June 9

Two Tiers Of Justice: Kash Patel


Authored by Kash Patel via RealClear Wire,

The elite set of individuals that sit atop our federal agencies have completely weaponized our entire government apparatus. It is no longer a one-off “mistake,” but rather the intentional creation of a two-tier system of justice that has gone unchecked. The resulting impact is a death knell for American faith in all three branches of government.

Allow me to preface with one important factor: This is not an indictment of the men and women who are our “boots on the ground.” They remember every day why they signed up to serve. They investigate real crimes, protect the public from acts of terror, and root out rampant corruption. These men and women across the country serving in all agencies remain heroes and are equally as frustrated with the leadership at the top of our federal government.

The two-tier system of justice is not Democrats vs. Republicans. It is anyone who is part of the administrative state and the D.C. beltway versus those who seek to destroy this political demon of the deep state. It is government gangsters against everyone else.

When it comes to the U.S. government, there are no coincidences. Anything that masquerades as such is a strategic move to protect the upper echelons from ceding power to the proletariat they once rose from. Whether it’s Russiagate, Impeachment #1, Impeachment #2, Jan. 6 Committee, Hunter’s laptop, classified docs, or an intel letter from 51 of our highest “servants,” they layered this two-tier system of justice by doing the same thing at each level – breaking the law. Illegal surveillance, unlawful congressional overreach, and judicial hustling have joined forces, and the result is a destruction of justice.

Case in point: Christopher Wray, a stunning example when it comes to the dual standard of justice and hypocrisy. Wray violated a congressional subpoena. By doing so, the director of the FBI has continuously broken the law and simultaneously destroyed the leadership reputation of the FBI. The days of justice and accountability within our federal government are fleeting, at best. What if you violated a congressional subpoena, what are the ramifications? No need to wonder, just ask Steven Bannon and Peter Navarro. Don’t count on this DOJ to police its own, especially when the narrative being put forth by the document in question nukes the radical left’s pyramid of Jenga justice.

Yesterday, he had one final out, and showed his true lack of institutional control, or better yet its hijacking. He told Chairman Comer to pound sand, so now Congress must hold the line. Ransack these agencies and departments, and hold those who exploit the two-tier system of justice accountable – every single one of them. For starters, take their money, take their fancy government toys, and take Wray’s government-funded G5 jet. You must produce these critical documents and show them to the world, then do it again and again.

Congress’ oversight authority is the last bulwark against the total erosion of justice. When you have leadership at DOJ, FBI, and the intelligence community all bending the knee to radical agendas to feed their own egos for the sole purpose of maintaining power, someone must answer the call. Some in Congress have shown exceptional leadership with their steadfast approach to exposing criminality and government corruption. They must stay the course and utilize Congress’ budgeting process to bring our agencies back into the fold. The only thing these corrupt leaders yield to is money, our taxpayer dollars. And so now, it must be taken, in part. No overcorrection, just enough to remind them they serve the American people, and to restore respect for each coordinate branch of government.

I’d sum it up, but Sen. Chuck Grassley’s recent assessment of Director Wray that he is treating Congress like “second-class citizens” resonates impactfully enough. Will it shake loose congressional hammers, or will we continue to live in two-tier systems of justice? America’s constitutional mandate to return to a single system of justice is at stake.

Kash Patel is an attorney and author and served as the chief of staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller in the Trump administration.


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