August 2

Daily Energy Standup Episode #178 – Flaming Debates, Fuming Prices: Africa’s Energy Policy, Ship Fire, and Climate Controversies!


Daily Standup Top Stories

Africa’s Energy Policy: Failures, Impacts & Recovery

Introduction Due to several failed energy policies, the institutional and policy framework that shapes Africa’s energy sector as a whole is perceived to be falling short of expectations. How to reform the institutions involved in […]

Deadly cargo ship fire still burning on vessel carrying 500 electric vehicles in North Sea

The Hague, Netherlands — A fire on a cargo ship carrying more than 3,500 new vehicles was still burning Thursday in the North Sea a day after the Dutch coast guard said one crew member had […]

German teen Naomi Seibt, the darling of climate change deniers

At 19, Naomi Seibt is on her way to becoming the voice of climate sceptics. Close to the far right in her home country of Germany, she has also been propelled by the Heartland Institute, an […]

FERC’s proposed rule would harm consumers and the energy transition

Transmission competition is the key to upgrading our electricity grid in a cost-effective manner. FERC must embrace competition and deliver on its mandate to ensure just and reasonable rates for consumers. In his 2022 State […]

As Summer Travel Season Winds Down, U.S. Gas Prices Rise Again

With summer vacation season winding down in August, the national average for a gallon of gas awoke from a months-long slumber, surging 13 cents in the last week of July to $3.71, says AAA. The […]

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro02:23 – Africa’s Energy Policy Failures, Impacts and Recovery04:44 – Deadly Cargo Ship Fire still Burning on Vessel carrying 500 Electric Vehicles in North Sea07:46 – German teen Naomi Seibt the Darling of the Climate Change Deniers 09:28 – FERC proposed rule would harm consumers in the Energy Transition 11:04 – As Summer Travel Season Winds Down, U.S. Gas Prices Rise again12:38 – Outro

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Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Stuart Turley: [00:00:07] Hey Everybody, Welcome to the Energy News Beat Daily Stand up. My name’s Stuart Turley, President and CEO of the Sandstone Group. We got an action packed show here. Michael‘s on assignment again but we’re going to have some fun. Today is August 2nd I can’t believe that but you’re going to have a great day. [00:00:26][19.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:00:27] Let’s go ahead and get started with our stories here. Africa’s Energy Policy Failures, Impacts and Recovery, kind of like this. I still think Africa is getting the short end of the stick a lot of times people are trying to take advantage of Africa and I don’t like it. [00:00:47][19.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:00:48] Let’s go to this one the cargo, Deadly Cargo Ship fire still burning on vessel carrying 500 electric vehicles in North Sea this is an ecological problem and a disaster not sure why it’s not more in the news. [00:01:04][16.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:06] This one came across, German teen Naomi Seibt is the Darling of the Climate Change Deniers. It’s kind of interesting we’re going to throw that around here. [00:01:18][11.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:19] And then we talk about the FERC Proposed rule would harm consumers in their Energy Transition, you know what I’ve always said consumers get it in the drive through. [00:01:31][12.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:32] So As Summer Travel Season Winds Down, U.S. Gas Prices Start Rising Again, this is kind of crazy. [00:01:40][8.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:41] So anyway, Again Thank You to all of our fans that have been Liking Subscribing, letting us know the feedback. We just really appreciate every single one of you. If you are an industry thought leader you know anything about Renewables, Battery Storage, Nuclear we’re talking the Energy Transition. Energy Crisis. [00:02:08][26.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:02:09] My goal is to talk to you let’s to have you on the podcast I want to hear everything that you’re seeing out there. Contact me look forward to speaking with you. [00:02:19][10.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:02:20] First story coming around the corner is Africa’s Energy Policy Failures, Impacts and Recovery. This one caught my eye because due to several failed Energy Policies, the institutional and policy framework that shapes Africa’s energy sector as a whole is perceived to be falling short of expectations. [00:02:43][23.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:02:45] Wow! You know, it seems like every country that’s out there, the United States, Russia, China they’re trying to force Africa by a bait and switch. And in my opinion, we’re all not doing what’s right for Africa. There are various perspectives on Energy Policy Failure, particularly in public discourse, in economic interest. [00:03:12][26.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:03:13] Benjamin Sovacool and Ira Martina Drupady of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore stated unequivocally in their book Energy Access Poverty and Development. The governance of small scale renewable energy in developing Asia that economies continue to suffer from failed energy policies of the past. [00:03:40][27.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:03:42] This is critical. If the U.S. has reduced its Carbon Footprint by getting rid of coal. Yay! But we’ve done it by implementing natural gas the renewables have not done that yet. We’ve spent trillions of Dollars as a Global Organization and we’ve only notched up renewable energy by 2% that’s for the amount of money in the Dollars it’s really not happening. [00:04:17][35.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:04:18] Why are we forcing Africa to do the same thing? They have natural resources. Let’s help them implement them in a responsible low carbon methodology. That to me would be a lot cheaper. Anyway. If you are a Africa energy expert, I want to talk to you as well too. [00:04:41][23.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:04:42] Let’s go to the next one here, Deadly Cargo Ship Fire still Burning on Vessel carrying 500 Electric Vehicles in North Sea. This one’s pretty disturbing. I’ve had nightmares about the way that boat looks it’s an ugly looking box. In fact for our Podcast listeners, if the producer can slide in one of the pictures here for our video folks. [00:05:09][26.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:09] But the box really looks more like a Star Wars one of those things going across the Desert path awayne when Luke is there and they kind of goes along and rolls along its pretty ugly Boat. If I was, I’d set Fire too if I had that ugly of a Boat. [00:05:30][20.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:30] It’s called in from The Hague in Netherlands 3500 still burning. Here’s part of the problem is we’ve all seen the batteries. Once they get started, the lithium batteries, you can’t put them out with water. [00:05:46][15.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:05:47] The Coast Guard said it was working to save the Vessel from sinking close to an important habitat for migratory birds Boats and Helicopters were used to get the 23 members off after they tried unsuccessfully to put out the blaze. [00:06:03][15.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:04] I don’t think they’re going to be able to put that out and that ship is going to be kind of like a ghost pirate ship. Currently, there’s a lot of vessels on scene to monitor get the hotdogs, get the smores, and try to at least have a decent campfire out of it. [00:06:20][16.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:22] They’re trying to make sure I love this one. So we’re currently working out how we can make sure that the least bad situation is going to happen. I kind of really thought that one was pretty funny. [00:06:37][14.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:39] Here’s where it gets a little bit of a issue. I’m just throwing these numbers out out there in a SUV weighs, I believe around £7,000 or excuse me a EV is around £7,000 and SUV can weigh around £4,000. [00:06:58][19.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:59] And F-150 gasoline type right will weigh thousand £200 less than the Ford Lightning, that is a lot of weight on there. So as that ship burns, think about how much toxins are going into the air. And then also, as that thing sinks, this, I have a feeling, is going to be worse than any oil spill. [00:07:31][31.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:07:32] When you start taking a look at the contaminants that are coming out of there. I’m not sure I’d like to get some numbers on it, but I’m also wondering if the news is going to cover it so we’re going to keep an eye on that. [00:07:44][12.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:07:45] Next article, German teen Naomi Seibt the Darling of the Climate Change Deniers. I think it’s kind of funny because she’s been around for a little while. She’s at 19, she’s on her way to becoming the voice of climate skeptics. But on the far right of her country in Germany she’s been propelled to the Heartland Institute, an American think tank supported by allies of President Trump. [00:08:12][26.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:13] That doesn’t mean necessarily that she’s the darling of the East or West, but climate have found their news. She is a German woman who denounces “Climate Alarmism” in her videos on her YouTube Channel. [00:08:28][14.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:30] She and Greta are going to be squaring off on a lot of things. And I want to also put out an invitation to her and Greta I’d love to have them on the Podcast. [00:08:39][8.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:40] But when you sit back and take a look at this, she is taking a look at numbers and facts. The reason I don’t like the term “Anti-Greta” is it suggests I’m an and doctorate puppet myself, I like her already. [00:08:56][16.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:57] So when you sit back and take a look, the bottom line is let’s have a discussion about all forms of energy so that we can pull people out of Energy Poverty ” By delivering the lowest cost kilowatt per hour to everyone on the planet with the least amount of impact to the environment“. Having that boat on fire doesn’t seem like it wants to work. [00:09:23][26.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:09:24] Let’s go ahead and go on into the next one here, FERC proposed rule would harm consumers in the Energy Transition. Transmission completion is the key to upgrading our energy grid in a cost effective manner. [00:09:41][17.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:09:46] President Biden said in his 2022 State of the Union he says, The significance of competition is exploitation. The American economic model thrives on competition, which drives innovation and holds monopolies in check. But you got to have Regulations, and you also got to quit printing money. [00:10:13][27.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:10:14] On this one, Both the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, FTC are strong advocates of competition, but they’re strong proponents of competition. But they hamstring everybody with their Regulations. [00:10:32][18.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:10:34] So, you know if you’re going to, we have over 21,000 now projects there were 8000 a couple of years ago they cannot get any projects Renewable or Oil and Gas through. So I’m not sure how their proposed rules would change. I saw nothing in there about how they would speed things up. Got a lot of good government. [00:11:01][26.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:02] Last story here. As Summer Travel Season Winds Down, U.S. Gas Prices Rise again. Let me know what you think about what gas prices are, but also the oil prices. I’m almost ready to just give up trying to guess what the next Oil prices are. [00:11:21][18.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:22] Gas demand, meaning people fueling up remains tepid however, it’s lower now than at this time last year and in 2021 Andrew Goss of AAA. But while the heat may be keeping some folks home, it also suppresses refinery production according to the experts. Constrained supplies and a higher cost of oil are tipping the balance toward rising prices at the pump for now. [00:11:49][27.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:51] It’s pretty critical I’m also curious to see what the Biden administration is going to do as we roll closer to the election since they’ve taken so much of the strategic oil reserves. [00:12:03][12.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:12:04] Are they going to try to rob that piggy bank again? When Energy Policies might be the best thing to do? I’m just asking. So with that, why don’t we go ahead and try to have a Fantastic Day. This is August the second and I mean, I’m already ready for the weekend. [00:12:22][17.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:12:23] Thanks for listening and again, we are so thrilled that you’re around. Have a great day! [00:12:23][0.0]

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