October 13

The Crude Truth Ep. 103 JP Warren, Founder & Coach Crue Club/Exec Crue


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The Crude Truth Ep. 103 JP Warren, Founder & Coach Crue Club/Exec Crue

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Rey Treviño [00:00:00] Elevating your knowledge, elevating your network, elevating your company while also elevating your wealth. We talked to an expert that knows all about that and how he masters it on a daily. On this episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:00:15] In 1901, at Spindle Top Hill near Beaumont. The future of Texas changed dramatically as like a fountain of fortune. Thousands of barrels of oil burst from the earth towards the sky. Soon Detroit would be cranking on Model T’s by the millions, and America was on the move thanks to the black gold being produced in Texas. Now more than a century later. The vehicles are different, but nothing else has truly changed. Sure, there may be many other alternative energy sources like wind and solar and electric, but let’s be honest, America depends on oil and entrepreneurs. And if the USA is truly going to be independent, it has to know The Crude truth.

Narrator [00:00:58] This episode is brought to you by LFS Chemistry. We are committed to being good stewards of the environment. We are providing the tools so you can be too. Nape Expo Where deals happen. Air compressor solutions. When everything is on the line, Air Compressor Solutions is the dependable choice to keep commercial business powered up. Sandstone Group. Exec Crue. Elevate your network. Elevate your knowledge. Texas Star Alliance. Pecos Country Operating Fueling Our Future.

Rey Treviño [00:01:32] Well, hello again. And as always, thank you for tuning in for another episode of The Crude Truth. I say this every time and it’s the truth. I’m just so excited for my guest. This guy. He is somebody that I’ll say this. I thought about it on the way here. We’re shooting from Fort Worth, you know, so back at the Fort Worth studio and where he said it, I cut him off back where it all happened. My guest today is Connection Crue, Exec Crue co-founder, the founder of Connection, Crue of Exec Crue and Kids Crue. The one the only JP Warren.

JP Warren [00:02:09] That’s a lot of Crues. You know, it’s like it’s fun when you, like, start putting it together like, this Crue is going to do this. This Crue is going to do that with you here, read back to you. You’re like, That’s a lot of Crues as to it’s a little too many years, actually. I started actually reducing the Crues and focused on only actually two. Two Crues. Two Crues. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:02:27] Well, you know, it’s always good to get your Crue not tell you that much, but it.

JP Warren [00:02:33] Is the Crue. Truth I did it and it was good being back here. Thanks for having me on again. So this is what, our third or fourth time being?

Rey Treviño [00:02:38] Four time.

JP Warren [00:02:39] Four time being on here?

Rey Treviño [00:02:40] Yes.

JP Warren [00:02:40] This is where the magical cabin is, where we first started. I think I have long hair there where I was raised for Sky for kids. Yeah. Raise about $16,000 for that. I know. And then from there we had the Dallas one, then we had the Austin one. Now we’re back here.

Rey Treviño [00:02:52] Yes. And I mean, I thought about that because you’re like, Dude, back to where you were like, back to where the magic happens. You know, you being silly guy that everybody knows you are. And I thought about it on the way here. I’m like, I remember when I invited you on and I remember when I reached out to you, you know, just like everybody else. And hey, man, I’d love to. I was nervous, JP. I mean, because you, you’ve got.

JP Warren [00:03:13] You just started.

Rey Treviño [00:03:13] I just started.

JP Warren [00:03:15] Remember that?

Rey Treviño [00:03:15] And I was like, man, he’s coming on the show. I hope I can even, you know, participate. And like I said, your hair was longer. Like, yeah, hair was long and you were getting ready to do that. It’s like, you know, because you were your podcast legend, okay, in the oil and gas space, okay, you are the guy that you’ll drop on like every, every now and then now and everybody’s like every now. They need to know, but they need to know. It’s like, so when you speak, people listen. JP Okay. And that’s part of the reason why I asked you to come back on because of Exec Crue. And that’s, that’s the, you know, one of the things I wanted.

JP Warren [00:03:51] Yeah, yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:03:52] Yeah. Mastermind. Yeah. It was, you know, as, as you always give me a hard time about my teasers, it’s like you are literally elevating man’s knowledge, their companies and their wealth now. And you have just

JP Warren [00:04:06] It’s been fun. Yeah it’s so I think when we started, I think it was just starting a Crue Club and Crue Club is the our operator focus now we’re going events and we’ve actually leveled up since January last year. We’re actually now we’re actually having topics that are driving the industry forward and kind of like we’re diving deep into whether it’s I in the oil field, you know, today’s use is tomorrow’s potential. Tonight, we have a sold out event with George Whitman, the president, black men, all the guys talking about the roles of private equity, private operators, today’s market. So we’re talking about a lot of stuff. And, you know, I was doing for about two and a half years and it got to the point where like, it got stale. You know, don’t get me wrong, a lot of great connections around the table, a lot of great conversations. However, you do that for about two years and do about 120 events and you get about a thousand operators around the table, small events, about 20 people, max. And again, made a lot of great connections, a lot of great conversations, a lot of great opportunities opened up. So I was like, look, if this is we keep on going, we are level this up, you know? You know, your intro is all about leveling up. How do we level this? How do we change the conversation to learn something? So we started introducing. I was like, Hey, you know, why don’t you come in and you just sold your company. I want you come to talk about M&A. What are you going to do and move forward? When would you build your team? And so we started doing this in like just asking people to come in and speak to subjects that are really kind of like in their wheelhouse, like topics that are bothering them, whether it’s challenges, technological solutions in related to like increased profitability. So all these like random like industry conversations in May and since we started in January, we did. 14 from January to May, and we had about 150 operators at the table and it’s like 70 hours of conversation. I use good conversation. We just kick it off Tuesday in Houston. That was sold out. Sold out. Sold out. Yes. And that was about 3.5 hours. Conversed about finance for non us. So anyway so. Great conversation but. That. I guess to summarize that the baby gates are off. It’s in Peri, it’s into the puberty stage right now. It’s growing and people are starting to understand what it’s all about. And it’s been more easier. It’s been easier to get people to the table to actually have these conversations kind of cool. So they have all these, you know, operators and engineers and having them kind of drop the walls and talk. So I love how you brought up exact fruit, because that’s something I’ve been really like digging and diving into a page. It’s been fun. It’s been so exotic for you. Started out as just an idea of how to help you write. How do we whether it’s business owners or whether it’s, you know, how do we just kind of like converse with one another about the struggles and challenges we face or maybe open up opportunities? Hey, have you thought about doing something like this for you or whatever? And and that was that was extremely beneficial. And I learned a lot about, you know, running a business, setting this up, how to grow this would strategy focus on all that. And that’s been. However recently it’s been really diving into the growth workshops.

Rey Treviño [00:06:54] Yes. Yes. Your growth rock. First of all, I think it is freaking genius. You’re not only doing them with your Exec Crue and your mastermind. Crue mastermind. Yeah, but you’re now tapping into a key, key demographic college.

JP Warren [00:07:12] Yes.

Rey Treviño [00:07:12] You are actually getting people excited about the energy like and I’ll be politically correct, the energy.

JP Warren [00:07:19] Thank you. Thank you.

Rey Treviño [00:07:20] Yes. I didn’t want a

JP Warren [00:07:22] Thank you. I appreciate I you said it very.

Rey Treviño [00:07:24] Yes I know. But for real though, you’re getting excited about oil and gas.

JP Warren [00:07:28] Well, it’s a fun industry. Sorry. Yeah, well, I was. It’s one of those things where it’s like summer came around and it’s like as an industry, it’s it’s first off, summertime is very tough to get people around here when crew comes. Okay, So we’re kind of focused my energy and effort elsewhere and we’re still Crue Club. But I was like, let’s start talking to these interns. Let’s start talk to the next generation that are in school. Because I remember going to a Texas A&M University not that long ago, and some of the questions were very disconnected from reality, you know, like so for me, it’s like, okay, well, there’s a huge gap between reality and knowledge almost being taught. So it was kind of a way to kind of bridge that, Hey, what are some expectations? What are some career path, career choices I could make that the kids were kids. Students were asked. I know 44 kids are asking, but but so the summer is like, let’s let’s start focus on the interns a little bit. So we started kind of do these mixers, but then we really start to focus on the growth workshops. And I was contacted by William Stanford with Intelligent Well had Sessoms, and he’s like, Hey, we have a couple of interns here. I would love for you to come in and talk to them about communication skills, why it’s important to build your network, why it’s important to have an online presence on LinkedIn and talk to people. And we started kind of putting something together and start doing that, and it just kind of took off like wildfire, like it was, you know, Houston we had a couple workshops with to, you know, Midland and Diamondbacks and 21 of their students interns, Permian Resources, about eight Chevrons. So it was kind of good traction. Now we actually partnered up with Diamondback going universities. And giving them the hey, this is how you actually communicate, is how you build your elevator pitch, whether at a career fair or even throughout your career. Because elevator pitches aren’t just for a career fair or to sell something and to influence a team, it’s to have those clear conflict communication skills. So. Talking about communication with and, you know, students and interns and how do you actually. Just because you have a degree and just because there’s a need that doesn’t guarantee you anything?

Rey Treviño [00:09:20] No.

JP Warren [00:09:21] Nothing.

Rey Treviño [00:09:22] No. And you know, I’ve been watching your elevator pitches because I am I’m I’m the worst. I think, you know, I’ll talk. We all can talk. I’ll talk. Deal. Debt. I can guarantee you that. I’ll talk to them. And so I’ve been watching those, and I know some people on our team are like, did you know less is more? But you want to be quick, You want to be concise. Yeah. And again, though, I think what you’re doing with the college demographic because there’s such a gap, I feel like this is all I talked about last year was there’s nobody coming in to the oil and gas space any more from college. We need to be in colleges telling you about all the good things that are going on, all the great opportunities that these people are. You know, I talked about one young man the other day that was out of the oil field, 19, 20 years old. He was running a crew. I don’t know if he probably should have been running a crew, but he was running a crew. What an opportunity for that guy. Squandered. It is gone, you know, And it’s like you need to have them at least coached the right way to let’s give them the runway. Right. Because you want them to succeed to fly. And that’s something that you like. Again, in the last six months, I’ve just ridiculously been able to exceed with I mean, the fact that you’re bringing in the interns, I think you need to be hitting up the energy clubs. The I mean, you know, all these little minors and things like that, like mine are what do you call them, the minor minor league. No minor leagues. When you get a minor, a college and you might.

JP Warren [00:10:49] Yes. I think it’s called smart.

Rey Treviño [00:10:50] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that. You know, in all these people, I mean, it’s genius what you’re doing.

JP Warren [00:10:55] Well, it’s one of those things that’s needed, so, you know, I was talking to a couple of interns. I said, Hey, we know what’s something you want out of this? And literally, like, they’re not looking at me. They’re like, I don’t know, you know, how to communicate with confidence. And I’m like, Wait, would you just say, Well, what are you asking about is like, I don’t know how to communicate, but how to communicate with confidence, not look him in the eye. So there is a fundamental, fundamental listening to where there’s a fundamental need right now. So we’ve got so good as as a society on corresponding, you know, I’ll text you, you’ll text me, I’ll email you. And that’s not communicate. That’s not communicate. Yeah. Okay. That’s not actually communicate. That’s not how you influence people or lead a team or talk to a person about getting a job or potentially source, you know, capital for the next deal you’re going to get. Yeah, that’s communication skills. And a lot of times there’s this, especially this day and age because of correspondence or communication skills, are definitely very weak. However, it’s a skill set and that’s why I tell every student and every person I coach and train because not just do, I do. I’ll do seasoned professionals too, like 25 years of experience and how to communicate, because again, it’s a skill set that can be learned. Yeah. And that’s exciting part. So I think it’s needed. I think, you know, everyone I talk to, they always talk about, you know, communication is definitely needed. You know, just people just even acting engaged in a conversation is it’s small things and seems like it’s common sense, but it’s it’s it’s lacking. It’s huge lack. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:12:17] Well, you know, not only is it lacking, but you mentioned the social media part of it, the LinkedIn and try to create that presence because good banter different it’s needed. I’ve jumped on Instagram here over the last few months. I’m terrible at it.

JP Warren [00:12:30] Want to give you a handle. You want to plug your handle realquick.

Rey Treviño [00:12:32] No no I’m good. Okay.

JP Warren [00:12:34] All right. Try to find it. Try to find it. Everyone out there.

Rey Treviño [00:12:37] And you know, I kind of I’ve been I was playing with it and I was, you know, putting some pictures of my son that cover up his face. And some really probably don’t want to do that. I’m like, okay. No. Then it’s like, you know, it’s going to focus on oil and gas and that’s all going to focus on on it. So I say all that to say that, Well, I got to finally meet you. You matched your you matched your profile, so to speak. You look like you are positive, uplifting, knowledgeable person. And, you know, I’ve had a couple of people I feel like, you know, that they said, Ben, you sound just like Blake, like you are. And you do these days. I was like, wow, good. Like, these are being I guess the word is.

JP Warren [00:13:14] Authentic.

Rey Treviño [00:13:15] And that is who you are. And I can’t think of somebody better to actually be right now mentoring these individuals just, you know, because I tell people all the times like Ben, my buddy J.P. Warren is the networking guy. It’s like you because of what you were able to create, which, you know, they’ve all heard that story on this show and many other shows on how you created it to where you are now, in my opinion. Now bringing it like you are like, Hey, man, I want you to meet this person. I want you to meet this person. They’re not in our industry, but they want to build networks. And it’s like you’re the guy that’s building the networks. You’re the guy that’s on social media being actually authentic. And I just think that’s awesome that we have in now the generation that’s hopefully going to see some of that because God knows, not everything that’s online is real, right? I mean, those

JP Warren [00:14:01] Those was instant about that. So in these, in these growth workshops that they have, don’t call them training developers because you train it all, you know what I mean? You don’t train a human. Well I call it growth works growth. It’s a growth development and growth. It’s interesting because whenever I talk about that, I’m the same way as you me when it comes to social media. I’m over it like I’m so over social media, but I understand the necessity of it, and that’s something I try to coach. You know, whether it’s, you know, whether it’s students or whether it’s professionals. People are so like people are so easy to post, like their hobbies when it comes. Like even students. They’re like, whenever I talk about LinkedIn, Hey, this is Saad engaging Saad providing some value, whether it’s experience they’ve had or questions or whatever it is, there’s so much hesitance they’re so reluctant to post. There’s so it’s all that stuff. But however all your I mean you’re so comfortable post on your personal stuff, right this all it is just kind of blending that line. Yeah you’re still being who you are but in a corporate setting you impersonal saying you know that doesn’t mean you can’t bring your personality to the team.

Rey Treviño [00:15:00] Yeah, that’s true. And I remember when I finally got on this on the socials, it’s like, you know, you got to share what your knowledge like and you got to at least give it, give people like, that’s okay. This is why he’s where he’s at. Ah, this is why he’s doing what he’s doing. He’s practicing what he preaches. Excuse me. And so I just think that that’s something there. And I know being on social, I mean, I hesitated with the Instagram for a while, but in Twitter, I don’t do Twitter very often.

JP Warren [00:15:27] Don’t get it. I mean, I don’t I don’t I feel like in Twitter, you have to be kind of like you have to be rude. But I do think this, though, and it’s fun, though. It’s fun. I mean, you a lot of personally good news with but one piece of advice I would give to people out there is that I have noticed that obviously, you know, you experiment with content, what works, what doesn’t. Once you start and this goes out to students, this goes out to senior professionals, everyone can teach someone something. Yes, everyone is a teacher at something. I don’t care if you’re 17 year old high school kid, I don’t care if you’re a 55 year old, whatever professional, and everyone can teach something. So whenever you are creating your content and you are about to post and all this stuff, once you and the same as presentations, once you flip the audience from self-promotion into providing value, whether it’s something you can learn or a skill set that they can use or tip for your audience, for them that I find has so much more traction. The one as it whenever is these self-promotion things. I’ve noticed that too is good. Before I get caught in the self-promotion. Hey, we’re doing this. We’re doing this. We’re doing this. Look, me. Where do you got this going? We got this going. Once I shifted that to like, Hey, this is actually how you conduct, This is how you act. Listen, this how you approach a negotiation table and you start discussing, you know, interest over position. This is how you do it that catches on a lot more. So if you are out there and you are nervous about putting any content together or hesitant about engaging, just think of something that you dig. Thank you. So that you can teach one person and that’s I recommend putting that in and then just just have it grow that way.

Rey Treviño [00:16:59] Then you’re absolutely right. We were talking about growth yesterday and it’s like, you know, we all have to continue to grow and knowledge. We all need that knowledge. And that’s how I want to kind of use that as a cheesy way to go into your master classes and how you are getting entrepreneurs. Yup. You’re getting business owners, CEOs in your getting together and talking about real problem sharing, real problems and giving the answers for.

JP Warren [00:17:25] yeah, 100%. I actually I joke around. I think the reason why I started Exec Crue because I had no idea what I was doing running a business. I’m like, I got to do some other ads around me that know what they’re doing. They could teach me so and doing that, it’s been real beneficial for everyone at the table, whether it’s through like connections across the table or whether it’s collaborations or whether it’s synergies or just everyone is there to help each other out. Because I remember the most powerful thing before our first meeting, it was like, Hey, you know, we’re here to discuss, you know, not just our strengths, but also help each other out through like the storms and like the troubling times, the times when it’s not always easy at times it that you have to wear the mask when you go home and act like everything’s great and your family’s there, you know? So it was kind of a real beautiful situation. We’re kind of all talking and next thing you know, it’s like we start talking like, Hey, I deal with this, I deal, this imposes it. I feel like X, Y and Z, and is all this and all this stuff we started sharing and it was one of those things where it’s like, my gosh, how does this cat think that about? So I like, Yeah, but we all have the similar perspectives also. So this, this group is really kind of now it’s evolved into. So we did it, we hit it, you know, pretty hard and heavy for the first couple of summer summers. You were about to kind of get back into it. However, what’s really going to happen is it’s going to turn into retreats. So the Exec Crue growth development side of it is going to be seminars, growth workshops, coaching retreats, for example. I want to plug this. I’m partnering up with Nick Burns, the founder of Pedro Fit, and he’s a veteran. And we’re and he has a ranch called Warrior Ranch. And November 7th through 10th, him and I are going to partner up and we’re going be hosting a retreat, a transformational retreat for veterans. And I think it’s just something that’s one of those things where it’s like there’s so much behind the scenes, under the table, under the surface stuff that. First off, we all do, however, whether it’s a veteran or whether it’s different level. So we’re excited to kind of bring veterans together at his ranch and do some team building, break, break us down, start addressing limiting beliefs. Yeah. Set aspirations and goals and kind of just kind of build together. So kind of like a mini three day masterclass that’s there to support everyone. So again, that’s that’s something I’m excited to do. The veteran it’s called the Warriors path because that the Warriors ranch. So anyway and to me exciting and stuff like this that the mastermind group is going to start having these retreats it’s going to whether it’s an all men’s retreat, whether it’s a coed retreat, where we kind of come together as leaders and discuss certain subjects. But the whole point is how do we get together? How do we help each other? What can we learn and how do we get out of our own way to level up? And whether that’s through minor changes or making big changes.

Rey Treviño [00:20:01] You know, you said, how do we get out of our own way? That is the number one hurdle that anybody can have. You know, they can have the whole path laid in front of them. But if they don’t have lack of better words, as my father said, it all got your mind right.

JP Warren [00:20:14] Yes.

Rey Treviño [00:20:15] Nothing can happen. Yes. I mean, what do you tell people, especially like, you know, you had the college students and. Yeah. And also these executives, you know, what are you telling them on on something like.

JP Warren [00:20:25] Getting out of their own way? Well, first off, it’s just one of those things like, number one, we’re all faced with limiting beliefs. I don’t care who you are. We all have living beliefs like, how come you’re not asking for this amount? If you want to go speak at a group, how come you’re not charging this? If you believe in your product? Or how come you don’t think you can get to this level? At the core, you know the corporation? Like, why don’t you think this? Like why don’t you thinking build your team. So all these beliefs obviously we’re going to getting into but it’s always it’s always childhood shit. Yeah it’s always challenge. So this is one of those things whenever I tell someone this, it’s little, it’s little changes that we do. First off, it’s pausing, it’s taken the step back. And actually, rather than having the day control you and that’s a lot of it. A lot of it’s time management. A lot of it is actually getting on your way of accomplishing your actions, not your activities. So we’ll wake up and I mean, I’m guilty of this. I’m sure you are, too. You wake up, you get behind your computer, start firing off emails. I actually you know, it’s 11:00. Your days kind of controlling you. You’re not you know, I had to do these three tasks, really get this project move for. But now I’m just stuck with this other stuff that I don’t want to do. So it’s often it’s a lot of self-reflection. It’s a lot to take a little bit of time, plan your stuff, think about what’s necessary to get that needle moving forward. All right? Don’t just wake up and be attached to the activity. You know what it’s like. It’s not like empty calories. It’s like you open the fridge and just and just eat empty calories. Whenever you wake up, plan your meal, plan your day. I need to do this, this and this to get that needle move forward. And I can worry about the activities later. So there’s that. There’s identifying the limiting beliefs. Why do you have these beliefs in the first place? Once you start doing that and you realize that their beliefs and you can actually change your beliefs and it’s a process, it’s it’s that’s one of the most powerful things you do. So these I remember my personal imposter. Jim will please I’m unable to feel satisfaction or achievement. Like it’s weird. Like I wrote a kid’s book and everyone’s like, great job, great job. I was numb. I was extremely numb. Well, if something good happens like we have a great Crue event tonight, I’ll probably get my car on the way home tomorrow. Be like, my gosh, the world is going to end. Like. Like no one. No one likes me. Everyone’s going to lead Crue club. Exec Crue is going to fail, though. The sinks, you know, the skies of this guy’s gone. And I realize where that where that’s from. You know, when I was, you know, grown up, you know, now, like whenever I announce something I’m reaching or success to to my dad. Love you, dad. But whenever I do it, it was honest. I was no parents fault. But whenever I announce something, there’s always That’s great, but watch out for this. But watch out for this. So there’s always danger on the corner. So what you’re able to look at that like, why am I do that? It kind of like decouples you from that. You kind of reframe how you look at yourself and actually use that release as kind of a power like, wait a minute, I’m doing great. This is why I’m doing great. This is my achievement and I should feel proud about that. So you kind of separate yourself from these beliefs, change your beliefs, and actually use it as a kind of a power to kind of push you through these uncomfortable situations. So it’s a lot of it’s a lot of work plus more practice that goes into it because we all we all face similar challenges. We all have similar emotions and feelings before we approach something, whether it’s public speaking or whether it’s our career path. However, once you kind of get out of your own way and plan your day, set countable actions for yourself and take those actions. Yeah, like you, you got this, you really got this. Like at the end of the day, why do you have this? Because, you know, you got this. So get out there and do it. So, yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:23:50] Man, you know, it’s. I love how you’re diving into that. You know, I’ve been I’ve been doing a little bit of that myself to try to figure out how to how to how to grow. Because you, as you know, in your life, you’ve learned I’m going back for an MBA and I’m trying to try to learn the more business side of things from a. Educational place. Yeah, I do think the mastermind group, as as we’ve talked about, also helps out tremendously. I know I’m not part of your mastermind group or any others, but yet I definitely see Yes yet. But I do see the value in them. And that also, you know, when you go look at anything, it’s like it all starts with your mind. I mean, Napoleon Hill has a quote that I, I quoted today. It’s like, you know, if you believe it, you know, if you believe it, you can achieve it. Yeah. And, you know, it all starts with our mind. And I call them God. You know, I believe in God. You know, then that higher power that he’s given us all all the abilities to exceed everything that we have and that our journey has already been lined out and we need to just go with it. And that’s something that I think, again, you have done, you know. Masterfully. And again, obviously, you know, we both know that we both have funny issues that we’re dealing with on a daily basis. But again, when you go back and I say it again and I said a few minutes ago and people have heard before you started Connect recruited 2020, probably at one of the worst times that anybody could have ever started a business in American history. Now look at where it’s at and it is only continue to grow. You’re now selling out the your event.

JP Warren [00:25:20] I myself. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:25:21] I know. You’re

JP Warren [00:25:21]  I’m a sellout.

Rey Treviño [00:25:24] Youre a sellout.

JP Warren [00:25:24] 100%

Rey Treviño [00:25:24] And I mean, again, I got people that I know that that aren’t in our industry that are like, how does this guy do what he’s doing? And it’s like, you know, you’re building a network and you’ve now spoke at numerous places about network. Yeah, I mean, let’s just talk about networking for a minute. Let’s dive into I mean, especially the reason why I ask you to talk about it is because you’ve been getting more certifications yet knowledge has you’ve been you’ve been going to school.

JP Warren [00:25:53] We all going to school. We have we all have to level up. And whether that’s again, there’s a little things like what kind of conversations are you constantly having every day? Are they the same conversation. Right? Who’s bitching and griping about problems and your circles like, yeah. And your circles holding down? Or is one of those things where you around a different level of people, whether it’s a university who is Mars? My group. But they want you to succeed. Yeah, they expect you to succeed and they actually encourage you succeed versus they encourage you to go keep doing what you’ve been doing the past five years. We like you that way, right? We we like you. How we like you, how we know, you know, different. So networking. This is one of those sayings, words like, we live it. And it’s not just the gas industry. We live in a very hyperconnected, yet disconnected world. We have all these followers we can compare our lives to. Our neighbors are celebrities halfway around the world, whoever it is, athletes also. So we are comfortable and take take lack of actually mingling with people, work from home, whatever, whatever it is, whatever society thing, we are comfortable not interacting with other people these days. We’re comfortable texting. We’re comfortable taking a Zoom call versus meeting for coffee, all this stuff. But here’s the deal, though. That all comes with negative consequences. Okay? The inability to connect with people. At the end of the day, you’re not going to be able to capitalize on any opportunity. So whether you’re trying to start a business and you’re trying to source funding, you got to know someone. I have people reaching out to me like AJP, get people. If you connect me with these people, I’ll give you a finder’s fee. Or brokers, you know, stuff like. I can’t introduce you to someone to say, give. Give me your money. If they don’t know you, you have to build that trust. You have to get out there. You can’t rely on someone else to do that. And. Just from the benefits and the opportunities, the deals that I get made, the ideas and collaboration that I see. Not even that. Just even like the hey, you go, you deal with this, I deal with this. Let’s talk even the support that you get So people always want. I call like an insurance tree, you know, like that’s what your network is like. The best time to plan it was yesterday. The second best time plan is today. And it’s and it’s always great to have, especially when you need it. So people taking a break from like, I don’t need to network, I need to build my connection. So it’s not just about finding a job, it’s about helping others. It’s about knowing more. Because I guarantee you, everyone at this table tonight at CRU Club that’s come, they’re meeting for the first time. They’re going to dive into conversations that now they’re going to be connected for after this so they can call each other after the events close. But from what I see, you see just life being a lot more smooth for people that know. People to open up opportunities. You just do. I mean, whether it’s how you got a job, whether how you source a deal, whether it’s how you got that, you know, equipment to the location or whether that is from knowing someone, you know. So I just I think it is disconnected, hyper connected, disconnected world. We need more connections and not transactional connections. Actual connections. I’m also going to be best friends with everyone. You know, just know people. Just get out there and take a lunch. Meet a stranger.

Rey Treviño [00:28:51] No, that’s. That’s funny. My. My partner, she talks about that. It’s like going out there breaking bread with somebody. That is probably the best way that you can go and create a relationship, even on a business standpoint, is like, Hey, how are you doing? And you can shake their hands. In fact, we talked about that jokingly about, you know, somebody that zooms in versus somebody that, you know, that comes to the studio to do an episode of the Crude Truth. You know, sometimes you definitely can feel energy from people. Yes. From from from the screens. You know, it’s But you like God. And of course, sometimes you get people on that are from halfway across the world. So obviously. Yeah, but there’s just something to be said for having people that come in and you actually get to talk to them because, you know, even Zoom is not the same. And you do in a way that when you go look at what Jesus did, you know, he had a message, he sat down and he made an impact and he gave a reason why he was there. And that’s what you’re doing at these events. All your service companies are there not with a sales message, but a message of, Hey, I’m a human being just like you are. Let’s have a good conversation. Yeah. And listen, you do.

JP Warren [00:29:55] And that’s a thing, too. It’s like once you once you realize that it’s not transactional, it’s not that people are very uncomfortable meeting people these days. Like, it’s like, well, they’re going to try to sell. What’s their angle? What’s this? Yeah, just meet people. Either learn something or provide knowledge. Yeah, that’s it. That’s it.

Rey Treviño [00:30:08] Yeah, man. You know, I was thinking about it as we’ve been talking here, I’ve literally just done a four episode. This is a fourth episode talking about groups, mastermind groups, accelerating groups. And I’m definitely and I have to say that this is the grand finale. So I didn’t I didn’t put two and two together, but I literally as this last one comes out, it’ll be series of four of just different kind of groups.

JP Warren [00:30:32] Oh nice

Rey Treviño [00:30:34] yeah. I need to think about. Yeah. And because I released one episode today about a guy and a great person named Jamie Gruber, then I’ve got the Montelongos and I got Blair Bravo. All are networking people that all have their own networks and they are not only continuing to grow, but they’re looking to help elevate those individuals.

JP Warren [00:30:52] That’s a thing. And so think about this. So think about if you just did your business, you just did your business. Yeah. On phone, on email, on text message. I have seen so many op like business deals get done. Opportunities, collaborations happen, whereas when they start talking about a problem like, yeah, this, this and this, next thing you know, it’s like, Wait, you do that too? Well, you know someone that does this? I never thought about that. What if we do this like, it’s just like the magic behind the conversations and, like, the potential behind the cameras in person conversations. You cannot beat that.

Rey Treviño [00:31:26] No, No, you can’t. And you have to be willing to share. Like sometimes I think I don’t share at the right time to share at the wrong times. And, you know, but for you to sit there and be like, Hey, man, I have that same problem, it’s like, well, how did you deal with it? And then when you get people that are like, Hey, I know a guy that this is how he got done with it, guess what? Just because they said, Hey, I know. JP The individuals that I keep telling you I want you to be. JP It’s like, because they know me and I say, Hey, you got to meet JP. You know, like, okay. He must be somebody. If Ray’s got this relationship with them that he must know that JP is that same level. And then definitely somebody want to know. So yeah, the relationships are just so important.

JP Warren [00:32:05] 100% It is. And that’s the thing is like there’s so much magic when actually having in-person conversations. It’s just like you just don’t know what’s going to happen. So this, this whole transactional, this, this destination point for a conversation, I didn’t want this out of this and that’s it. Get rid of that. No, get rid of that means someone learn something. Not only that. Like you never know where that’s going to go.

Rey Treviño [00:32:28] No. No, gosh, no. I know. I’ve met people try to do business deals and now they’ve turned into mentors.

JP Warren [00:32:33] Yeah. And don’t don’t wait to build something new because you’re not going to. It’s funny, there’s there’s I know people at higher levels in like operators of all I’ve been invite them to go to fruit club events like hey get here expand and now we’re saying I’m good, I’m good, I’m good. Well, what happened six months later, companies acquired okay, you’re six months behind on your now, first off, six months plus a couple of years. I know you have been going out the last couple of years, but you’re six months behind in a consolidated market. How many other people do you think’s in the market that could do your job cheaper and maybe better than you? Yeah, a lot. Yeah. And the fact your dragon asked to build your networks for six months. I don’t care if it’s operator sales h.r. Supply whatever it is, build your networks, meet someone. Lastly, if someone invites you to go.

Rey Treviño [00:33:17] It is. That is so true. I feel like over the last year because of everything that over the last 3 or 4 years before that of going to doing these things that then. You start. But for me it’s a little bit longer than others, but then you start to see that growth. And not only does it grow, but it grows exponentially because it’s like, you know, it all clicks at some point and the networking is true. What they say your network is your net worth, and it’s like, Hey, these guys can help you also get out of a pickle. I mean, you say, hey, man, you know.

JP Warren [00:33:47] Make the decision if you like someone you want to further relationship after you meet them, don’t make the decision that you’re not going to continue before you meet them. You know what I mean? Yeah, like. Like make the decision. Actually, if you have some interaction versus like, this person, I’m good. I don’t need to experiment with this person. Talk to.

Rey Treviño [00:34:05] You know, that reminds me of a quote. And I’ve heard it sometimes from Abraham Lincoln that he said one time, I don’t like that guy very much. I need to get to know him better, too. And I’ve used it a couple of different places. And I did a triple triple check yet, but I liked it, too. It’s like, you know, well, you know, I like that guy.

JP Warren [00:34:23] Well, the fact that you’re you the fact that you’re comparing my playbook to two to Jesus and the factory, comparing what I’m saying to Abraham Lincoln. Let me tell you something. My hypothesis is out the window. Like, I don’t feel that anymore. That’s out the window. Like, those are like people. I’m like, yeah, I compare myself to those people. I’m good. Like, what a level of, like, standard. You thrown me a Yes.

Rey Treviño [00:34:45] Yeah, well, you’re speaking of a level of standards. This is your fourth time on the show.

JP Warren [00:34:50] That’s right.

Rey Treviño [00:34:51] And I do. That’s what I’m saying. And you keep filter out of, you know, Briana Johnson out of West Texas and Jim Holmes. Y’all are all on track to be the first one. The five time. Yeah, they got me the Cinco. I mean, it’s.

JP Warren [00:35:06] Got to be made honestly, honestly, if this is a race to number five, to be number one to them for number five, I will. Absolutely. I think I just got to get a recap. After the Warriors retreat to Warriors Path Retreat, the veterans are You were doing.

Rey Treviño [00:35:20]  well maybe I don’t know if. Yeah because that one would be probably be good to hear about that.

JP Warren [00:35:25] For me impactful and hopefully honestly this is a building block this is going to how we wanted to go for the first go around is never going to work out and it’s just going to build. It’s going to be it’s going to improve.

Rey Treviño [00:35:34] You know, I’m glad you said that. Like like it’s like we’re going to do this. Probably not going to end up that way, but we’re going to do it and started it because I’ve thought about that and I had to tell somebody that the other day. It’s like, you know what? Go do you do it? Just do it doesn’t matter. Six people there, 60. But you’re going to learn it, then it’ll grow from there.

JP Warren [00:35:53] So I so I can relate a story to that about kids group. So kids cruises event and I bring in kids learn about energy Stem, I promote Stem activities or hobbies and stuff and listen for an industry. I’m calling out the industry right now. For an industry we always talk about what we should be doing with those for like you really do you realize how difficult it is to get NBA operators to act? And I’m not talking about the people that are contributing Elio Vent marathon also. But it’s so funny. It’s like. My expectations of how I want. Like I’m thinking, wow, this everyone to be on board to do this, I want to calm this is for the kids like this water. And she talks about dude, it’s like crickets, right? And for me, it’s like, first I’m just one issue for that. But second off, it’s like it’s that we’re still going to do it. Yeah, because here’s why. Those kids that come, they’re not going to know the frustrations, the disappointment, the lack of like commitment by the energy. However, they’re going to have a damn good time. So just do it. It does not a lot of people, they’ll stop themselves. And again, this in positive will stop themselves from moving forward because like, they miss greatness for perfection. Just do it. It doesn’t matter. We had a kids from Oklahoma the night before. We had like only 20 tickets sold. I’m like, I’m going to stick those kids in the corner, act like it’s the most packed day ever. But Morning Love, we sold out 120 kids, so just do it Like I don’t care what is it’s going to build. It’s going to be better. Don’t miss. Perfection for Dummies. Greatness for perfection.

Rey Treviño [00:37:18] Yeah. The way to greatness is consistency. If you can just be consistent and grow.

JP Warren [00:37:23] George Washington said that another another great, another great historical figure to bring up on this podcast.

Rey Treviño [00:37:33] Well, Tom Brady said it the other day, something about you don’t got to do this to be consistent. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I agree with that. And you have been more than consistent. I mean, for those out there, you need to know about the back story that’s never listed our show before about your first Connection Crue event you show up with a box with a stick on the nametag.

JP Warren [00:37:51] Gosh, they get back on that. Yeah, that’s when a Yeah, like literally like Crue club. It was one of those days where it’s like, Hey, we’re going to be like, This is I started my own company. We’re branching out. It was a cardboard box. Nametags like we’re standing there. Don’t know what’s going to happen, don’t know where it’s going to go and saw. But I had a feeling I’m not I don’t feel like I’m in the networking business. I don’t feel like I’m the growth is I’m like the bridge building business. You know, there’s a need for people to connect. So I’m trying to build that bridge. There’s a need for people to improve their communication skills. I’m just trying to just build that, you know? So when that happened, I’m like, I don’t know, This isn’t I don’t know what’s going to happen here. However, just consistency, getting the message out. I’m on year three right now and this the first time I feel like, my gosh, I don’t have to push so hard and try to communicate so much. So just stick with it, stay with it. Trust yourself and bet on yourself because the other day knows it better yourself by yourself knows in to your horn by yourself. So do it. Give yourself a lot more credit because we are our own worst critics. You know that. Just we talk more trash to ourselves than anyone else. And we believe that. So bet on yourself. Just let things happen and commit to it.

Rey Treviño [00:38:58] God bless for JP. You’re a hell of a guy. Do I know you? That is awesome. And that’s what we need in this

JP Warren [00:39:06] Abraham Lincoln. George Washin. Jesus. We got this. Look at us. Look at us.

Rey Treviño [00:39:12] Man. Did JP. I cannot thank you again for doing this and up again. I’ve told you this before, and I think I’ve ever said it on on here like this. But you coming on here helps me out more than I think it helps you. So I can.

JP Warren [00:39:26] You know, know what I want to do. So I do want, like, I’m looking at myself right now. I feel like when I was first, he was very casual, long hair, like bun. Yeah. Second time was, like, short, clean. Like, I want to see, like, stages of myself. Okay. Throughout the different times, we could find that easily.

Rey Treviño [00:39:40] Yeah, but I think, Kristy, you can do everything because he gives a thumbs up.

JP Warren [00:39:45] Chris is in this studio at the top studio. Hi Chris

Rey Treviño [00:39:47] Chris, What you doing, man?

JP Warren [00:39:48] This place is so multistory. I love this place. Kris Next to all the other people working there for love, you know, But also it’s great being here. I love that the fact that you provide not just like the standard industry conversations, but you bring in a lot of people from outside the industry, which I think is first off, I love that because you’re not sitting in the echo chamber. You know, you’re bringing people outside the industry, which I think is that’s probably more powerful than the continuous. You need the continuous echo chamber of oil and gas industry. So I love that you’ve the fact you bring in different personalities from different industries because I just think that that’s a great conduit on, on just showcasing who we are. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:40:26] It’s who we are as an industry are people that literally put our boots on and get to work and we come up with a way to make it work, just like you did with your cardboard box and you made this thing work. And it is now a super human Connection Crue, Crue Club, Exec Crue. Kids Crue. Your Crue baby is amazing.

JP Warren [00:40:48] I’m just honestly, at the end of the day, at the end of day, I always it’s again, it’s one of those imposter syndrome things. I got to do more. I got to make more Crues now. But the other day I just have to focus on building bridges between people and then building bridges within people. Whoa. Chris, we could be looked at. That’s a quote. No, seriously. But like. Like building like, I know I need to communicate a certain way. I know I have to influence the teams or way. So it’s really just doing that. I’m that’s my focus. And I think it helps out to, to to be more folks and to simplify things.

Rey Treviño [00:41:22] Well. I cannot thank you again enough. I mean, I feel like now I’m having to come back around again and we could talk forever.

JP Warren [00:41:28] I know that. We have. I know that.

Rey Treviño [00:41:31] I know

JP Warren [00:41:31] we’re Going to talk for another five hours after that.

Rey Treviño [00:41:34] Think so? Yes. Another amazing Crue event. And, you know, I tell people all the time, it’s like you, what you do with it is awesome. You bring in the M.P. companies, you have excellent service companies that then the MP companies, what do they do? Nine times out of ten, they’re using those companies that are part of the connection.

JP Warren [00:41:50] Yeah. And then individuals. It’s one of those things viewers like our industry does a pretty poor job of communicating across the aisle. It’s like whether your rig contractor operator serves government or whatever it is. And we saw this thing that every crew member, even like, like even Tuesday in Houston, it was wonderful just hearing like an operator question a service company, the service going to respond like, hey, we’re actually like, we do that, but we’re do like it was cool to see kind of like peek behind the curtain because it’s always like, operators are making money. They’re just kind of, you know, they’re trying to not cut the other service companies. And well, there are operators saying, all serves, but they need to see this kind of like, hey, let’s open, let’s kind of like get a peek behind the curtain. This is actually what we challenge with this is what we’re challenged with you just to kind of start seeing as like the synergy kind of happen, like, wow, it’s good exchange of ideas. So anyway, I’m excited. I’m digging through a big in the growth, the growth development side too. So man, I’m we’re doing this. We’re doing stop it. I don’t know what it is. We’re doing something.

Rey Treviño [00:42:45] That’s where I feel that is exactly is like we’re doing something and we’re moving forward. Is that it? Exactly what it is. Yes. Well, JP, thank you so much again.

JP Warren [00:42:53] thank you

Rey Treviño [00:42:54] And to all our listeners out there, real quick, one more thing. How can people get in contact.

JP Warren [00:42:59] So people that get contact on these? So two ways. If you’re the only gas industry and you want to get involved and kind of level up your network and actually sit around a table and not stay in or not pay 35 grand for a six by six booth and not see anybody. But if you want to sit at the table with about 13 MP operators for about four hours and kind of like meet them and learn from them, or if you’re needing to operate and you want to expand it out with you. MP Operators go to www dot crue club.com and that’s not c r e w that’s like motley crue.com. And if you want are you curious about whether it’s growth workshops speaking seminars coaching that’s exec crue dot com e x e c c r u e dot com. And obviously on LinkedIn.

Rey Treviño [00:43:43] That’s right, Well JP, thank you sir, as always for coming on. It’s all our listeners out there. Thank you all so much and I’m excited to see who’s going to be a five time, five time. I’m excited.

JP Warren [00:43:52] Well, if I can be Jim on the mat. Jeremy. Jim. Holmes Jim Holmes. Jim Holmes. I’m coming for you. Jim Holmes. You heard me. But if I’m. If I’m,  Jim Holmes I got a bone to pick with you. I’m coming to you on the mat. Now, if I could be Jim Holmes on the mat, I could be Jim Holmes. He’s going to kill me, by the way, for saying that he literally will. I feel like I can beat him to be the fifth person on this Crude Truth Podcast

Rey Treviño [00:44:18] Well I was going to do was I was going to let you run it. Cut that out. Give that to you.

JP Warren [00:44:23] That’s great.

Rey Treviño [00:44:24] Yeah. Not old. Jim Yeah, we’ll do it. So yeah, if you can take out if you take. Jim That’d be awesome. We don’t know, but we’ll see. So I cannot thank you so much for coming and we’ll see everybody again on another episode of The Crude Truth.

Narrator [00:44:38] Again, the Crude Truth would like to think today’s sponsors LFS Chemistry, Nape Expo, Air Compressor Solutions, Sandstone Group. Exec Crue, Texas Star Alliance, Pecos Country Operating and Real News Communication Network.

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