September 11

2024 Debate’s Energy Impact


With Special Guest Rey “RT” Trevino III
Source: ENB

Daily Standup Top Stories

In Germany, The Green Energy Transition Is Only Getting Worse

Germany is running faster and faster to stay in place. In the meantime, it is destroying its economy. ​Plenty of virtuous places (New York, California, UK, Australia) want to compete for the mantle of “climate […]

Oil Prices Tumble as Traders Turn Bearish

Hedge funds and other money managers have reduced their bullish bets on oil to the lowest level since 2011. The decline in bullish sentiment is driven by rising global oil supply, weaker-than-expected demand, and concerns […]

OPEC Drops 2024 Crude Oil Demand Forecast For Second Straight Month

For the second consecutive month, OPEC slightly cut its forecast for 2024 global crude oil demand in its September Oil Market Report published Tuesday. The cartel had held firm to its initial 2024 forecast, first published in […]

China has more than 1 billion tons/year of new coal mines in pipeline, report says

BEIJING, Sept 10 (Reuters) – China accounts for more than half of the world’s pipeline of new coal mines, risking a significant increase in methane emissions, a new study published on Tuesday showed. China is […]

Harris Wooing U.S. Steel After Pushing Extreme Policies To Torpedo The Industry

In another flip-flop, Kamala Harris is now championing steelworkers despite pushing radical policies to destroy the industry. ​Vice President Kamala Harris has championed radical environmental policies supported by activist groups that, in part, led to […]

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 – Intro

01:56 – In Germany, The Green Energy Transition Is Only Getting Worse

04:21 – Oil Prices Tumble as Traders Turn Bearish

04:58 – OPEC Drops 2024 Crude Oil Demand Forecast For Second Straight Month

06:49 – China has more than 1 billion tons/year of new coal mines in pipeline, report says

08:17 – Harris Wooing U.S. Steel After Pushing Extreme Policies To Torpedo The Industry

10:17 – 2024 Election Debate Impact on Energy – Michael and Stu cover the top issues of the debate

28:24 – Outro

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Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Stuart Turley: [00:00:10] Hello, everybody. Welcome. The Energy News Meet daily. Stand up. My name’s Stu Turley President and CEO of Sandstone Group And I’ll tell you what, today is September 11th. Buckle up. We’ve got an action packed show for you today. Before I get into the stories, I want to give a shout out to Ann and I He has let me know that 1 to 2 nuclear explosions were used to frack oil and gas wells as part of the peaceful use of nuclear. Today, on September 10th, on the day that I’m filming, this marks the 54th anniversary of the second test of the nuclear fracking of natural gas wells in Colorado. The first was in New Mexico and a third was in Colorado. Here’s the funny part. The gas was unusable because of nuclear fallout. Not a good moment in history for fracking or nuclear energy. So anyway, hats off to Ann and I ask and follow him on Twitter. I’ll have his handle in the show notes there. Let’s get started with Germany. The green energy transition is only getting worse. Oil prices tumble as traders turn bearish. OPEC drops 2020 for crude oil Demand Forecast. For a second straight month. China has more than 1 billion tons of coal per year in new coal mines in their pipeline. Boy, there’s some net zero about to happen. Harris Wooing U.S. steel after pushing extreme policies to torpedo the industry. You can’t buy this kind of entertainment. And then Michael and I are going to talk about that coming up, the debate. And he and I are going to talk about what the candidates thought about energy. [00:01:56][105.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:01:56] So let me get rolling here in the Germany, the green energy transition is only getting worse. What’s happened is the green energy policies are just absolutely making it miserable for you have green energy policies, high energy prices go around. And there is a wonderful chart. Ms.. Producer, if you could bring this chart up, you could see Europe versus US states one through 88. And you take a look at this list in the top, the highest, most expensive energy is Hawaii, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Lake Ashton, Italy, Cyprus and California comes in at number eight, Rhode Island at number ten and number nine, Massachusetts at number ten, Connecticut at number 11. Number 12, Maine. That’s just amazing. And then New York is in the top 22. Alaska is 20, Portugal, Vermont is 24. You start taking a look at there is a 100% correlation between green energy, the Green New Deal and high energy prices in deindustrialization. Let’s go through this here in some numbers. Renewable power sources covered about 57% of Germany’s gross electrical consumption in the first half 2024, however, generation from renewables reached 147 terawatts. But at what cost? And it has been considerably more than you’d have to pay. They took down two of their last two nuclear reactors that were already running, adding to the baseline cost. So Volkswagen is now considering closing factories in Germany for the first time and a move that shows that a mounting price in Europe’s carmaker faces from Asian rivals. VW considers one large vehicle plant and one component factory in Germany to be obsolete and said it works. Council vowed to fierce resistance to the executive board plan. I’ll tell you, they’re having some serious problems, and de-industrialization is the direct result of green energy policies. [00:04:20][143.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:04:21] Hey, let’s move on to the next story here. Oil prices tumble as traders turn bearish. Hedge funds and other money managers to reduce their bullish bets on the oil. That all is level since 2011. This is pretty amazing story from oil price and WTI saw last week its worst weekly performance since October 23rd with an 8% drop for the week. On Friday, WTI and Brant settle down at their lowest levels at 67, 67 and 7106 per barrel. And now. [00:04:58][36.9]

Stuart Turley: [00:04:58] Let’s take a look here at the next story. OPEC drops 2024 crude oil demand forecast for a second straight month. This one. From David Blackmon and Forbes. The bottom line. David’s bottom line is this month’s report from OPEC comes after a month that has seen the international Brant price fall by 15% as traders seem to be pricing in anticipations of slowing economy, along with expectations that larger OPEC plus group will begin the process of unwinding some of its voluntary production and export cuts in fourth quarter of the year. It remains to be seen if the continuing softening of the global demand will influence OPEC plus to delay their efforts. Now, great points from David Blackman and then from Professor St Onge. He had an excellent point. And when he says that the stock price for Dollar General has taken such a hit because even Dollar General customers are running out of money due to the higher economic impact of the Biden-Harris economy. So he said, basically you have. He was very Professor Feynman was very funny. He said basically you have Walmart, then you have Dollar General and then you have the dumpster. And if people are not buying in Dollar General, it means the next stop is his shopping in the dumpster. So that means that is a very valid draw online to take a look and say, wait a minute, if you can’t even afford groceries, why is the economy not already in a recession? I like the way that he had phrased that. [00:06:49][110.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:06:49] LEt’s go to the next one here. China has more than 1 billion tons per year of new coal mines in the pipeline, the report says. This is nuts. China is developing enough new mines to produce 1.28 billion metric tons of coal each year, said the report by the U.S. Global Energy Monitor Gem, which included the large mines with at least 1 million tons of annual capacity. It said that 35% of that capacity is already under construction, meaning a surge in production is expected in 3 to 5 years. Expanding coal production capacity is a currently a national policy and priority and a political task. At least they get energy security. Now, China’s existing mines have made it responsible for 70% of the global mine methane emissions from similar supplier mines, and all of the proposed projects are completed. This would rise to 75%. So you’re taking a look at the mining of coal. Natural gas could eliminate a lot of this problem and be a lot cleaner solution instead of burning coal. But it is because it is so prevalent. Anyway, there’s a lot to be said for sharing our great natural gas resources even through LNG. [00:08:16][86.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:08:17] Last story for this before Michael and I talk about the debate. Harris Wooing U.S. Steel after pushing extreme policies to torpedo the industry, I got tickled at this story. This story was first out on The Federalist. And when you take a look at the original project, 19 2019, U.S. Steel committed to investing over 1 billion in the Mine Valley Works Project but withdrew two years amid, in part a pressure from the climate activist, which is also very much in Harris’s camp. And it is. But it’s Harris’s radical environmental policy agenda that emboldened the same climate change party activist behind the disinvestment of the Mann Valley worked project that would have improved jobs for these very steel workers. So buyer Kamala Harris is supporting of the activists over the economy. It has then crippled the steel industry. And you cannot have an industry in in in making jobs happen for other manufacturing. Without steel. It does not happen. So now why not put some of that money into making cleaner steel? I can get on board with that. Let’s have a little bit more expensive steel than having to buy it from China. I’d rather by US Steel make it cleaner and build it here rather than just shut it down and force us to build and buy steel from China when they don’t care about the environment. This is about pollution. Let’s get it. [00:09:58][101.1]

Stuart Turley: [00:09:58] So as Chris Wright has said, let’s eliminate energy poverty with the least amount of impact on the environment and be fiscally. Responsible. So with that, hey, let’s hang on and I’ll turn it over here to Michael and the team here. And just to say. [00:09:58][0.0][584.7]

Michael Tanner: [00:10:17] All right. Well, we just got done watching the debate. Wow. A lot to get into. We’re going to try to stick to energy, but I’m sure if you follow Stu on his Twitter account, we’re going to very far off the reservation. But I’ve tried to do what I would have done first. We’ve got a guest appeared. This is the first guest we’ve ever had on the energy news beat. [00:10:36][19.5]

Stuart Turley: [00:10:38] R.T. Trevino. I am honored to have you, as we. [00:10:43][5.4]

Michael Tanner: [00:10:43] Are honored to have you on, man. [00:10:45][1.1]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:10:45] I can’t believe I’m here. This is fabulous. You know, thank you guys so much for even asking me to come do this, because this is a show that has no guest. You guys, your listeners. Wow. Just thank you all so much for the opportunity. And what a show it was. I had my popcorn out. [00:11:03][17.8]

Stuart Turley: [00:11:03] My goodness. [00:11:04][0.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:11:04] Yeah. I mean, we will get to it all in a bit. But I want to go to the tape here. We’re going to we got to start and pretty much focus the entire segment on the two frack or not to frack, whatever it’s called. I’m pretty sure that’s what Shakespeare said not to be. But let’s go to the tape here real quick and see what had to be said. [00:11:21][17.2]

Video Clip: [00:11:22] I made that very clear in 2020. I will not ban fracking. I have not banned fracking as vice president of United States. And in fact, I was the tie breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, which opened new leases for fracking. My position is that we have got to invest in diverse sources of energy so we reduce our reliance on foreign oil. We have had the largest increase in domestic oil production in history because of an approach that recognizes that we cannot over rely on foreign oil. You know, my family lives in western Pennsylvania, where fracked gas wells have become a common site. Yet the toxic impacts of fracking on the community are immense, from contaminated groundwater to poisonous emissions. Will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office? Adding the United States The list of countries who have banned this devastating practice? There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking. So, yes, and starting and starting with what we can do on. Day one around public lands. Right. And and then there has to be legislation. But yes, and this is something I’ve taken on in California. I have a history of working on this issue. And to your point and, you know, we have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the impact on the health and safety of communities. So thank you. So would you ban offshore drilling? Yes. And I’ve again worked on that. [00:12:50][88.7]

Michael Tanner: [00:12:52] All right. I’ve got my thought on that on and specifically Pamela’s thoughts about it. Kick it to you. You’re the guest. What did you think first of that segment? And then you can you can taper off due to whatever else you want. [00:13:05][12.3]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:13:05] I could tell there before you played the segment that you really want to keep us on track here. And this isn’t a three podcasters walking to a bar where we let Stu kind of go off into his own place. You know what? Here’s my thoughts. President Biden said a lot of things during the campaign trail and did the exact opposite when he became president. The only reason why we do not have inflation as high as we do, as high as we did or didn’t go higher is that they backed off killing the oil and gas industry. Okay. So I wouldn’t put it past them that I’m sorry, this administration would only continue to wage war gives the oil and gas industry and the hundreds and thousands of Americans out there that have jobs in that industry or that are affected by the oil and gas industry. I understand the to frack, not to frack the flip flop this, that and I’ll say this. I get a chance to do interviews on one of these shows. Not quite as awesome as energy news. Me but I usually answer a question I get every now they tell me, You know what? If you can not answer the question. And while both candidates did a pretty good job of that tonight not answering some questions. Kamala definitely, on the other hand, answered none of them. But from an actual 36 second clip right there, the best I can say is we need to have affordable energy, oil, and more importantly, natural gas can get us there. So we need to definitely be pro oil and gas, then continue to work towards alternatives because it’s an energy addition, not an energy transition. And that’s really the best thing that I can say as our good friend Stu Turley is chomping at the bit there. [00:14:44][98.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:14:45] I’m going to be quite honest with you. I thought Kamala did a very good job. I thought that I was very surprised. I did not hear the actual cackling that I was expecting. And she lied about 19 times. Bald faced, lied. Miss Kamala, if you want to come on this podcast, you’re more than welcome to defend your lies because. And she said that she wasn’t going to frack or she’s not going to ban fracking. They have The Biden administration has banned fracking in Alaska several times. She signed she was the signing bill of the Inflation Reduction Act, the single largest reason we have inflation. My dad just bought 20 gallons of paint and it was a hundred times more than it was a previous three years ago for the same pain that inflation. She’s also lied about not going after fracking and ruining the environment. They have also filed an appeal on the LNG ban because the Chevron deference, is it being kicked in. They filed another appeal. They want to ban fracking. Excuse me, Ellen G. Going out and you got to have fracking in order to get our LNG exports out. So she is lying and she would kill the entire industry. [00:16:10][85.4]

Michael Tanner: [00:16:11] Well, I yes, I clearly that she’s not going to say I think what she really thinks, which who knows what she thinks. She says at one point she was going to ban fracking. Now she says she won’t. You know, everybody seems to drift to the center in an election. I think practically it’s going to be hard for them to for them to actually pull off like I like to think things have tactically, like how do you actually tactically go about banning fracking? Well, you only have to start with federal leases. The problem is it’s what, like 70% of all oil and gas production is on that or leases. So you’re doing you’d actually skyrocket. [00:16:40][29.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:16:41] And I want to jump on this one. Why? Why we’re here. I’m going to I’m going to take this this right now. She bragged about signing in those leases in those go for oil leases. Guess what? Not one of those leases has been approved. I just talked to the API, Gifford Briggs today. And now one of those with the API have been signed or drilled of the new leases because of the regulatory policies that she put in. Her administration has shut down drilling so she can ban fracking by not approving the leases. [00:17:16][35.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:17:17] Yes. So I think I don’t know where she stands on any of this. We I we we know where Trump stands on a lot of stuff. I want to get to him in a second. I do think the Steelman the argument whoever’s coaching her did a great job because her point on what she kept bringing it back to was we want to get off foreign oil. I can’t disagree with that. I’d love to get off foreign oil. Do so. But but you can’t do that. Banning fracking is not going to get us off foreign oil. You want to get off foreign oil, you got to turn the taps on, baby. So there is a little bit of like, okay, well, you want to ban fracking and that’s going to get us off foreign oil. No, that’s going to get us importing a whole lot more. So there’s a little bit of a catch. [00:17:53][36.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:17:53] 22 now, Artie, I got tickled when he said that Biden killed the Keystone pipeline, but then he approved the Nord Stream and he then that bragged about blowing it. [00:18:04][10.6]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:18:04] Up. Yeah, you know what? What are your thoughts on, like, how many individuals out there tonight that watched that debate truly were swayed one way or the other? You know, I jokes and I got my popcorn ready, you know, because it’s obvious, you know, as you just mentioned, that should be something right there alone that millions of Americans would look at and go, man, that’s anti-American to kill American jobs, but to promote a Russian pipeline. Okay. Whether or not whoever blew it up, getting that out of it, you know, take that out of the equation. The fact that somebody killed American jobs and Russia, you know, is one thing. Not to mention the fact that this administration sold hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China, when all they do is preach that China is bad. [00:18:51][47.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:18:52] And guess whose company was that? [00:18:55][2.8]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:18:55] Well, we can get into that, too. Later on another episode. That was the Hunter Biden’s, if I’m correct, right? That is correct. Yeah. But you know, Michael, you also brought up the great point about, my God, the banning the fracking coal production that you know what, we are still producing more oil today than we were during the Trump administration. So can you imagine where production would be at today if we were at just 50 more rigs than we were a year ago today? I mean, wow, can you imagine how higher production would be and how much of a fight we would be having Egypt’s OPEC right now? You know, I’ve said this once or twice before. Before you go, we’re fighting right now, especially here in the great state of Texas. We’re fighting OPEC with one arm behind our backs and we’re still keeping the price where it is. [00:19:43][47.5]

Michael Tanner: [00:19:44] I mean, I look at it this way, Artie, you’re an operator. You’re about to pick up a rig next week. We’re returning the bit to the right next week. If oil was $150 right now, you’d be running three rigs. You might have four out there. So she’s when she says, we’ve done the best for oil and gas production, it’s like, well, yeah, because prices have gone through the roof. Of course we’re going to drill because I want some of that $100 oil. [00:20:06][22.0]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:20:06] Absolutely. I hope we don’t see 150. For free economy. Okay, We have the economy. The economy will crash. And as an operator and more importantly, as an empty company, an exploration production company, those are numbers that just as a as an American, I don’t want to see. But absolutely, when we get back to $100 oil because it’s going to happen, you will see us as an industry drill, baby, drill again and pick up at least another 50 more rigs and only increase our production, increase our supply. That Stu you will to all the time and filling back up our strategic petroleum reserves and also fight OPEC even more as they continue now to flirt with adding more barrels to the world. [00:20:46][40.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:20:47] The Biden-Harris administration just several months ago, four months ago, eliminated the Northeastern strategic gasoline reserves. And they’ve been pouring that into the system and it’s lowered the gasoline prices for this election. So guess what’s going to happen on the next storm or the next time they try to borrow it? The prices are going to go through the roof eventually the other way. So what the Biden-Harris team have done right now is destroyed. The Strategic Gasoline Reserve, the Strategic oil reserve will not be able to be refilled, period. The Biden administration that Biden-Harris administration lied about filling the SPR just recently, they said, we filled it up. No, they put an order out for 1.8 million barrels and then they came back through and, no, we’re going to end now. And so it was a false number, just like their jobs numbers were, they had to recount a million jobs. [00:21:54][66.9]

Michael Tanner: [00:21:54] Yeah, I think it all boils down to it’s we’re not, you know, basically, you know, VP Harris’s position is, trust me, I’ve got it right now. It’s like, well, I don’t know if I necessarily. [00:22:05][10.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:22:05] Know that now. I about fell out of a chair when President Trump started, and he says all those people in Springfield, in Aurora, and I thought, don’t mention the cats because I know that they’re going to be ready for it. And they he did. He goes, they’re eating them pets. And I mean, they that was a set up. You know, you can tell me this. [00:22:27][21.4]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:22:27] Yeah. And he was debating three people tonight. [00:22:30][2.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:22:31] okay. That’s what I mean. [00:22:32][1.4]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:22:33] They they they did, they did these fact checks out of nowhere like. No, Mr. President, that didn’t happen, you know. Right. Right away they had that ready to go. Not to mention. Yep. The question and I’m going to say this, the question on the race in the debate and the campaign campaign, that was a purely planted question that Kamala was 110% prepared for with the statement. I don’t you know, you don’t need oil as long as it’s green, baby. I’m happy. You know what I mean? You know, like. [00:23:02][29.7]

Stuart Turley: [00:23:03] I used to be. Yeah, I was. [00:23:04][1.4]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:23:04] And there I said it. I hope. I hope that’s okay. On the energy knew how. [00:23:07][3.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:23:08] Absolutely I was watching body like. [00:23:10][2.0]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:23:10] That out if we need to but I know everybody tonight you know and for for Michael Tanner who’s very even keel to even kind of go. Absolutely Obviously that was something there. [00:23:21][11.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:23:21] I mean considering, you know, if you if you compare media stooge Twitter feed I’m a left, I’m a Marxist. But here’s here’s what I think. Here’s another thing I found interesting was he was fighting all three moderators. It was, you know, there I mean, I wouldn’t call it a fact check in real time, but it it might necessarily be that. I do find it interesting that, Stu, you talked about this and we talk about this a lot on the on on on the show is, you know, natural gas is becoming a transition fuel. And tonight we heard a Democratic candidate tout natural gas production when it comes to being renewable. So if you’re if you haven’t been vindicated up until for the last four years for saying that now, tonight, you can find the video because you’ve got the Democratic candidate admitting that natural gas is a transition fuel. Yeah, and. [00:24:13][51.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:24:13] I read it in the legislation three years ago and I said, this is coming. This is finally coming. They’re going to have to admit that this is a renewable saw. Yep. Guess what? And it’s because that’s how they’re getting their new power plants put in because they’re making them hydrogen ready. They’ll never run hydrogen in those at all. [00:24:35][22.1]

Michael Tanner: [00:24:36] I’m going to put hydrogen nukes in our cars. Yeah, that’ll be fine. That’ll be real fun. I you. What else you got in this debate? Anything interesting that else you saw? [00:24:42][6.7]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:24:43] Do you know what? No. I mean, other than the fact that, like I said, nothing swayed my vote left or right, I just kind of again, wonder how many people actually watched that debate tonight that were like, this is going to be what makes my decision for me. She was compared. I liked how he switched it on her. When he goes, excuse me, I’m talking I’m talking excuse me. During the Pence debate, then, you know, intense did a darn good job. During that debate. I think I’ve been on the air three podcasters before to say it’s did a good job. I don’t know what happens in the White House. Right. Stays in the White House. But he definitely did a good job there and he debated against her back in 2020 very well. But she was prepared. I definitely feel like there was a little bit of a production that was going on on the team air side of things. You know, they mentioned a lot about the Hollywood people being there and giving her tips. Maybe just because I heard that stuff, I saw it. But she was prepared. But again, no substance. No policy was really shared. She basically reinvigorated that everything she was against in 2019. She’s now four. And I’m sorry if your values are still the same. That’s that’s hogwash. [00:25:54][71.0]

Stuart Turley: [00:25:54] That’s a warning. This morning. I want to give a shout out to Tyra. I love Tyra’s on the Gutfeld show. He was out there rolling around. If he followed me this morning, so shout out to him. I’ve been interacting with him during this. I also want to give Gunther a shout out. I saw him on there and shot him a note. He’s another big he’s in the room out there. And Trump tagged in right into the influencer room there in at the debate. And he was talking to him. So it was kind of cool. I x I love me some x in interaction. [00:26:30][35.7]

Michael Tanner: [00:26:31] Here, you know, tell me that you he you see we could we could go on and on. I don’t really have anything else other than to say, you know I think we know where Trump stands. He wants to drill, baby, drill. You know, it’s he wants lower oil prices, whether that’s good or bad for the industry versus the economy, that remains for each person to decide for themselves. But I will say this. The $55 oil or $50 oil can be profitable if you deal with inflation. You know, you’re right. We were at our good friend J.P. Warnes Connection core event, and that was an extremely hot topic being talked about. Was that one of the big reasons profitability in the oil and gas business has gone down is not because prices have really gone crazy. They’ve actually been fairly range bound from, you know, said, you know, 65 to 80. What’s gone up is the insane cost of equipment. [00:27:24][53.3]

Stuart Turley: [00:27:25] The labor has gone. [00:27:26][0.8]

Michael Tanner: [00:27:26] Through the roof. And so if you can bring down inflation, you can actually improve and maintain profitability, lower oil prices. [00:27:33][7.4]

Stuart Turley: [00:27:34] Yeah, right. But we got to have security because of the like the article that we just ran with the Venezuelan gang stealing in Midland in the field that is affecting the supply line and security is going to be a huge security. We love our operators out there on the field. You got to keep them safe. Can’t have. We got to you got to keep them for me and cats, you know? Good grief. [00:27:59][25.2]

Michael Tanner: [00:28:00] All right, Rt, we’ll give you the last word. [00:28:01][1.0]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:28:02] I just want to say thank you very much to both of you all for giving me the opportunity to be here. Stuart Turley, Michael Tanner, we listen to you here at the office every morning. Y’all keep it up. Your articles, which all you’re doing is just amazing, so critical, just so much for the opportunity to be a guest in the first guest on the energy news beat. [00:28:20][18.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:28:21] For. [00:28:21][0.0]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:28:21] Years. And I hope I didn’t ruin it for others. [00:28:23][1.9]

Michael Tanner: [00:28:24] Now we do. And I ruin it every single day. So we need to just change it up a little bit. All right, guys, we appreciate you checking it out here on the world’s greatest podcast. We got to get to bed here because it’s late. We will be back in the chair tomorrow for our final show, the week’s two. Who do you have coming up on Friday? Who we drop in on Friday? Well, he’s out. [00:28:42][18.2]

Stuart Turley: [00:28:43] A little tease out here. Give me one to have saying. Let’s see what they got going. I think it’s a good one. I think. [00:28:47][4.6]

Michael Tanner: [00:28:47] It’s Gifford. Right. [00:28:48][0.6]

Stuart Turley: [00:28:48] I know Gifford’s next week. I just interviewed him today, which was outstandingly cool. And sorry it’s taking me so long. It’s such a long list of people. Here we are, Doug Sandridge and Martin. How many men out of I film that one while they were in Norway and Norway has got a nuclear program that they’re looking at. So it’s pretty exciting. [00:29:12][23.3]

Michael Tanner: [00:29:12] Love ourselves some. Doug Sandridge. But I guys expect that on Friday. Otherwise we will be back in the chair tomorrow. For Stuart Turley, special guest RT Trevino and Michael Tanner. We’ll see you guys tomorrow,. [00:29:23][10.3]

Rey “RT” Trevino III: [00:29:24] Adios [00:29:24][0.0][1118.8]

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