August 16

Are EVs really climate friendly?


Picture by Grok

Tyre wear in EVs emit more particles than tailpipe emissions from a combustion engine.

In this Net Hero Podcast, Sumit Bose speaks to Founder and CEO of Emissions Analytics, Nick Molden who said: ‘Typically we would expect to see about 90 milligrams of particles from a battery electric vehicle per kilometre of tyre material.

‘To put that in context, the particles that are allowed out of the tailpipe legally cannot be above five. So the tyre particles are many times greater than the maximum permissible out of the tailpipe.’

Nick also spoke at the Big Zero Show, 2024 about the true carbon impact of electric vehicles (EVs).

His presentation, How We Can Actually Achieve Net Zero Transport, Not Just Officially looked into gaps in decarbonising the transport sector.

‘If you think specifically about the penetration of electric passenger cars, the sales of them are slowing, are stalling, they are softening and they are softening not because of misinformation.

‘There’s a little bit about that. But fundamentally, they are softening because they are not a cost-effective way of reducing emissions.’

Have a listen and let us know your thoughts!

The post Are EVs really climate friendly? appeared first on Energy Live News.

Energy News Beat 


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