourself in a situation where you need a vehicle with legs that can refuel quickly, you’ll be glad you have a combustion-powered one that can do so.



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