November 28

NPR: Why Don’t Severe Weather Forecasts Mention Climate Change?


Essay by Eric Worrall

Try to imagine TV and weather feeds packed with even more climate propaganda, in the middle of emergency storm preparations.

Climate change is making the weather more severe. Why don’t most forecasts mention it?

November 23, 20225:00 AM ETREBECCA HERSHER

At global climate talks that just wrapped up, one of the few areas of agreement was about the worldwide toll of climate-driven weather disasters.

But that science is largely missing from public weather forecasts that millions of people in the U.S. rely on. As severe weather gets more common, scientists and forecasters are contending with a sneakily difficult question: How do we work together to explain the role of climate change?

Hurricane Ian led to some confusing climate change communication

The gap between scientists and forecasters was on full display when Hurricane Ian hit Florida in September. The storm gathered strength over abnormally hot water in the Gulf of Mexico – water made hotter by human-caused global warming.

But forecasts and statements from the National Hurricane Center didn’t mention how climate change was likely to make Hurricane Ian more severe.

Grow up Rebecca Hersher. Stop thinking about your priorities and start thinking about what it must be like for people preparing to face a major storm.

There is plenty of time for your climate proselytising after the emergency has passed.

People facing an natural disaster, in the middle of preparations for that disaster, need useful information which will help them survive, not useless irrelevancies like discussions of whose fault the storm is.

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