December 27

Christmas Eve Cold Weather Brings Rolling Electricity Blackouts Along East Coast


If you visit a local library, you may discover there was a time when the focus of electricity companies was to generate and provide the most dependable, efficient, lowest cost and critical power to customers who need electricity to live.   Alas, those were in the olden days, when service providers were generally focused on improving the quality of life of their customers.

In the modern era, the horrible carbon emitters, aka customers, have become the parasite to manage.  People are now a problematic encumbrance blocking the high-minded climate and financial aspirations of the energy corporations.

Heating, cooling and comfort?  Get a grip Boomers and GenXer’s, those insufferably selfish indulgences were the priorities of yesteryear.

Yes Alice, as we try to peer through the looking glass, we discover it’s a mirror now.  The reflection is the opposite of normal, the reflection is the world of pretending.  Say hello to the modern Christmastime when you pray for coal in your stocking.

From Pennsylvania and New Jersey, westward to Illinois and Ohio and all the way south into South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and beyond, power companies are turning off the electricity to preserve and equally distribute the minimal amount of energy they are able to generate.

This my friends, is the “equitable distribution of misery.”  How weird does it feel to see that generational prediction turning into reality?

TENNESSEE – […] The TVA began instructing local power companies to reduce power usage on Friday night, and some have instituted rolling blackouts in some cities such as Nashville, Tennessee. Some local power companies have also started using rolling blackouts after the TVA asked them to reduce power usage.

PJM Interconnection, based in Pennsylvania, also asked companies within its system to conserve energy. The company asked residents to turn off non-essential lights, set their thermostats lower than usual, and not use major appliances like dishwashers and laundry machines, the AP reported.

PJM covers areas in Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C, according to the AP. (read more)


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