July 16

Germany’s CargoKite project presses ahead



Lomar’s corporate venture lab, lomarlabs, has signed a collaboration agreement with maritime start-up CargoKite to develop a new ship class of so-called microships using large kite systems as the main method of propulsion and AI for autonomous operation.

The design aims to enable low or zero-emission transportation with the added advantage of being able to operate in more challenging and niche trades at any time. The vessel’s proprietary, AI-powered route planner calculates the optimal route and determines the estimated arrival time of the vessel based on actual weather conditions.

Stylianos Papageorgiou, managing director of lomarlabs, said: “This radical new ship type has the potential to reframe the way port and maritime logistics are organised. It brings a paradigm shift to operations, which is only now becoming possible thanks to advances made in automation technologies. In addition, it promises to be a groundbreaking decarbonisation solution for shipping.”

The CargoKite technology is a spin-off from Munich’s Technical University and will be further enhanced through working with lomarlabs, with the first ships due to be launched in 2027.

Marcus Bischoff, co-founder of CargoKite, said: “This collaboration provides CargoKite with direct access to a leading, climate-conscious shipowner, and aims to accelerate the full-scale build of our CargoKite vessels.”

CargoKite’s latest prototype demonstrates its technology in a real environment.  In 2023, it developed a proof of concept with a 9 m catamaran equipped with a kite system and proprietary hydrofoils.

CargoKite is now in the design phase of its full-size first-of-its-kind vessel and the construction of its demonstrator prototype.

Energy News Beat 


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