March 19

DHT lets go of 2011-built VLCC



New York-listed DHT is selling a 2011-built VLCC, with broking sources indicating that the 320,000 dwt DHT Lotus, built by Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry, is fetching close to $55m. This aligns with VesselValue’s market estimate of $54.47m for the same ship. 

This marks DHT’s second deal in recent months. In December, the Svein Moxnes Harfjeld-led supertanker specialist sold the 2006-built DHT Scandinavia for $43.4m. 

DHT’s fleet now consists of 23 ships with an average age of eight years, excluding four newbuildings set for delivery in 2026.

Prices have been trending up for vintage VLCCs over the past month as brokers predict higher rates for ships trading outside the dark fleet.

Energy News Beat 


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