May 24

3 Podcasters walk into a Bar – Net Zero and the EU Target


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DB Energy Questions 

The Crude Truth with Rey Trevino

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Energy Transition Weekly Conversation

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DB Energy Questions 

David Blackmon LinkedIn

The Crude Truth with Rey Trevino

Rey Trevino LinkedIn

The Energy News Beat Podcast

Stu Turley LinkedIn

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter. 

Stuart Turley [00:00:13] Well. Hello, everybody. You’re here. That crazy old uncle that sits there and kind of goes. These three guys walk into a bar, and everybody in the family reunion digs for a carpet because they’re afraid of a horrible joke coming around the corner. I happen to know the other two podcasters that walk into a bar. My name Stu Turley, presidency of the sandstone Group. And I mean, we’ve got David Blackmon. David Blackmon is a Substack aficionado. He’s also a Forbes contributing author. He is on the energy realities. He is a man about town, and he’s going to be hanging out with the Americans for Prosperity and Ted Cruz next week. How are you today?

David Blackmon [00:00:54] Just great man. Just great. How you doing?

Stuart Turley [00:00:57] I, I couldn’t be any happier. I hope he’s not.

David Blackmon [00:01:01] Trying to use six syllable words. Here’s Stu. That’s that’s a new thing for you.

Stuart Turley [00:01:05] oh.

David Blackmon [00:01:06] Aficionado.

Stuart Turley [00:01:09] I learned it from you and and your podcast that you just were on. Hey. And then we have RT Trevino. He’s one of them big dogs over there at Pecos Operating and family Tree. Trevino family Resources. And, I mean, he is the host of the Crude Truth podcast. And, I mean, this young man has got really tired arms because he just came in from Europe. Welcome RT. How are you.

Rey Treviño [00:01:40] Doing well, Stu and, David, good to be back in America and good to be back with you guys. It’s been too long since we’ve been able to get one of these, episodes going. And three podcasters walk into a bar.

Stuart Turley [00:01:51] Oh, we’ve got an action packed show today, and, I can’t wait to get. Let’s go ahead and kick this off to you here. RT, tell us about what you were doing in Europe. Did they even get all that stuff that was hidden in your bag?

Rey Treviño [00:02:07] Well, fortunately, we’re not going to talk about what may or may not have been in my bag on the way back. I will say that. Or there, by any form or fashion, but no. Last week I had the incredible opportunity to be with, the TCU Ralph Low Energy Institute. As many of you know out there. And if you don’t know, I’m working on my MBA in energy right now. They’re at Texas Christian University, and one of the annual actual school unofficial required classes is a global energy class. And it is where they take the basically the entire cohort of, of that year, out to Europe. And we basically are able to touch and learn from so many different businesses, so many different organizations. And basically, it’s a world win of a jampacked week of just meeting with companies like total, Lloyd’s of London, Standard Chartered, and then of course, great groups like the IEA and even the European Commission. So we had meetings, and presentations with all these different groups. And I tell you what, if anybody’s ever looking for a school to go to, and looking to dive more into energy, there’s my shameless plug for, TCU, the Ralph Low Energy Institute, headed up by a doctor and bloodsucker over there. So anyway, in a nutshell, yes, I was over there with the International Energy Agency. Got, bunch of information and, yeah, I was able to take so many notes as I look here just from the IEA and, their whole net zero by 2030, I mean, we kind of talked about it briefly yesterday, guys in our pre-production meetings, and they’ve already backed up on so much of this information that they have where they want to cut. Thanks so much. Is that correct, David?

David Blackmon [00:03:56] Well, you know, I mean, and of course, the EU is not alone in that. I mean, other countries are having to, to regroup as well as all this stuff is failing. I’ll be nice about the idea and not saying anything bad about them, but, you know, a lot of governments, in Europe, national governments and the UK, not just the EU, but also the UK have have begun backing up on their their targets for EV adoption, for, emissions reductions as, as we see. The chosen industries that they’re trying to force on everyone. Electric vehicles, solar and wind. Can’t do the job that they’re supposed to do and aren’t going to be able to do the job they’re supposed to do. So I think we’re just getting started with the retrenchment on all this. But the other side of it is what’s happening now. In the US, probably more than anywhere else, is a bit of a panic setting in. And we’re also seeing the governments pushing all this coming down with increasingly draconian regulations on their economies that are going to cause an untold amount of damage here. The Biden administration has alone in three different regulations issued this month. Month of May publish more than 1 million words of new regulations on the energy sector just in this month alone, as they try to beat the deadline before election day. So, now, the long term damage of all this is going to be pretty severe.

Rey Treviño [00:05:36] That kind of goes back to where they even just, you know, cut out the, stop the construction permanents for any new LNG permits. You know, people are saying, hey, it’s not a big deal, but it really is when you figure, we were there again and we even had an opportunity to meet with shell and the natural gas that we’re providing now to Europe as a whole is so important because of the Ukraine war, against Russia, that the fact that we’re not able to get that to our allies is a big deal. And, what other people don’t understand is how important, you know, just one ship that might get stuck somewhere, not even attack will affect basically that butterfly effect. It affects so many different things. Yeah. You know, that was one thing that I was really looking forward to. And then we talked about it, one of the other great guys, that’s there’s a names, doctor Tom Bates and, he, he has a great class called Energy macroeconomics. And one thing we did in his class was study the IEA, 2023 and 2024 reports on what they’re saying. And, you know, their data really was, pre, the Russian invasion, which I thought was interesting. And so I look forward to hearing what they have for 2024 and 2025. But, you know, there’s so many things that the IEA is doing over there where they have these, government influences and also they’re using influencers to really try to go into this net zero thing and that, you know, that kind of goes back to the whole LNG permit where you had a professor that was an influencer, not a person of influence, like a, you know, Harold Hamm or an Alex Epstein, but just some other professor and say something and boom, just like that, the energy permits were cut. So, you know, I do kind of worry about sometimes where they do get some of their information, but it is always good to dive into it and look at both sides.

David Blackmon [00:07:29] Oh, absolutely. Yeah.

Stuart Turley [00:07:30] The politics the politics is the politicized. Here’s my.

David Blackmon [00:07:34] Oklahoma politicization.

Stuart Turley [00:07:36] Thank you. What David just said, the yeah, what David said is really a problem when you take a look at these big agencies that become politically involved, the EIA has become a Democrat talking point and being able to manipulate data. Did I just say that? Yes I did. They are manipulating the data to manipulate the markets in favor of the Democrats. I’m accusing them of that in the EIA has done the same thing. Excuse me, this is President Biden calling up.

David Blackmon [00:08:16] I think he’s Jennifer Granholm.

Stuart Turley [00:08:17] Yeah, yeah, here it is. Watch this. I do have this day. Hey, guys. President Biden did speak the truth just a minute ago. Hang on.

Speaker Biden [00:08:27]  Trump? How many times do you have to prove we can’t be trusted? In the Senate?

Stuart Turley [00:08:35] Sorry I had to throw that out.

Rey Treviño [00:08:37] He did not say that, did he?

David Blackmon [00:08:38] He did say that.

Rey Treviño [00:08:40] And what about the one who is talking about the reelection I saw on, was all on Twitter about we we can’t be reelected, vote for President Trump. But he did. You really?

David Blackmon [00:08:50] Yeah, he had something like that. Yeah. I mean, you can’t trust him to read the teleprompter right anymore.

Rey Treviño [00:08:56] What are they going to. I mean, just flat out call that elderly abuse. I mean, when are they going to do it, guys? There, I said it.

Stuart Turley [00:09:05] RT or, I’ll tell you, it, doctor Jill really is despicable from the standpoint that, it is elder abuse. This man does not need to be, anywhere near a, the nuclear button, let alone finding a diaper.

Rey Treviño [00:09:23] Well, did.

David Blackmon [00:09:23] You see the clap last week? Did you see the clip last week? And I’ll shut up. He he was making a statement in the Rose garden. I can’t remember what it was, what the event was, but he finishes reading his teleprompter and he turns around. To go, and the podium is just right outside the Oval Office, maybe 30ft to the Oval Office. And he looks around. He doesn’t know which way to go. This is the Oval Office where he supposedly works every day for the last three years. And a marine color guard had to come up, grab him by the arm, and escort him to his own Oval Office. 30ft. Couldn’t even find his way back to the office. I mean, this is how this guy lives every day of his life. And, this is our president.

Stuart Turley [00:10:17] Do you guys think he was juiced up as Trump is alleging in the last one? I know this is. I thought it was, but, you know, it I don’t I again, that’s abuse here is. This is a great this is a great one here. Duke’s asking.

Video Speaker 1 [00:10:39] On President Biden right now.

Video Speaker 2 [00:10:41] What do you mean?

Video Speaker 1 [00:10:43] I know you don’t like to talk about polls like the 916 swing states that he is losing right now to somebody who is a little offended. But more broadly, it doesn’t seem like anything you guys are doing is making him more popular. Why do you think that is?

Video Speaker 2 [00:11:01] All right, everybody, thanks, everyone. I’ll see you tomorrow. Tomorrow. Bye, everybody.

Stuart Turley [00:11:05]  I love the crickets at the end of that clip.

David Blackmon [00:11:12] I mean, Nemeth, has a, point here, and she’s right. Bloomberg has begun polling Kamala versus Trump and finds that Kamala polls even worse versus Trump than Biden.

Stuart Turley [00:11:24] Wow.

David Blackmon [00:11:25] How was that came out today?

Rey Treviño [00:11:27] But I want to say thank you so much to, Tammy to be on this. Yes. Thank you. Be on right now because, she lives in the UK and, so, you know, hopefully, if I’m saying anything wrong and one I definitely invited all of all of, the cohort that I’m a part of. And by the way, that cohort that I, a part of is, you ever want to talk about being the dumbest person in the room? You know, I know, so you joke about it, but that’s definitely me with this cohort. They’re so brilliant and so smart. But. But I know.

David Blackmon [00:11:56] We should have the invite. Tammy. Yeah, we should have invited Tammy to join us on this episode. Since we’re. I think sitting here, you think about it.

Rey Treviño [00:12:05] But London is so amazing. By the way, Tammy, I know you’re, in a different part of the UK, but, but the UK is great, and, just friendly people everywhere. And I love the way you just kind of get together after work and you grab a pint no matter where you are or anything like that, like there is a pub somewhere where you’re going to grab a pint and everybody walks everywhere. Guys. Yeah. They’re it blows me away. So sometimes when, you know, going back to energy, I can kind of see sometimes why they do all the things that they’re trying to do in Europe. Because first of all, I didn’t see that many trucks. And if they were, there were all the Colorado, the Canyon, the Ford Ranger size pickup trucks, and everybody else is just walking everywhere. And we’re, you know, walking 2 to 5 miles a day is nothing. In fact, one of my cohorts, they, they tracked like, 25,000 steps just in the first day that we did. And that translated to, like, 14 miles. So let’s just put that. Yeah, we walked seven miles the first day all around. And, I mean, so a lot of people walk in, so I get it where they sometimes. Yeah. People don’t use the transportation the way we do. You know, they see a 45 minute walk is no problem. Like, we see a 45 minute drive from Dallas Fort Worth is no problem. No roads are too dangerous. You say that they do not care. Yes, ma’am. Tammy? No, they they go around and they those taxis, they don’t even honk. And I think the, drivers are I know that the drivers, the. Bicycle people I think are worse. They won’t stop for you at all. Oh, man. So.

David Blackmon [00:13:48] So what is Courtney’s? Is Courtney Slick, one of your classmates?

Rey Treviño [00:13:53] Yes. Courtney Slick is, one of our classmates, and, she’s actually out of the Fort Worth area. She, shout out to Courtney. She actually, runs her own oil and gas company, along with her family. So she runs a family office as well. Oh, yeah. So that.

Stuart Turley [00:14:09] Just gives you.

Rey Treviño [00:14:10] The array of people that we have, not only individuals like us that want to get better, but also we have people from Berkshire Hathaway, from nuclear companies, from renewable companies. I mean, so we’ve got just such a great team and, it’s just an awesome feeling.

Stuart Turley [00:14:26] If you have any blackmail material on RT, let me know.

David Blackmon [00:14:32] We want to know where he was when he got his phone stolen. That’s that’s.

Stuart Turley [00:14:36] Name of that.

Rey Treviño [00:14:43] Oh, man. But, you know, another thing I want to highlight as I try to pivot away from my phone. Is this group. Is a group called EPPA.

Stuart Turley [00:14:54] And see what now?

Rey Treviño [00:14:56]  there’s a group out of Brussels called the EPPA, and they’re a, specialist management consulting group, and, they actually are kind of a.

Stuart Turley [00:15:08] We love Courtney. Where they go Courtney?

David Blackmon [00:15:11] I should have asked Courtney to join us. Yeah, that would have been good.

Rey Treviño [00:15:15] Yeah, I definitely invited everybody. At least jump on in some form or fashion because, I telling you, this cohort is great. But I wanted to, say a special thank you. Also, professor Vasyl Mehar, he introduced us to a group called the EPPA out of Brussels, where I didn’t know this. Brussels is actually the capital of Europe. They’re in Belgium. So that was something I did not know. This EPPA group, they really work with a lot of these government groups, and it’s almost like a government watchdog group slash lobbyist group for other oil, for other companies to work with the European Commission Commission in union. And I told you.

David Blackmon [00:16:01] Oh, this is degenerating fast, folks.

Rey Treviño [00:16:05] I told you the bites. Are no joke.

Stuart Turley [00:16:07]  Wow. I’ve seen videos of people getting slammed in the crosswalks, but I didn’t realize it was. I just thought it was like a once in awhile thing. I didn’t realize that there’s extra bonus points.

Rey Treviño [00:16:20] Oh, yeah. This is no joke. What they do with those bicycles, man. No joke. Wow. Oh, man. But. But no, I recommend anybody again to definitely take a look at, TCU with their, Ralph Low Energy Institute. Anything that the, Neely School of Business. So their MBA program, in my opinion, is second to none. But, let me let me do is let me finish the same pitch real quick for the EPPA doctor Vasyl Hoff, who’s a professor of ours, I had this opportunity to go work with the, sit down with the EPPA, and it was very nice to see a group that challenged the EU and their findings and, you know, brought it to their attention. And, their team is actually headed off by a lovely lady named, Magdalena me Hoff, and she’s a managing partner there. So they are right there in the thick of it, just working hand in hand with other companies, working on legislation, working on regulations to really help kind of bring down the EU, you know, pie in the sky and go, all right, guys, this is what you’re trying to do. This is what we can do. And so you do have some very smart individuals. Well, all across the world and and Europe. I tell you what, if that doesn’t just show us who our allies are by Europe and France. Well, and, London, Britain. I tell you what, it’s been awesome. And one of the thing I will say about the trip, I thought it was humbling and belittling at the same time. Humbling because, you know, again, we have these big old pickup trucks. We don’t think about it about anything. We just kind of use you use here in America, and belittling because we’re so young as a country compared to France. And yet. I mean, there’s a glass company in France that not only provided the glass for the, Palace of Versailles, but did it also did it for the pyramid at the Louvre. That’s over 400 years old. This company is. And I mean, we’re barely 200. We’re not even 300 years old here in America.

Stuart Turley [00:18:29] I was there.

Rey Treviño [00:18:31] When.

David Blackmon [00:18:35] You were there when the pyramids in Egypt were built, weren’t you?

Stuart Turley [00:18:38] Yeah. Me and Moses.

David Blackmon [00:18:40] Yeah. You. Moses.

Rey Treviño [00:18:41] Yeah. Y’all right there, So are you going to give us the secrets of how the pyramids were actually built or what?

Stuart Turley [00:18:46] It’s all around water.

Rey Treviño [00:18:49] Yeah. Well, okay. The ducks and all that,

Stuart Turley [00:18:55] Oh, yeah. And then the electric cows that we’re gonna be talking about with AI on Monday. You know, the solar panel cows. Oh, yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:19:03] You know, you talk about cows. I just, another terrible, shameless plug. I just released a great episode of my show, The Crude Truth with Sarah Falen, who is an agriculture, advocate. How she’s fighting.

Stuart Turley [00:19:17] I thought you said Sarah Palin. I was expecting a bridge to nowhere.

Rey Treviño [00:19:20] No, no Falen, F A L E N. And, she is advocating for ranchers and farmers across America. Because of all these new laws and rules and regulations that are coming into play, that they’re basically trying to cut out our food sources without us even knowing it. There’s one regulation called the 30 by 30, where, the Biden administration is trying to basically capture an additional 30% of, federal lands that they can never use for farming and agriculture and things of that nature. And it also has to do with water rights on that 30% and 30%, you know, is a lot. That’s a that’s a chunk. And so she’s fighting for this, to stop and also fighting for these ridiculous methane rules with the cows for goodness sakes. I mean, I just picked up fresh beef yesterday from a good friend of mine, Berkey Cattle Company out of Weatherford, Texas. And, I didn’t see anything but green pastures and some healthy looking cows, so I don’t know where the issue is going on with this guys.

Stuart Turley [00:20:26] Well, the World Economic Forum said they’re going to take down the food, they’re going to take down the internet, and they’re going to take down the grid. I didn’t say it. They did.

David Blackmon [00:20:39] So if you want to know what’s coming to our farmers in America, there’s a wonderful show on Amazon called Clarkson’s Farm, and it is based in Britain. Jeremy Clarkson, the famous host of Top Gear and former host of You So You Want to Be a millionaire? There in England. Has a farm in a rural part of England. And, it is a wonderful show. They filmed three seasons of it talk that shows you all the things British farmers are having to go through now, all these requirements from the government restrictions can even build roads on his own farm anymore. Can’t open any kind of side business. To, to actually try to make some money because the farming operation doesn’t make any money. And, that’s all coming to the United States, as we’ve seen over the last 30 years, everything that starts in Europe is going to come to the United States a few years later. Okay. Then it’s just a matter of a little bit of a time delay. So if you want a good tutorial on what’s about to happen to farmers in America, just go binge watch those three seasons of Clarkson’s Farm and it will scare you to death.

Rey Treviño [00:21:48] Wow.

David Blackmon [00:21:49] It’s. A great show.

Stuart Turley [00:21:50] Started doing it, and I again, I just want to give a shout out. Here’s Tammy Nemeth. We’ve missed, I think, another one of hers here is.

David Blackmon [00:21:59] Her, the 30 by 30 rewilding.

Rey Treviño [00:22:01] The EPPA team. Yeah,

Stuart Turley [00:22:03] There’s the there’s her comment. And then here’s this one. The same as EU and Canada. 30 by 30 rewilding and preserving land and water for nature for not people. The, the World Economic Forum said they’re going to go after the water. The water is going to be in next big issue. And we’re seeing that in the water fights and legal things that you just mentioned. I want to give Courtney. She just sent me an email with a bunch of pictures. She’s a jewel. You need to be nice to her. Unbelievable. So, and, you know, thank you for saving her life there.

Rey Treviño [00:22:44] And but. Yeah. No, the. Yeah. The what’s going on out there? It’s just it’s just amazing. And that it’s funny. It’s like everything that’s in Europe comes here. The one thing I don’t see coming here is the, the the, the condensed this. I mean, when you look at the way everything is built in Europe, it is all close by. I mean, I had I had dinner with one gentleman one evening, that actually rides his bike 30 miles into town every day. Another guy will, like, I mean, this guy, he goes, no problem. An hour and a half drive every day. And I’m like, wow, that’s a lot, you know? But the funny part is, sometimes, you know, traffic can get so bad between Dallas-Fort worth, and it might take an hour and a half. And.

Stuart Turley [00:23:27] I’d rather be on a bike. Guys, I’m all in.

Rey Treviño [00:23:30] And, but. But no, you know, it is slowly headed this way. I can see it. You know, it would be nice if we could all just be able to get along at the end of the day like they do there, and have a pint. I will say that, I had this beer.

David Blackmon [00:23:44] Got bars, we got bars.

Rey Treviño [00:23:45] You can go get them because they have pubs and, the it’s a totally different thing. I get it. It’s it’s totally different. Oh.

Stuart Turley [00:23:54] What’s the difference?

Rey Treviño [00:23:55] Well, for one, you can’t hang out at the bar at a pub. Like, the whole point of the bar is to get your beer and you get out and, and then you go sit down, and then the other thing is you got to pay for your beer. Like there’s no running of tabs over there. It’s, hey, I need three beers. You pay for the three beers, and then you go sit down. And at one point, I can’t wait. We all like. Yeah, no, we’re going to get out of here. But you know, so you. I’ve kept waiting for the waitress to come by. It’s like, oh, wait a minute. We paid for the beers at the beginning of the meal, you know? And, the food is excellent, too, by the way. Very good food. They say it’s bland, but I liked it and, definitely, definitely did not have a lot of fructose corn sirup in the meals, if you know what I mean.

Stuart Turley [00:24:40] That one drives me nuts. And I’ll tell you right now, you read the dye number five, the red dye bull hockey, all the list of things that are not allowed in the EU. Why can’t we do that? Our, FDA and federal, Food and Drug Administration is absolutely corrupt and worthless. Yeah, we are being killed by our own government, and we need to band together to protect our great farmers, our great oil and gas folks. Hug a lineman. And I’m sorry for ranting, but my goodness, let’s get rid of the legislation through regulatory actions on food and drugs and wiping out all of the poor people. I’m sorry. Thank you for letting me calm down here in a minute. I got to get a defibrillator. I’m getting worked up. Oh.

David Blackmon [00:25:37] I just interviewed Robert Bryce earlier this morning and he calls it strangulation through regulation.

Rey Treviño [00:25:43] I saw that, and, he has been on a roll lately himself, just traveling and speaking so much human rights. Epstein have done so many good things. Yeah, for the energy industry as a whole, because they’re not in the oil and gas industry. You know, when I get to talk to people and then I go, well, I work in the oil and gas and they’re like, oh, well, no wonder you’re so full of oil. I’m like, well, don’t go read Alex Epstein. Go read Robert Bryce.

Stuart Turley [00:26:11] But RT, as the head of the family office and you’re sitting there working on the other trust that you and I are working on for land reclamation, for wind farms, oil and gas. And it is one thing to be in the oil and gas space. It’s another to sit there and say land reclamation is even worse in the renewable space. And this is driving me nuts. Yeah. You know, I’m sorry for getting worked up here, but windmills are absolutely, horrifically not being thought of in the end of their lifespan. Yeah.

Rey Treviño [00:26:51] It blows me away. I mean, come on, look at look at Sweetwater. They got that entire graveyard of wind blades in Sweetwater. And, let’s go walk through the path now.

Stuart Turley [00:27:02] Through the forest. Is that before or after the werewolf gets you in? Oh, there’s no.

David Blackmon [00:27:07] Wolves in London.

Stuart Turley [00:27:09] There’s no werewolf in London. That was just.

Rey Treviño [00:27:11] That was just a movie. And you talk about the reclamation, though, there’s so much radiation in the solar power panels that we get from China that they’re bringing here that we can’t properly dispose of. You know, there’s special ways to properly dispose of in situ, as you’re saying. That’s one of the things that we’re working on, on this reclamation is to be able to take these, solar power panels because remember that horrific, and God bless, Houston right now for all the stuff that’s been going on from those, the I heard I missed the big storms down there last week, and I was going to talk about the hail storms that wiped out that entire solar power field a couple of months back. How it.

David Blackmon [00:27:55] Was just right outside of Pearland.

Rey Treviño [00:27:57] Yeah, yeah. You know how how’s all that going to get disposed of? Is it going to be disposed of properly? Is the government even worried about that kind of stuff? Because I know when, when we if and when we had a spill, they’re worried about how we’re getting that cleaned up ASAP. I hope they’re worried about solar power panels the same way

Stuart Turley [00:28:16] Today is Thursday. We’re filming. We’re this is going out on live on the Crude Truth YouTube. It’s going out on the crude on the energy news beat. And David Blackmon’s YouTube channels. It’s going on LinkedIn, Twitter, all these live places. We’re at 107,819 people that are still without power in Texas because of that storm that happened last a week ago, Friday or Thursday.

David Blackmon [00:28:45] It was so six days ago. It was last six days ago.

Stuart Turley [00:28:48] Yeah. So you sit back and take a look. And we were at 1.2 million people without power on, last Friday. And then it went down to about 700. And then it went, I have it on my tracker here, and I watch how many people around the world are without power. And it’s a significant issue. My advice to folks is be prepared because for either manmade or natural disasters, I’m not trying to be a conspiracy theorist. Like everybody accuses me like, you know. All right. They are real sorry. One week is the difference between a conspiracy theory and reality anymore. Sorry. But be prepared for a small generator. Small thing, a 72 hour bag, water. Be prepared to be a light in your own neighborhood so that you can help your neighbors in any natural disaster. Take a little bit of extra, steps. It’s all I gotta say.

Rey Treviño [00:29:54] I like that, I like that, and, the difference between a prepper and somebody else is as long as you’re prepared, you’re not a prepper. That’s what I heard. Amy Robinson, told me. Well, I like that you’re prepared. You’re not a.

Stuart Turley [00:30:07] Prepper, all right? But I’m a psychotic. What does that mean?

Rey Treviño [00:30:10] I don’t know. That freak. That one, LinkedIn deal you did the other day. Where it goes, if you can read this, you got mental issues and something like that. That was a good ones. Do I laugh at that? Like, I don’t know if it’s good that I can read it or not. Answer to that one.

Stuart Turley [00:30:29] It was a cognitive test. We were there. And Courtney. For our podcast listeners, I’m going to read this from Courtney. And Courtney’s a great, great young lady out there. The overregulation topic was very interesting, and we were there having the meeting with the EPPA. EPPA right there, the European Commissioner was a great conspiracy, comparison. They were, pretty polarizing views. Nice.

Rey Treviño [00:30:57] Yes. No, it the views were very different. And like I said, you know, when we went into the, the EU, for our afternoon meetings and, it was a long day on that Tuesday, I will say that, the EU was, and the European Commission was definitely, you know, sunshine and daffodils, you know, they were they were showing us the models on how they were hitting the targets based on the data manipulation. And of course, just an hour and a half before that, we were with the EPPA going, here’s where the numbers really are. This is what’s going on because of Israel, because of Ukraine, because of the lack of, natural gas come from America. I mean, it was just night and day comparisons.

Stuart Turley [00:31:43] Hey. We caught. Hey, we got about two more minutes. RT, last thoughts for you.

Rey Treviño [00:31:50] Oh, man. I just want to say thank you to Tammy and Courtney, to everybody out there watching this, live episode. And, and again, I want to do a shout out to the TCU Ralph Low Energy Institute for the opportunity. Doctor and Blunt’s are over there and her team with Tom seeing, Jennifer Floyd. Meredith O’Brien, just thank you all very, very much. Tom Bates and even the great, Doctor Ed Ireland. And I always enjoy, talking with this cool cat. He’s a very cool cat. He used to be part of it a long time ago. Is the reason why I mentioned him. And he’s also, somebody that’s got to go on that trip and, so, so thank you all very much. And, and again, as David said, you know, what’s happening in Europe always seems to trickle its way to America. So we just have to, you know, keep that in the back of our mind as we continue to have our legislation done through regulations in America. And that’s not cool.

David Blackmon [00:32:44] It isn’t really the way the, the government’s supposed to work. Yes. Go. Frogs. Courtney. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. TCU is a great school. Kudos to everyone for for doing that. And, keep up the great work over there at TCU. I love it.

Stuart Turley [00:32:59] And David, last words for you.

David Blackmon [00:33:02] Thank you to Tammy Nemeth for tipping me off to that. California implementing a mileage tax on their car owners. Story that that was a great story. I did an energy absurdity of the day on that.

Stuart Turley [00:33:14] Wow. Was that this one, David?

David Blackmon [00:33:16] That one? Yeah, that that story right there.

Stuart Turley [00:33:18] Yeah. Isn’t that great? We love Tammy and, Irina Slav and everyone else. And, David, you’re at the, is that correct?

David Blackmon [00:33:28] I mean, dot Substack, dot dot dot that Substack down.

Stuart Turley [00:33:32] All right. Hey, I’m Stu Turley. You can find me anywhere. Anyway, hey, we will see you guys next time. Have fun. See you.

David Blackmon [00:33:42] Hasta la vista

Energy News Beat 


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