February 28

LNG Demand Will Surge 50% in Next Decade, Woodside CEO Says


Meg O’NeillPhotographer: Nicky Loh/Bloomberg

Woodside Energy Group Ltd., Australia’s top liquefied natural gas exporter, expects consumption of the fuel to rise 50% over the next decade, pushing the supplier to consider further expansions.

“We’re seeing signs of that demand growth in emerging Asia,” Chief Executive Officer Meg O’Neill said Tuesday in an interview. “There’ll be points in time where we’ll see a fair amount of new supply arriving, but the demand growth is really likely to absorb that over the course of the coming years.”

The outlook is one of the most bullish in the industry, as energy companies and environmentalists debate the role of gas in the world’s transition to cleaner fuels. Shell Plc, a major LNG supplier, earlier this month pared back its forecast for consumption to an increase of more than 50% by 2040.

Woodside has long said that more gas will be needed to complement the expansion of intermittent renewable energy sources, and has flagged it is open to further expansions of its LNG business. Talks with smaller Australian rival Santos Ltd. on a potential tie-up collapsed earlier this month in a deal that would’ve created one of the biggest LNG producers in the Asia-Pacific region.

“We see a bright future for LNG, so Santos was an opportunity to bring together two LNG powerhouses to make an even bigger and more significant force in the industry,” O’Neill said in a separate interview on Bloomberg Television. “We weren’t able to get the deal over the line, and that’s fine because we have got great assets in the portfolio.”

The producer is advancing the $12 billion Scarborough LNG project in Australia, has other development options including Browse, Sunrise and Calypso, and continues to review possible acquisitions, she said.

“The M&A team is out looking at a variety of opportunities — but we are going to be disciplined,” said O’Neill. “We are going to make sure it fits our strategy, fits our capabilities and delivers value.”

Source: Bloomberg and Wood Mackenzie

Qatar, which vies with the US and Australia as the biggest LNG shipper, is also bullish on demand, and announced plans Sunday for a 13% increase in annual capacity on top of a previously announced expansion.

Read more: Qatar Has Eyes on More Long-Term Deals as It Bets Big on LNG

A decision by the White House to impose a temporary halt on new LNG export licenses while it studies the impact of higher shipments on issues like climate change and national security is raising uncertainty about the US as a supplier, O’Neill said.

“It sends another worrying sign around the fiscal and regulatory stability in places that used to be places where you could count on investing,” O’Neill said. “When the rules change at the drop of a hat, without consultation, that’s a concerning signal for the market.”

Woodside earlier reported underlying profit fell 37% in 2023 on a year earlier as prices retreated and it booked $1.5 billion of impairments.

Asian LNG spot prices are at the lowest level since 2021 due in part to mild weather and high inventories in Europe and Asia. With no major liquefaction facility expected to start this year, supply and demand will be “pretty finely balanced” for 2024 and prices could be boosted by the situation in the Middle East or growth in China, O’Neill said.

Even though more production will start in 2025, demand will also return from buyers who were on the sidelines after the 2022 energy crisis due to high prices, such as Bangladesh and India, she said.


Freeport LNG in Texas has extended maintenance work on its Train 3 and expects the unit to return to service in about another two weeks, the company said Monday
NOTE: A one-month maintenance program began in late January and was due to be completed this week
Estimated gas flows to US export terminals +6% w/w at 13.9 bcf/day on Monday, according to BloombergNEF

South Korea is expected to need less gas for electricity this summer thanks to the commissioning of a new nuclear reactor and coal-fired power plant
BloombergNEF forecast the country’s gas demand will dip by 0.1 million metric tons across April to September, in turn putting downward pressure on the appetite for LNG imports

European gas storage was 64% full on Feb. 25, compared with the 5-year seasonal average of about 47%
France consolidates key role as top entry point for LNG in Europe, representing 22% of imports into the region, according to a statement by gas-transmission operator GRTgaz

Buy tender:

Bids Due
Valid Until
Posco International
6 DES cargoes
South Korea
Sept. 2025-Oct. 2026
March 6
1 DES cargo
BW Batangas FSRU, Philippines
March 15-31
March 6
4 DES cargoes
Feb. 29
Feb. 29
PetroVietnam Gas
1 DES cargo
Feb. 29

Sell tender:

Bids Due
Valid Until
Sakhalin Energy
12 DES cargoes per year
From Aug. 2024 for 3-5 years
March 5
March 19
Angola LNG
1 DES cargo
As far east as Thailand
Mid-March to Early-April
Feb. 28
Feb. 29
Brunei LNG
1 DES cargo
North Asia
Feb. 27
Vessel Rates:

Pacific spot earnings for a 174k cubic-meter vessel were $57,000/day on Monday, down $1,250 from the previous session, according to Spark Commodities, based on assessments from LNG shipbrokers
Atlantic earnings -$2,500 to $47,250/day
NOTE: Spark values calculated on a round-trip basis, including hire, ballast bonus and lump sum estimates

Futures Prices:

Japan-Korea Marker futures for April delivery rose 2.2% to $8.30/mmbtu on Monday
May contract +3.4% to $8.325

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