August 29

Poland is filing a lawsuit against “authoritarian” EU climate policy


The EU Commission is increasingly trying to transform the EU into a centralized federal state and to establish itself as an authoritarian central government. In doing so, they are apparently hanging on the leading strings of the powerful industrial lobbyists active in Brussels and on Washington, as the attempt to appoint a US citizen and big-tech lobbyist as chief economist shows. However, countries from Eastern Europe are fighting back, above all Poland and Hungary.

Attempts by Brussels to dictate legislation will split the European Union because this process will result in member states not complying with EU decisions, Bence Tuzson, state secretary in the office of Prime Minister Viktor Orban and future justice minister, said recently. On Thursday at a panel discussion as part of the Bálványos Free Summer University and Student Camp (Tusványos) – Mandiner reports .

He pointed out that the EU wants to impose its will on the nation states through stealthy legislation, by relaxing legal concepts and by invoking the vague principles of the rule of law and by judicially enforcing European law against national law. However, EU law can only be enforced if it does not conflict with national constitutions, so it is the Constitutional Court that can stop this damaging trend, the Secretary of State stressed.

The Polish government has filed four lawsuits against the EU’s climate policy, which it describes as “authoritarian” and assures that it “will not allow Brussels’ diktat”.

The three new lawsuits, brought before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), relate to a ban on registering new internal combustion engine vehicles after 2035, an increase in the EU’s greenhouse gas reduction target and a reduction in free emission allowances under the framework of the EU emissions trading system (ETS).

They follow another complaint filed last week against EU rules on land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), which Poland says violates member states’ competences.

” Does the [European] Union want to decide in an authoritarian way what kind of vehicles Poles will drive and whether energy prices in Poland will rise,” Climate Minister Anna Moskwa tweeted on Monday. ” The Polish government will not accept Brussels’ diktat.”

Poland’s current national-conservative government has regularly criticized the EU’s climate and environmental policies. The leader of the ruling party, Jarosław Kaczyński, has described them as “madness and theories without evidence”.

” At every EU Council, we have been against every single document of the Fit for 55 package and have voted against it as a government,” Moskva said, referring to the EU’s program to cut emissions by at least 55% by 2030 .

” It’s no secret that we were against the whole package, we are against raising climate targets and the way [these efforts] are being carried out and imposed [on member countries],” the minister said .

In March, Poland was the only Member State to oppose introducing a sales ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles from 2035. In the interview, Moskva argued that unanimity should have been required for this decision, as its impact depends heavily on member states’ energy mix.

” In our case, banning internal combustion engines is absolutely contrary to climate policy because in the short term, if we want to increase electricity production [to power electric vehicles], it will lead to an increase in coal consumption,” she said .

When asked about the other complaints, Moskwa said Poland is challenging most of them for the same reasons as the ban on sales of internal combustion vehicles.

One of the EU policies rejected by Poland is the amendment to the Emissions Trading Scheme , which would require sectors already covered by the scheme to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 62% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. The reform also provides for a gradual phase-out of free emission allowances between 2026 and 2034.

Another regulation concerns the provisions of the new EU Carbon Limit Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), which will apply to commodities such as iron, steel, cement, aluminium, fertilisers, electricity and hydrogen.

Importers of these goods have to pay the difference between the emission fee in the country of production and the price of the emission allowances in the EU emissions trading system. The CBAM is to be phased in between 2026 and 2034 when the free emission allowances in the ETS expire.

In any case, the fact is that none of the measures decreed by the EU under the title “Green Deal” change anything about the climate, since they cannot influence solar activity or its orbit around the center of mass of the solar system . And these are the drivers of climate change, as Isaac Newton predicted in 1687 and as confirmed by the latest research. CO2 has only a minor influence, if at all.


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