July 25

Behold, The Rise Of Europe’s Anti-Greens


Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com,

A major revolt is underway in the EU. Citizens have finally had enough of Green nonsense. The latest polls provide all the evidence you need…

The German AfD party is now polling 22 percent ahead of every party other than Union (CDU/CSU).

It’s not just one poll that shows the surge for AfD. Here is a Poll of German Polls as noted by Politico.

AfD Political Stance Via Wikipedia

Alternative for Germany (German: Alternative f?r Deutschland, AfD; German pronunciation: is a right-wing populist political party in Germany. AfD is known for its Euroscepticism and opposing immigration to Germany.

The party presented itself as an economic liberal, soft Eurosceptic, and conservative movement in its early years. AfD has subsequently moved further to the right, and expanded its policies under successive leaderships to include opposition to immigration, Islam, and the European Union. Since 2015, AfD’s ideology has been characterized by Islamophobia, anti-immigration, German nationalism, national-conservative, and Euroscepticism.

The AfD is the only party represented in the German Bundestag whose environmental and climate policy is based on the denial of human-caused climate change.

AfD denies that it is racist. Importantly, every other political party in Germany has stated it would not enter a coalition with AfD.

A Total Destruction of the Political Center. Does Anyone Speak for You?

Germany is now approaching the point that even if all the centrist parties united in a super-grand coalition that might not top 50 percent.

I wrote about this recently in A Total Destruction of the Political Center. Does Anyone Speak for You?

German Far-Right AfD Party Wins Mayor’s Office

On March 7, France24 reported German far-right AfD party wins mayor’s office amid record-high polling

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) has surged to record highs in opinion polls, and the latest result comes just a week after they won their first district election.

Hannes Loth was elected mayor of the small town of Raguhn-Jessnitz, in the eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt, in a run-off against independent candidate Nils Naumann, according to results on the town’s Facebook page.

France’s Le Pen Leads in Presidential Election First-Round Poll

Bloomberg reports France’s Le Pen Leads in Presidential Election First-Round Poll

French nationalist leader Marine Le Pen would lead in the first round of the presidential election with as much as 36% if it took place on Sunday, according to an Ifop poll of voting intentions.

The constitution doesn’t allow Emmanuel Macron to run for a third consecutive term as president in 2027, so the pollster tested some of his allies as potential candidates. These include his former prime minister, Edouard Philippe, Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin and Francois Bayrou, president of centrist party Modem.

In a separate poll of 1,002 adults on March 28-29 by Ifop for Paris Match, 58% said Le Pen understands their concerns and 57% that she’s attached to democratic values, while 52% consider her to be competent and 51% capable of reforming the country.

None of this should be surprising. The costs of the EU’s climate change mandate are soaring and people have had enough of it.

In his July 2023 article, Austerity is Back, Eurointelligence founder Wolfgang M?nchau discussed the issue.

The EU’s climate change agenda is now moving into a phase where it starts to cost real money. The German government is just about to pass the domestic heating bill to force homeowners to replace cheap gas heaters with expensive heating pumps. A lot more costly environmental legislation is on the way from Brussels. The phase-out of the motor car will impose burdens on car owners. Opposition to Green policies are one of the causes for the surge in far-right support in Germany.

Now add austerity to the mix. With the return of the fiscal rules comes the return of the hard budget constraint. The Green agenda is the costliest project in the EU’s entire history. It will affect people unevenly. House owners, commuters and farmers will be much worse off than urban dwellers who are renting apartments. Austerity makes it harder for governments to compensate the losers. Brexit-style country-vs-town divisions are opening up.

The math just does not add up. We are reaching the limits of what a decentralised, rules-based EU can do.

The Math Does Not Add Up

Indeed, it doesn’t, not in the US nor the EU.

One difference is the EU had budget rules while the US can pretend there is an unlimited source of funds and minerals to make the climate change agenda work.

For discussion of EU budget rules and alleged austerity please see Is EU Austerity Back? That’s What Eurointelligence Says

Electric Vehicles for Everyone?

On July 19, I asked Electric Vehicles for Everyone? If the Dream Was Met, Would it Help the Environment?

My follow-up post was What Do MishTalk Readers Think About “Electric Vehicles for Everyone?”

No, the math does not add up in the EU or here.

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